Notes from JWR:

Today (Tuesday, November 6, 2012) is Election Day in the United States Please vote for candidates who defend personal liberty and who favor smaller, less intrusive government.

Today we present another entry for Round 43 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include:

First Prize: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and C.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $350 value.) D.) a $300 gift certificate from CJL Enterprize, for any of their military surplus gear, E.) A 9-Tray Excalibur Food Dehydrator from (a $300 value), and F.) A $250 gift certificate from Sunflower Ammo. and G.) A $200 gift certificate, donated by Shelf Reliance.

Second Prize: A.) A Glock form factor SIRT laser training pistol and a SIRT AR-15/M4 Laser Training Bolt, courtesy of Next Level Training. Together, these have a retail value of $589. B.) A FloJak FP-50 stainless steel hand well pump (a $600 value), courtesy of C.) A “grab bag” of preparedness gear and books from Jim’s Amazing Secret Bunker of Redundant Redundancy (JASBORR) with a retail value of at least $300, D.) A $250 gift card from Emergency Essentials, E.) Two cases of Meals, Ready to Eat (MREs), courtesy of (a $180 value) and F.) A Tactical Trauma Bag #3 from JRH Enterprises (a $200 value).

Third Prize: A.) A Royal Berkey water filter, courtesy of Directive 21. (This filter system is a $275 value.), B.) A large handmade clothes drying rack, a washboard and a Homesteading for Beginners DVD, all courtesy of The Homestead Store, with a combined value of $206, C.) Expanded sets of both washable feminine pads and liners, donated by Naturally Cozy. This is a $185 retail value, D.) A Commence Fire! emergency stove with three tinder refill kits. (A $160 value.), and E.) Two Super Survival Pack seed collections, a $150 value, courtesy of Seed for Security.

Round 43 ends on November 30th, so get busy writing and e-mail us your entry. Remember that there is a 1,500-word minimum, and that articles on practical “how to” skills for survival have an advantage in the judging.

But first, some brief commentary from your Editor:

Hurricane Sandy Hits Home With The Eastern News Media

The preparedness movement in America just got a huge boost with Hurricane Sandy. In effect, the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy vindicated America’s once marginalized survivalists and preppers. It is one thing to talk about major disasters abstractly from a distance, but quite another to live through one yourself. Heretofore, mainstream media reporters have tended to ignore societal fragility and vulnerability issues. But now they’ve felt the impact personally. Our friend Tamara, over at the View From The Porch blog astutely observed that New York City is “the navel of the news media universe.” And the greater New York City region was hit hard by Sandy. So, unlike Hurricane Katrina on the Gulf Coast in 2005, I predict that the Hurricane Sandy experience will spur mass media reporters to cover preparedness topics with greater seriousness.

I was just interviewed by a USA Today reporter and I noticed a pleasant change. He showed no trace of the incredulity, snobbishness, and bemused detachment that I’d heard before from East Coast reporters when discussing preparedness. They have now seen the elephant.

In the coming weeks, I hope to see much more complete and earnest reporting on preparedness from news outlets like The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. (See, for example, this recent piece: Dining Through Disaster.) And if you thought that National Geographic’s Doomsday Preppers was popular before… Well, in my estimation they’ve just been handed assurance of a multi-season renewal.

While Hurricane Sandy didn’t turn everyone on the East Coast into preppers, it has most assuredly reduced the the teasing and taunting of preppers. And if nothing else, it will raise America’s preparedness quotient–at least for a little while. (There will probably be some bargains on “like new” backup generators in about a year, as Mr. and Mrs. Mundane lose interest in disaster readiness.)

Addenda: Just after writing this, a reader sent me a link to an editorial piece by Mike Adams of Natural News that echoes my observations: Liberal media, White House owes preppers and survivalists a massive apology in the aftermath of superstorm Sandy

A Veterinarian’s Perspective on Prepper Medicine, by D.A., DVM

First let me advise you that I am not an MD, nor am I qualified or authorized to give medical advice to humans.  Keep in mind, however, that we are all animals.  The information herein is for reference only, and I bear no liability for misuse or adverse effects (allergy) by using any of these antibiotics.  Essentially all of the antibiotics used in veterinary medicine are from human medicine, and most were tested on animals before being used in humans.  Although you may have used a particular antibiotic in the past, your body may have developed a sensitivity or allergy to the very same product since then, and you should discontinue any medication if you are exhibiting negative signs (usually a rash).

Everybody gets sick sooner or later.  It can be a mild “cold” or upper respiratory infection, or blood poisoning from an infected scratch.  In a post-disaster situation, the risk of infection likely will go way up, due to lack of medical care, contamination, stress, poor nutrition, exposure, and reduced hygiene.  Even gunshot wounds are possible, or lacerations and broken bones.  Having a stock assortment of common antibiotics ready now is a good idea.

Antibiotics don’t change to poison the day after they expire.  It has been proven that antibiotics are safe to use for at least five (5) years beyond their expiration date.  Don’t throw away expired antibiotics or other medications for that matter.  They may not be as effective as when they were “fresh,” but they are probably 90+% still active.  In a disaster situation they may not be available again for a long time, and you’ll be longing for the Amoxicillin you flushed down the toilet. [JWR Adds: The only exception might be cycline family antibiotics, which have been reported to cause Fanconi Syndrome when they break down. This has been previously discussed in SurvivalBlog.]

Try the “First Choice” medicines; if they aren’t working, try another First Choice, or go to the “Resistant/2nd Choice” column.  You won’t have the luxury of doing a culture and sensitivity test to see what is causing your infection and what the best antibiotic is to eliminate it.  This will all be trial and error.  You have to give an antibiotic at least a three-day try before deciding it’s not working, and even slight improvement is a sign to continue what you’re on.  Don’t jump from one antibiotic to another unless symptoms are worsening.  Checking body temperature is a good way to judge.  If your former fever of 103°F is coming down, it’s a good indicator that things are improving.  (Add a digital or “old fashioned” thermometer to your list.)

An abscess generally needs to be drained before it will heal.  That means lancing it at some point to “let the corruption out” of the body.  Your immune system is trying to throw out the bacteria by killing and consuming it, creating pus, but sometimes the bacteria reproduces faster than the white blood cells can work.  That’s where antibiotics help out by interfering with the bacteria’s reproduction or by actually killing the bugs.  Often the abscess will rupture by itself, when the skin over the infection breaks down, but you can also get pretty sick before that happens.  (Add a half-dozen scalpel blades to that list, too; #10 curved edge for slicing, #11 sharp point for lancing.)

There are various categories of antibiotics, such as the penicillins (-cillins), sulfas (sulfa-), tetracyclines (-cyclines), and fluoroquinolones (-oxacins).  If you have Ciprofloxacin and it isn’t working, then the other “-oxacins” probably won’t be any better.  This isn’t always a hard/fast rule.  Amoxicillin may not knock down a cat bite abscess, but amoxicillin-clavulinic acid combination usually will.  Survival medicine is a situation where you do what you can with what you have.  And add lots of prayer.

An antibiotic doesn’t do the job of wiping out infection all by itself; it basically gives your own immune system a “backup.”  You can optimize the effect of an antibiotic by keeping yourself well hydrated, warm, comfortable, well-fed, and by reducing stress as much as possible. 

If you are stocking up, it would be good to have something from each category, such as Amoxicillin, Cephalexin, Ciprofloxacin, Doxycycline, and Trimethoprim-sulfa.  Or substitute Amoxi-Clavulinic acid for plain Amoxi.  It’s a “bigger gun” for treating infection.  Also, you want to use the first line of antibiotics in nearly all cases (exception might be a bullet wound or deep laceration).  If you continually use the strongest/newest antibiotic, you risk developing resistance to that antibiotic.  And use the antibiotic until you are certain the infection is over, and add a few days treatment to be sure.  A wound would usually take two weeks’ treatment or more.

Cost can be an issue with some antibiotics.  I traveled to a very remote atoll in 1997, and I knew the place was a virtual cesspool.  I asked my doc for a prescription for a week’s worth of Ciprofloxacin, and the 14 tablets cost me $100.  Today you can get 30 for $4.  Generics in nearly all cases are just as effective as the original trade-named product.  Some in-store pharmacies (Wal-Mart, Sam’s Club, Giant Eagle) offer a 30-day supply or 30 doses of common antibiotics and other medicines for just $4, or sometimes free. 

Viral infections, such as flu, are not affected by antibiotics.  But my opinion always has been that if a virus is causing damage, there are secondary bacterial “opportunists” that are also present, and an antibiotic can’t hurt.  It may reduce the overall recovery time.

I’m not including injectable antibiotics for several reasons.  First, they require syringes and needles, which in today’s world are used only once and replaced.  Before plastic came along, syringes were made of metal and glass and were reused until worn out.  Needles were re-sharpened, sterilized, and reused as well.  Not nearly as sharp as today’s disposables.  Second, many injectable antibiotics require refrigeration and may have a shorter shelf-life overall.  Third, once you put it in, you can’t take it back out, but you can stop giving tablets if there is a reaction.  Lastly, injectable antibiotics are nearly always in glass vials or bottles, and subject to breakage.


Infection Site
Urinary Tract                        First Choice                                                            Resistant/2nd Choice
                                    Amoxicillin                                                            Ciprofloxacin
                                    Amoxi/Clavulinic acid (Augmentin®)           
                                    Cefadroxil                                                               Cephalexin (Keflex®)                                   

Upper Respiratory (sinus, throat)

                                    Amoxicillin                                                            Azithromycin
                                    Amoxi/Clav                                                           Ciprofloxacin
                                    Cephadroxil/Cephalexin                                       Tetracycline/Doxycycline                                   

Lower Respiratory (bronchitis, pneumonia)

                                    Amoxi/Clav                                                          Azithromycin
                                    Cefadroxil                                                            Cephalosporin 2nd/3d gen.                                               
                                    Cephalexin                                                            Tetracycline/Doxycycline
                                    Ciprofloxacin                                                       Combinations

Skin/Soft Tissue (wounds, abscesses)

                                    Amoxi/Clav                                                          Clindamycin
                                    Cefadroxil                                                            Dicloxacillin
                                    Cephalexin                                                            Ciprofloxacin                                   
                                    Trimethoprim-Sulfonamide                                 Oxacillin

External Otitis (ear canal to the eardrum)

                                    Topical therapy:  Clotrimazole, Tresaderm, Ciprodex Otic
                                    (You want to use a liquid that will flow into the ear canal all the way to the ear drum.)

Internal Otitis (middle ear)

                                    Same as first-choice Lower Respiratory

Oral Infections

                                    Amoxi/Clav                                                            Metronidazole plus
                                    Clindamycin                                                            Amoxi/Clav

                                    Amoxi/Clav                                                            Clindamycin
                                    Cefadroxil                                                               Ciprofloxacin
                                    Cephalexin                                                              Metronidazole                                               

Human Dosages

     Amoxicillin:  500mg every 12 hours (severe 500mg every 8 hrs)
     Amoxicillin/Clavulinic acid:  500mg every 12 hours
     Ampicillin:  500mg every 12 hours
     Azithromycin:  500mg first day, then 250mg per day for 4 more days
     Cefadroxil:  500mg every 12 hours
     Cephalexin:  500mg every 12 hours
     Ciprofloxacin:  500, 750, or 1000mg once a day
     Clindamycin:  450mg every 6 hours
     Doxycycline:  100mg every 12 hours for 7-10 days
     Metronidazole:  500mg every 12 hours for 7 days
     Oxacillin/Cloxacillin/Dicloxacillin:  500mg every 6 hrs for 7-21 days
     Tetracycline:  500mg every 6 hours for 14-30 days
     Trimethoprim/Sulfonamide (Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim):  800mg every 12 hrs
Notes:  The two most important things you can do to prevent infection are wash your hands with soap and clean water often, and dental care: both brush and floss your teeth daily or three times a day

There is a “Guide to Veterinary Drugs for Human Consumption, Post-SHTF” that covers readily-available veterinary medicines that we can use [in true disasters].

However, it is just as easy (and probably less expensive) to buy from All-Day Chemist at  These are generics that are very affordable.

            If you are on your own, I would recommend having a couple weeks’ or a month’s worth of the following in the largest sizes (mg):

            Amoxi/Clavulinic acid (Augmentin®)
            Azithromycin (Z-Pack®)
            Cephalexin (Keflex®)

If you need a prescription, you might confide with your family doctor and tell him/her your concerns about preparing for all possibilities.  There are legal ramifications in the good old litigious USA, but if you’re lucky you’ll have a doc with common sense.  It would also be wise to read the antibiotic inserts (also available online at ) and familiarize yourself with what they’re used for, side effects, and dosages for various problems.  The dosages listed above are “shotgun” amounts, or highest levels.

About The Author: D.A. has had a veterinary career in mixed practice (large and small animals)

Letter Re: Hurricane Sandy: An Outsider’s Perspective

I don’t live anywhere near the affected area from Sandy, but now that we’ve had some firsthand accounts, I wanted to throw in my $.02 as an observer from afar:
When the storm hit, I defaulted to the main stream news channels and sites, which got old and repetitive quickly without being very informative.  To get a better feel for the local perspective, I resorted to my smart phone’s 5-0 police radio app.  By bouncing around and listening in on the various police, fire, and EMS dispatch feeds from Northeast counties and cities, I was able to get a better feel for the ground truth around the region and was also able to learn how “the authorities” prioritized their response to various incidents.  

The first thing I will mention is that government at all levels is better prepared than most citizens.  They have survival plans so that they can maintain operation, but that does not mean they will maintain services to citizens.  This is probably obvious to most readers here, but I thought it was important to mention that the government is heavily invested in the survival business.  They just won’t put it in those terms.

The second thing I noticed was that mobility was severely limited for everything but foot traffic.  Sometimes fire trucks could not respond to calls a few blocks away because of downed trees, water, and live power lines in the streets.  Later on, some response vehicles who were isolated from their stations were taken out of commission because they simply ran out of gas and could not get back to fill up the tank.

The third thing I noticed was that looters were the lowest priority during and immediately after the storm.  Responders called in suspicious characters from time to time, but most were too busy clearing roads, putting out fires, and fixing power line hazards to deal with looters.  This makes sense when you consider that loss of life from fires and downed power lines is more important than the theft of Mr. Jones’ big screen television.

I did hear one interesting call:  I don’t remember what city, but a fireman noticed three people walking in the storm wearing camouflage [uniforms].  I don’t know who they were, but they were immediately considered a threat.  If they were preppers, they need to learn to blend in.  If they were looters, God bless them for putting a big police target on their own backs.

One final observation.  This was not WWIII, and it would take something much bigger and of longer duration for things to degrade to that point.  Many amateur preppers put a disproportionate emphasis on armaments, and then when disaster strikes, they lack basic creature comforts and have to go primitive or bug out.  After Hurricane Sandy, which would you rather have had: a $2,000 tricked-out battle rifle or a decent generator and 50 gallons of gas?  From what I’ve seen and read from afar, thanks to the lack of roving mobs, security during Sandy could be as easily maintained with a .38 Special revolver or even a baseball bat.  After all, what’s the point of being prepared for the the zombie apocalypse if it means you suffer more during less severe disasters?
Thank you James for running a site where normal people can find and share reasonable, balanced information on preparedness.

God Bless, – Robert in Texas

Letter Re: Lessons From a Knife Attack

A local surveillance camera [in Albuquerque, New Mexico] caught this stabbing incident.  There are lots of lessons here, but I’d point out three: 1–the attack was quick, with no warning and no known reason, and 2–the victim fought back as best as he could, probably saving his life as the attacker was trying to stab him again and 3–“smoke shops” should be avoided. – Scott B.

Two Letters Re: Hurricane Sandy After Action Reports

I am a native New Yorker who has lived in the city for more than 30 years. As much as I would like to live elsewhere safer, I still very much love the city and have to remain here because of work and my mother. The recent devastation left by Sandy wreaked havoc in the city. You can read about plenty of details on the hurricane from the news and other posts so I’m just going to keep this post short based on some of the problems encountered that were unique to an urban environment. In addition to the basic necessities of being prepared, I would like to add some further precautions that can be utilized to help minimize some future problems that can occur in a highly populated city such as New York.

• Electronics/communications: Many people who were in downtown Manhattan had no power and these days, we are tied to our cell phones, laptops, etc. They had to travel uptown in desperation to charge their lifeline. Without a cell phone, there would be no way for many people to contact anyone. Having an extra external charger would’ve been handy along with another charger that utilizes AA batteries as part of their emergency kit will make a good last resort back up.
• Money: ATMs were down in certain places and because there was no power, restaurants and stores only accepted cash. If you had no cash and the ATM wasn’t working or was empty, you weren’t getting anything. Always have some cash on hand.
• Gas: This was a big problem since many people from surrounding areas had no gas due to power outages and so people from New Jersey, Long Island were driving to NYC to fill up. People waited more than 3 hours in line for gas. There was a lot of tension and anxiety caused by a gas shortage. Many gas stations were eventually closed when there was no gas left. My girlfriend had the foresight to remind me to fill up on gas before the storm hit so this should be a good lesson to fill up and stock up in advance of a possible disruption.
• Transportation: The lifeline of New York was cut off since trains were flooded along with extensive damage to the rails and tunnels. There was major traffic lasting hours since it created a bottleneck effect at the bridges that were open. There was also chaos at shuttle bus stops everywhere. Many buses were full and simply bypassed many passengers who were waiting for hours to get on and the city put restrictions by creating carpool lanes into Manhattan with a 3 passenger minimum. Any less and you would have been turned away. This turned what normally would have been a 30 minute commute into a three hour commute. Having a bike or being able to walk for long distances would eliminate the dependency on cars and public transportation.
• Of course, other typical events related to post disaster scenarios occurred (especially in poor neighborhoods like Coney Island) such as: food/water shortages and looting.

A great tragedy occurred in this great city. I hope that people here will start to wake up and become more self sufficient. Those who were spared have been given another chance to do better for themselves and their families in the future. For those who were directly affected, we all pray for your quick recovery. May peace be with you all – A.I.K.

Dear James,
Greetings from New Jersey and thank you for your fantastic blog. My power was not restored until Sunday after losing it one long week ago.

Survival preps, i.e. food, water definitely not a problem for me. Between frozen food,cans and home canned then long term food in Mylar and pails, I can go a year or more. This hurricane is a great “dry run” and those that endured devastation, my heart and prayers go out to them.

On the other hand, so many don’t even have the simple things a day or too. Simple things like filling the car or truck fuel tank before the storm, or getting a few more batteries. As the storm hit, I sat back, having gotten my sick elderly mom from the New Jersey shore, made contact with friends and relatives to try and get out of harm’s way. The power went out very early and within lays a comfort level knowing you can provide for you and your family.

Sitting around the table listening to the hand crank radio under the glow of the Coleman lantern. As the wind howled communications failed. Cell towers along the coast ceased. Roads closed throughout the state. Those with cell phones had no way to charge them if cell service was available.

As our procedure, the emergency two way radios were put into use. At midnight I heard the call signal and a brief verbal check in. We would monitor and contact every 8 hours. Communications are very important. Even someone’s a quarter mile away might as well be in Europe during an emergency, without communication, and a source of immediate back up or help if needed.

As the storm hit us harder, we lost contact with friends and family throughout the night. Communications can not be stressed enough.

The next morning, reports of devastation along the coast, of millions of people without power, without water and food. I’m sure not everyone believes in prepping for a year or more, but please, some cannot even feed themselves for two days without demanding that Uncle Sam must help them.

Within the day, people realized that without gas, you can’t drive or run generators. Without generators, no gas at the gas stations. Yes I personally saw lines at the few gas stations with gas and open over a mile long. Society was breaking down after just 24 hours.

Milk could not be delivered, no diesel for the trucks. Milk could not be picked up at the farms, again, no fuel. I ask, doesn’t anyone prepare?

During the day Tuesday, I get a radio message, rumor has it there is some looting, and its time to lock and load. So be it.

During the frost two days, you would hear generators running day and night. I thought to myself they must have huge amounts of fuel. In order to conserve, I would run it for few hours, shut it off and run it again. One by one, you heard the generators go silent. By conserving, 50 gallons would last for a month or more.

As for eating, oh my, we ate terrifically. Long slow cooked meals and knowing, it would be a long time before we ran out. And yes, there would be lots of rice and beans in the future, but not yet.

As of today, sunday, there still is no fuel available. Food distribution is at a stand still.

What have I learned. Fuel s critical. If you don’t have it, you won’t get it.

Cell phones become useless when the power s down. Alternate communications are a must. With that a thought. If the government became abusive, how would you spread the word? How would you get pictures out so others can see? Internet was not available locally and can be shut down at will by the government.

Have backups. My transistor radio stopped working. The crank up took its place.

Be ready to move fast. New York City was locked down. Tunnels and bridges closed. Have a way to travel and avoid check points.

People have lost everything and many more are suffering. Learn what you can from these warnings.

God bless America and pray for out country on Tuesday. – Rich S.

News From The American Redoubt:

Gun sales, concealed permits on rise in Wyoming before general election

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Wyoming’s wolf season is starting off slowly, but some zones have already closed, with the small quota numbers already reached. (FWIW, the standing joke in my region is that “wolf tags come 20 to a box.”)

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Mapping Migration: Who Moves To Idaho

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Sabotage in the Redoubt? Damage Reported At Sinclair Refinery Near Rawlins

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Man missing for a week came out of Idaho woods on his own

Economics and Investing:

Reader H.L. mentioned another good reason to keep plenty of greenback cash on hand, for emergencies: Sandy Price Gouging Probed: $7 Loaf of Bread, $10 Box of Matches. [JWR Adds: The truth is that in a free market there is no such thing as “gouging”–just willing sellers, willing buyers and a floating free market price. Large demand, short supply, and minimal opportunities to restock necessitate higher prices. The state Attorney General might just as well attempt to hand out speeding tickets at the Indy 500. But of course, be charitable in disasters.]

At Fierce Finance: New York’s Financial district creaks back to life

Cash-free Greek communities take off while economy collapses

Last Jobs Report Before Election Shows Economy In Virtual Standstill

Items from The Economatrix:

Consumer Spending Picks Up, But Savings A Worry

Why Germany Wants To See Its US Gold

News Not Revealing Real Reasons For Economic Collapse

Global Economic Crisis:  EU’s Jobless Rate Hits New High Of 11.6%

Chinese Financial System On The Brink Of Collapse

Odds ‘n Sods:

Avalanche Lily and I recently watched a movie (via Netflix streaming) that we can recommend: Sarah’s Key. Yes, it is the umpteenth movie about the WWII Holocaust, but its particular value is that it shows how obediently the Vichy French authorities became collaborators of Nazi mass murder, and how indifferent the general populace was to the Jewish roundup and deportation. A good companion piece is the documentary The Eye of Vichy. Is there a Velodrome or Drancy in our future? God forbid. Be vigilant for our cherished liberty.

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Some quite troubling news from Canada: Mask Avengers: Protesters To Show Faces Or Get 10 Years In Jail. (The Stasi would have loved this.)

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Poor Prior Planning: NY Man Charged in Gas Hoarding Case. Anyone who attempts to transport gasoline in non-DOT approved containers can expect to face arrest. (Thanks to Chris P. for the link.)

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Shaq’s New Shack: The mainstream media seems confused as to why multi-millionaire Shaquille O’Neal would buy a relatively modest $235,000 house in Mount Dora, Florida. (His other house is a70,000 square foot mansion.) Well, I suppose that those reporters have never read Alas, Babylon. (“Fort Repose” was a fictionalized Mount Dora.) Shaq probably reads SurvivalBlog, too.

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James K. spotted this: Drive On: Doomsday truck lets you survive in style. Also see: Multicat Video.

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

"Our emphasis in times of economic dislocation is reflective of our general emphasis on the individual, on productivity and creativity and on elements of community and cooperation. If we have a bias, then, it will be toward growing food rather than just buying it; toward hunting and fishing; toward being able to build rather than buy housing; toward general competence that abides in the individual rather that to the familiar patterns of consumerism." – Karl Hess, Editor, A Common Sense Strategy for Survivalists, p. 5, 1981

Notes from JWR:

Our friend Patrice Lewis (of the very entertaining Rural Revolution blog) reminded me that November is National Novel Writing Month. And November will indeed be an intensive writing month for me as I wrap up writing the remaining key passages of Expatriates. In a lucid dream, I finally came up with a method by which the Indonesians could attempt an invasion of Australia. I don’t want to spoil it, so I won’t give you any details. You’ll just have to wait until November of 2013 to find out…

This is the last day of the Ready Made Resources sale on Mountain House long term storage foods. They are offering 25% discounts and free shipping for Mountain House foods in #10 cans. The sale ends at midnight on November 5th.

Pat’s Product Review: Cold Steel Hold Out I

Make no mistake, given my druthers, I’d rather pick a large knife over a smaller knife. Now, you can get by with a smaller knife, but a larger knife can do more chores than most smaller knives can. When it comes to survival, on the streets, in the wilderness or in a SHTF scenario, my choice would be a larger knife for my needs, especially on the mean streets in our country.

My long-time friend, Lynn Thompson, who owns Cold Steel is a firm believer in big knives – either folders or fixed blade – and I can’t really find a lot of fault in his logic. Some months back, I did a review on the Cold Steel “Hold Out II” folding knife, and found it to be super-strong, and priced right, too. Now I’m commenting on the “Hold Out I” plain edge. Let’s get some of the specifications out of the way first: The blade length is 6″ – yes, you read that right SIX inches! It is made out of one of my favorite steels AUS 8A stainless – which I have found, over the years, to be a great compromise when it comes to price, as well as it holds a good edge a long time, and is fairly easy to re-sharpen. Overall length of the Hold Out I is 13 3/16″ – yeah, this hummer is big – even if it were a fixed blade knife. Blade thickness is 3.8mm – plenty of strength there! Weight is only 7.7-oz, so for such a massive knife, it is fairly light-weight. The handle material is G-10, some almost bullet-proof stuff that used to be used exclusively by custom knife makers. There is also a stainless steel clothing/pocket clip on the handle for ease of carry.

A quick review of this design goes back many years, as Lynn Thompson has always been fascinated with the “Black Knife” of Skean Dhu (Gaelic) of the ancient Scottish warriors. It was used as a utility or back-up knife, worn under the sleeve, tucked inside a jacket or slipped into the top of a stocking as it was thin, flat and pointy, and light as a feather. The Hold Out I features the record-breaking Tri-Ad lock, which is simply put, incredibly strong – you really need to check out the tests Cold Steel has performed on the Tri-Ad lock – you’ll find it on their web site – and you will be amazed at how strong this locking system is. Lynn Thompson isn’t afraid to put his knives to the test, and he proves it on his web site – I don’t know of any other knife company that provides this kind of proof on their web sites.

Okay, I know some of you, maybe most of you, are asking “really, a six inch bladed folding knife?” Yeah, and believe it or not, this thing isn’t as “clumsy” or hard to pack in pants pockets as you might think. Lynn Thompson usually carries two of the Hold Out I folders in his pants pockets – one on each side. At first, I also thought that this big of a folder would be a bit too much to carry in my cargo pants pocket. However, I hate to admit it, but I was wrong! I slipped the Hold Out I into my right front pants pocket and never gave it another thought – it just didn’t feel big or bulky in the least, not even when sitting at my PC for hours on end. Surprised? You bet I was!

The Hold Out I features a thin, acutely pointed tip that’s sharp as a needle – it can easily pierce some body armor as is glides effortlessly through many puncture resistant materials. Each blade is expertly hollow ground before being honed to a razor’s edge. And, I have said for many years, that Cold Steel set the gold standard for “sharp” when it comes to knives. Once word got out as to how sharp Cold Steel knives were, right out of the box, everyone else had to either jump on the band wagon or get left in the dust. Lynn Thompson is the “King Of Sharp”, if you ask me.

The G-10 handle scales are worth a mention, they offer a palm-hugging profile and a thin, flat lightly checkered cross section that resists rolling or twisting in the hand, while remaining comfortable and versatile enough to accommodate a wide variety of gripping styles – I know, I tried! The G-10 handle scales have several holes drilled through them, to lighten the overall weight of the knife, and aid in the balance. There are also friction grooves on the top back of the blade, for proper thumb placement in the fencing grip. Dual thumb studs on the blade aid in quick opening of the blade as well.

I can see the Hold Out I working as a wilderness survival knife, as well as an urban defender. I showed this sample to a lot of folks, and they simply couldn’t believe I was carrying a knife “that big” in my pants pocket. When the knife is opened, it will surely get anyone’s attention in short order. It reminds me of Mick Dundee saying: “That’s a knife…”  That’s the same comment you’ll be giving a bad guy if you are forced to pull the Hold Out I for self-defense. Believe me, the mere sight of this massive folder will probably be more than enough to make someone wish they had picked an easier target. As a wilderness survival knife – I found I could actually do some serious chopping with it – and the Tri-Ad lock never gave a hint of letting loose – the blade stayed open and firmly locked! The Hold Out I can easily replace packing a fixed blade knife on a camping trip or in a bug-out scenario – I kid you not. I’m a firm believe of less is more – and if I can get by with less, I’m a happy camper…and I believe you can get by just fine with the Hold Out I instead of a fixed blade knife in a SHTF scenario. This is one knife that you need to have in your bug-out bag – seriously!

I liked how fast the Hold Out I was in my hand – it was really faster than many smaller folding knives in different fighting grips. You can also choke-up on the handle for more precise cutting, or move your hand all the way down to the bottom of the handle, extending your reach by several inches in a self-defense situation, or for chopping purposes – we’re talking VERY versatile.

I have to admit, when I first opened-up the box the Hold Out I came in, the first thing to cross my mind was “Really, this is too big for a folder.” Yes, I was wrong. The Hold Out I will grow on you very fast, and will become a favorite for EDC (Every Day Carry) if you give it a chance. You’ll forget you’re carrying such a big folding knife, until you pull it out to use it. If someone pulled this knife out on me, I’d be heading to the hills – I wouldn’t want to fight against this knife unarmed! My Glock 23 or 27 would be clearing leather – I’m not about to face this knife without being well-armed! Even an untrained person could cause you serious harm with the Hold Out I simply by slashing out at you – keep your distance, simple as that.

As with all Cold Steel products, I believe you get more for your money – you can spend a lot more, but will you really be getting more? The Hold Out I has a full-retail of $159.99 and if you paid full-retail, you’d be getting a heck of a knife. However, you can shop around and find the Hold Out I for less money if you spend a little time on the ‘net. Even if you don’t, you’ll be getting one heck of a folder if you paid full-retail. You will impress your friends and family when you pull the Hold Out I out of your pocket and start doing some cutting chores – you’ll even impress yourself, as to what you can do with this folder. You can also get the Hold Out I with a partially serrated blade, too. So, you have a couple choices there. If you’re looking for one knife, to do many chores, then the Hold Out I might just be what you’re looking for – it can easily replace a fixed blade knife, and it can do most chores that are called upon by smaller folders. – SurvivalBlog Field Gear Editor Pat Cascio

Letter Re: Gas Can Pack Boards and Cargo Shelves

All the recent news stories showing people in New Jersey on foot queuing up at gas stations with red gas cans in hand, reminded me: gas cans are heavy! Did anyone think to put a old fashioned Pack Board in with the rest of the supplies? You know the kind, the one with the lip at the bottom? It would hold a two full gas cans with much less strain than carrying them in your hands. Or, how about taking a small load of fire wood to your relatives’ house? Just a thought. – Dale K.

JWR Replies: That is a valuable reminder. In addition to the older-generation military pack boards, keep in mind that ALICE Series (LC-1 and LC-2) backpack frames can have a cargo shelf clipped on, for the same effect. There are also commercially made (civilian) equivalent packs, like those made by Stansport and formerly by Kelty. These are often used by people who own remote “pack-in” or “ski-in” cabins, and for those who work at fire lookout towers that are only accessible by foot.

Letter Re: Laptop Becomes Oscilloscope and Waveform Generator

I’d like to tell the readers about an amazingly affordable electronics workbench tool that turns you laptop into an oscilloscope, and a lot more: Analog Discovery. This one card can
replace $10,000 worth of other gear. The student version is just $99. See a quick summary of the specifications.

I think that this is the Pico scope taken to the next level. This puts AM radio, FM radio, radar, sonar, ultrasound, spread-spectrum radio for secure communications, encryption tools for running secure comms over otherwise insecure channels, high-bandwidth servocontrol of machinery and countless other modern technologies in hands of the garage inventors, small businesses and university research groups. At my company we’ve been using much more expensive versions of this technology for a while.

The Digilent Analog Discovery design kit, developed in conjunction with Analog Devices Inc., is the first in a new line of all-in-one analog design kits that will enable engineering students to quickly and easily experiment with advanced technologies and build and test real-world, functional analog design circuits anytime, anywhere – right on their PCs. For the price of a textbook, students can purchase a low-cost analog hardware development platform and components, with access to downloadable teaching materials, reference designs and lab projects to design and implement analog circuits as a supplement to their core engineering curriculum.

The specs:

Dual 14-bit 105 MSPS ADC
Dual 14-bit 125 MSPS DAC
16 digital I/Os at 100 MSPS
Programmable power supply

It is designed to be an oscilloscope/AWG/logic analyser/digital pattern generator, so the usual caveats (5 MHz analogue input bandwidth) apply for such a device, but the screenshots
of the software look quite nice and Mac OS X and Linux versions are promised.

Like many here, I’m not too interested in this class of oscilloscope, but assuming it’s hackable it could be the basis for a cheap software defined radio transceiver. It doesn’t look like a schematic diagram is available, but Digilent often provides them. We’ll have to wait and see after it’s released.

Here is a write-up in EE Times: Disruption in the engineering classroom

And, one in EDN: The joys of tinkering, by Robert J. Bowman, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology.

Regards, – Chris M.

Three Letters Re: Hurricane Sandy After Action Reports

Let me first say we are doing well compared to the rest of the folks here on Long Island , NY . I am no hard core prepper but believe strongly that the need is there. We are in Nassau County and are served by LIPA, the Long Island Power Authority. As I write there are about 300,000 people here without power. Some of the things I have witnessed are very sad indeed and we were blessed to have our power back within two days.
South of where we live along the water the houses have had their basements flooded out. Even with prior storms my in-laws who live near the water had their basement flooded to the ledger board on their foundation. The water has never gotten that high since they have lived there for over fifty years. Everything in their basement was ruined. They had built up a sand berm but the water kept coming and then rushed into the basement, carrying the sand with it. Note to self, use sand bags. Upon entering their neighborhood the people were all on the streets taking their ruined belongings and bringing them to the curb. Everyone of them as I drove by had the “Thousand Yard Stare” made famous in pictures and photographs from World War II. We were able to give my in-laws our generator after they returned to their house. They bugged out to a hotel in a dry area of Long Island . Their Hotel lost power for a day.
Things that got us through the storm.
Over the past few years we have removed large trees that, had they fallen the right way, would have cut out house in two. We have three pre-teens and could not have dealt with their loss. After both my wife and I grew up near open water and the associated wind that can come off the water we learned not to have overhanging trees. While the shade generated from them cut out cooling bills, it’s just not worth it if you, or god forbid, your loved ones lose their life.
You need a generator (period)
Get a generator strong enough to power your refrigerator, a radio and a few lights. This saved us from having to throw out our newly purchased foods. We are fortunate to have both an old refrigerator (which seems to last much longer than the new ones with planned obsolescence built in, we are never getting rid of it) and a new one. The new one has better insulation. So what we did was take the ice from the ice maker and kept it in the freezer in zip-lock bags. This helped us build us the cooling thermal mass. We kept on letting the ice maker make more ice and put it in bags rather than letting the trip bar stop the ice making. If you think you don’t need a generator then get one anyway when there is a sale because someone you know will need it and being charitable may save someone’s life. After the storm here it got down into the 30’s and people froze in their houses.
Stock up on gasoline and stabilize it before the storm.
The Coast Guard shut the ports in NY which supply gasoline here and there are now huge lines for gas. We had about fifteen gallons in the garage and used about half of it before our power came back and we gave the rest to the in-laws to power their pumps to pump out their basement. We could have used a lot more gasoline. (check your local ordinances for storage limits) Again, learning from this instance, if you live in a low-lying area, rethink what you have in your basement. It was never this bad before and they lost everything in their basement.
Digitize every picture of sentimental value.
On the local news channel most people returned to their home to see if they could salvage any pictures. I can not tell you how sad I found this. If you are like some of my relatives and have, over the years amassed footlockers full of pictures maybe outsourcing is a good solution. Since we take digital pictures now, we save them on our hard drive and back them up to an external one terabyte USB hard drive. If we ever had to bug out we’d just take the USB drive and boogey.
Emergency food
Emergency food has helped us out. We went the canned route and slowly purchased canned meals like Ravioli with Meatballs and had them in-hand for use. We need to work on this as we were running out of milk and a few other items for the kids (lessons learned).
While camping this Summer in New England we went pretty deep into the Maine woods to Baxter State Park . There was no running water and we had to carry it in with the pickup. We used hanging bag showers to clean ourselves and we carried in about 10 gallons of water for a couple of days. Get yourself a good storage container for clean water. We used two five gallon Coleman water containers but a few milk containers with screw-on lids (Sterilized) would have helped.
While it could have gotten to an apocalyptic TEOTWAWKI situation here the big drama on “The Island” was as the gas pumps with fights breaking out as people tried to cut each other in line. One man was arrested for taking out a pistol. There is and was looting in other areas where homes are damaged and abandoned. Thankfully I did not have to rely on all the NRA patches I earned when I was a kid (I got to Barr III )
Batteries and power for “Crackberries” were a pretty big story here. In New York City people who had power ran power lines to the street to let others charge their cell phones. I use a battery back up pack for my phone and fill it with four double-a rechargeable batteries and keep them charged at all times. Link .This doubles my battery life but when the area lost power…so did the cell towers. So I’ll be studying for the Ham technician license. We have four hand held FRS walkie talkies that my son won in a Boy Scout Raffle a few years ago and it did not get to the point where we needed them. But they are great fun to use in the shopping mall to find your lost kids at no cost.
Walkability is how friendly your area is to walking. If you have to travel everywhere by car…in our current situation with gas shortages you’d be walking everywhere to get your food and supplies. While this has great health benefits you may end up burning more calories than you can take in. Get a bike and a hand operated bike pump with either a rack or basket to carry items. I need to get a hand operated air pump as I’ve been relying on the air compressor and it never occurred to me.
Psychological lessoned learned
Having survived the horrific scenes of 9/11 and losing many former colleagues (another  story for another day) and of the 2004 blackout here in NY, I learned that yes, you have to get your news from the media but if you watch the TV 24/7 you will lose your mind and get really really depressed. Get up from the “Idiot Box” as my parents used to call it and “Move a muscle and change a thought”. Getting up and around rather than hunkering down in your foxhole makes you feel “Big and Strong”.
Flaws and future plans
What I have learned is that a lot of people here needed our help. My in-laws come for dinner every night. They needed my generator when I was done with it. Our friends needed our extra heaters as they got their power back but their boiler (in the basement) was trashed and could not heat their house. Plan on being generous. Maybe someday it will come back to you as you have paid it forward.
I need to reconsider where we live. Right now I am unemployed from the financial community here in NY and have worked in Project Management and I am PMP certified. Hopefully the wife and kids will buy-in to the idea. Being a conservative in NY has not suited me well. My father had his life saved by a Naval Scholarship as his dad died at an early age from sclerosis of the liver (as my friend Bill says, he never took the first step).
I tried to join the Military but was unable to pass the physical due to a slight limp, I still got my pilots license though. I have not flown since 1995.
Hopefully my Project Management Experience will be able to help me pick up a job in another field somewhere safe. I have worked in banking and software development as a project manager and business analysis. I have traded for the worlds largest commodities firm (at the time) and know a bit about financial derivatives. Enough to know that it’s not the product but the greed behind it that ruins everything. So long as a trading desk is very profitable everybody in management leaves them alone. I’ve seen some pretty smart people (on paper) “Blow-up” and lose everything and then I’ve seen some pretty “street smart” kids make a killing.
In summation, while I’m no hard core prepper, I got by with the help from God and family. The 5 P’s are burned into my memory like a scar. Proper Preparation Produces Perfect Performance. Yes, I know there are derivatives of this saying. I was very happy to help other people. Because as soon as I got out of feeling sorry for myself I was able to feel great in helping others. This by the way has saved my life in another aspect. I’m an alcoholic and if I had not learned the lessons I had over half a decade ago things would have only gotten worse in this tragedy and I would not have my wits about me nor my family as they would have left many years ago.
I hope this has helped you. Best, – One Lucky Guy (and family).

Dear Rawles Family,
I have been an avid reader of your blog for about seven years. You actually recently featured a link on your blog to my radio show on blog talk radio called The Homeschool Homemaker where I discussed what Homeschoolers and Homemakers can learn from Preppers. I followed that with a radio show on how to prep for Sandy. I will be doing a follow up show shortly as the power was just now restored after being out for six days.
Your blog has changed my life.
The Good Lord Almighty and you are responsible for two proud moments in my life this last week. One, when I walked into Sam’s Club last Saturday morning among HUNDREDS of people in full fledged panic and a smart alec greeter at the door said snidely “If you are here for supplies we are out of generators, water, batteries and lots of other stuff.” I was able to just as smugly say back to him, “Then I guess it is a good thing that I already have those things on hand at home.” He looked genuinely shocked. I spent the next two hours avoiding panic stricken mobs, taking my children through the store and teaching them what they should have on hand at all times and forcing them to watch other people’s behavior. I told them what they could use as substitutes. I was able to get together a large list of wants (these were not needs as if I had to I could have survived at home, just not in luxury) and provisions for expected/unexpected guests. I shudder to think of what was going through the minds of those who needed those supplies and couldn’t find them anywhere. Those poor people.
The second was when we were able to provide shelter to some friends who badly needed it. They said it was like coming to a luxury hotel, and were able to take warm showers, have a large hot meal and tuck themselves and their children into warm beds. It was a joy. They remarked upon seeing how we were weathering things, “You are the most prepared people I have ever met!”. It was an honor to show hospitality in the name of the Lord in a time of trouble.
Here are some things I can share that may help my fellow readers.
1. Preparedness needs to be consistent, constant and progressive.
Had I waited till just the threat of Sandy was here I would not have been prepared to the level of comfort, maybe only to the level of survival.
For the last seven years we have moved, purchased and trained guard dogs, increased security, tucked ourselves into a small and preparedness minded community (hard to find for NJ) and slowly accumulated high quality items with long term preparedness goals in mind. This cannot be done in a week, not even in a month. It makes a HUGE difference.
2. Everything you say is true regarding the progression of things. It truly progressed in that fashion. People ignored the warnings, then were terrified when the storm hit, then panicked when they saw the aftermath. It is heartbreaking to see and I am not even in that immediate area. In my immediate area it is more that the cold and frustration was taking over, but the few neighbors who were not prepared quickly got out of town or found a way to manage. This is not what is happening in other areas.
 There is widespread looting. There is genuine hunger, thirst and terror. Others are moving from place to place as they don’t want to be a burden. Prices are skyrocketing and people seem to have lost the good sense God gave them. This is not where the storm damage is, it is just where the power is out!
3.We had an attempted break in on my street last night that happened within five minutes of the Husband leaving. Dogs stopped it. Someone tried my doors the night before. My dogs stopped it. The day after the storm my neighborhood was inundated with people looking for work or just looking. My guard dogs took care of that, but scams and criminals abound in even the areas not hard hit. If you have a choice between a security system and dogs, go with the dogs every time.
I will just say that many times when I have read here I have had a hard time accepting all of your advice. Thinking things would never progress that quickly or that bad. I was wrong. Just days in, you had to be very careful who knew you had hot water. People were starting to remark on who seemed to be living the high life and who wasn’t. You can see where this can quickly go.
Thanks to you, I was frying up chicken with mashed potatoes and drinking hot chocolate with whipped cream the day after the hurricane hit. I assumed we would not be able to leave the house as we would have to guard the generator and we were able to hold tight nearly a week now.
Of course now the shelves are all bare and the pumps are being rationed AND we have a huge snow storm coming. I am sorry for those who will lose even more.
This has helped me practice many preps, test them out and clarified places for improvement. People who mocked are now listening. People who thought that security wasn’t an issue if you “didn’t live in that type of area” have come to the horrifying realization that people who want to break in don’t have to live next to you to be a danger.
I am afraid we are in for much more because of the snow storm coming, but we shall see.
Thank you for all you do! – The Homeschool Homemaker


I’m grateful to you for sharing my post-Sandy updates. There is a “comfort” in reaching people. Here is Storm Update # 5:
Sunday morning. Relationships. They matter more than ever in an emergency. Yesterday, we burned through the decent firewood. We are now down to the rot. Before Sandy, I had contacted a landscaper to remove this stuff to make space for a new load. However, it fell to the wayside, in part because I had other priorities, and also because I was using this junk wood in our backyard fire pit. I logged in a call to the contractor who had provided us with firewood for the last seven years – his Fall advertisement was still on my desk. He remembered us, and though he was delivering in upstate Pennsylvania with orders backed-up, he understood the circumstances here and promised to deliver a heaping cord tomorrow. I thanked him, and headed out to clean-up our wood stack. This took several hours. The rot went into the mulch piles, which left two empty six by six inch railroad ties clear for the new wood. I also repositioned our eight-foot metal fireplace holder. Good to go.
Next, I turned to refilling the genny. I was mixing the stabilized emergency gasoline that had been under the tarp since last Spring, with the new gasoline I had obtained Friday. Normally, I would do first in, first out, but I didn’t want to risk the genny with bad fuel. While pouring the gas, our neighbor from behind the house (Mike) surprised me with a visit. He lives on a different street, and our last encounter had been testy as he had attempted to dig a drainage line over our property without permission. Don’t get me wrong, we resolved that episode. He had apologized, laying the blame on his contractor. Without rehashing the details, suffice to say that this was a knowing incursion onto our property. Still, I was of a mind to let there be peace.
Mike and I chatted for a while. He was cooking the last of his freezer meat on the barbecue – thus he had seen me – and was also a bit freaked. Though our prior encounter had not been the warmest, he was looking for camaraderie. Most of the neighbors on his side were also gone, and he never imagined that power-down could happen for a week in NJ! His genny, like ours, was also wired into critical systems. He had gasoline issues, food supplies in his basement and a baseball bat by the bed. He and his wife were “creeped out” at night. They had signed up for firearm instruction, but that was next month. Short story – I extended the olive branch, and told him I’d watch his back and to let me know if he needs anything. He agreed to do the same for us. I didn’t give him every detail on our situation, but enough. Relationships – they do matter. Perhaps one can be an island as a “prepper” in a hardened bunker in the Redoubt, but in my experience the folks that truly understand survival always acknowledge that it takes cooperation by a team of like-minded adults and children.
While I was busy at the house, my wife (Steph) was making a run to Whole Foods to see about fresh food. We got word through our friends on Twitter that the store was open, had generator power and had received a delivery. I reminded her that as the pet store was in the same shopping center, try to buy whatever bags they had available of Aslan’s dry dog food. I had bought two 20-pound bags pre-Sandy, but he’s a 70 pound shepherd and he rips through the chow.
Steph returned a few hours later with groceries. The entire shopping center was dark except Whole Foods. Fortunately, the pet store owners had set up a table outside and were walking customers in one at a time with a flashlight – cash only of course. She bought their last 20-pound bag and a few chewy treats.
Goods were unloaded, dishes hand washed, fireplace stoked, lanterns checked (fresh batteries for the non-rechargeables), dog walked and dinner cooked. Steph had purchased a mashed cauliflower side from Whole Foods, but upon sampling it in the pan with the onions, she tossed it. Spoiled. Lesson learned… she would ask for a taste at the store before buying any prepared items. After dinner – it’s dark, cold and windy – I did the genny refueling for the night, and observed that it was running a hair rougher to my ear. Note to self: could be the fuel mix, but six days of 24-hour running means that tomorrow I need to check the oil, carburetor, fuel line, etc.
Turning to the Shore, and a bit of positive news: I confirmed that mom had checked into the hotel. Eventually, we spoke via the mobile. Her phone battery charger had died the other day and she was otherwise busy with contractors, insurance adjusters, FEMA reps, etc. She had brought enough food with her from Pennsylvania, and in South Jersey, gasoline was not as much of a problem. As for our family home on the beach block, pretty much as expected. The garage had four feet of sand, the doors were destroyed from the waves and everything inside was history. The basement of the home (which is more like a first floor due to the home’s elevation) was trashed, a total loss of all systems (HVAC, pumps, washer, dryer, electrical, freezer, etc.). There was a foot of sand to dig out and everything will have to be removed to the foundation before the mold gets a grip. Thankfully, the first floor and above – having been built high in 1938 and all windows boarded-up for Sandy – suffered minimal damage. Mom told me that the local supermarket will not open for several days, but that other stores are beginning to show signs of life. The overall damage to the City is huge, and there is a foul “smell” in the air. She will do the back-and-forth from the house to the hotel until things are repaired. The only dependable contractor that has been helping her is the carpenter that our family has known for decades. Again, it’s all about relationships.
This isn’t the most riveting update, but life is all about the little things. Sometimes they take more energy than we imagine, and it wears you down. Our family realizes that our situation is so much better than that of others in NJ and NY, as well as other regions of the country. In part, that’s through our decisions and actions, but luck also plays a role. I’m told that power should be restored today, and that although our daughters’ school has one building without power or fire alarms, the main building will be open for classes tomorrow – Monday.
Best wishes to all. This might be the last update – in a good way. – Bill H.