Odds ‘n Sods:

My old friend Rob L. wrote to mention: “A reminder to pass on to your readers in the U.S. that they only have about six weeks left to purchase Primatene Mist Inhaler(s) over the counter. After December 31, 2011 they will no longer be sold [even with a prescription.] As most of you know, this is an Epinephrine inhaler and can be used for any type of anaphylaxis. Cost is around $21.” JWR Adds: Other inhalers still on the market will require a prescription. Am I now to feel safer on January 1st, knowing that there is an infinitesimally smaller amount of CFCs out there, “destroying the ozone layer”? (I’ll have to avert my gaze if I see an asthma sufferer collapsed and gasping for breath. It is all for the Greater Good, we are told…)

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Science panel: Get ready for extreme weather. (Thanks to Sue C. for the link.)

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G.G. flagged this: Antibiotic-resistant infections spread through Europe

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Pit Bulls Slaughter 42 Goats. (Credit to F.G. for the link.)

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I heard that Safecastle has extended their 25% off Mountain House sale until November 21st. They offer free shipping, a wide selection and competitive pricing, be sure to place your order soon!