Odds ‘n Sods:

H.L. liked this: The Freest Place in the World. JWR’s Comment: Don’t assume that economic freedom equates to full liberties in all other aspects of life. Argentina is a MerCoSur (Mercado Común del Sur) treaty signatory, and hence (like all the others) they are gradually clamping down firearms ownership under a “harmonization” accord. (Harmonization is statist-speak for: “Let’s equally oppress all of our subjects, to the lowest common denominator.”) Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Venezuela are full MerCoSur members, and Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru are associate members. Just as with gun rights, I suspect that banking privacy will also continue to erode in all of the MerCoSur countries. Don’t consider moving offshore until you’ve done all your homework!

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Roger T. mentioned that the U.S. Army Field Manual First Aid for Soldiers is available for free download.

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U.S. Birth Rate Falls to a Record Low; Decline Is Greatest Among Immigrants

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Freeze Dry Guy has announced a special for the month of January on a 158-serving long term food storage unit (six #10 cans) for just $176, or even less, in quantity. It includes ground beef, chicken, peas, soup blend, and potato dices. This is an ideal food storage starter kit for your family.

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It is surprising to see this editorial published by Pravda: Americans never give up your guns (By Stanislav Mishin.)