Note From JWR:

We just returned from a weekend trip down to Salt Lake City, where I had a couple or tables at the Crossroads of the West gun show. Meanwhile, the Memsahib and our kids availed themselves of the outstanding LDS Family History Library, just west of Temple Square.

It was great pleasure meeting so many SurvivalBlog readers face to face at the gun show. Thanks for your kind words of encouragement for the blog’s success. One thing that struck me was that 2/3s of the people who said that they had read my novel “Patriots”also said that they hadn’t yet heard about SurvivalBlog. Please spread the word about SurvivalBlog to everyone you know who has read my novel.

Letter Re: Advice of Shotgun Shells and Shot Sizes

Dear Mr. Rawles,
I look forward to reading your blog every day.
One of the nice things about a shotgun is the wide variety of ammo available for them, but that does bring up a question: what type of shells should one stock up on? I currently keep about an even mix of 00 buckshot (primarily for defense)
and #8-bird-shot (for practice, pest control & small-game hunting). I also have a small quantity of slugs, but not many; I figure that a situation that would best be served with a slug would be even better served with a rifle. Do you think my mix is alright? I would appreciate any input you and/or my fellow blog readers would wish to add. Best Wishes, – James K.

JWR Replies: The ratio of shells with various shot sizes will depend on what sort of hunting you plan to do, and whether your shotgun will be your primary defensive long gun.

For two legged predators, I generally prefer #4 buckshot. (Not to be confused with the more commonly available #4 bird shot which is much smaller.) Why? With most commercial 00 buckshot loads, each 2-3/4″ shell only contains 9 pellets of roughly .33 caliber. With #4 buck you get around 27 pellets of .24 caliber. Thus, your chances of getting multiple vital organ hits are much better with #4 buckshot.

BTW, the foregoing advice does not apply if you live in bear or wolf country. For large predators, you’ll want the better penetration provided by 00 buckshot, 000 buckshot, or slugs.

Letter from “RBS” Re: Supporting SurvivalBlog and Developing a Second Stream of Income

For those of you that have come to find SurvivalBlog.Com a daily read and would also find the Internet just not as fun a place without it, might I suggest an easy way to generate the requested donation of $36 per year (or just 10 cents a day) to keep it going strong.
Sell something on eBay or other commerce site (there are plenty!) [and take $36.50 of the proceeds] and send it to JWR. It’s an easy and effective way of killing several “birds” with one stone. First, you will be supporting your favorite web site. Second, the money you send in will not have to come out of your pocket directly. As an example, let’s say you have an older laptop that is just gathering dust and end up selling it for $100.00. You can take a portion of the proceeds minus the listing and selling fees (which are reasonable for the most part) and make the contribution. In this way, it will not cause a major financial disruption if you are following a tight budget. It’s a way of generating funds without having to feel it come out of your monthly paycheck. You will have the satisfaction of supporting what you value–
We all have extra “stuff” lying around our homes and garages, that are just taking up space. Its a great way to clean up the place and get some money out of it at the same time. Another advantage to this is that if you have never sold anything on eBay before it will give you the much needed incentive to do so. EBay is an easy and always growing worldwide market for anything you can imagine that can be bought or sold. For millions of people its the perfect home based business that is easy to start and requires but a few things which as a computer user and reader of this site, you probably already have like a PC and a digital camera, etc.
There are dozens of books and other media that can help you get started and avoid making major mistakes etc doing e-commerce, and without really knowing it, you have just started on your way to creating a way of having a second income. I have recently started back on eBay after an absence. I plan to do this full time as soon as I can get up and running as my “full-time” yet close to minimum wage job is probably now marked for a “downsizing” thanks to the economy and a host of other changes which I have absolutely no control over. Additionally, my education and experience are apparently not in demand. With that in mind, I have decided to start being proactive in the matter.
Although I have a background in communications, advertising and technology, it does not require this kind of knowledge to use the Internet to your advantage. All that is really needed are the THREE “D”‘s: DESIRE to change your current situation, DETERMINATION to learn new skills and develop new talents, and DEDICATION to stick with it and learn what is needed. Oh, and there is a fourth “D” that comes in handy as well, The desire to eliminate DEBT!
As readers of this site, I would advise considering doing something like this now so that you can be up and running with an alternative cash flow should a sudden shock come to our economy. Regardless, its time to start supporting this blog. Sincerely, – RBS

#1 Son’s Qoute of the Day:

"For want of a nail, the shoe was lost;
For want of the shoe, the horse was lost;
For want of the horse, the rider was lost;
For want of the rider, the battle was lost;
For want of the battle, the kingdom was lost;
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail." – Benjamin Franklin

Thoughts On Disaster Survival, by Mel in Texas

I live in Texas so this is on my mind. But could be relative to anything…

Thoughts On Disaster Survival
1. Have a bug-out kit ready at all times.
2. Renew supplies in your bug-out kit on a regular basis.
3. Plan on needing a LOT more supplies than you think.
4. In a real emergency, forget about last-minute purchases.
5. Make sure your vehicle will carry your essential supplies.
6. A big bug-out vehicle can be a handicap.
7. Make sure you have a bug-out place handy.
8. Provide entertainment for younger children.
9. Pack essentials first, then luxuries.
10. Don’t plan on fuel being available en route.
11. Have enough money with you for at least two weeks.
12. Don’t be sure that a disaster will be short-term.
13. Don’t rely on government-run shelters if at all possible.
14. Warn your friends not to bring others with them!!!
15. Have account numbers, contact addresses and telephone numbers for all important persons and institutions.
16. Have portable weapons and ammo ready (close at hand.)

Update 1
1. Route selection is very, very important.
2. The social implications of a disaster situation. (not ‘politically correct’, but dismiss at your peril)
3. Implications for security.
4. “Too many chiefs, not enough Indians” in New Orleans.
5. Long-term vision.
6. Personal emergency planning.
7. The “bank problem.” If yours is a local bank and all are under water, for example, checks are unverifiable (read: worthless)
8. Helping one’s friends is likely to prove expensive.

Update 2
1. People who were prepared were frequently mobbed/threatened by those who weren’t.
2. When help gets there, you may get it whether you like it or not.
3. There seems to be a cumulative psychological effect upon survivors.
4. There is widespread frustration over the lack of communication and empathy by rescuers and local/State government.
5. Expect rescuers (including law enforcement) to enforce a distinctly un-Constitutional authority in a disaster situation.
6. Don’t believe that rescuers are all knights in shining armor who will respect your property.

Update 3
1. If you choose to help, you may be sucked into a bureaucratic and legal nightmare.
2. Law enforcement problems will often be “glossed over” and/or ignored by authorities.
3. Your personal and/or corporate supplies and facilities may be commandeered without warning, receipt or compensation.
4. If you look like you know what you’re doing, you may be a target of those less prepared. (*IMPORTANT!*)
5. Those who thought themselves safe from the disaster were often not safe from refugees.
6. Self-reliance seems to draw suspicion upon you from the authorities.
7. Relief workers from other regions and States often don’t know local laws.
8. Relief organizations have their own bureaucratic requirements that may conflict with your needs.

Letter Re: Angst and Stocking Up

Hello Jim,
There has been a lot of chatter recently about a gut feeling that “Something Wicked This Way Comes.” I share that uneasy feeling and note that many of my business associates and I have begun to prepare for hard times.

For myself, I’ve accelerated a bit on topping off my retreat supplies. Some recent additions include 500 pounds of Buffalo meat (at a cost of $2.09 a pound for yearling grain fed Buffalo heifer, cut, double wrapped and frozen.)

I’ve had one of my M1A type rifles rebuilt to competition standards, added a case of 12 gauge 00 buckshot to my inventory and procured some peripheral items. Keep the faith, – Dutch in Wyoming

Two Letters Re: Ponds, Aquiculture, and Pond Predators

Hey James,
I have been pondering (pun intended) bioponics (AKA aquaponics) for a couple of years now.  A seminal site,, describes bioponics as “A simple and innovative system of food production combining aquaculture and hydroponic growing techniques without expensive equipment” or the use of mineral nutrient salts.
Here’s how it works.  Water from the fish tank is pumped to grow beds.  In addition to crops, the grow beds contain naturally produced bacteria.  The bacteria breaks down the fish waste thus cleaning the water.  The plants feed on the nitrogen produced by the bacteria.  Finally, the water is drained back to the fish tank.
There is a reasonable amount of info on the net about bioponics including plans for simplified hobby systems, which would allow you to get your feet wet before taking the plunge (puns likewise intended).  I would suggest, however, searching on aquaponics instead of bioponics. Best Regards, – d’Heat



Dear Jim:
In response to the Pond, Aquaculture, and Pond Predators letter from The Wanderer, I suggest the first thing to read on the subject of fish farming for food for survivalists is this timeless article: and
In response to the questions posed, briefly:
1). What type of fish replenish the most rapidly while offering a genuine nutrition?
The “ugly” fish, meaning types of catfish and carp, tend to be the easier and better to fish farm. Most “game” fish are messy. They eat a lot and create a lot of waste, thus you either must be flushing in fresh water regularly, or you can’t expect much density or production.
I’m sure most people think right away of raising trout , and you can do it, just realize the costs and limitations. For those of you on the East US coast, see this site.
Do a search, and find one near you, in your state or region.
2). What types of fish are compatible or necessary to keep a full circle eco-system continuing?
Catfish, carp, koi, goldfish, are the easiest, though I was told goldfish eat Koi eggs. So do some research on which ones cohabitate well. Contact a fish farm supplier in your state and see what other varieties are legal and would work well in your area. You can mail order fish, they ship them in hyper oxygenated water boxes.
IMHO, it’s the bottom feeders you want, and they tend to be net-benefit fish, that they make the water cleaner rather than dirtier. Still, you need some new water. Commercially, I believe they try and flush 5% of the water each day, taking from the bottom if possible as the toxins tend to be heavier and settle. It’s those nitrates you want out. Ideally, in a closed system, you would want to pump (by windmill or whatever means) water from the pond over a little wetland area with nutrient absorbing plants to help get out the fish wastes. Water hyacinth, a free floating plant, is especially good at this. You should also aerate and agitate it, and most backyard ponds do this by waterfalls. The best system for this, IMHO, which tries to work with nature, instead of against it with chemicals, is Now remember, this is more of a yuppie thing, not raw survivalism, and yes the stuff can get pricy.
Also note – the nitrates you flush out of our fish pond, can make great irrigation fertilizer. Suck gently from the bottom, use a gravity system if possible.
3). How many fish can you support per cubic yard of water?
That depends. There is an expensive mini-commercial system where you can raise 50 pounds of fish in only 400 gallons – but keep in mind the costs involved in doing so. Again, how fresh, and how aerated are you keeping the water, that’s the key.
4). Should food be introduced into the water until the young are established?
Food should be introduced all the time if you want any reasonable production in a smaller pond. If fish aren’t fed, they don’t grow very fast. I like the idea of having a worm farm for garage, and then feed the worms to the fish. Also remember, there is an optimal harvest size for each fish, and it’s usually short of “full grown”. Fisherman know that it usually isn’t the trophy lunker that actually makes the good tasting shore lunch.
5). What predators, (i.e.- ground/air living) would be a potential food source or havoc on your newly established “ecosystem”.
Raccoons if your pond is very small. Birds – blue herons in particular. Many of the birds that eat fish of some size are of course protected species, so if you have a real problem, consider a bird net over the pond. – Rourke

From David In Israel: On Passive Solar Water Heating

After Passover the weather in Israel always turns hot and clear. Perfect weather to save money.
American hot water heating is always on and is always wasting electricity or gas.
Passive solar is cheap and simple plus it can be supplemented with electrical on cold days.
It is law that every home have a passive solar water heater so I get to see the design on every house,
being in the West Bank I also see that the Arab homes and mansions will always have at least one dud shemesh (sun water heater)
If a commercial model is too expensive the construction would be simple and cheap: The collector is about 1.5M x..75M x 7-to-8cm deep panel placed at the lowest south facing part of the roof. Hoses carry the water up to the “dud” or tank which is as high as possible on the roof Israeli tanks are insulated, cheaper Arab models are simple black plastic tanks on stilts. Convection carries colder water from the bottom of the tank into the collector and hot water rises to the upper intake on the tank. On cold winter days we set the timer to run the immersion heater built in to the tank as on days near freezing the heater barely produces luke-warm water.
A wood framed glass paned collector with Black painted PVC pipe would likely make a great collector and a plastic barrel would probably make a good tank with a little Bondo work, similar to the Arab heaters.
Insulating the tank would make for warm water in the early morning. If a tank were suspended above the chimney it might be able to grab a few more precious BTUs from the hot gasses during the winter, get creative and let us know. Israeli water heaters will run near boiling. It is possibly easier to heat and insulate a small amount of very hot water than large tanks of less hot water.

On a related note: Your body also a solar collector. Avoid heat related injury. Remember that as hot weather approaches to keep hydrated!! If your urine is not clear and colorless you do not have a sufficient internal water storage and you are storing up toxins that your body wants to eliminate. Make a pre-hydrated body part of your survival kit!
You should always have at least a liter of water in your hand in your pack or next to you even when you are inside.

Letter From Michael Z. Williamson Re: Countdown to Collapse


In response to Rosy the Bull, I have to say I’m not so pessimistic. I heard similar dire warnings about how the US economy would collapse at $3 a gallon gas, and it didn’t happen. A great many countries in Europe and Asia, with smaller economies than ours, are paying over $6 a gallon now, which as a percentage of per capita income is five to ten times what we’re paying.
As to the comments on nuclear attacks, those are inaccurate. Depleted Uranium is barely radioactive, and its danger is as a colloidal heavy metal toxin. The dangerous radionuclides from nuclear blasts are dangerous because of their short half life. It takes days for most to reach safe levels, months for a few. Even most of the area around Chernobyl is now repopulated, and that was a far more toxic contamination than most nuclear weapons. (The Ukraine insists it’s not safe, despite people living there and GUIDED TOURS, because they get aid money from fuzzy-minded anti-nuke types.) Almost all nuclear weapons these days are designed for efficiency, and the “dumb” ones are still a triple stage fission trigger with a tritium squirt to generate enough extra neutrons for the remaining fissionables to be as thoroughly used as possible. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were 1.4% and 14% energy efficient. Modern fusion boosted weapons are up to 40% efficient. It’s normally the case that the radius of total destruction exceeds the radius of the radiation.
Even with crude weapons–there are people living at ground zero in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki today, and were there within a few months of the attacks. The fear of contamination lasting “lifetimes” is groundless.
While any disruption of oil will affect the world market, whether or not we get oil from Iran (Which at present we mostly don’t), I’m more concerned about the long term effects of industrializing India and China. Their populations are going to need massive amounts of resources, and no amount of politicking will reduce the effect. High fuel prices are the way of the future, and they are painful. But I don’t believe they’re going to cause a collapse.

Three Letters Re: Folding Fighting/Utility Knife Recommendations?

Good to see your using the CRKT knives. They are very affordable. I also like the 12 series tantos. Thery have a good portable size. I followed the link that you provided. I hope you didn’t pay the $48.00 price though, I sell that same knife on eBay for $34.99. Go to ‘Knife Brigade’ if you are interested. I can normally beat the prices of most of the other vendors. I’m just happy to get $10-to$15 dollars over what I pay per knife (guess I wont be getting rich). Best Regards – Jason
P.S. Remember–Monday May 1st is ‘American Buy a Gun Day’


Hi Jim,
I’ve been reading your blog for several months now and really appreciate all the work you put into this.
I just wanted to comment on your recent survivalblog post relating to knives.  I’m in no way affiliated with their company but Swamp Rat Knife Works makes knives which are very literally some of the toughest and best performing in the world at only a slightly higher cost than Cold Steel products.  They are superior in nearly every way imaginable and, as I just mentioned, are quite reasonably priced.  They also have a no-questions-asked warranty and top notch customer service.  I have been incredibly well impressed.  They’re certainly worth a mention next time the subject comes up.  Also, you may want to consider referring people to BladeForums for a reference on knives.  That is where the experts go to chat and there is a great wealth of information available there.  Again, not affiliated just passing on some info I learned the hard way having many knives fail on me at inopportune times. Take care! -Ian


Greetings James and Family, and Blog Readers,
I am not a knife connoisseur or aficionado. However there are some knives that ‘strike my fancy’ for one reason or another. One such knife is a Mikov knife made in the Czech Republic. I was at a show several months ago and ran across a vendor for these knives. Like a lot of gun show vendors I had ran across his table at several other shows. I stopped and talked to him for awhile and when I left I had one of his Mikov knives in my possession. The knife is very well made in my opinion and the price ranges from around $50.00 up depending on what you want.
They offer features from a basic knife with automatic blade and ABS scales to Damascus blades and Stag scales along with rare woods and other exotic materials. The automatic feature is quite unique as compared to other knives of the same genera. It can be carried in the pocket safely or on the belt in a holder. I think one thing that attracted it to me was the way it felt in my hand. For me it is comfortable and well balanced and the auto activation of the main blade is fast, sure, and solid. The particular model I selected was the Mikov auto – 241 NH2, which has an integrated manual saw blade. The basic model has only the auto blade. And the additional manual saw blade does not add a lot to the thickness of the knife and retains much of the same feel as the single auto blade model. Another aspect that amazed me was the spring system for opening the knife. The spring is owner replaceable if ever broken or lost. The cost of a replacement spring is only five bucks. And if you live in an area where automatic knives aren’t lawful to carry the spring can be easily removed and the knife converts to manual operation. Mikov offers other knife models with additional tools and one model designed with EMTs and Rescue personnel in mind. It has a
special blade for cutting through seatbelt harnesses as well as other tools such as an integral auto glass breaker. The EMT and Rescue models have a bright yellow handle, as requested by the Czech Rescue organizations, for quickly locating the knife. The Mikov Company also makes the Czech Army fixed blade-fighting knife. This knife also incorporates other useful tools with it that the trooper may require like a detachable saw blade that can be stored in the handle. This sheath knife like it’s automatic little brother, in quite ingeniously designed. I think from a value for the money aspect the Mikov knives should be considered by any outdoorsman, camper, or survivalist. They also offer their automatic in a left-handed model for you southpaws. And for you do-it-yourselfers they have kits with the same quality components as their complete knives. In my opinion this is a totally
fascinating knife maker with a good product. Of course I have not dropped my Mikov knife out of a chopper from 400 feet, nor ran over it with a vehicle to see if it breaks. But I have managed to utilize it under normal circumstances with no injury to myself, and so far even my ‘ham handed’self has not broken it!
For the ABS scale knives, see:
For their homepage, see:
– The Rabid One

Letter Re: Brushy Hillsides: Better to Leave As-Is for Erosion/Landslide Control

I’ve been reading your superb site for some time and have learned a lot. There’s lots of interesting and helpful stuff.

As a family, we are about to leave the shores of ‘Airstrip One’ [England] and have purchased a few acres of Greek island to return to our smallholding roots. Our patch, in common with most places in the Med, is in an earthquake zone and we own a hilltop and steep slope. The area is also prone to brush fires in the summer.

My query is, should we cut back the vegetation on the slope for fire suppression or is the need to prevent land-slip, either by earth tremor or seasonal rains, more of an issue? Many of the locals simply cut back to bare earth, but there is a significant amount of landslip in these places and we do not want to awaken one morning and find our home in the neighbour’s olive grove at the bottom of the hill…

Any comments/advice appreciated. Keep up the good work and congratulations on becoming full time on the site. I wish you every success for the future. – Mike in England

JWR Replies: Of the two risks, fire is the greater concern. I’d recommend a minimum 20 foot firebreak around your house and keeping the remaining brush pruned low. Since you will be building from scratch, use fireproof construction. (If it is masonry, be sure that it is very well reinforced, since Greece is indeed earthquake country. Although you will probably not have access to the equipment and materials in Greece, SurvivalBlog readers in other areas might consider Monolithic dome or Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) construction. Monolithic domes are virtually fireproof and ICF houses are fairly resistant to fire, depending on the type of roof used.


Letter Re: Folding Fighting/Utility Knife Recommendations?

We have a copy of your novel “Patriots” published by Huntington House; and even had the 8.5 x 11 [self-published] precursor to the book. I’d like to ask you a question. Do you know of any tactical/SERE knife evaluation forums out there.
I’d like to obtain the best folder out there for my son. I have an old Al Mar SERE, but am curious if anyone has compared the various folders such as Al Mar, Masters of Defense, Benchmade etc.
Keep up the great work, James! – R.S. in Ohio

JWR Replies: I am by no means a knife expert. (Although the Memsahib claims that I am a seasoned expert at buying knives.) My general preference is for folding knives. Why? Because you will almost always have a folding knife in your pocket. Big sheath knives get left behind–often when they are needed the most.

The following is my advice for those you that like me are not independently wealthy: I think that the Cold Steel, CRKT, and Benchmade brands are some of the best affordable knives on the market. Granted, there are custom knives that are superior in many aspects, but most of them are quite expensive. I would rather have a half dozen Cold Steel or Benchmade knives than spend the same amount to buy just one from a “name maker.” Lets face it: If they are used on a day-to-day basis, knives get lost, stolen, or broken with alarming regularity. I know some purists who swear by their Chris Reeve, Lyle, Ruana, or Randall knives. More power to them. They own great knives that are expertly-made, durable, and, will hold an edge. They will even appreciate in value, if well cared for. (Witness the recent meteoric price increases for early Randall fighting knives in Heiser sheathes.) But my approach is instead to have a larger number of moderately priced knives. With these extra knives I will have spares on hand in the event of loss or breakage, and perhaps even a few for barter and charity. You can of course follow this approach to an absurd extreme. Don’t buy Chinese junk, just because you can get 10 knives for $100!

FWIW, my “daily carry” folder is a small CRKT M16-12Z with Zytel grips. This is a good knife that sells for less than $50. It has a half-serrated AUS8 stainless steel blade with a Tanto type point. BTW, I prefer tanto style blades, since they are less prone to broken tips. (Yes folks, I’m a bit hard on knives.) It has a belt clip, which I consider a necessity on small and medium-size folders. I previously carried a larger model (also a Tanto style, from Benchmade), but I found that it was too bulky.

Regardless of your choice of knives, a top quality knife sharpening system is a must for your retreat. At home, I prefer the Lansky Sharpening System. When out in the field, I use a compact Cam-Nu sharpener. There are several other good ones on the market. But just be sure to get a diamond-impregnated sharpener if you have any knives that are made with the modern stainless steels such as ATS-34. These are usually hardened to a high Rockwell scale number, so you’ll find that they are difficult to re-sharpen with a set of traditional stones. (But the good news is that their hardness also means that they hold an edge much better than traditional knives.) A diamond sharpener is a must!