Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader Jim K. sent us a link to this interesting tale from the web: A lucky fellow in New York City has the notebook in his jacket pocket stop a bullet.

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Michael Z. Williamson pointed us to a site that proves that Glocks can take a lot of abuse and still function.

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Zimbabwe’s hyperinflated currency follies continue: They are lopping off three zeroes. Now (at least for a few days) a loaf of bread costs only $1,000 instead of $1,000,000. To solve the fundamental problem, some observers in Harare suggest that something else should be lopped off.

Note From JWR:

Today is the First Anniversary of SurvivalBlog! Thanks for making the blog such a great success.Wow! We’ve had 566,000+ unique visits in just the first year.

Special Announcement: To celebrate the First Anniversary of SurvivalBlog, Jake Stafford is putting the “Rawles Gets You Ready” preparedness course on sale for just the next seven days. The course is on sale at a very special price. If sending payment via snail mail, be sure to have your order postmarked no later than August 11th to get the special blog anniversary sale price.

Letter Re: Real Estate Crash Followed by a Hyperinflationary Recession?

Mr. Rawles,
Again, for your very useful posts, thank you. I have a question if you have the time. It was in regards to your real estate post: “My advice to home owners is pay it off and my advice to prospective home buyers is wait for the crash and pay for it with cash.”
This is my current plan: I’ve sold my home and am renting now. But do you believe (in the hyper-inflation scenario) that there will be a lull to allow for your statement above? Will there be a time in between when recession/depression and when hyper-inflation takes hold and the money we have in savings will be about worthless? – C.K.

JWR Replies: Unless there is a full scale dollar crisis that is coincident with a real estate slump, then you are probably fairly safe from U.S. dollar inflation in the short term. You will have your lull. In fact, there is still the outside chance of a deflationary recession. But I’m fairly confident that America’s next deep recession or depression will be inflationary. House prices may eventually again start to increase as inflation kick into high gear, but if the dollar itself is wiped out in hyperinflation, owning a million dollar house won’t mean much–at least it won’t when an SUV costs six figures! The crucial thing is NOT the dollar value of a piece of real property. As with any other tangible investment, the true value of land or a house is intrinsic. The currency unit de jure is just a way of expressing that intrinsic value.

One key proviso: Timing markets can be tricky. The key is to not get greedy. Once you think that a market is nearing a top or bottom, then make your trade. If try to catch the very tip of a peak or the very bottom of a trough, then you are likely to wait a bit too long, and hence lose out. It is better to be a bit early and safe, than it is to be a little too late, and sorry.

Letter Re: Constructing Roadblocks for Retreats?

Hi Jim:
Will your book “Rawles on Retreats and Relocation” contain any information on blocking roadways/driveways etc?

One of the retreats I plan to use (disaster dependant) has a single roadway access that would easily be block with a landslide. Do you have any suggestions on the best ways to cause landslips to block roads? Regards, – Jeremy in New Zealand

JWR Replies: That was not an issue that I had intended to discuss in my upcoming book, but perhaps I should.

Unless you are facing an absolute-worst-case-mutant-zombie-bikers-are-painting-themselves-and-eating-your-neighbors situation, then I don’t recommend anything so drastic as blocking a road with a landslide. Roadblocks work both ways–they also block you in. I generally favor mobile roadblocks. A Caterpillar D4 (or larger) tractor parked crossways with the blade dropped usually works great for blocking a single lane roadway, at least in hilly country. A large truck or car parked similarly works nearly as well. Removing the tire stems makes the roadblock even more effective, but of course takes longer for “friendly forces” to get the vehicle ready to move. One important proviso: If you use a vehicle, be sure to disable the ignition system by removing a key part, since ignition switches can be bypassed.(“Hot wired”.) With diesel-powered heavy equipment , this is particularly easy, since many Cat keys interchange, or even a screwdriver can be used to engage the starter.

Some situations such as plains and prairie lands–where a locked gate can be easily be bypassed by cutting a fence–present unique challenges. Constructing long stretches of anti-vehicular ditches is very labor intensive if you don’t have access to earth moving equipment.

Also don’t overlook the advantage of a series of small obstructions on a road, versus one big one. For example, a series four or five locked steel cables stretched across road at 50 to 100 foot intervals may slow down a group of marauders more than just one custom-built extra-heavy pipe gate. You can use just one of the cables in “peacetime”, but then put them all up if and when things get unpleasant.

Lastly, as mentioned previously in this blog, no obstruction is truly effective unless it is under the gaze of alert riflemen.

Odds ‘n Sods:

I just got the latest issue of Disaster Recovery Journal in the mail–their special Avian Flu issue. It seems that the Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity community has caught on to some of the bigger issues related to a pandemic–at least things like absenteeism, telecommuting, and crisis communication. For their spin on a possible flu pandemic as well as some useful links to the CDC and other sites, see: http://www.drj.com/special/avian

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Richard Celata (of KT Ordnance and Promised Land Products) recommended this vendor site: http://www.shooterready.com/

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Iran warns of $200 per barrel crude oil if U.S. imposes sanctions

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“Our England is a garden, and such gardens are not made
By singing: – ‘Oh, how beautiful!’ and sitting in the shade.”
– Rudyard Kipling, “The Glory of the Garden

Note From JWR:

Tomorrow will be the First Anniversary of SurvivalBlog! Thanks for making the blog such a great success. Please continue to spread the word.

Jake Stafford tells me that he will be making a special announcement tomorrow, regarding the “Rawles Gets You Ready” preparedness course. Stay tuned.

Three Letters Re: M1911 Pistol Modifications


First, the 1911 was designed to make you take it out of your firing grip to release the slide – this way it won’t accidentally be released.

Second, a la the Clint Smith school of gun fighting, if you are using the slide release you are wrong anyway. He teaches that you take your support hand, reach over the top of the pistol and pinch the slide between your four fingers and the bottom of the palm of your hand, then “tear the slide off” by jerking the slide back until it is pulled from your grasp. This way you get an extra 1?4″ of spring energy to chamber the next round. That may not seem like much, but if you have dropped the pistol into the mud, it has blood on/in it, etc., the extra bit of energy could just be enough to get your gun back into the fight. It also works with ANY slide/semi-auto pistol, so you learn one manual of arms versus where each weapon’s unique slide release is located. Great for battlefield pick-up, as you might not fight with your own pistol. Fine motor skills go down the toilet when under stress – this is much easier than finding a little lever. I am surprised at the small number of people that have heard of this approach. – Beach


Extended slide releases are considered a dangerous modification for defensive 1911s. The added weight can and does cause
the slide to lock on a loaded mag. They bounce. Can be life ending situation to have slide locked prematurely. Proper technique is to actuate slide release with support hand thumb, not with grip hand. This technique is taught by 99% of the defensive handgun schools. You insert a magazine, roll support hand up into position while dropping the slide with support thumb. All in one smooth motion. Even IPSC guys that need every little speed advantage they can get, DO NOT use them.
Here are some references. First:

“The Thunder Ranch thumb safety and slide release are of standard size. Now I know that this is not quite as dramatic as some would want, but it makes infinitely more sense. In the defensive handgun classes at Thunder Ranch, Smith teaches that the shooting thumb should ride the safety down and stay on top of it in order to keep the thumb safety from being accidentally flipped up during the frantic shooting of a gunfight. At the same time the thumb of the weak hand holds the slide stop down so that it cannot be accidentally engaged during the fight. This sort of training makes a great deal of sense to my way of thinking. In fact, I find it very rare to see extended slide stops and extended thumb safeties on the guns of real fighting men”

Second: “An extended slide stop is the answer to a non-existent question, and no serious defensive handgunner should use one (slide stop operation should be with the weak hand in a reload situation, not the shooting hand). So if you are tempted to fancy up your pistol with an extended slide stop, don’t.”

Contact the top ten 1911 smiths in the country and ask them what they think of putting a extended slide release on a 1911. I will bet 100% of them will warn against it. Likewise ask same of top 10 defensive handgun schools. Ditto. Re-read Tappan’s “Survival Guns” for more info. Also check out “The Combat Auto” book by Bill Wilson Just trying to save some grief and maybe a life.
Best Regards, – C.W.


I read the post from August 1st on Model 1911 pistol upgrades. IMHO the best way to upgrade your 1911 is to upgrade to a Glock. Simply put they are, for a serious, practical thinking person the best pistol overall. All the parts fit in the palm of your hand, they operate near flawlessly out of box, are less expensive than the majority of over-tuned 1911s and are a breeze to break down. Full parts kits are available from GLOCKMEISTER in Arizona for around $150–my Glock 17 digests all ammo I put through it. I used to frequent a range were they had Gen 1 Glocks that had one million rounds thru them with little more than a pin replacement. Sorry, but the overpriced, finicky and quite frankly antiquated 1911, though a great pistol for the serious collector is not an ideal survival tool–thanks!–Jason in Idaho

JWR Replies: I’m always willing to admit it when I’m wrong, and clearly I must be wrong in this case since the majority of experts favor leaving 1911 slide releases “stock.” (Unmodified.) I must admit that using an extended slide release requires specific training on thumb positioning. That is the way I was trained from day one, and it has become ingrained. When I grasp a pistol, my strong side thumb automatically goes into the up-left position, and the weak hand thumb goes right alongside it, forming a “baby’s bottom.” (It looks comical when I grab a revolver the same way, but that is muscle memory for you!) OBTW, in a separate e-mail, C.W. mentioned a similar technique called “thumb-over-thumb” which is favored by a number of instructors, including Jim Crews.

We now have extended slide releases on all five of our family’s Colt M1911s, and we have never had any problems with inadvertent manipulation or slide stop “bounce”, but again we consciously train to avoid unintended slide release contact. My only reluctance with giving them up and going back to a “stock” release is that the Clint Smith et al technique requires the use of the weak hand to get the pistol back into action after shooting the pistol dry. That hand might be injured. Or that hand might be holding a steering wheel. Or that hand might be engaged in fending off an opponent that is trying to strike you, stab you, or grapple with you. So in my opinion it is important to learn a one-handed strong side slide release technique to at least supplement the Clint Smith “rack it” technique. An extended slide release makes a one-handed release much faster, and fosters better pistol retention. Two of these reload techniques–both admittedly for “worst case” situations–include a “thigh pinch” and an “armpit pinch.” They can be accomplished without any use of the weak side hand.

Combat is incredibly stressful. In combat people can only expect be about half as fast, and half as accurate as they were on their best day in training. People tend to get flustered in combat and do stupid things–something akin to what hunters call “buck fever.” It is not realistic to expect that anyone–even someone that is highly trained–is going to be able to count their rounds and hence know when to perform a tactical reload. Even the folks with double stack (high capacity) pistols will find themselves shooting their pistols empty and will be surprised to see their slide locked back. Expect this to happen, folks! Thus, it is important to train how to handle both sorts of reloads, as well as Type 1, Type 2, and even dreaded Type 3 clearance drills, repeatedly, until you find yourself doing them on “auto-pilot.”

Parenthetically, I should also add that I’m big believer in carrying plenty of extra loaded magazines–at least four spares for single stack pistols at all times, and perhaps four more stuffed into a front pants pocket if combat looks imminent. Here at the ranch, we use Blade-Tech Quad Kydex magazine pouches. We also like their holsters.

As for Jason’s comments on Glocks: I agree that they are great guns, and I highly recommend the Glock Model 21 and the Model 30. (The latter is the two column magazine mini Glock in .45 ACP) for folks with large hands. In my case, I’ve concluded that I have too many years of training invested in Model 1911s to switch at this stage of my life. Okay, so I’m a dinosaur. Doubtless, they’ll find a Model 1911 under my pillow after they wheel me out to the funeral parlor. Also doubtless, there will be contention among my future grandchildren about who will inherit the pistol

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader Rourke mentioned in a recent e-mail: “It’s coming” as some Aussie’s say. China is taking concrete steps here, to pardon the pun. We know they won’t try anything until after the 2008 Olympics. We also know they want Taiwan; and the fear is that the day comes when the person in charge of China thinks he can take it.”

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The real Federal budget deficit is measured in trillions of dollars.  


Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“But war, in a good cause, is not the greatest evil which a nation can suffer. War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war, is worse. When a people are used as mere human instruments for firing cannon or thrusting bayonets, in the service and for the selfish purposes of a master, such war degrades a people. A war to protect other human beings against tyrannical injustice – a war to give victory to their own ideas of right and good, and which is their own war, carried on for an honest purpose by their free choice – is often the means of their regeneration. A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. As long as justice and injustice have not terminated their ever-renewing fight for ascendancy in the affairs of mankind, human beings must be willing, when need is, to do battle for the one against the other.” – John Stuart Mill (1806-1873), “The Contest in America.” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, Volume 24, Issue 143, pp. 683-684. Harper & Bros., New York, April 1862

Letter Re: Solar Panel Shortage — Caused By Oil Price Shock

Hi Jim.
Just a quick one on [photovoltaic] solar panels. My brother and I had to put an order in for three 80 Watt Sharp brand panels that are usually just sitting on the shelf here at a major distributor. A container full arrives in two weeks but it’s already sold out! We have to wait a month. I did a little investigation with Google and found that the shortage is worldwide, is due to people, mostly Europeans, gearing up due to energy/oil cost. Silicon [photovoltaic panel] demand is beginning to outstrip supply and the foundries are running at maximum potential anyway. This appears to be a situation that could get a lot worse if demand continues to rise and it might be a good time for anyone thinking of buying to get in before the herd gets wind of it. Do a Google search on the phrase: “solar panel shortage.” Take care mate, – Frank

Letter Re: Six Versus Eight Plies for SUV and Light Truck Tires

Hello, I’ve been enjoying reading your blog for several weeks now and wanted to add a bit on truck tire ratings from the perspective of somebody who used to own a small tire shop in truck country (rural Alaska). The whole thing with rating a tire by the number of plies dates back to the days of bias ply tires when the tires actually were load rated according to the number of plies. That system has been obsolete for years with the advent of radial tires, which are not constructed the same way to achieve the same strength. The letter load ranges are usually equated with the old ply ratings by tire salesmen (i.e. “C” equals a “6” ply rating, etc.) in order to explain the load ratings in terms that their customers will be familiar with.
Nearly all radial tires have 4 plies in the tread area, and 2 plies in the sidewall, no matter what their load rating. The heavier duty tires will have thicker and stronger plies in the higher load ratings, although the number of plies will generally remain the same. A few tires specifically designed for off road use will have a 3rd sidewall ply for extra reinforcement against rock cuts; the two that I am aware of are the BF Goodrich Mud Terrain, and the Goodyear Wrangler MT-R. My brother and I run MT-Rs on our Jeeps and have no complaints about them.- Del R.

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader R.H. recommended this site with product reviews on flashlights–both traditional and LED type.

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It is nice to see that gold have silver are bouncing back from their summer doldrums, with gold at over $650 per ounce and silver at around $12.10. I believe that this coming fall and winter may show some impressive gains in precious metals prices.

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Front Sight is currently running its own writing contest. The prize is a Front Sight lifetime membership! For any of you that who would like to put your thoughts about Front Sight, the Second Amendment and the Comfort of Skill at Arms into words, here is your chance to get yourself published and in the process you may win a lifetime membership at Front Sight.
The topic of your essay can be any of the following:
* What Front Sight Firearms Training Institute means to me…
* What the Comfort of Skill at Arms means to me…
* What the Second Amendment means to me…
* What a handgun means to me…
You can even combine these topics as you wish. Simply write your essay in e-mail format or in a Microsoft word file and attach it to an e-mail to: info@frontsight.com with the subject line: Dr. Piazza, here is my essay.
Naish Piazza will personally read every essay submitted. The best essays will be posted on Front Sight’s Blog and Naish will select the winner to receive a Lifetime Legacy Membership! If you are already a member you can upgrade your membership to the Legacy or receive the Legacy Membership to be assigned to the person of your choice.
The deadline to receive your essay is midnight, August 10, 2006. The winner will be announced on August 20.

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I just got the latest issue of Disaster Recovery Journal in the mail–their special Avian Flu issue. It seems that the Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity community has caught on to some of the bigger issues related to a pandemic–at least things like absenteeism, telecommuting, and crisis communication. For their spin on a possible flu pandemic as well as some useful links to the CDC and other sites, see: http://www.drj.com/special/avian