Odds ‘n Sods:

Hardy sent us a link to a 12-minute video: Hurricane Irene Landfall in Morehead City, North Carolina. (It could have easily been more tightly edited, but you can fast forward through it to get the gist of it.)

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Some good news from the courts: First Circuit Court of Appeals Rules that Citizens Can Videotape Police

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Robert S. wrote to mention Project Kleinrock, “…a project to create a completely autonomous “second layer” of the Internet.”

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Reader Diana M. sent a couple of tips: “A simple way to have a charged cell phone is to buy a car charger. Even if you have no electricity you can still charge your phone for weeks–assuming that you thought ahead and topped off your tank.  Also text messages frequently go through when calls won’t as the folks in Joplin, Missouri learned. Here, 150 miles from Joplin our cell service was disrupted as our server was overwhelmed so you don’t have to be right in the disaster area to be affected. Another thing people need to do is keep their gas tanks full. Gas is high and I know a lot of people that ride around on a quarter tank. You’ll be joining those long lines at the pump and putting yourself and family in jeopardy. I never let my tank go below half full.”

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James C. spotted this: Evidence Suggests Cover-Up in ATF Scandal, as More Guns Appear at Crime Scenes