Odds ‘n Sods:

I found this “must read” piece by economist Jim Willie, posted over at Gold-Eagle: Gold & Math On A Napkin

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Eric mentioned a great article on the looming derivatives and hedge fund implosion in The Boston Globe: The black box economy. One tidbit from the article: “Despite the anxiety, nobody is stockpiling canned goods just yet.” Oh, yeah? Speak for yourself. Meanwhile, we also read: Crisis Grips European Hedge Funds. This is just the beginning folks. I’ve warned you before about hedge funds suspending redemptions, and hedge fund collapses. If you have any money in hedge funds, get it out, post haste. I am very concerned that the multi-trillion dollar derivatives bubble is about to pop. If and when it does, it will wipe out nearly all of the hedge funds–even those that have been managed quite conservatively.

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RBS suggested this “Gumballs” YouTube clip from a lecture on immigration demographics.