Odds ‘n Sods:

I have long been an advocate of folding bicycles as a Get Out of Dodge Option, especially for folks that regularly commute into an urban area. The Montague and SwissBike folding bicycles sold sold by SafeCastle are probably the best bet in the U.S. and Canada. But in the UK, the more expensive–and even more compact–Brompton brand might be a viable alternative.

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Larry M. suggested this essay by a commentator who has “connected the dots” regarding multi-generational TEOTWAWKI: How Many Shoes? by Tom Baugh. It will take traditional self-reliant skills, not just a pile of stuff to pull through a lengthy societal collapse.

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Reader P.E.D. liked USA Today‘s recent piece on modern-day ghost towns.

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James K. suggested the recent Instructables piece on hand-spinning wool. (As previously mentioned in the blog, we recommend that you join a local Fiber Guild to get hands-on instruction.)

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Chad S. sent this: Indiana government positions surpass factory jobs. Chad’s tongue-in-cheek comment: “I’m starting to think I should get a government job so I can have job security. At least the money will never run out, right?”