Letter Re: Why a Practice Garden?

Hi James,
Concerning garden soils. Most of the bags sold as topsoil are really not top soil. Top soil occupies only on the top 6 to 12 inches of soil at best. It is called the ‘A’ horizon. What customers are getting is the deep ‘B’ horizon soils usually free of any rocks. ‘B’ horizon soils are found immediately under the ‘A’ horizon and can be any where from 20 inches to 10 feet deep. Mostly they are 2 to 6 feet deep depending on the parent material from which they have developed. Steer manure from a feedlot is most likely spread on an area of very deep ‘B’ horizon soils and then mixed in and sacked. If you are getting soils from a wind blown [loess] deposit of soil you are in effect getting fine silt not suitable for a garden. The ‘C’ horizon soils occur below the ‘B’ and usually are mostly a mixture of parent materials of broken shale, limestone, granite, sandstone rocks. ‘C’ horizon soils are not suitable for placing on a garden Real top soil is very expensive. We use the ‘steer manure’ from feed lots that is mixed with the ‘B’ horizon soils.

Available in our area at Wal-Mart and the local agriculture supply store this year for $1.49/40 lb bag. All supplemental plant nutrients such as fertilizers and animal manures are marked with N, P and K designations. N = Nitrogen P = Phosphorus K = Potassium. Labeling law require producers to show the % of each always in that order, N,P,K. Our steer manure is 14/5/7. Chicken manure is even higher so consult your local County agent about how much to apply.

We have very sandy/silty loam soils developed on top of normally sandy soils that were covered by wind blown silt from the dust bowl days. Our soils are very deficient in organic matter and do not hold water well due to the sandy nature. On our 16 panels of garden we have spread some 14 tons of steer manure in six years. At 40 lbs per bag fifty [50] bags equal one ton. We have spread some 300+ bags in the last 14 days. Yes, this is some 700 bags total at a cost of more than $900 in five years. Last week we made five trips each of 106 miles round trip to get the 300+ bags of steer manure and fertilizer. Our 27 year old Ford F-100 pickup with 430,000 miles on it can handle only a ton per load. Only one farm supply store had any left within a 80 mile one way drive. We bought every last bag they had including all the broken ones. Yup, we have put our money and miles of driving where our mouth is. Bite the bullet and get prepared or be dependent. Your choice, folks.

We have changed the soil composition from a very sandy/silty loam to a loamy soil. We have spent six years developing this garden. We’ve really gone at it very vigorously in spite of the hundreds of dollars of cost. But we now have a working fenced garden with a warm weather above ground watering system hooked to our well system. But beware. In the coming times of economic adversity many products in the stores will no longer be carried. Any product that is heavy to transport and sells for a small price profit is likely to be dropped from inventory. That will include all of the soil amendments carried by the big box stores. Including fertilizers, lime, soil manures and all the mulches. Expensive fuels will be used to transport only necessities and items that have a substantial profit return. The manager of our local Wal-Mart agrees with me on this. So buy your garden supplies now. Place them on a pallet. They will weather out in the open. But we place ours under a tree in shade to keep the sun from decomposing the plastic sacks. We have stored sacks out in the open under a tree for as long as 2+ years.

I keep no permanent records on production, weights and numbers of plants for our garden. Any official questions about how much we produce will be answered with I do not know. Is this paranoia? Absolutely. Having worked for the Department of Agriculture and retired as District Conservationist, Soil Conservation Service, I am aware of the potential for government to eventually want a portion of my production. Control of your gardens is in the works. Read about the Wildlands Project as part of the UN Agenda 21 to be administered under the Sustainability Program of U.S. of A. Sustainability is now official U.S. of A. policy and has been for some 25+ years. See the exclusionary maps for human activities as developed for each of the states. And then note SB 1619 Livable Communities Act about forcibly moving people off rural land into cities. This is part and parcel of the Wildlands Project and their concepts of islanding and biological connector corridors to maintain biological diversity across all 48 of the CONUS. This concept has no scientific standing by peer review in the biological world. Yet is is now part and parcel of official environmental policy. – J.W.C., Okie in the Red Hills

Economics and Investing:

More, more, more MOAB: Bernanke Says U.S. Economic Growth Too Slow Even With Fed Bond Purchases. Gee, if the Fed just buys lots and lots of stocks and bonds, we’ll all be multi-trillionaiares, just like those wealthy Zimbabweans.

SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large Michael Z. Williamson sent this from Zero Hedge: Debunking The Great Myth Of US Consumer Deleveraging, Or Why The US Economy Will End Not With A Whimper But A Bang

K.T. mentioned: 15 Bone Chilling Signs That Part Two Of The Double Dip Housing Crash Has Begun

Revisiting option ARM data – Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and JP Morgan still have over $160 billion in option ARM loans outstanding. Over 250,000 option ARMs in California still active.

G.G. sent this: Trashing the dollar to save the economy

Items from The Economatrix:

Those Who Know Will Understand

Silver Futures Jump to 30-Year High; Gold Rises to Record, Topping $1,300

Gold Through The Ages

Undervalued Silver in a Government Spending Frenzy

In Rolling Stone magazine: BP’s Shock Waves

Inflation Watch:

Did the Fed Really Say Inflation Isn’t High Enough?

Johnny Carson TP Syndrome–This Time, The Rush Begins at Midnight

On December 19, 1973, American late night talk show host Johnny Carson made a joke that had some far-reaching unintended consequences. In his opening monologue, he quipped: “You know what’s disappearing from the supermarket shelves? Toilet paper. There’s an acute shortage of toilet paper in the United States.” The next morning tens of millions of his viewers went out and each bought dozens of rolls. This buying created a shortage, which lasted several weeks. More than just a bit of trivia, the 1973 toilet paper shortage illustrates the herd-like instincts of consumers, and just how easy it is to create a nationwide panic.

The difference between the toilet paper shortage of 1973 and today is that the Johnny Carson “run” didn’t begin until the next morning after the broadcast had aired. But we now live in the age of 24-hour-a-day supermarkets, and some gas stations operate 24-hour-a-day. There is now the potential for mass panic 24 hours a day. And to further exacerbate this, many folks now use Facebook and other social networking services. These have the potential to whip up a frenzy of activity, based on unsubstantiated rumors. In fact, we now live in the age of the Internet flash mob. And, by extension, this is also the age of flash runs on banks, or flash runs on grocery stores, or flash runs on gasoline. Even more ominous is the potential for flash freeway gridlock, in the event of rumors of an imminent terrorist attack on a major city with a Weapon of Mass Destruction .

What are the implication for all of the increased velocity of panic to preppers?

1.) It means that we can’t count on the opportunity to do any “last minute shopping.” All subsequent crises my be truly come-as-you-are events.

2.) It means that your window of opportunity to “Get Out of Dodge” (G.O.O.D.) in a crisis may be much smaller. You may have just 10 or 20 minutes to grab you Bug-Out Bags and Tote Bins, and throw them in your vehicle. If you hesitate, then you may find the freeways already jammed with traffic.

3.) It increases the chances of over-reaction by government officials. If there is widespread panic then it is likely that there will be widespread over-reaction. Read: Martial Law. Even if the interstate freeways are clear, you may not have access to them. As I’ve mentioned in SurvivalBlog several times before: If you have a prepared retreat that is across a state line, then I strongly urge you to have license plates on your car for your destination state, and have that state’s driver’s license in your pocket, preferably with an address listed for the town nearest to your retreat. If the Schumer hits the fan, then you want to be able to make it clear to law enforcement and military officers that you are attempting to get home. I realize that dual registration of vehicles can be costly, but I believe that it is prudent.

I urge SurvivalBlog readers to re-double your efforts to get your gear squared away, and well organized. As one of my consulting clients who lives in Atlanta, Georgia recently put it: “Mr. Rawles, I agree with you that I only expect one trip out of Dodge [to my retreat]. And if I wait just one hour to ‘evaluate the situation’, I’ll probably end up on foot.”

He is probably right. I urged him to stock the vast majority of his supplies at his retreat (a three hour drive out of Atlanta), and only keep at home what he could quickly fit in his vehicle in pre-packed clearly-marked tote bins and duffle bags.

Letter Re: Getting Started in Self-Reliant Living

Editor’s Note: The following letter, suggested by a SurvivalBlog reader, is reprinted with permission of Backwoods Home magazine–which was one of my favorite print publications, even a decade before they became SurvivalBlog advertiser.

Dear Jackie,
I have to disagree with your Ask Jackie column answer to Joe Leonetti’s questions about getting started in self-sufficient living in Issue #124 (July/Aug 2010). They missed all the most important points that a “city” person would have to master first. Here are my own suggestions:

Joe, forget thinking “self-sufficient” and start thinking “frugal;” if you have the consume-and-spend mindset so prevalent today you’ll need to do this anyway to prepare for retirement. The excellent news is, many things you’ll need to know no matter where you live can be learned and practiced right in the middle of town, and little by little. For instance:

*Start by preparing all food and beverage at home­then with no frozen foods­then from scratch­then from storage foods (e.g. canned goods)­ then with only a stove (no microwave, other gadgets)­then without refrigeration (for ingredients or leftovers). If you’re an average urbanite, you’ll save a boatload of money that will help you to…

*Get out of debt completely. Debt is a chain that will imprison you to your current job forever. It may be the single most common reason why people fail at a simplified lifestyle change. Pay as you go with cash, use credit cards only for car breakdowns and other emergencies, and pay the plastic off every month. And speaking of cars…

*Trade your late-model, banker’s-dream for a used, great-condition vehicle that will serve you well on rougher roads (my advice: one without a computer “brain” where everything goes when it goes) and start learning to maintain and repair it yourself. This is a rough lesson but your vehicle is your only lifeline in remote living and doing work yourself will save you more money than almost any other single thing. A car repair class (or full course at your local community college) will also teach you what tools and equipment you’ll need. Then get the car totally paid off. While this is in progress, start learning how to…

*Live without electricity, unlimited running water and central heating. Practice washing laundry, dishes and yourself using very limited quantities of water; use only electronics that have solar chargers; get up with the sun, go to bed when it’s dark, use a flashlight or battery lantern in between. You’ll also find that you need to adjust many household choices to accommodate the new regime­the type of clothes you wear, wearing them more than one day, your soaps, your hairstyle, and a whole lot more. You’ll also need a wooden drying rack, a charming rustic decorator touch for any contemporary condo. Boy, will you ever feel sorry for yourself at times, but once you get good at it, it’s also very empowering. And very soon you’ll figure out that…

*You won’t adapt to everything, so find out what is crucial to continuing and then keep going. Concentrate on paring down your present lifestyle to as little expense, as little stuff and as little time as possible, and then it’s all forward progress. You can also whittle transportation expenses if you investigate public transportation, or…

*Get a durable pair of walking shoes, a big backpack (used) and create a sturdy, homemade wheeled wire shopping cart, maybe even a bike and bike cart. These things may be your lifeline if the car goes kerflooey one time too many. Do shopping on foot or by bike several times a week, in all kinds of weather; you’ll be out in it anyway if you build or garden in a remote area. And speaking of which…

*Now that you’re outside more, start practicing being comfortable inside with no central heating. Turn the thermostat down to 60 and wear long underwear, warm vests, heavy socks, hats, and gloves inside the house. Heavy bedclothes are good here, too, especially a rectangular sleeping bag zipped open for use as a comforter. Scout out every thrift store in your county and find these gems there; if your present lifestyle permits, you’ll need a good selection of warm clothes if you…

*Purchase a used, self-contained (bed, toilet, kitchen) travel trailer or camper and learn your skills­carpentry, wiring, plumbing, gas piping, whatever­restoring it. You can use this for living in when you first move onto your rural land­that’s where the warm clothes come in. When it’s ready, take it out camping frequently for practice. As you sit in the silence, you will also realize that…

*Urban areas have lots of entertainment, but rural areas do not have sports stadiums, multiplex theaters, opera halls, megastores, even chain video rental places. You can’t work all the time and you must learn to entertain yourself in other ways; with solar chargers you can still watch a DVD (for free, no less) obtained from…

*Your regional library that participates in an inter-library loan system, without which you won’t consider moving to the area anyway. Get over any attitudes about libraries being for students and go apply for your card. Then order every book they have on camping, outdoor living, bike repair, cooking from scratch, wood-stove use and the basic design and construction of small homes. Libraries also stock popular DVDs and CDs, magazines and newspapers, and may have public-use computers as well as free wireless access for your own laptop. College libraries may be open to public use as well, and their inventory might include a selection of more specialized periodicals geared to their high-tech classes. Your taxes are paying for it, so you might as well get your money’s worth.

*Lastly, you stated that with your background it would be very easy for you to get into teaching. Begin now getting the proper certification and begin job hunting for weekend or evening teaching spots; it may be harder to break into the field than you anticipated, and if you ever suddenly need new employment, nothing works in your favor like an established track record.

*Now, are you still with me, Joe? Have you thrown down the magazine and run away screaming yet? The majority of these lifestyle-changes can be done even if you’re presently living in a high-rise condo with a view of Manhattan. Bear in mind, the very best hedge against future money troubles is the ability to live well on very little. Think ahead to retirement (just how much will you collect on Social Security?) and start planning now for a total lifestyle that is exactly what fits you and sustainable well into the years ahead. – Liz C. in Washington

(Reproduced with permission of Backwoods Home magazine from Issue 125, Sept./Oct., 2010.)

Three Letters Re: The “Plan B” Map

Dear Editor:
How does T.L.F. (the author of “The Plan “B” Map”) plan to get that bottled water, sports drinks and other suppliers from the dentist office, gym and hobby store? Surely not by breaking and entering or burglary. In the scenarios that are mentioned it is highly unlikely that these kinds of places would be open for regular “legal” business. I hope the author was not advocating looting or taking without paying. That would just add to the chaos and confusion of an already bad situation. I do not want to become one of the Golden Horde. – M.E.P. in Atlanta


After reading so much of your work, I feel like I know you and am sitting and typing a conversation to a friend. God Bless you for your work and witness. For us in the world it is a drink from a cool spring to fellowship with you. You strengthen the will and faith of many.

Enough of the head inflation.

I read with interest the post from T.L.F. today. I am a dentist. I do not have any bottled water in my office. I do not know any in my area that do. I keep no narcotics on hand. Other than a couple of small tanks of Nitrous Oxide and a couple of gallons of Listerine (25% ETOH) there is little of value for attitude adjustment. There is a bit of cash for change and the odd old gold crown. But for the most part all that is there of public interest requires me and my staff to use our skills to make work. What one will find, if one comes looking, is a 12 gauge, complete with a competent operator driving it that has little interest in exposing his clinic to casual uninvited shoppers. Until I post a “Looters Welcome” sign on the front door I would advise friend or foe to think long and hard about us as a source of resupply.

Looking to meeting you in person one day in this world or the next. T.C., DDS in South Carolina


To start I would like to say that I really enjoy the work you do with survival blog and it has really helped me out. I enjoy reading it every chance I get. In reading the article The Plan “B” Map by T.L.F. I found it very interesting that I had already done the same thing without thinking about calling it a Plan B map. I have spent my time while doing different activities thinking about what kind of things I would need should TEOTWAWKI happen. I created a list of things I had found and places to get them from. I call it my asset list. It started by thinking what places would I be able to get what things from. From work what kind of things I would need and what kind of places I could look for things that the normal person would not think of. For example oil and different types of fuel I would need or could use. I came up with that the machines at work have lots of oil and hydraulic fluid in them that could be used in lamps and what not. All that would need to be done is to empty the hydraulic reservoirs and gear boxes. There is an amazing amount of oil that is sitting inside on the different machines. Places I figured the average person wouldn’t think to look at. Also for water it has been said how much water is keep in a water heater but there is also a lot of water that is keep in the piping of fire suppression systems (sprinkler systems) that could be drained and used should nothing else be available. This is a fairly easy thing to do by opening the drain valve and collecting the water inside. I find that the more I look around with my eyes open and my mind thinking threw what I would need it is surprising what you can find. Mapping them all out is just the next step and is a rather good one that I hadn’t thought of. Thanks, – JJH

Economics and Investing:

Unemployment Could Remain High Until 2013. JWR Adds: To be more accurate, I would have written: “…Until 2023.”

Yale Economist Robert Shiller Warns Seven Years of Economic ‘Bad Times’ in Store for US

L.J. sent some more bad news from England: Mortgage lending plummets to 10-year monthly low as housing market remains ‘exceptionally’ weak.

From the Wall Street Journal‘s Australian bureau: Silver looks ready to rip. (Thanks to Bob G. for the link.)

Russian crop misery spreads to world’s supermarkets.

Items from The Economatrix:

California Attorney General Asks GMAC to Stop Foreclosures

Economy Heading Toward “Catastrophic” Collapse

They Are Printing Too Much Money

Stocks Reignite a Rally as Economic Woes Fade

Business Spending on Capital Goods Rises in August

Pace Of New Homes Sales Second Slowest On Record

Sarkozy: Tax The Banks

New US Unemployment Claims Rise Again

Jim Willie: Permanent 0% On Road To Ruin

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Craig K. found a handy web site that gives step-by-step instructions to create a generator out of spare parts that many of us have laying around the shop. It contains links to other important topics as well.

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RFJ flagged this: Convert Your Bike Into a Cargo Bike with an Old Bike Frame

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SurvivalBlog readers in southwestern Oregon should check out Umpqua Survival. They are located in Roseburg, Oregon. They have strong expertise is with generators and photovoltaics. They are licensed dealers for both Generac and Kohler generators and they have a storefront operation. Umpqua Survival is planning to soon add a variety of storage foods to their inventory, and numerous products for mailorder sales.

Note from JWR:

Today we present another entry for Round 30 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round will include:

First Prize: A.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost between $500 and $600, and B.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees, in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $392 value.) C.) A 9-Tray Excalibur Food Dehydrator from Safecastle.com (a $275 value), D.) A 500 round case of Fiocchi 9mm Parabellum (Luger ) with 124gr. Hornady XTP/HP projectiles, courtesy of Sunflower Ammo (a $249 value), and E.) An M17 medical kit from JRH Enterprises (a $179.95 value).

Second Prize: A.) A “grab bag” of preparedness gear and books from Jim’s Amazing Secret Bunker of Redundant Redundancy (JASBORR) with a retail value of at least $400, and B.) two cases of Meals, Ready to Eat (MREs), courtesy of CampingSurvival.com (a $180 value).

Third Prize: A.) A copy of my “Rawles Gets You Ready” preparedness course, from Arbogast Publishing, and B.) a Royal Berkey water filter, courtesy of Directive 21. (This filter system is a $275 value.)

Round 30 ends on September 30th, so get busy writing and e-mail us your entry. Remember that articles that relate practical “how to” skills for survival have an advantage in the judging.

Dealing With Diarrhoeal Diseases, by Nomad Medic

The recent news of confirmed cases of cholera after the massive flooding in Pakistan highlights a potential threat that anyone could be faced with after a disaster. While cholera has been cited specifically, there are several other diarrhoeal diseases that have similar symptoms and can also kill. These include such pathogens as Rotavirus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi (responsible for Typhoid Fever) and Shigellosis (dysentery).

These illnesses are responsible for a huge number of deaths every year. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that there are approximately two billion cases annually. Diarrhoeal diseases account for the deaths of 1.5 million children in the same time period. The majority of these occur in developing countries where availability of clean water, food, and sanitation are limited. How many people reading this are preparing for a situation where you could have limited sanitation, food, or clean water?

The WHO defines diarrhoea as “the passage of 3 or more loose or liquid stools per day, or more frequently than is normal for the individual.” I think we are all familiar with this condition. These diseases are often accompanied by several other signs and symptoms including abdominal pain, fever, increased heart rate, and dizziness.  One of the most disturbing signs that may develop is blood in the stool. As unnerving as this is for the person experiencing it or the one caring for them, this symptom is not as dire as it may appear. In the presence of some of these ‘bugs’, this is part of the disease process and will resolve as the body fights the infection.

Many of these pathogens are ever-present in the world we live in. For example, the bacterium that causes cholera is commonly found in seawater. Outbreaks of these diseases occur when the reservoirs containing the offending pathogen are introduced into a population susceptible to them. After disasters people are often operating in high stress environments and suboptimal conditions. Their immune systems can be depressed to a point that the pathogens get a foothold when they are exposed.

This exposure typically happens via ingestion. This comes from contaminated water sources (i.e. floodwater in the water supply, poor latrine placement causing direct fecal contamination, etc.), contaminated food (under cooked or raw contaminated foods, shellfish from contaminated waters, etc.), or direct oral/fecal transmission (contaminated hands touching lips). Vectors such as flies that stop at the outhouse on the way to your toothbrush have also been cited.

The first and most key step to fighting these diseases is prevention. If we can avoid exposure to these pathogens, we avoid the disease. Depending on the situation, staying ‘Fit to fight’ could literally mean the difference between life and death. There are several points to preventing this though.

Foremost of these preventative steps is that water must be properly treated. While it is not in the scope of this article to go deeply into water purification techniques, I would like to mention a few points. First, start with the cleanest fresh water possible. Collecting from a moving source (i.e. a river or stream) is proffered over a standing source (i.e. a pond). Always try to filter out as many debris as you can. This includes sediments and silts. A study in Bangladesh found that simply filtering water through cloth decreased the incidence of cholera by 48%s. The cleaner the water you start with, the more effective your treatment efforts will be. Chlorination of water is an inexpensive method to treat water as long as you have the supplies available. There are many consideration that must be taken into account when deciding on what amount and what form (liquid versus powdered) to store chlorine in. (Home generation if chlorine is also an option that is used in some parts of the world) As a quick review, the general principal in using unscented liquid chlorine bleach is to use 2 drops of bleach per quart (.5l) of water, 8 drops of bleach per gallon (3.8L) of water, and 1/2 teaspoon (2.5ml) bleach per five gallons of water. Allow to stand for 30 minutes before use. If water is cloudy, double the recommended dosages of bleach. Testing kits, such as used for pools, can be used to monitor the chlorine levels. These should be 1mg/l at storage points, (i.e. piped in cisterns) but .2-.5mg/l at the point of consumption. If you can taste the chlorine, it is over .8 mg/l. The most available means of water treatment may very well be boiling. The principal of starting with the cleanest water available applies as above.  Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), at sea level water should be brought to a rolling boil and kept there for one minute. At altitudes above 6,562 feet (2,000 m) this needs to be increased to three minutes. Water filter units that rely on mechanical filtering only are generally not adequate to filter out all the pathogens that cause diarrhoeal diseases. Check the manufactures statistics or use a chemical treatment after filtering to be sure. We all understand that we must have water; make sure the water you drink is safe.

The CDC has for years pushed the statement “Boil it, cook it, peel it, or forget it” in regards to eating while abroad. This is intended to directly fight cholera and the similar diseases. Foods must be thoroughly cooked to kill potential pathogens. Most bad bugs are killed when they are brought above 160F (70C) but some must reach boiling at 212F (100C) and held at that temperature for 15 minutes. This is all parts of the food item. That point becomes very important when cooking large pieces of meat or thick stews. Holding food at a temperature where it is literally  ‘steaming hot’ (140F or 60C) and never allowing food to set at room temperature for more than two hours will continue to protect you from illness. All this requires that you can prepare food yourself. Consider this another reason on what should be a long list of reasons to store food. If you are in a food line, soup kitchen, of refugee camp, you have no control over these facts. When it comes to raw foods, use treated water to wash them though cooking is a better way to ensure safety. The ‘peel it’ point is pretty self explanatory; peels and shells protect the parts you eat. Pathogenic bacteria can find their way to your foods. Take steps to ensure any contaminates are rendered safe before you ingest them.

Proper sanitation is key to preventing the spread of these diseases. The #1 most important task in regard to this is frequent hand washing. Ideally this would be done with hot water and soap. Homemade soaps, wood ash, or even the simple mechanical action of scrubbing your hands in clean flowing water will help. Trimming fingernails reduces areas that can trap pathogens. As previously mentioned, insects and other vermin can spread these diseases. Proper steps such as covering latrines, pest mitigation, and the use of insect repellents are necessary. Keep the pathogens away from potential host and you solve the problem.

If people are suffering with any of these conditions, they should be separated from the healthy. Caregivers need to religiously wash their hands before and after contact with these patients. This isolation will decrease the spread of the disease. All waste, clothing, and bedding, from these patients is potentially a source of further infection and must be treated as such. A solution using 1 tablespoon (15ml) chlorine solution per gallon (3.8L) of water can be sprayed on surfaces to disinfect them. Clothing and linens need to be well washed, preferably in hot water with bleach. Exposure to sunlight has been shown to kill many bacteria and viruses. Hanging this clean linen to dry in the sun can also help kill remaining pathogens. There are many reasons the average life expectancy has increased so significantly over the last 100 years. A better understanding of the relation of sanitary and hygienic practices to overall health is not the least of them.

All of these diseases usually respond very well to oral rehydration. Per the CDC ‘With prompt rehydration, fewer than 1% of cholera patients die.’ Fluids should be given as soon as the patient can take them. These should be taken as frequent small amounts as opposed to large volumes at once. The liquid of choice is water with oral rehydration solution added. The commercial versions of this solution contain a plethora of electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals. They are available from many different suppliers and come in a range of flavors. Recipes for making your own abound but this version is common. To 5 cups (~1L) of clean water add 8 teaspoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt. Mix well and have the patient sip slowly. This simple formula is safe and effective though the flavor isn’t anything to write home about. It may be beneficial to add a small amount of powdered drink mix to improve the flavor, especially for children. It is important to not increase the overall sugar levels in this solution by much as this can lead to further dehydration. Other recipes will add sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and/or NoSalt (potassium chloride). Intravenous rehydration may be needed and should be undertaken using Normal Saline (.9% Sodium Chloride) or Lactated Ringers (Hartman’s Solution). In a PAW, I’d personally reserve IV fluids for other cases if at all possible. Aggressive treatment with oral solutions should preclude the need for an IV infusion. ‘Safe’ food should continue to be offered to the patient though its importance is much less than that of water. Avoid foods such as dairy products, greasy items, or any that cause gas. In these diarrhoeal diseases, it is dehydration that causes death. By staying ahead of the fluids lost, this can be prevented and thus save the patient’s life.

Other medications that may prove useful in cholera or other like diseases are antibiotics. These should be used sparingly and only in severe cases. Due to the development of resistant strains, the most commonly recommended antimicrobial is Ciprofloxacin 500mg twice a day (children should be dosed by weight 15 mg/kg). Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) may be used to combat fever though utilizing the minimizing effective dose will spare the liver some hardship. Anti-diarrhoeal medications such as loperimide (Imodium) should be avoided in severe diarrhoea. Over-use of these medications can lead to a life threatening condition known as toxic megacolon which is just as bad as it sounds. With any medication, be well versed in the contraindications and side effects before you use them. As previously stated, these patients respond well to rehydration and this is the area treatment should be concentrated on.

Cholera, typhoid fever, a dysentery have a well earned reputation as mass murderers. During the American Civil War “The Union army reported that more than 995 out of every 1,000 men eventually contracted chronic diarrhea or dysentery during the war; the Confederates fared no better.” These killers have made appearances in every major conflict to one extent or another as far back as man has recorded history. They crop up during floods, landslide, hurricanes, and other emergencies where ‘basic’ services are interrupted. Armed with a bit of knowledge and by practicing the proverbial ounce of prevention, we can overcome these obstacles.

As with any medical advice, I highly recommend you cross reference anything you read before you use it.

Letter Re: Growing Poppies for a Long Term Societal Collapse

The letter about opium poppies (P. Somniferum) had too many oversimplifications for safety. While poppies are easy enough to grow to enjoy the big flowers, it’s not so easy to get good pods or sap, and the quality of the drug depends a good deal on growing conditions, i.e., where you live. There’s a reason why so much opium comes from the middle east, and you may note that the poppies in pictures from the regions are 3′ high at least and lavender, not Chinese red. This doesn’t mean there’s no drug in other poppies – there is – but the difference may be huge. And, warning: dried pods from the florist trade are probably sprayed with insecticides.

If you slash the green pods and save the latex that exudes (which is illegal, by the way), you’d need a lot of poppies, because the next step is to dry the sap until it reaches a certain percentage of opium, by weight. If you’ve seen pictures of the illegal Afghanistan opium trade, you’ve seen the brown bars of dried sap being bargained over. The Victorians did use a tincture of opium in alcohol – it was called ‘laudanum’ and was among the most addictive substances known to man. This is why it is no longer used. Babies were made addicts from syrups of poppy you could buy over the counter to keep them from crying.

Steeping the pods to make a tea or tincture means you’re getting all the alkaloids, some are poisons. In order to really make morphine and codeine, a laboratory and chemical expertise is required. Some far-out web sites claim to know how to make home-made painkillers, but even a cursory reading shows these guys are just trying to get high on whatever is available. You can make a tea of poppy seeds, too – it may also kill you. A man who worked in a bake shop not too long ago did just that from increasingly strong doses of poppy seed tea, and some of those crazy British poets steeped poppy seeds in wine to get high, too. Children have also died from eating the green pods – that’s one of the reasons it’s illegal to grow them in some places.

The book recommended isn’t the kind of resource you want if you’re really using herbs to treat serious medical problems.

Best Regards to you, Mr. Rawles, – The Old Farmer

Economics and Investing:

B.B. sent this article about the latest $30 Billion expansion to the MOAB: U.S. Bails Out Major Credit Unions

Sherman Oaks enters correction phase. $1,200,000 home now selling for $720,000.

Tamara (over at the excellent View From The Porch blog) posted a link to an amazing video that shows a labor union hiring minimum wage non-union protestors to picket Wal-Mart for paying minimum wage and being non-union.

Warren Buffett: We’re Still in a Recession Despite What Officials Say. (Thanks to Brett G. for the link.)

KAF sent this: China Allows Banks to Sell Loans on Interbank Market; 21 Lenders Sign On

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Gold & Silver Are Sounding The Alarm

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