Economics and Investing:

Three article links courtesy of loyal content contributor K.A.F.:

German minister raises ‘orderly default’ for Greece

Greek default jitters hammer French banks, euro

Greek tax, customs workers and taxis on strike

Rhonda T. flagged this: The Fed’s options are futile without Congress

C.D.V. sent this: S&P Could Fall 20%, 2-Year Treasury Hit 0%: Analyst

Items from The Economatrix:

John Galt:  The September Calendar of Potential Doom and Disaster by Date and Event

Commodities Look Set to Rocket Higher

Analysis:  Pension Funds in New Crisis as Deficit Hole Grows

Regulators Close Small Florida Bank; 2011 Total is 71

World Biggest Economies Grinding to a Halt

Rand Paul Seeks Vote Of No Confidence On Timothy Geithner

Odds ‘n Sods:

The excellent five-minute ultralight flight “Patriots” locales video that I mentioned debuted last week has already had more than 3,600 views. It is available free, via YouTube. As I mentioned before, this gent’s well-edited footage really captures the look and feel of some of the key locales in my novel. And in it you can see how pretty the Palouse Hills region is at harvest time. It is a High Definition (HD) video, so be sure to watch it at “full screen” size. Dan Fong lives!

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A reader in Gallup, New Mexico wrote to ask what type of knife sharpener I use. The answer is simple: In the field (for hunting and everyday ranch work) I carry an America Stone. In the kitchen, I use a fine grit (red) DMT diamond block that is molded in the shape of a 6″ whetstone. In my experience, together those two types of sharpeners cover nearly all of my knife sharpening needs. BTW, I plan to get a few more America Stones, so that we’ll have them handy in each of of our G.O.O.D kits and vehicle glove boxes.

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Cheryl sent this: New Swine Flu Virus Now Reported In Two U.S. States

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C.D.V. alerted us to this insanity: EPA declares hay a pollutant.

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J.J.H. sent a news story that shows the typical Eastern U.S. mentality: U.S. Court Rejects Challenge to State’s Concealed Gun Law. The court’s rationale was mind-boggling: “Quoting Marin, Judge Seibel said, ‘The underlying activity of possessing or transporting an accessible and loaded weapon is itself dangerous and undesirable, regardless of the intent of the bearer since it may lead to the endangerment of public safety.’ Marin also held that transporting a loaded weapon on a public street ‘creates a volatile situation vulnerable to spontaneous lethal aggression in the event of road rage or any other disagreement or dispute.'” Spontaneous? Reallllly??? My gun will just leap out of its holster, all on its own? We don’t seem to have that problem in my county, where nearly everyone carries at least one gun in their vehicle.

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

"Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment." – Benjamin Franklin

Jim’s Product Review: Bed Bunker Gun Vaults

One of my consulting clients recently bought several Bed Bunker gun vaults and I had the chance to examine them. This product is an unusual horizontal home gun vault design that replaces your bed’s box springs. These vaults have two major advantages: 1.) They don’t take up any more floor space than your current furniture, and 2.) They will probably be overlooked by most burglars that are in a hurry. (And statistics show that most burglars are in a hurry. Typically, they are in a house for less than five minutes. The bad guys can’t attack a safe if they don’t know that it is there.)

I was pleased to hear that these vaults are manufactured in Spokane, Washington. That minimizes the shipping costs for those who live in any of the American Redoubt States, and you can feel good that you’ll “Buy American”. In this case, you’ll even “Buy Redoubt”.

Bed Bunkers are built with welded 10 gauge steel in the body and a 1/4-inch thick inset steel door that weighs 140 pounds just by itself. The hinge side is backed by a very heavy flange that protects the vault against attacks where the hinges might be cut away. Because of the flange, that would be a huge waste of time for burglars. The basic unit (twin bed size) weighs about 650 pounds. The vault’s pair of cylinder locks are a robust “bump proof” and relatively pick-proof lock variety with cylinders and keys that are made in Israel. These vaults have a two-hour house fire protection rating. At around $2,000, they are relatively expensive per cubic foot, compared to traditional upright gun safes. So I would mostly recommend them to families where space is at a premium. One of the vaults that I examined was a double vault where the two Bed Bunkers are bolted to a welded spacer, providing a platform for a king-size bed. The combined empty weight is 1,450 pounds, so it would be exceedingly difficult for burglars to tote that vault away.

The legs on these vaults have threaded attachments, with a very long adjustable length of travel. They can be screwed all the way in so that the vault nearly touches the floor. Or they can be completely removed, allowing you to bolt the vault to the floor, with lag bolts. For the greatest security, I recommend bolting your safe down. By attaching a long dust ruffle, you can make a Bed Bunker disappear from view. (Use a 14-inch dust ruffle if you don’t use the vault legs.)

As with any other home security purchase, be sure to keep quiet about it. Do not mention to friends or relatives that you’ve bought a vault, and swear your kids to secrecy. Just remind them that if they blab about it, then a possible consequence is that burglars will steal a portion of their eventual inheritance. When burglars learn of a lucrative yet hard target, they’ll probably come equipped with a cutting torch that can defeat even the best gun vault. So remember: Loose lips sink ships!

Lastly, be careful about where you leave your vault keys. Don’t just put a vault key on your key ring. It is best to establish a well-hidden yet quickly-accessible place to store your vault keys. A fake electrical outlet box is one well-proven ruse. (Unless you live off grid, every room in your house probably has several outlets, so an extra one won’t be noticed by all but the most sophisticated burglars.) Another good hiding place is a fake can of shave cream in the bathroom drawer.

Disclaimer (Per FTC File No. P034520): is not a SurvivalBlog advertiser. They have not solicited me or paid me to write any reviews or endorsements, nor have they provided me any free or reduced-price merchandise in exchange for any reviews or endorsements. I am not a stock holder in any company.

Letter Re: Job Opportunities in Northwestern Montana

For those looking to relocate to the American Redoubt, I just got word of some job opportunities at a family-owned and operated woodstove company in Troy, Montana:

Are you looking for a way out of city life but can’t find a well paying job in a remote area?
Montana based Obadiah’s Woodstoves has openings for secretary, bookkeeper, web site design, SEO maintenance and possibly inside sales.
We are also looking for a future manager to oversee operations.
If your looking to live and work near beautiful Glacier National Park in Northwestern Montana, for a honest rapidly growing company focused on serving others, then send us your resume:
We will help you find proper land, or housing based on your needs. Temporary quarters are available during 30 day trial/probation period.
Must love the great outdoors and not mind extreme cold temperatures (-50, rarely), deep snow, bears, wolves and mountain lions, in exchange for, no crime, police or sales tax and a few friendly, like-minded neighbors.
If you’re not tough, survival minded, you will never make it here, so the faint of heart and dreamers, need not apply.
Chemically Sensitive? Our office is a non smoking, fragrance/chemical free environment, no perfumes, or chemicals allowed, just pure fresh mountain air. (Leave your “Tide” at home please!)

Letter Re: Skip Watching The Movie “Contagion”

Jim and SurvivalBloggers:
If you are looking for some hard hitting survival techniques skip the recently-released movie Contagion. There are no real disasters is this disaster movie. The real message here is wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands, and they drone on and on how the virus spreads. A good half of the movie is finding the source. I found myself envying the test monkeys because they were dropping dead and no longer had to watch this stinker. The power, water, Internet and cell all stayed on throughout the story, why they even had a dance. They brought in far too many characters into the plot, and jumped all over the globe, so you couldn’t follow any one person.

If you liked the trailer, then you saw the best bits of this film. It is typical of Hollywood to treat moviegoers like small children and force a wash your hands message until we are sick of it. Pass it along maybe the real contagion is to not to see it. – Matt H .

Letter Re: Anthrax Review for TEOTW

Dear Mr. Rawles,
 I have just one brief addition to Dr. Bob’s excellent synopsis of the dangers of anthrax regarding treatment/prevention with antibiotics. First, I must commend Dr. Bob on all of his important advice, and for his courage to offer a much needed service (the prescribing of antibiotics in advance of need) in this highly litigious society.
Understanding that in TEOTWAWKI our current risk:benefit analysis will be drastically changed, and short-course antibiotic therapy may be all that is available to us, I felt compelled to mention the current CDC recommendations regarding duration of therapy. Antibiotic use in inhaled anthrax is slightly different in prophylaxis (prevention of the disease in those who have been exposed, but are yet to display symptoms) and in treatment (those who have already begun the flu-like symptoms described by Dr. Bob).
The adult prophylactic regimen recommended consists of oral ciprofloxacin 500mg twice daily or oral doxycycline 100mg twice daily taken for 60 days.  For treatment of anthrax, either of the two above agents should be started via intravenous administration (cipro dose is 400mg twice daily, doxy dose is the same as oral) in combination with another intravenous agent, such as clindamycin 900mg every 8 hours. As the patient’s condition improves, the oral route of administration may be substituted, and it may be possible to discontinue the additional antibiotic (in this example, clindamycin). Again, the total therapy should be continued for 60 days. Other antibiotic combinations are recommended as alternatives, but these are the most commonly cited and are available generically, that is, they are affordable.
Obviously, intravenous administration will be impossible for most folks if the Schumer hits the fan, so we may have to do the best we can with oral administration – which should stand a decent chance of success if the patient is well enough to swallow and has a functional gut, as most of these drugs are well-absorbed from the GI tract. The uncommonly long duration of therapy is a function of the life cycle of Bacillus anthracis, the causative organism of anthrax. The inhaled spores typically germinate into the toxin-producing bacterium within 7 days; however, some take longer. I am not an infectious disease specialist, nor a medical microbiologist, but I suspect that the 60 day antibiotic recommendation is a bit on the safe side. If the emergency need arises and organized health care is not available, any duration of antibiotic therapy beyond 7 days would certainly be better than nothing. The committed prepper should, however, be aware of the possible need for considerably more antibiotics than the typical 7-10 day course of therapy would call for.
Again, many thanks to Dr. Bob for his frequent contributions to SurvivalBlog! – S.H. in Georgia

Economics and Investing:

A reader in New Hampshire wrote to ask for my near-term economic predictions. Here they are, in a nutshell: Major turmoil in global credit markets will continue. Greece will require a huge, painful bailout.The credit pool is presently near collapse, and desperate attempts will be made to re-liquify the system. This means Trillions of new dollars, again created out of thin air, by Ben Bernanke’s legerdemain. The job and real estate markets will continue to deteriorate. Taxes and “fees” will be squeezed out of us turnips, by clever new artifices. Currency inflation will become an all to obvious (and popular) alternative form of taxation, in all of the developed countries. The cost of living will become painful. There will be some spectacular defaults, including some municipal bonds. Several large hedge funds are likely to go under, as derivative counter-party risk skyrockets. There will be some brokerage house problems as well, possibly requiring yet another expensive bailout. Precious metals will continue in bull market trends, but will become even more volatile, with $300 daily swings in gold becoming commonplace. There will be some huge scares in the metals markets, when margin requirements are raised to absurd levels on futures contracts. But the lights will stay on and the supermarkets shelves will still stay stocked. Probably.

Michael Z. Williamson (SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large) sent the link to a fascinating web site: Priced In Gold. Mike quotes an e-mail from a friend about the site: “Good charts, and pretty interesting. For example, when the Federal minimum wage was introduced in 1938, at $0.25/hr, it was 222mgAu/hr. Now, despite being $7.25/hr, the minimum wage is only 127mgAu/hr. Or, in terms of what the Feds think is a minimum wage, they’re admitting that they’ve inflated the currency by a factor of more than 50, relative to gold.” And Mike pointedly provides another way of looking at this: “They’ve depreciated our buying power by almost 50%.”

K.A.F. sent this alarming news of potential chaos from Greece: Country in a state of emergency.

Marc Faber Says Gold Is “Dirt Cheap” & The Price Could Reach $10,000 Per Ounce

Items from The Economatrix:

Consumer Borrowing Up for 10th Straight Month

WikiLeaks Discloses the Reason(s) Behind China’s Shadow Gold-Buying Spree

False Comparison to 2008

When the China Bubble Bursts

Odds ‘n Sods:

K.A.F. flagged this: Antique Apples Getting a New Life.

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For those living in or near Denver, there is a Self Reliance Expo scheduled for September 16th and 17th. They will have a lot of great exhibitors. SurvivalBlog will have a staffer there walking the show floor, to do a write-up. One of the exhibitors at the expo will be a new company called Pantry Paratus. Their web store will soon be launched. They have a great line of preparedness products, with an emphasis on do-it-yourself food processing and storage. Their broad line of products includes a great selection of self-sufficiency books, Berkey water filters, Wondermills (both hand and electric), Excalibur Dehydrators, All-American Pressure Canners, and Tattler re-useable canning lids. Be sure to drop by their booth. Oh, and speaking of Tattler, they will also be an exhibitor there. Another SurvivalBlog advertiser there will be: Shelf Reliance.

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Tactical Intelligence rates the Top 10 Most Influential Survival and Preparedness Blogs.

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K.A.F. flagged some more Nanny State insanity: Disarming the Toy Gun Menace.

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A friend in Japan wrote to give the gist of the narration in a March 11, 2011: Japanese tsunami video that I linked to last week. He explained: “In this video, the driver was very lucky. His car was knocked into a kind of storage facility, and he got out and managed to get to the top of the building along with the other workers there. The car was obviously abandoned, but the camera was retrieved after the water had retreated. So he was in the car while this was filming.”

Notes from JWR:

Today marks 10th anniversary of 9-11-2001. We have not forgotten the nearly 3,000 lives that were taken by Islamic terrorists. Please remember the families of the victims in your prayers..

Soon after 9/11/01 our nation launched what some have dubbed the Global War On a Noun. We can never win a war against a tactic. We need to have a defined enemy. Unfortunately, too few in Washington D.C. have the requisite fortitude to close our borders to radical Islamists and to expel those of them who are already here. Sadly, I believe that won’t happen until after a couple of terrorists nukes or dirty bombs are detonated in American cities, most likely on the same day. That will be our reward for playing by the Marquess of Queensberry Rules and trying to be “The Nice Guys.”

Today we present another entry for Round 36 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include:

First Prize: A.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and B.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $300 value.) C.) A 9-Tray Excalibur Food Dehydrator from (a $275 value), D.) A $250 gift certificate from Sunflower Ammo, and E.) An M17 medical kit from JRH Enterprises (a $179.95 value).

Second Prize: A.) A Glock form factor SIRT laser training pistol. It is a $439 value courtesy of Next Level Training. B.) A “grab bag” of preparedness gear and books from Jim’s Amazing Secret Bunker of Redundant Redundancy (JASBORR) with a retail value of at least $300, C.) A $250 gift card from Emergency Essentials, and D.) two cases of Meals, Ready to Eat (MREs), courtesy of (a $180 value).

Third Prize: A.) A Royal Berkey water filter, courtesy of Directive 21. (This filter system is a $275 value.), B.) Expanded sets of both washable feminine pads and liners, donated by Naturally Cozy. This is a $185 retail value, and C.) Two Super Survival Pack seed collections, a $150 value, courtesy of Seed for Security.

Round 36 ends on September 30th, so get busy writing and e-mail us your entry. Remember that articles that relate practical “how to” skills for survival have an advantage in the judging.

Protecting You and Yours During a Mass Casualty Incident, by Officer Tackleberry

Unfortunately, mass casualty incidents have become more and more frequent both worldwide and here in the U.S.  A mass casualty incident takes on several names with suicide bombing, active shooter, and multi-prong attacks being the most common.  The primary goal of all of these incidents is the same: kill and maim as many people as possible while maximizing fear and chaos.

Before I go in to the details of this article, I need to provide a precursor.  I will be providing details on how you can respond as well as awareness to avoid and/or prevent being a victim of such an incident.  I learned these things through being involved in law enforcement for the past several years and being exposed to some top-notch training opportunities.  However, I am not revealing any kind secret or sensitive information.  Anything I am providing in this article is available through a variety of open sources, especially the Internet.  I am just putting it all in one convenient place.

Situational Awareness is the First Step
Situational awareness needs to become second nature for all of us.  When I walk into a place, especially someplace new, I look for three specific things:

  • Escape Routes
  • Improvised Weapons
  • Cover

Escape routes are first and foremost as the Nike Defense [running away] may be your best defense.  Even if you have your CCW permit and are carrying a weapon, it may be in your best interest to evacuate immediately, especially if your family is with you.  To quickly disseminate escape routes, look for exit signs, stairwells and the evacuation route signs that are commonly posted near the primary entrance/exit of most businesses and/or individual rooms in a building.

Unfortunately, even if you are a law-abiding citizen with a CCW permit, there are many places that you cannot legally carry a gun.  The other unfortunate outcome of not being allowed to be legally armed in a certain area is that attackers view these areas as “target-rich environments.”  One thing you can do is to always be on the lookout for improvised weapons.  One of my favorite improvised weapons to find when I go into a room or building is a fire extinguisher.  My motto is “spray ‘em with the white stuff and hit ‘em with the red thing.”  Also, be on the lookout for any kind of impact weapon or one that you can stab and slash with.

Non-improvised weapons that can commonly be carried where guns are not allowed are pepper spray, flashlights, especially the small metal ones that have the serrated edges on the end, and/or some kind of impact weapon such as a telescoping baton.  Another great impact weapon that has a tendency to “fly under the radar” is the travel wrench that was invented by Martial Arts expert Kelly Worden.  Edged weapons are also an option and one only needs to look at the clips that readily visible on the outside of pants pockets no matter where you go to know that there are a plethora of knives being carried every day.

Now, if you feel that you must and/or are forced to counter-attack the attacker(s), there are three things that you can do to maximize your potential for success.  First, always seek a position of advantage.  Being able to ambush your attacker from the side or behind is almost always the best approach.  Second, attack him when he is most vulnerable.  This is usually when he is reloading, trying to fix a weapon malfunction or focused on other targets away from you.  Third, there really is strength in numbers.  If there are 2 or 3 of you, have a plan ahead of time and decide what each person is going to do.  Several years ago, a man was shooting at the White House while walking down the roadway.  Two citizens who did not know each other quickly formulated a plan that one would hit the shooter high and the other one would hit him low.  When the shooter stopped to reload, they took him to the ground without being injured themselves.

The third part of situational awareness is recognizing and understanding cover.  You need to know what you can hide behind that will stop bullets and/or shrapnel.  One of the first things that many people think of as cover is doors.  This couldn’t be further from the truth.  I know of several cases where law enforcement officers and civilians have been shot through doors, even the heavier doors that are on the front of houses and apartments.  Instead of just relying on a single thing, such as a door, think of layering.  You put multiple thick, heavy barriers between you and the threat.

Another advantage that cover gives you is a better platform in which you can effectively return fire if you have a gun and choose to do so.  A great place to use for cover is the corner of a hallway, a recessed doorway and/or a door frame.  Think about how these three areas in particular are constructed: usually heavy wood, steel, concrete and/or cement blocks.

Using proper techniques in the use of cover will help you to maximize the cover available in these areas.   The techniques that I am specifically talking about are slicing the pie and using dropouts.  An actual description of how these techniques are performed is beyond the scope of this article and there are multiple ways to do them.  I encourage each of you to seek quality training if you choose to carry a firearm and find one that teaches these techniques as well. 

Dealing with Suicide Bombers
Another method of attack that is common in mass casualty incidents is the suicide bomber.  These attacks are common in several parts of the world and the 9/11 attacks were a form of suicide bombing.  There was also an attack that was thwarted by the NYPD’s Emergency Services Unit in 1996.  If you want to learn more about this planned attack you can do a web search on the phrase “Jihad in Brooklyn”.

The reason I bring up suicide bombers is to try to provide each of you an awareness of some things to look for.  A few of the common traits are as follows:

  • Clothing that does not match the weather; specifically heavy coats or clothing in warm weather
  • Backpacks, satchels or other bag that seems heavy/overloaded, especially if you hear the sounds of metal clanking
  • Someone walking around in a zombie-like stare and is oblivious to what’s going on around him.  This person seems very focused, almost as if on a mission
  • A person who’s in that zombie-like state previously mentioned and they are now talking to them self in a low tone.  It’s possible that this person is building up their courage to follow through and/or repeating set prayers just before the attack
  • Someone who’s pale, sweaty or stuttering, as if they are extremely nervous
  • Someone who has covered themselves with massive amounts of cologne.  Many suicide bombers spend the night before their mission repeatedly bathing and applying cologne to prepare themselves to meet their virgins in paradise

This is not meant to be an exhaustive list of traits and I encourage each of you to research this subject more.  Also, just because you see one or two of these traits in a single person, it doesn’t mean that this person is an immediate threat.  However, if I see several of these indicators in a person, I am getting my family and myself out of the area immediately.  Then I am calling 911 with a specific description of the person and his location.

When dealing with the possibility of suicide bomber attacks, you need to keep in mind that even a small backpack bomb or suicide vest can be lethal out to several hundred feet.  Knowing escape routes and how to recognize/use effective cover is a must. 

Also, remember the “Plus-1” rule when dealing with attackers in a mass casualty incident.  Where there is one, always expect there to be at least one more.  This applies to avenues of escape as well as where the primary attack occurs.  It’s not uncommon for there to be secondary attackers and/or bombs that are meant to kill and maim first responders and those who survived the initial attack.  If my family and I are in an area where an incident like this occurs, once we escape the primary area then we are getting clear of the area immediately around it, especially parking lots, as quickly as possible.  We can come back later to get our vehicle or any purchases.

The End Result
Please don’t think that I am encouraging any of you to actively respond to an attacker during such an incident.  There is a lot that could go wrong for you if you choose to do so with being shot by responding police officers if you have a gun out as the primary thing that could go bad for you quickly.  Have a plan ahead of time of what you would do and reasons that you would choose to respond during such an incident.  This includes how best to deal with law enforcement once they arrive.  Quality firearms and CCW classes should address this issue specifically.

I am, however, encouraging each of you to take an active role in your situational awareness and in preparing yourself and your family to deal with such an incident.

I pray for God’s Blessing on each and every one of you!

Letter Re: SKS Rifles in Canada

Dear JWR:
Fearing confiscations of the more “controversial” VZ-58 clones that have hit the Canadian market, I recently sold one and am actively trying to sell another.  Not wanting to sell the thousands of rounds of 7.62×39 Czech surplus ammunition I have for them, I have been giving very serious consideration to procuring one (or several) SKSs as a replacement.

To be clear, I don’t think the SKS is the best choice for a primary rifle.  For me personally, that honour belongs to the AR-15 in .223 (even if, as required by Canadian law, mags must be pinned to 5 and a permit is needed to transport it, and even then only to a designated shooting range) for tactical purposes, and the Marlin XL7 in .308 for sporting purposes.  That said, I believe the SKS is an excellent well rounded choice, especially within the Canadian market given the sticky situation with Canadian laws.

Unfortunately, under Canada’s draconian gun laws, the specter of gun confiscations is always present.  In lieu of massive confiscations in the 1990s, the growing trend in government gun confiscations has been to confiscate and strictly reclassify guns with the few owners, as there are fewer dissenting voices to protest the blatant government thievery.  At recently as last year, approximately 30 owners of Norinco Type 97 bullpup carbines had their guns confiscated by the government at the behest of the national police.
Marstar Canada, a prominent name in the Canadian firearms industry, recently imported and started distributing a huge shipment of military surplus, Norinco Type 56 SKS carbines (believed to be in the thousands of rifles).  Various makes and models of the SKS have been on the Canadian market for years and the price point has seen to it that it is commonly owned among those with a firearms license.  The newly imported shipment by Marstar has caused a lot of dealers to offer very good deals for them.
Being classified as a Non-Restricted firearm, the SKS has the fewest regulations associated with ownership, transport, storage, and operation.  This coming fall, it is a near certainty the ruling Conservative Party will succeed to abolish the hated long gun registry, meaning there is a very good chance (although not a certainty) that the SKS will no longer be required to be registered with the national police.
The going price for an SKS in Canada ranges from CAD$150 to CAD$300, making it a very good value that is probably the most secure choice against government confiscation.  I highly encourage your Canadian readers to consider procuring one, or perhaps ten.  

Personally, I think these rifles will be a very good hedge on inflation and if TSHTF, they will have enormous bartering potential. – Mr. X

Letter Re: A Photovoltaic Lighting Option

Hi Jim,

Just bought a bunch of these ‘underwater’ solar floodlights, from Northern Tool:

Sunforce Solar Powered Underwater LED Floodlight, Item# 121178

They are very bright for a single LED and they will stay on until dawn if they get a full day’s charge. The light is more of a spot light and is better than most flashlights being able to light up over 60 feet away fairly well.

These are great for low maintenance perimeter lighting and [unlike typical solar pathway lights,] are waterproof. Their batteries are NiMH AA cells and are replaceable. The lights plug into the panel with a standard DC barrel connector. They have both stake and screw mounts for all sorts of mounting options.

They are currently on clearance for $19 and won’t last long. They are a great deal at this price. – SBReader

Economics and Investing:

The game of public debt charades in the District of Criminals (DC) continues: Senate Approves $500 Billion Increase in Borrowing Authority. (Thanks to Chris G. for the link.)

Some interesting research by Mac Slavo of SHTFPlan: Banks, Governments Move To Restrict Personal Gold Bullion Purchases

Over at The Daily Bell: Fitch May Downgrade China and Japan: Worldwide Depression Draws Closer

I found this linked over at The Drudge Report: World Entering ‘Dangerous New Phase’: Lagarde

Items from The Economatrix:

The Future for Most Americans:  Pathetic Jobs, Bad Debts, and a Lousy Economy

Bring Out Your Dead – UBS Quantifies Costs of Euro Breakup, Warns of Collapse of Banking System and Civil War

Chart Shock:  The Real Unemployment Rate is 22%

All Hands On Deck:  Economy Imploding / DEFCON ONE Imminent / Gold & Silver Skyrocket