August 26, is the official anniversary of the invention of toilet paper by the Chinese, in the year 526 AD. We celebrate this, though not because of its convenience. In fact, it has many shortcomings, some which are described within the articles and letters of SurvivalBlog. Our celebration of it is primarily because we now have an official metric of just how hard core of a prepper you are as well as a metric for just how economically unstable your country is.
Today we present another product review by our Field Gear Editor, Pat Cascio.
Not a fan of cheap even dangerous Chinese c**p but the TP was a good one! 😉
The Chinese also invented gun powder and noodles. The kind you make spaghetti with.
Don’t forget silk and abacus
Ancient Chinese folk wisdom:
If one is not smart enough to make toilet paper, make sure smart enough to know what poison ivy look like when using leaves.
Three leaves and shiny, not for the hiney!
So leaves of three is not good for tp. hahaha
And yet after all these years of their superior culture they still eat with sticks instead of forks and knives.