Odds ‘n Sods:

Steve D. was the first of several readers to send this: Feds Raid Amish Milk Farm.

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George J. spotted this bit on Nanny Statism news: N.J. town limits chicken hookups. Here is a quote: “Hopewell Township residents can have up to a half-dozen hens on half-acre lots. Roosters would be allowed only 10 days a year for fertilization purposes.”

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The annual book “Passport to World Band Radio” is now out of print (sadly, the final edition was published in 2009) but I’ve found that The Shortwave Listener’s Guide web site seems to be kept well up-to-date. I must say that there are times when I’m in the boonies that I really miss having current references like that in hard copy!

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In the spirit of the Avalanche Cliff Jump video that I recently posted, Troy H. sent me another fun video: Roller Suiting Down the Gothard Pass Road. I wonder what the motorcyclists thought, as he passed them.

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Jon B. in Georgia flagged a news story from Alabama that serves as a bit of confirmation on human nature: Looters pilfering through shattered homes; nighttime curfew imposed