A Short Review of a Complex Document: Armageddon Online, by Old Bobbert

I saw the link in the March 23rd  “Odds & Sods” to 297 free online reference books at Armageddon Online and began to drool with excitement powered by anticipation and saved the link to my desktop. Two days later, while sitting at my desk finishing off a small tube of Albuteral in my nebulizer, I finally followed up on that wonderful impulse to get something good for me for free. I soon found that “free” was actually $5, a small fee supported quite well by an apologetic explanation of the onslaught of used bandwidth when offered for free. We all owe Matt Anderson big thanks for his efforts to help others.

I was still excited ( $5 was cheap ) and paying my way was smartest prepper thing I had in the past twenty years of getting ready.

So then I slowly read down the two-column list of categories and their content titles and I was excited all over again.  I now have an “Armageddon Online” icon on my computer desktop. There are 29 different, and especially useful in these tense times, well chosen categories. I found a great many topics that I readily saw I needed more information on, or that I was a newbie guy on a particular topic. This was an enlightenment moment for me, I have doing family and community and church preparedness for twenty years. I have selected just a notable few items from the 297 for a brief overview in the hopes of putting you in the same awareness posture I had found myself, excited to be gaining better information for my family and  friends.

In no particular order, I looked at:

1. ARC – Are you ready – EARTHQUAKES – doing a plan for your home and then practice drop, cover, and hold on, twice a year. And there are 25+ more points, mostly well thought out one-liners.

2. ARC- Are you ready – WILDFIRES – Create a 30-50 foot safe area around your home  – 14 points of completion 7 points of home safety – 8 points of protecting your home – 13 POINTS OF CREATING YOUR FAMILY DISASTER PLAN !   PRACTICE   PRACTICE    PRACTICE and then teach someone else to do and to teach!

• Water supply • Latrines • Areas for washing up, washing clothes, ablutions • Drains • Kitchen (smoke, smell and fire risk) • Food storage • Rubbish disposal • Fuel dump and fire precautions • Areas for eating, working, sleeping and relaxing • Medical area tent/hut   (on the edge of the camp for privacy and safety).

ALL OF THESE ARE VERY IMPORTANT AND WORTH THE $5 ALONE! In this topic I found the “don’ts” to be extremely important and nearly identical to the US Army training from the early Viet Nam era. Even as a base camp commo  wienie  who stayed in the CONUS, I learned a lot about everyday successful field craft, about and health and hygiene..

You may well never have a second chance to stay healthy. You will not need to learn how to dig a grave twice.

4. FACT SHEET -FEMA TORNADOES – when you see or hear your very own tornado, it really is too late to start planning a response  / preparation plan. You will no longer be an observer, you are now the designated target / victim / named debrief topic of the afterwards report. Go to WWW.FEMA.GOV  and download the necessary publications concerning your concerns. This may be both your life saver and the only thing from the government you actually asked for. This powerful but still simple two page free item from FEMA   has great tidbits of life saving information: tornado facts, where and when, how to prepare, develop a communication plan, prepare your disaster supply kit, watches and warnings, danger signs, after the tornado, safety rules during. So how do I know this is important?

We lived in the so-called “TORNADO ALLEY – OHIO” for 45 years prior to moving to western range wildfire country.  I have personally watched funnel clouds pass overhead twice in my life. Yes, it really does sound just like an onrushing freight train!

5. DUTCH OVENS –   THIS IS A SUPERIOR SHORT ESSAY!! I am embarrassed to realize how little I know, about these wonders of outdoor culinary arts. And I will never again sneer at our resident ward Boy Scout leaders who make it look so easy. Eight pages packed with very well written useable directions, diagrams, and photographs with tags and pointers. The cleaning instructions are great and the buying information alone is worth much more than the $5 for the whole 29 7 documents.

6. PREPARING FOR DISASTER FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY AND OTHER SPECIAL NEEDS. This is an important topic that will effect nearly “everyone” in the very likely event of a serious disaster. The Red Cross booklet is 19 pages and is very well done. It is not preachy and is written in “common sense” daily language. It is an easy read and it is free.

 DISCLAIMER. I am 100% disabled veteran with COPD and diabetes. Our family’s disability experience is lengthy and personal.  My darling wife ( 47 years ) and I  are full guardians for her mentally disabled only brother. He has been our responsibility since 1968. He came home from the Korean War with a serious brain disability and has never recovered. After many years in hospitals and group homes, he has lived with us from 1992 until just recently when he needed to move to a very good local area rest home.  We do know about emergencies and the disabled. Our disabled brothers and sisters are everywhere, usually living quiet lives doing as much as they can for themselves and often doing much for others. Just stand at the entrances to our major shopping areas for a few hours and count the folks having difficulties just moving from the car to the store. It will be enlightening. If your family, your group, has no members  or relatives who are disabled, relax, we will find you in our hour of need. Here are just a few of the many web sites to obtain timely info on preparedness for our disabled and special needs brothers and sisters. Why should we care about these folks?



These are a few web sites suggested in Matt Anderson’s materials in the disabled preparedness area.

www.access-board.gov The Access Board
www.aoa.dhhs.gov DHHS Administration on Aging
www.ncd.gov National Council on Disability
www.nod.org/emergency National Organization on Disability
www.prepare.org Prepare.org
www.aapd.com American Association for People with Disabilities
www.afb.org American Foundation for the Blind
www.nad.org National Association of the Deaf
www.lacity.org/DOD Los Angeles City Department on Disability
www.easter-seals.org Easter Seals

For more in-depth information, get a copy of “Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities” (A5091) from the American Red Cross.


7. F.E.M.A. RR-28 / Reprinted July 1989



Think about bartering fully charged 12 volt car batteries for a discharged battery plus a few pre-1965 dimes or a quarter!

Actually the report / plans are 90 pages long , I put the full report on a flash drive and went to a quick print and had it ( all of it – every word )  printed into a booklet ( 8.5 x 11 ),  and i have a second set of pages for my backup.
i did this for $11, at my favorite copier place. The final page lists 5 company names and contact info so as to buy plans for other wood gas generators.

8. How to listen to World Radio or “Gee, I sure wish we knew what’s gonna happen next” or these darn cheap CBs just never work when there is a hill or something is going wrong” or “Quick, run to town and git the doctor, granny was chopping wood and cut off her finger.”

 There are ham operators in just about every area, every town and neighborhood. Use your favorite search engine  and close by zip codes to find your local ” ARRL ” American Radio Relay League”. Use the phone to set up a meet with a member. Ask about the “no code” Technician license. its easy and inexpensive.  Look the test up on the web. there are many free study web sites to help you. You will also want to learn as much as you can about matching antennas to bands and especially learn about not going nuts spending too much money. We put most of our limited funds into a very good world band receiver and dipole antenna system and a mid-quality small transceiver. they both need a 12 volt power system. For my tastes and my experience, design simplicity  and low cost is best most of the time for nearly everyone.

9. A FOOT POWERED PEDAL OPERATED GRAIN MILL _31 pages –  Peddle Operated Grain Mi#8D40E8

This is so darn simple I am surprised i didn’t know about the design in the past. The only problem i see is talking some one out of their used bike that still has working parts . The web page denotes a reprint by permission and i do not have that permission. However a single copy can be made for personal non commercial use, or for education, without permission. This is a great item to know about in advance of actually needing it. Go for it.

10. The final commentary  … and you thought I was going do do all 297…..

FIRST AID MANAGEMENT OF MINOR INJURIES – 157 PAGES – and they are all very well done, an easy read. I’ll start with the summary from the last page….

Minor accidents and injuries do occur on expeditions, but with knowledge and a reasonable medical kit most should be treatable in the field and should not impair the enjoyment of the expedition. The expedition medical officer has a responsibility to consider when an accident or injury requires more expert help and to arrange for the patients evacuation to a place of safety and competent care. So what do we learn from the summery?

 A. We need a medical officer / an MD / a DO / an RN / an EMT /a  herbalist / a nursing student, or heaven forbid, a skilled veterinarian doing his / her “good samaritan and not to be sued” team member / person of serious interest to the needy in our group / family.

B. We need a really good medical kit for the probable medical problems concerning injuries and accidents.

 I just googled for the following: ” EMT JUMP KIT CONTENTS LIST?”  and Ii found this neat web site from Emory University. http://www.emory.edu/EEMS/JumpBag.html

 The site has the lists needed, and pictures, for slow guys like me. We are now  ( this week and next )  working on inventorying the past few years of medical stuff we have acquired and will use this list to determine what to keep and what to get. After we look at the budget again, and again!!

From the viewpoint of age 72, 4 years in the military,  and recent CERT leadership training, there is a serious rule to be considered in every, no exceptions, every medical emergency situation.

You Must Take Care Of Yourself First    Stop!!  Look !! Think!!

Confirm your observations and plan with a partner if possible, or do it again if alone. Look ahead for secure footing. Look at the equipment you will take with you before you start. Know how you will return to safety before you move to the injured person. practice your tri-age in advance. Read the tri-age card in your wallet or purse.

Above all else, know your limits and know your tools.

Finally, before I start an important project, or activity, or begin a class, or attend a lecture, I pray for Heavenly help to learn and to understand, and especially that I might  be thankful for these opportunities.

Two Letters Re: Pre-Trib Rapture Doctrine and Preparedness

I’ve been researching the ‘rapture’ for a while now. I discovered that they all have something in common with the three theory’s of evolution. Each proves the other two wrong. My take is that I’m not smart enough to know Gods mind and it really don’t matter. When it happens it will happen. The bible says that he will come like a thief in the night. We are told to be working until he comes. So be it. I will prepare and prep as I can’t be effective if we’re starving because we didn’t heed the warnings in his word. We can’t help others if we are in the same boat because we didn’t do our after being warned. Rapture is not something to be worried about. It will come in Gods time. If it happens before the tribulation then my non-Christian friends will find some free supplies. – Ken S.

I’m almost surprised you tackled this subject in SurvivalBlog, but I understand the reasoning for doing so. Here is an article I wrote over 30 years ago entitled ‘Rapture When?’

In the event that you would like to know a little more about me, my testimony is pretty well summed up in this article ‘Pastor’s House Burns Down – In All Things, Praise The Lord.’

God bless and have a great day, – Fred

News From The American Redoubt:

Reader H.L. sent: Montana Governor Vetoes State Nullification of Federal Gun Grab. Sounds like Montana needs a new Governor. Oh well, at least there are a lot of Sheriffs there with some backbone.

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Some folks have jumped on the band wagon and now tout Tennessee as “The Redoubt of the East.” But violent crime statistics suggest that the American Redoubt is a much safer place to live. And the difference in the relative risk of being robbed at gunpoint is even more pronounced. (Granted, the state’s crime problem is concentrated in its three largest cities: Memphis, Knoxville, and Nashville. It is unfortunate that these population centers aren’t all at one end of the state. Thankfully the rural areas are much safer.) Tennessee’s root problem is its overall high population density. The population density of the state averages 153 people per square mile. (For comparison, Idaho has 19 people per square mile, Montana has less than 7 per square mile, and Wyoming has less than 6 per square mile.) The population of just the city of Memphis is 652,000. That is more than the entire state of Wyoming! (With just 568,000 people, Wyoming is the least populous and the second least densely populated of the 50 States. Yet it is 10th largest state, in land area.) Tennessee’s state population is more than 6.4 million. That is far greater than all of the American Redoubt counties in the five Redoubt states, combined. But you could easily fit the equivalent of seven Tennessees in a map of the American Redoubt. Note that the American Redoubt region does not include the more populous (and higher crime rate) counties of western Oregon and western Washington. The Cascade mountains make a nice buffer.

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I got a recommendation for Wyoming Armory in Cody, Wyoming. They have an amazing inventory of rifles–both antique and modern.

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Reader K.T. mentioned a fascinating look at the ammo-making processes at CCI–the big .22 rimfire maker in Lewiston, Idaho.

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Where you can afford to live on Minimum Wage. Again, the American Redoubt fares well (Thanks to T.G. for the link.)

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Some bad reciprocity news: Nevada will no longer recognize Arizona concealed weapon permits.

Economics and Investing:

B.B. sent: Marc Faber Spells it all out in 6 minutes

Karl Denninger warns against adopting the Bitcoin currency: BitCon: Don’t. JWR’s Comments: I use Bitcoin strictly for privacy, convenience, and as an alternative to PayPal, which has anti-gun management. (We accept Bitcoins for Ten Cent Challenge subscriptions.) I never let more than 15 BTC accumulate in my wallet. Bitcoins are not an “investment.” Since they have no tangible backing whatsoever, there is a potential for a Bitcoin crash. And, of course, if the Internet ever goes “poof”, then so will your BTC balance. If you want to invest your extra funds in something after you have your guns and grub squared away, then I recommend investing in silver coins, and keeping them in your personal possession. If your BTC wallet gets too fat, then you should translate the excess into tangibles, like field gear, from a company that accepts Bitcoins, such as Lighthound, Firesteel, Midwest Cord, or Survival Camping Store. Just be sure to avoid buying Chinese junk items.

Items from The Economatrix:

Pending Sales of US Existing Homes Decline 0.4%

Fed’s Unintended Consequences Are Hitting Everyday Life

Deep Freeze:  Spring Home Sales To Barely Budge

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reminder: The Get Prepared Expo will be held April 6-7, in Lebanon, Missouri. I will be one of the featured speakers (via teleconference.) I will be on from 11AM to 1 PM on Saturday April 6th. They will have 100 exhibits and 80 of their 1-hour seminars – running six at a time for two days.

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Apparently it is fine for Veep Joe Biden to proclaim “Get a shotgun”, but then when it is suggested that they actually be handed out to lowly peasants in Texas and Arizona in neighborhoods where they are most needed to repel boarders, the statist elites get all huffy.

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A personal request from JWR: I’m willing to pay top dollar for a discontinued Wilcox Industries HK Mk 23 Mount in excellent to new condition. Please e-mail me if you have one available, or know of someone with a spare mount, in captivity. Thanks!

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After you pull the trigger: The Prepper Podcast interviews Mas Ayoob. (A hat tip to Lilia in Minnesota for the link.)

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Flavio suggested: 3D Printed Guns (Documentary). Other than their selection of ominous music and one quite bogus breakdown diagram created by the movie makers, it is overall a good film.

Note from JWR:

I’ve never been one for pranks, so don’t look for any hidden “joke” articles in SurvivalBlog on April Fool’s Day.

April 1st is better recognized as the birthday of Arthur W. Pink (born 1886, died 15 July 1952.) He was a Christian evangelist and outstanding Reformed Biblical scholar. It was his meticulously referenced arguments in his book The Soverignty of God that first convinced me of the truth of the doctrine of Election.

Writing Contest Winners, and a New Prize

We’ve completed the judging for for Round 45 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round include:

First Prize goes to Lockstich for Industrial Sewing Machines for Prepared Families which was posted on February 8, 2013. He will receive: A.) Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course. (A $1,195 value.) B.) A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, and C.) Two cases of Mountain House freeze dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources. (A $350 value.) D.) a $300 gift certificate from CJL Enterprize, for any of their military surplus gear, E.) A 9-Tray Excalibur Food Dehydrator from Safecastle.com (a $300 value), and F.) A $250 gift certificate from Sunflower Ammo. and G.) A $200 gift certificate donated by Shelf Reliance.

Second Prize goes to AERC for Insulin Dependent Diabetics When TSHTF which was posted on March 13, 2013. He will receive: A.) A gift certificate worth $1,000, courtesy of Spec Ops Brand, B.) A Glock form factor SIRT laser training pistol and a SIRT AR-15/M4 Laser Training Bolt, courtesy of Next Level Training. Together, these have a retail value of $589. C.) A FloJak FP-50 stainless steel hand well pump (a $600 value), courtesy of FloJak.com. D.) A “grab bag” of preparedness gear and books from Jim’s Amazing Secret Bunker of Redundant Redundancy (JASBORR) with a retail value of at least $300, E.) A $250 gift card from Emergency Essentials and F.) Two cases of Meals, Ready to Eat (MREs), courtesy of CampingSurvival.com (a $180 value).

Third Prize goes to Mrs. Icebear for Staying Sane (and Happy) at Your Winter BOL which was posted on February 14, 2013. She will receive: A.) A Royal Berkey water filter, courtesy of Directive 21. (This filter system is a $275 value.), B.) A large handmade clothes drying rack, a washboard and a Homesteading for Beginners DVD, all courtesy of The Homestead Store, with a combined value of $206, C.) Expanded sets of both washable feminine pads and liners, donated by Naturally Cozy. This is a $185 retail value, D.) A Commence Fire! emergency stove with three tinder refill kits. (A $160 value. E.) A Tactical Trauma Bag #3 from JRH Enterprises (a $200 value), and F.) Two Super Survival Pack seed collections, a $150 value, courtesy of Seed for Security.

Honorable Mention Prizes

Honorable mention prizes ($30 Amazon.com gift certificates) go to the talented writers of these 19 articles:

Special note to all prize winners: I will need both US Mail and UPS addresses for the top three prize winners and current e-mail addresses for the Honorable Mention prize winners. Please let me know, via e-mail.

New Prize, Starting in Round 46!

A new prize is being added to the First Prize package, starting with Round 46. This is a roll of $10 face value in pre-1965 U.S. 90% silver quarters, courtesy of GoldAndSilverOnline.com. The current value of this roll is at least $225. (It’s value varies, depending on the spot price of silver.) Take a look at their web site with HTTPS secure ordering. You will find that they they have very competitive prices, quick delivery, and great customer service. They sell mint state PCGS and NGC encapsulated (slabbed) professionally graded coins as well as some “raw” (unencapsulated) Liberties, Saint Gaudens, Indians, Morgans and Peace Dollars, mostly in lower numismatic grades such as XF and EF40. They also arrange American Eagle precious metals IRAs for their clients. These can be set up from scratch, or rolled over from existing IRAs and some 401(k) plans. Our thanks to GoldAndSilverOnline.com for their generous support of the writing contest.

Round 46 begins today and will run for the next two months. Please write an article that would be of interest to SurvivalBlog readers and e-mail us your entry. Remember that there is a 1,500-word minimum, and that articles on practical “how to” skills for survival have an advantage in the judging.

T.M. in Arkansas Book Review: A History of Warfare

A History of Warfare © 1993 by John Keegan
Published by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
ISBN: 0-394-58801-0           
Available in paperback and eBook
The copy I read is the first edition hardback.
There are 64 photos and illustrations, a lengthy bibliography, 18 pages of notes, and a nicely done index.
Recommended for both male and female high school students, and older.

A History of Warfare was first published ten years ago, but has no expiration date as shown by now being available on your eBook reader. It is indeed timeless. The author gave us two dozen books in his career before his death in August 2012. He was the senior lecturer in military history during his tenure at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He also held a visiting professorship at Princeton University and was the Delmas Distinguished Professor of History at Vassar College.

In this book, the author uses five chapters and 389 pages of manuscript to ask and answer the question: What is War? Contrary to popular opinion, war is not the continuation of politics by violent means. This book explains why violence, or war, is employed to settle disagreements or to satisfy the urge to build an empire.

The chapters include the limitations of waging war, fortifications, logistics, fire, and the creation of armies since early mankind. We follow the evolution of weapons, tactics, and strategies through thousands of years. We read how different societies conduct warfare in unique ways, but all societies honor their soldiers. As we grow more adept at killing, the importance of harnessing our capacity for violence must grow at a faster pace if we are all to survive. We are a violent species and the better we understand that fact, the better all of us will be.

This book will cause the reader to stop and ponder present day events in light of what our ancestors did. It is mandatory reading for any serious student of history of any genre. I recommend this book for your permanent library.

JWR Adds: I’ve also enjoyed reading Keegan’s books. He also co-authored a book titled Zones of Conflict: An Atlas of Future Warsthat did a good job of articulating the Geographical Determinist school of history, which I ascribe to.

Pat’s Product Review: Italian Gun Grease

In more than 45 years of shooting, I’ve tried just about every kind of lube and gun cleaner on the market. Some work a little better than others, and some don’t work very well at all. Anyone who is serious about taking care of their firearms, for self-defense, combat, military missions or survival, had better take very good care of their firearms. If you don’t properly care for your weapons, they will fail you, just when you need them the most. I couldn’t tell you the number of students who have trained under me, who have had their firearms fail them during one of my courses. One of the biggest causes for weapon failure, was either poor quality aftermarket magazines, or poorly maintained firearms – meaning, they didn’t lube their firearms at all. Inside of 50 rounds of firing, their firearms would start malfunctioning because of the heat and friction involved. Now, while this may be acceptable under range conditions – it is not acceptable under life and death conditions.
Many malfunctions were easily corrected by simply applying some lube on handguns in my classes. I always have a range box with me, as well as a first-aid kit. I’ve yet to use the first-aid, but I’ve used the range box with a variety of tools and cleaning equipment, to get guns up and running once again. It’s almost like I’ve performed some type of “magic” on a student’s firearms, when a little lube is applied, the guns start working again. I’ve had quite a few students tells me that they don’t use any lube at all, because they don’t want their firearms to attract dirt or lint, of they fear the lube will get on their clothes. Excuse me? You’re worried about a little lube getting on your clothes – instead of worrying about your firearm failing you, when you need it most? Stupidity never ceases to amaze me in some people.
The days of using plain old “gun oil” have long passed, in my humble opinion. Sure, plain old gun oil is still on the market, and I guess it’s ok to use on a hunting firearm, prior to going out to a hunt. However, in harsh conditions, plain old gun oil will still fail you, when you don’t want it to. And, it still amazes me that people use WD-40 as a lube – you are only inviting trouble if you use WD-40 as a lube – it is not a “lube” per se – it is a penetrating oil. WD-40 does not provide very good lubrication on anything, especially firearms – it will wear-off in very short order.
There are a good many different types of CLP (Cleaner, Lube and Preservative) compounds on the market these days. One of my most often used is Break-Free, and while I use it more than any other type of CLP, it isn’t perfect in my book. A new family of products have been introduced by Italian Gun Grease – a company that I had heard of, nor their products. A box of various sample Italian Gun Grease products showed in my post office box one day, and when I opened it, I thought to myself “Oh great, another CLP, just like so many other similar products….” I was wrong!
One of the biggest threats to your firearms is heat build-up, followed by deposits of carbon and unburned powder. And, I’m not sure which is the biggest threat to causing a malfunction, however with no scientific study under my belt, I’m going to say that friction is the bigger problem. Metal-on-metal, with high-heat, will cause your firearms to malfunction. I’ve taken a few firearms courses over the years myself, and I’ve seen what happens when firearms are not properly cleaned and lubed – in the course of shooting maybe 500 – 1,000 rounds in a day, firearms stop working. I have never had that problem, because I’ve always cleaned and maintained my firearms properly, but I’ve seen other students who had repeated failures, because their guns were dirty and not properly lubed.
I think many in the firearms industry have solved the problem of producing a good all ’round lube, with some of the CLP products on the market. However, they haven’t solved the problem of the accumulation of carbon and particulate matter, that can also cause firearms to malfunction under extreme conditions – until now! Italian Gun Grease set out to solve the problem. I believe IGG has solved the problem not only by producing a great lube, but also came away with a game changer, that helps prevent the build-up of carbon and burnt powder on firearms.
IGG lubes are very different, they are not true lubes, they contain a proprietary metal conditioner that are actually heat-activated. Their so-called “Heat-Seeking Molecule” formula penetrates into and fills the microscopic gaps where points of friction exist.  IGG doesn’t burn-up in high heat, something that can’t be said for other lubes on the market. What this does is, it actually produces a very hard, high, heat, high pressure resistant polished surface that can cut friction by as much as 85%. This isn’t just a little better than the competition, it’s a whole lot better than ordinary CLP products. IGG products may appear dry, but they are producing the protection you need from friction, and it doesn’t allow carbon and other crud to build-up in the critical friction areas of firearms.
According to the IGG web site, their lube has an operating temperature range of between -45 degrees, all the way up to 430-degrees. Now, we couldn’t last but a moment in 430 degree temps, but the inside and and high friction areas of firearms can reach 300-degrees in rapid or automatic fire. We can operate in -45 degree temps in some areas of the world, and this is where a lot of other lubes fail – they congeal, and don’t provide proper lubrication, ‘causing firearms to fail, just the same as if they had no lube at all. More information is posted on the IGG web site, and it is worth the time to read it.
I do a lot of shooting for my firearms articles. In some instances, I’ll burn through 500 rounds of ammo in an AR-15 or AK-47 style rifle in an hour or less, when I’m doing function rather than accuracy testing. In handguns, I might burn through a couple hundred rounds of ammo in an hour. Then I’ll continue testing over several days for accuracy, and testing different types of ammo. The thing is, during most of my firearms test, I don’t routinely stop and clean and lube the firearms, unless there is a problem. I usually clean and lube a firearm prior to testing, and then after the testing give the firearms another good cleaning and lube. I know when testing semiauto rifles like ARs or AKs, the guns get very hot, and at the end of my testing, much of the lube is burned-off, and there is a lot of carbon and other crud built-up, that can cause problems and malfunctions.
Over a two month period, I only used IGG products in various firearms, and I will say, I was very impressed with the results. While there didn’t appear to be any sort of lube or protection in high-friction areas, like slide rails or locking lugs, the protection was there, you could actually feel how much smoother a slide or bolt was moving both while firing the firearms and while working a slide or bolt.
Italian Gun Grease has several different products on the market, and I highly recommend their Tactical Formula 2 – which is designed for combat use. They also have Advanced Formula 2 for hunter applications, however, for my money, I’d just stick with the Tactical Formula 2 for all my needs, especially in a combat or survival situation – just seems like it would give better protection all the way around. They also have True Grease, and I recommend this for the locking lugs on semi-auto pistols, especially 1911-type pistols. You’d be surprised how many people don’t bother to lube the locking lugs at all on a 1911 – and this is a very important area where friction can build-up. IGG also has cleaning kits, that can cover most of your handgun and rifle needs, all in one handy pouch. This is a great little kit to place in your BOB or range bag – just perfect for survival or combat scenarios, with a good supply of Tactical Formula 2 – their combat lube.
I gave some sample IGG grease to other shooters, and asked for their feedback, and each one came away with the impression that IGG lubes worked better than whatever other products they were using – they all said that their firearms seemed to operate smoother and there was less buildup of crud and carbon.  Okay, IGG products made a believer out of me, and I highly recommend all their products to anyone who is serious about survival or who might be in a combat zone, where failure of your weapon is not an option you can afford. You’ll find IGG products are competitively priced compared to some of the other CLP products on the market, so it’s a small investment, that can return great dividends if you want some of the best lubes you can get for your weapons.   – SurvivalBlog Field Gear Editor Pat Cascio

Job Available Ranch/FarmTeam (Eastern Oregon Retreat)

[Editor’s Note: I’m posting this as a favor for one of my old consulting clients. I have visited this ranch, and I can attest that it is an amazing fully-equipped off-grid ranch with large acreage. This would be a great opportunity for an energetic couple that wants to live in the boonies but that cannot afford a retreat of their own.]

Seeking two-person team for hard labor job running a remote ranch, dealing with cattle, grain farming, large garden, and ranch maintenance.

Personal requirements: Stable relationship, no children at home, no smoking, drug use, drinking, or criminal history. We will check.
Must have lived and worked in the country and understand that ranch life is a 24/7 job.

This is not a retirement position. Nearest drug store or doctor is 100 miles away, neighbors are few so you must have no major medical problems.

At least one farm member must have experience growing crops and handling cattle, including operating and repairing machinery.

The other member should plan to plant and harvest a large garden and can some and separately have basic computer skills to prepare/submit weekly report of daily activities.

Submit detailed resumes, including education, work history, skills, goals and three non-family references with phone numbers. No single person applications please or request for telephone call first.

Total compensation for both: $44,000 per year including basic health insurance, bonus plus detached caretaker house, utilities, garden food, good hunting, some fishing.

Interested and available candidates are urged to send their resumes with cover letters to “Archie” at this address: rm33307736@gmail.com. Be prepared to subsequently provide references.

Letter Re: Pre-Trib Rapture Doctrine and Preparedness

Dear Mr. Rawles:
I have been reading articles on your blog about the pretribulational rapture not being mentioned prior to 1800. I realize the writer is just ignorant of the facts. Someone needs to tell this guy the truth about the facts.
The pretribulational rapture was mentioned in Pseudo-Ephraem) in AD 373.  There are many other ancient writings dating back prior to 1800. These are mentioned in the easy to read book, “The Popular Handbook on the Rapture”. By Dr. Tim LaHaye, Dr. Thomas Ice, and Dr. Ed Hindson.  
I am a Christian and I believe in the pretribulational rapture because it is biblical.  The first verse is when the Lord Jesus was offering the Kingdom to the Jewish people. The second verse is for Christian during the church age. I prepare not because I am afraid of the great tribulation. I prepare to follow 1 Tim 5:8 and being a good Christian.
Matthew 6:19-22 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
1 Timothy 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
Sincerely, – Bill A.

JWR Replies: The text by Pseudo-Ephraem, “The Syrian”, (actually written after 700 A.D.) is often cited by Tim LaHaye, et al. But if you read the literal translation of the text, you will see that it is NOT referring to the so-called rapture. (Being “caught up in the clouds…”) Rather, it talks about how people will escape the Tribulation by dying in advance of it! I concur that pre-Tribulation rapture is a post-1800 contrivance. And from my own reading I must say that it has little Biblical support.

By the way, I don’t even like using the term rapture. (Which doesn’t occur in the Bible.) Although it is convenient shorthand, the term is a Darbyist invention, used to describe this prophetic event:

“Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” – 1 Thessalonians 4:17 (KJV)

FWIW, I believe that “…alive and remain…” refers to those of us who have survived the Tribulation period.

Regardless of our eschatological views, the bottom line is that all of Christ’s Elect need to stay in full fellowship and be ready, regardless of what occurs, and regardless of the sequence of events.

Here is some suggested reading:

Pre-Trib View: 50 Reasons Why the Rapture Must Happen Before the Tribulation

Post-Trib View: Post Tribulation Rapture Belief

I pray for correct discernment and that this issue is not unnecessarily divisive. I allowed it to be raised in my blog because I believe that all Christians should be thorough and articulate Bible scholars. Only by diligently studying scripture can we be ready to defend out faith! Studying complex issues like this is a good way to sharpen your Bible study skills. Iron sharpens iron.

Minor points of doctrine aside, the important thing is that people repent and get right with God!

Recipe of the Week:

KAF’s Tamale Pie

Serves 5 to 6

1 tsp kosher salt
1/2 c yellow cornmeal
3 c boiling water
1 1/2 c cooked, ground, or shredded left over beef
2 c beef broth
2 cloves fresh minced, or 1/2 tsp. dried chopped garlic
1 1/2 tsp. chili powder
salt to taste

Boil the water in a medium sized pan. Sift the 1 tsp. salt and cornmeal gradually into the boiling water and cook, constantly stirring for 10 minutes. Set aside.

In a bowl, mix cooked meat, and broth, add garlic, salt if needed, and chili powder.

Line the sides and bottom of a casserole pan with the cornmeal mush mixture, and reserve leftover mush for topping.

Next, fill with the meat mixture. Now spread the reserved cornmeal mush over the top or drop on top by spoonfuls.

Bake in a preheated oven 425 F for 25 minutes, or until the top and sides are browned. Serve.

Chef’s Notes: This recipe is a great way to use up left-over beef.

Useful Recipe and Cooking Links:

Tamale Pie recipe

Quick and Easy Mexican Recipes

Cornmeal Recipes

Do you have a favorite recipe that would be of interest to SurvivalBlog readers? Please send it via e-mail. Thanks!

Economics and Investing:

Pipelines Can’t Handle North American Oil Boom

Russia to ban cash transactions over $10,000

Jim Rogers: Put Your Money In Hard Assets, Especially Farmland and Agriculture

Items from The Economatrix:

Cyprus Bail-Out: Savers Will Be Raided To Save Euro In Future Crises, Says Eurozone Chief

Fear & Loathing Grips Cyprus As ECB Hastens Debtline

Eurozone Economy Now Expected To Sink Even Deeper Into Recession; Bank of Cyprus Chairman Quits As Heads Roll After Bail-Out Debacle

Odds ‘n Sods:

There has been a lot of chatter on the net about the call for an “‘Armed’ Peaceful March on Washington D.C. for July 4th”, as mentioned in the DC Clothesline blog. While I trust that the organizers are sincere, I believe that going armed would be unwise. Because open carry is banned in DC and because of the now mature facial recognition software, everyone who attends could face arrest at home — even weeks or months after the event. (And wearing masks is out of the question, because that is banned in D.C. too.) I strongly urge them to gather instead in on the other side of the Potomac, perhaps at Potomac Overlook Regional Park, in Arlington, Virginia. There, they won’t run afoul of D.C.’s draconian gun laws. (Coverage of an unarmed rally held in D.C. in 2010 provides some insight.) If they gather armed anywhere inside of the District of Columbia, it could turn into a public relations nightmare, with mass arrests and a high risk of a gun battle that could be started by just one agent provocateur. The US Capitol Police cannot be trusted to show restraint or respect for the Second Amendment. But I believe that the Arlington, Virginia Police can be trusted. (Respect for Constitutional rights is item #3 in their mission statement.)

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Indoctrination and Data Mining in Common Core. Note that there is now an effort to force the Common Core curriculum on homeschoolers.

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Assault weapons ban survives in Maryland gun-control bill. Note that this bill also includes a ban on any magazine over 10 round capacity. Marylanders are urged to contact their state senators and insist that this unconstitutional bill be voted down!

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Michael Z. Williamson (SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large) sent: Comparing England (or UK) murder rates with the US: More complex than you thought. A murder rate higher than in the U.S.?

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James C. sent us this: Thousands of armed vigilantes takeover Mexican town, arrest police and shoot at tourists after ‘commander’ is killed and dumped in the street