SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly Snippets column is a collection of short items: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. Note that we may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters.

“No folding knives will get into Canada”: CBSA New Approach Big Problem. JWR’s Comments:  The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) now has another reason to harass travelers.  This nonsensical one-handed folding knife ban law parallels Germany’s Einhandmesser restrictions. (Fast forward to the 9:15-mark, for the English version of Joerg Sprave’s explanatory video.)

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Homeschooling Remains A Popular Option, While Defying Stereotypes.

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Reader H.L. sent this “Welcome to Elba” news: Prigozhin ‘Exiled’ To Belarus In Exchange For Peace, Criminal Charges Dropped: What Was This All About?

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Nine minutes of video clips and commentary from Armed Attorneys: “Not Finished:” White House Wants More Gun Control in Bizarre Address. JWR’s Comment:  Biden’s “God Save The Queen, Man!” nonsequitur closing comment should have earned him great notoriety, but it was hardly mentioned by the mainstream media. Sniffy Joe Biden is now profoundly senile!

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MJ wrote to suggest:

“SurvivalBlog readers looking for work might consider signing up for these non-woke job websites:

Red Balloon is based in Moscow, Idaho — perfect for those who live in the Redoubt.”

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Tucker Carlson: Joe Biden The Non-Dictator Wannabe. (And he has some pointed commentary on Hunter Biden’s slapped wrists.)

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Reader Tim. J. recommended a Jack Hawkins movie released in 1952: The Planter’s Wife. It is described here.

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I missed this news when it first circulated, 10 months ago: Liquor Store Owner Shoots Armed Robber With Shotgun.

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SaraSue sent this snippet:

“Good things are happening.  I hired a very young farmhand who shows up, works swiftly, and does a good job.  Those qualities cannot be understated or undervalued.  My Jersey came home after spending 3 cycles with a bull and she’s looking great.  The piglets are here and doing well.  My heifer has adopted them, takes them on walks, and bawls at them if they leave the “calf pasture”.  They are still small enough to get under the gate, but they heed her call.  She mothers them as if they belonged to her, like a mother hen.  It’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.

Per usual, I did not finish the pig pen in time, but the pig shack is done, built from reclaimed materials.  I need to hot wire the fence and extend part of the fence before the piglets go where they are supposed to.  I have one broody hen who is going into her third week of setting.  The others abandon their nests after a week or two, or switch spots and take on a new batch of eggs.  I’ve tossed those eggs.  The meat bird chicks are ready to go outside and out of their brooders.  I have 3 small coops in addition to the hen house.  The chicks will go into those to protect them from the larger birds, and predators, until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

We finally got a good amount of rain.  I purchased hay for the year to ensure I could get it when I needed it, due to the general lack of rain.  I wanted to dial in the price point before it goes up, as it will, if haymaking goes badly this year.  First-cuttings of hay were short, according to my haying neighbor.  My pastures are not as lush as last year so I am putting hay out, and of course, minerals/salt, water.  A nice surprise: Random elderberry plants have popped up on the property – I thank the birds!

After a week of fear and lots of tests, I got a clean bill of health from my doctor.  I need to take better care of myself (duh!), and take iron supplements.  With the new farm help, I’m trying to spend time deep cleaning one room at a time in the house, but also, taking time to rest.  Regarding “the news”, I only allow myself a few minutes a day to stay up to date, then I get to work.  It’s shocking that Veterans get one day a year to be remembered, but some groups get an entire month.  The world has gone mad.  Thankfully, where I live, you wouldn’t even know a month-long celebration was ongoing.

More of my family is leaving California after the latest insanity of the state vowing to take children from their parents, if the parents don’t affirm a gender identity switch, promoted by the education system.  It will take more than a miracle to turn the state around.  The death cult corruptocrats have been in power too long and they are spitting in the face of the Almighty.  When you vow to be the abortion and transgender surgery capital, things will go badly for you.  Christians should leave, in my humble, but outraged, opinion.”

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From Armed Attorneys: Game Wardens Trample Gun Owner’s 4A Rights.

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MTG Says She Got a Terrifying Message After Her TV ‘Turned on by Itself’.

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Reader Mike D. suggested this video: Charles Bridge – Bridge construction in Europe in the 14th century.

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H. sent us the link to a declassified ODNI report on Commercially Available Information.

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H.L. sent this link: Taxation Without Representation Meets the 21st Century.

Please Send Us Your Snippets!

Please send your snippet items for potential posting to JWR. or AVL. You can do so either via e-mail or via our Contact form.