Odds ‘n Sods:

The Washington Times reports that the NRA’s ‘American Rifleman’ surges to top 25 magazines in America knocking ‘Maxim’ from the list. – G.G.

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Hands off our children, Big Brother, Patrice Lewis’ latest on ‘Common Core’.

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California’s Gun Confiscation Program Hits Firearm Owners Hard. As part of its ongoing efforts to defend gun owners from malicious and improper prosecutions, the foundations recomends:

  • Never consent to a search
  • Exercise your right to remain silent
  • Contact CGF’s Help Hotline through the online form at www.calgunsfoundation.org/hotline or call (800) 556-2109, open 24/7/365
  • If you need immediate legal assistance, please contact an attorney (some firearms attorneys are listed on the CGF Help Hotline web page)

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B.R. sent in this article from the “Charleston Voice” suggesting that the Militarized Police are the standing army the founders warned about.

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A heavily pregnant mother has spoken of her fear after workmen found live ammunition in the garden of her Worksop home. More nonsense from ignorance. This is similar to a post than ran on Sipsey Street Irregulars last year on July 12. The quote used was from “The Abolition of Man” by C.S. Lewis. It’s a good quote.

“We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.”