Here are the latest news items and commentary on current economics news, market trends, stocks, investing opportunities, and the precious metals markets. We also cover hedges, derivatives, and obscura. Most of these items are from the “tangibles heavy” contrarian perspective of SurvivalBlog’s Founder and Senior Editor, JWR. Today, we look at the surging price of Bitcoin. (See the Forex & Cryptos section.)
Precious Metals:
Gold, silver see price gains as Covid-19 rages in U.S.
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Hub Moolman: Is Silver Leading Bitcoin or is Bitcoin Leading Silver?
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Economy To Shut Down Again This Winter, Says Lobo Tiggre, Investor Who Called Gold Price Drop
Economy & Finance:
The WSJ reports on the presumptive president: The Economy’s Struggles Will Shape Joe Biden’s Presidency
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Wolf Richter: Wolf Street “Pickup Truck & Car Price Index” for 2021 Models Crushes Official “CPI for New Vehicles”
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Another from Wolf: Big City Exodus: Rents of Single-Family Houses Rise Across the US, Even as Apartment Rents in Expensive Cities Drop Sharply
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And at Zero Hedge: Fed Warns Assets Could Suffer “Significant Declines” If Covid Is Not Contained
OilPrice News reports: U.S. Wind Capacity Additions Set To Surge To Record In 2020
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Lockdowns Hit Supplies For Biofuels
Unemployment and Stimulus:
How the Unemployment Fiasco in Europe Is Kept out of Official Unemployment Rates
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What’s the status of a second $1,200 stimulus check?
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If the Democrats have their way: A $2,000 Monthly Stimulus Check Could Cost A Staggering $10 Trillion
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At Wolf Street: How the Unemployment Fiasco in Europe Is Kept out of Official Unemployment Rates
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From the left-wing “labor-affiliated” Economic Policy Institute: Young workers hit hard by the COVID-19 economy
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Fed’s Williams: We are still in an extraordinary situation with COVID
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$521,769,000,000: Federal Spending Sets Record for First Month of Fiscal Year
Forex & Cryptos:
USD/CAD pulls away from weekly highs, stays above 1.3100
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British Pound (GBP) Latest: Brexit Deadline, Covid Surge, Whitehall Infighting
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Sean Stein Smith, at Forbes: Bitcoin Has Been On A Bull Run – What Does This Mean For The Future Of Crypto?
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The Bitcoin price has only been higher than now for 12 days in its history
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Belarus’ largest bank reportedly launches crypto exchange service
Tangibles Investing:
Pat Cascio alerted me about this news: Vista Outdoors reports ammunition backlog of over $1 Billion. JWR’s Comment: At an average of 25 cents a round, that equates to 4 billion rounds of ammunition. And Vista is just one corporation. If you invested in common-caliber ammunition, then you are sitting on a gold mine.
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Ongoing ammo shortage due to several factors, gun sellers say. The news story begins:
“Where’s the ammo? That’s what gun owners nationwide and in San Antonio are asking as the demand for ammunition is far outweighing the supply these days. Gun sellers say there is a list of factors contributing to the shortage in what’s being called a ‘snowball effect.'”
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Bite on the bullet: Nationwide ammo shortage felt in eastern Idaho
SurvivalBlog and its Editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for our detailed disclaimers.
News Tips:
Please send your economics and investing news tips to JWR. (Either via e-mail of via our Contact form.) These are often especially relevant because they come from folks who closely watch specific markets. If you spot any news that would be of interest to SurvivalBlog readers, then please send it in. News items from local news outlets that are missed by the news wire services are especially appreciated. And it need not be only about commodities and precious metals. Thanks!
Russia is running out of non corrosive primers for 7.62×39, and resorting to exceptional means. I would prefer corrosive primers in extreme cold weather conditions as these primers are more reliable. What is concerning here is that this shortage of primers will eventually causes price to increase. Here is’s description of a new offering.
“So the story with this ammo starts with Covid19 shutting down the primer factory in Russia in April and May 2020, making primers very hard to get in Russia in 2020. The Vympel factory could not source primers for regular production so they disassembled a stockpile of 1970s vintage military surplus ammo harvesting the primed case, then stenciled their logo and ‘7.62×39’ on the case and used that primed case to load lead core commercial ammo for the US market. The lacquered steel case retains its original corrosive primer then was loaded with a lead core bi-metal jacket magnetic projectile, and a sealant was applied to the case mouth to water proof the ammo.”×39-124-grain-fmj-bt-corrosive-primer-fact
This comment is on the “Work from Home Taxes…” article. It begins with an advertisement for collagen. I haven’t looked into the one he advertised, but learned long ago that much collagen is sourced from a disturbing place. If the package does not specify “bovine collagen” then it likely came from aborted babies. That is one of the markets for those body parts. That is like cannibalism.
Another little known fact on abortion is that it increases risk of breast cancer by 50%. I advertise this as often as I can.
All true and thanks for posting the facts. I have refused to use commercial cosmetics since so much of it has an abortion “product” component. Abortion is very big business and the cosmetic industry is one of those “partners”. I have found that simple mineral oil, or a cream that is rich in mineral oil such as Nivea cream, is very effective in moisturizing and healing my skin. The push for avoiding “petroleum products” in cosmetics was to discourage the use of mineral oil so that people would look for something else to “rejuvenate” their skin. When you look behind the curtain, you can’t unsee it. And yes, abortions are devastating to a woman’s body and psyche. God can forgive and women can heal, but not if they refuse to acknowledge the sin and the pain.
You sound like my DW, and she is a wise woman!
As always, hoping we all…
Seymour Liberty
lack of ammo, one of things that I have heard might have an effect on ammo supplies is that Obama / Biden shut down one for sure,, maybe two lead refineries ( for health concerns ? ) and I think maybe a copper smelting / refinery that was involved the bullet making process ( again because of health concerns, supposedly ). So a lot of the problems with the shortages are due to Obama / Biden . I’m probably wrong, but I seem to remember something to this effect.
I’ve heard the exact same thing while shopping in Texas.
Barry shut down a lead mine in MO., south of St. Louis, I believe, “for health reasons.”
Semper Fi
US Treasury: “All Your Bitcoins Are Belong To Us!”
It’s always fun to look at make believe things like Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is the tulip bulb of the 21st century. The trick is to make the scam run long enough to milk the most you can from it. And of course to get out before the collapse.
I would argue your point if this was 2010 – 2013 and I was ignorant of the technology, the economics (austrian), and the free market demand for a decentralized monetary platform that isn’t controlled by the world banking elite.
Can a technology be used for evil? Can a gun kill the innocent?
The truth is Labor, Barter, Money (in all forms) are apart of the human condition, it would seem. Salt, Sea Shells, Gold, Tractors, Labor, Food, Bullets, Bitcoin, can all be used as money or in an exchange.
Is bitcoin money? Well you keep telling your self it isn’t.
Is silver price controlled and manipulated by longs and shorts on the COMEX, you tell me?
Is the bitcoin price controlled in a similar way on centralized exchanges today? I’ll tell you, yes.
Don’t care about the price, care about the utility and the fundamentals.
With this great reset / travel ban shit how easy is it to move gold around? I say that gold is A money, like bitcoin is A money, fiat is a credit instrument.
Tulip? Well in the sense the price could be slammed down on centralized exchanges and presented to the masses as a scam on aggregated data sites like coinmarket cap, yep. Then again lemmings are said to cliff dive, doesn’t mean you need to follow suit.
Create your own line of reasoning, and leave the tulips in the past, the real ponzi scheme is the FRN (federal reserve notes), the market will decide which unit of account remains market viable.
Bruce Lee said to take what is useful and discard the rest.
Re ” free market demand for a decentralized monetary platform that isn’t controlled by the world banking elite.”
If the US Treasury managed to seize $1 Billion in Bitcoin from Silk Road then it can seize several $Billion from anyone who thinks they can escape being “controlled by the world banking elite”.
Re how easy to move gold around, there is a network that lets you swap your gold holdings in one location (e.g, New York) for gold holdings in a different location (e.g, Zurich).
Of course, if you wire money to a foreign location now, you can buy gold in a foreign refuge and cache it there so that in the future you only have to transport yourself, not capital, across borders.
PS The world’s central banks have tens of thousands of tons of gold for a reason.
I suppose you’ve audited all the claims.
How many ounces of silver are supposedly traded every day on those centralized exchanges? However, I don’t disagree with Gold being A form of money.
If you want to talk about confiscation as if it’s only a happenstance that is relatable to bitcoin, I guess we can forget about Hitlers SS division who’s job it was to hunt down Europes gold at the start of the Second Great War.
Or the nationalization of the US Citizens Gold holdings here in the US in the 1930’s :P.
Bitcoin is A form of money like gold. No monthly storage fee’s either
Performing much better than gold and easier to move around with less oversight.
Is it perfect nope, neither is the combustion engine but it moves the world today doesn’t it?
Yes Secret Guy, liked the Bruce Lee quote.
I favor one like it: Eat the meat, spit out the stubble.
One of the guys I worked with quit to become a stockbroker. Some of my co-workers invested their money with him. When he would call for one of them I would say “It’s your stockbroker. He says you are penniless.”.
As far as gold and silver go, their time is coming. Just look at all of the “money” (IOUs) being printed. Watch the movie “The Big Short” for a look at derivatives. And they are a hundred (thousand ? million ?) times bigger now.
If you invest in something you don’t understand it stands to reason that you will fail. Take this loss of your bitcoin, how obtuse you must be to buy bitcoin with some guy.
It’s not a public company controlled by the SEC, you don’t need to be an accredited investor, you don’t need to have a fancy BMW or t-off on the golf course to control your keys.
Not your keys, not your crypto. It’s just a ledger, if you don’t have the password, no pass. You shall not pass in gandalf voice.
No disrespect but the level of ignorance about the technology, the problems it attempts to solve or the utility in a world of tyranny that we are currently living in that it offers seems to be lost of this group of people.
At one point do the Peter Shill’s of the world wake up and realize gold has competition and it’s not going away. Gold isn’t perfect, neither is Bitcoin, or other technologies. Money is the root of all evil, but until God corrects our misdeeds and or we move beyond our juvenile need for possessions then the free market will always provide solutions to problems.
What’s the worlds problem right now. Centralization of power, God decentralized power in the web of life, in the self correcting life generating anti-entropic systems that create our reality, it’s man that seeks to create non-natural systems built on lies and false hoods. Monetary centralization is the root of this power, if it’s decentralized then the evil of the world is weakened and in some ways destroyed completely.
Harmony returns where there is balance, when a countries population no longer works for FIAT and instead works for a finite scarce resource that fits the definition of a money then it reigns in evil. Is gold doing that? It’s capable but that market is completely controlled.
Where is the free market? It’s in system design, systems like bio-dynamics, permaculture, technology like Bitcoin, Monero, it’s in Gold Backs, its in the youth of the world recognizing tyranny. Do you see youth running to Americanna? Do you see the youth running to God? Do you see the youth running to the land?
They are running to technology, it’s there where the ideas of American values of saving, hard work, of scarcity, of treating others as they wish to be treated, and other such virtues will be learned. Why pretend we can’t do that with a sound monetary structure, bitcoin isn’t unlike gold. It has many of the same properties and in some ways does a better job at teaching the youth about how the world really works.
Henry Ford said that if people understood the monetary system and inflation at the time there would be a revolution tomorrow. Now I don’t know if he actually said this but damn if it’s not an accurate statement. Ideas are the bullets of today, OJT is the best teacher.
From the article I cited:
“The U.S. agencies were able to track down those illicit funds through a unit within the IRS that specializes in tracing virtual currency transactions. The IRS agents were able to identify 54 new bitcoin transactions executed by the Silk Road, which appear to be proceeds of some of that illegal activity, the complaint said. The agency was then able to trace that money to a specific bitcoin address that appeared to have hacked the bitcoin funds from the Silk Road.”
Computers and software are BLACK BOXES — you don’t know what is really inside them or what has been covertly added. Look at the hundreds of $Millions stolen from banks. Looks at the dozens of US spies executed in China and Iran because the CIA thought it had good computer security to conceal its comms with those spies.
Password? If a hacker installs malware on your computer then he has your passwords.
I don’t see anything but fear and ignorance in the reply.
Is life dangerous? Yes.
Is our current monetary systems based on fraud and coercion? Yes.
Is Bitcoins ledger traceable through software analytics tools? Yes.
Are their other options in technology? Yes.
Monero for example, Monero uses three different privacy technologies: ring signatures, ring confidential transactions (ringCT), and stealth addresses. These hide the sender, amount, and receiver in the transaction, respectively. All transactions on the network are private by mandate; there is no way to accidentally send a transparent transaction. This feature is exclusive to Monero. You do not need to trust anyone else with your privacy.
Again my point is life is a cat and mouse game of life and death constantly seeking to usurp the other.
Can you avoid the change in our world? Well I’m attempting to do that but going back to the land my self. I’m using tools of simplicity, I’m looking to live without, like my house only has wood stove for heat.
The reality is that there are many tools for liberty, the gun, the idea, cryptography is another, if the tool works and I understand the strengths and weaknesses I will proliferate it’s use. Take an example you sited about having your passwords stolen, why do you act like the fear of theft is relegated to the digital world alone?
Why were safe’s built? Have people had their gold and silver stolen, nationalized or flat out lost in the past?
I think the real argument isn’t about fundamentals, utility or market acceptance it’s about the age, knowledge base and awareness of the readers of this site.
It’s like me, I moved to a rural area where everyone does everything for them selves, it’s been a huge learning curve but my attitude is different about learning new skills, my attitude is one of accepting the potential for failure and most of all a yearning to fight the beast system.
I have to concede ignorance and fear of the unknown are powerful tools that we wield against our selves, I will also concede the danger in this technology and digital technology in general. I do not, however, condone pretending reality shared is not a reality because of my feelings about the subject.
Bitcoin and it’s off shoot technologies are not going anywhere, the technology that built the pyramids hasn’t gone anywhere, we’ve simply forgotten how; there is nothing new under the sun. This has all happened before and will happen again according to God’s will.
I recommend learning about these tools and understanding the risk and reward, as cash is removed from society by the banks and government the black market economy will flourish, as it did in the Soviet Union, as it does in main land China, as it did and does in the United States today.
The free market always wins and it always finds a way.
What are the mediums of exchange for a free market: labor, services, gold/silver, barter, and certain crypto currencies. Tool in your tool box.
Recommending solutions: Ivan on Tech Academy, Udemy Academy, The Dollar Vigilante and more at request.
Happy learning!
JWR: Thank you so much for today’s “quote of the day” something i have been preaching for quite some time, the vast majority of Americans are just consumers,why build it / do it yourself when you can just buy some cheap china made junk and go back to watching your favorite sports team on the TV all the while stuffing your face with some processed food with chemicals out of a laboratory from N.J.
From A.L.’s posts at the top of the page today I’m thinking that when the lights do go out it will be a great time of purging and we can then fully appreciate one of Darwin’s teachings to its fullest extent
I find it almost unbelievable that so many so called “intelligent” people still insist and believe that whatever gummint bureaucrats and the media tells them is gospel. All while knowing that their record of truth and fact are dismal at best with outright lies at the forefront of their statements. Whatever bureaucrats and media tells you must be backed up by your own research from completely independent sources. Which, I agree, is becoming more and more difficult as the noose tightens around patriots necks. Trust NO ONE, believe no sources you cannot verify, and question ALL authority, especially that coming from goobermnt sources. Believe in Gods word and our own Constitution and it’s blueprint of ruling laws, anything else is
NS, yours is a gold-plated comment – thank you
At Wolf Street:
If you don´t know what you´re writing about, don´t write.
If you believe Kurzarbeit is unemployment, you prove only prove without any doubt that you ´ve no idea what you don´t know
To paraphrase- You can wish in one hand, and Bitcoin in the other. Which one fills up first ? Neither one. Or put another way- You can gold in one hand and Bitcoin in the other. When the internet or the electrical grid crashes, either by design or by Carrington event, which one is left ? Or put another way- Bitcoin was made by man (the CIA ?) and gold was made by God. Which one will last the longest ? Good luck with your Bitcoin. It may replace the dollar. But I think not.
Survival Blog Readers, head in the sand, a story of about Tulips, Me, Bitcoin and cryptography. I was reading the economic page that JWR posts with the hyperlinked headlines, and I was thinking to myself I have something to say about all the old fogies’ opinions out there on crypto currency. Specifically, the comment section which is rather boring, in the context of cryptocurrency knowledge of the readers. Let me preface this by saying that I respect tradition, gnosis and caution, however, those who do not embrace change are swept aside and forgotten. It’s important that we as Christians, as patriots and as humans adapt and grow our knowledge and understanding of God’s creation, and humanities meddling as best we can, so as to proliferate traditional values and evolve our perspectives and ideas to help influence the world for the light.
My story, I’m in my early thirties, raised to be patriotic, Baptist faith and served my country in the armed forces before learning I was fighting for the Federal Reserve, and several choice banking families, then I left; honorably, mind you! While serving in the military in 2010 I attended a Gun Show in San Diego, there I found JWR book about surviving the current event we are all living through. I ate up his books and within a few weeks I had several hundred pounds of various dried food, some of which I have in the basement to this very day, stored in my in-laws garage, at the time. As an interlude, and to surely not forget to pay homage to our inclusive post human academics and world masters, I will say my wife and in-laws are not from this country. They immigrated from south east asia and thought this white guy is insane for storing all this food, and other choice items. So, to poke fun of the so called blue bloods and their inbred background with my chosen polyculture approach to DNA farming shouldn’t be lost on the reader, or my clueless, but loving family; on both sides.
That all being said, me. Tulips? Yes, let’s talk about panic buying of insane things that lead to bubbles that burst with endless sadness and limitless teaching points for the future. There is just one problem… Fundamentals, sorta like fun-metals, precious and rare, yet a price that is completely controlled… pssst I’m looking at you tangible heavy folks, what is the real price of gold and silver in terms of FRN (Federal Reserve Notes)?
Surely bitcoin has some sort of fundamentals that have kept it going, up, up and away from the history of the Tulip boom. That is what I would like to discuss here in this article, the fundamentals that make bitcoin a viable form of money, notwithstanding a potential for total failure, but simply to recognize in the age of technology that it should simply be looked at as a tool for the patriot to avoid the world-wide tyranny of central banking, fractional reserve banking, and usury in general.
I read this blog weekly and think, these guys/gals have so much to offer people in the US / World today with the mindset of preparedness, the sharing of Christian and Conservative values and ideas, however, there is an element that I’ve noticed that is missing and that I’ve jovially alluded to above. That is to embrace the tools that could be used to help set humanity free and further spread God’s message of freewill, love and morally guided stewardship.
What does this have to do with zinc and polysaccharides you say? Wait, I’m getting ahead myself, perhaps I should start with elliptic curve cryptography that bitcoin protocol uses as a-part of its 256-bit public key / private key derivative infrastructure. No… let’s go back to Tulips.
So, Tulips, stupid choices, future conservative folks see new things and say, ha-ha not again Tulips, and of course we are talking about Bitcoin, and its slow adoption by Patriots, the Rural Community, Preppers, Christians, and other folks who just want to be left alone.
These are the people that stand to gain the most from this sort of technological tool, not just the young, dumb and full of.. dis-regard for history young anti-capitalist trained university monkies that represent the early adopters of bitcoin.
Wait, is that who buys/uses Bitcoin?
Is that what this is all about?
How long did the Tulip mania last?
Did it last 11 + years?
Was there an entire industry of people, technology, tools and philosophies that sprung up from the sound/un-sound fundamentals of the flower bubble?
Get to the point smart-butt, my pawpaw would say in his workshop when I had a seemingly long winded question, which of course required context for my pawpaw to understand my odd way of looking at the world.
That’s where the Root Mucilage, or form of plant sugar secreted by a plant root, also known as the polysaccharides comes in for our tulips and bitcoin relationship. The soil life brings a bit of needed minerals, say zinc, to the root structure and exchanges its widget for the sugar, boom, we have a free market.
So, in this case the soil provides the structure / market for the exchange and wah-lah we have a tulip and then a mania, and then a fear of new tulips. The reality, however, is that bitcoin is not the flower but the soil, and the technology is in-line with a natural free exchange system, it’s simply a decentralized market place to allow for the circumvention of the central banking system and its influence tendrils.
Let me digress and pose a question, why is the world economic forum pushing this great reset right now? It’s not like their FIAT system had collapsed, right? I mean how much money has been created this year alone, yeah of course we know where it’s going, we also see price inflation, and we know it will destroy all market activity in the near future, but the point I’m making is that WHY now? Of course the answer is nuanced and not to be overly simplified, but in a decentralized reality, which is the world in which God has given us, we have the web of life as a perfect decentralized system to model our economic and monetary structures around.
So again, why 2020?
Depending on your level of awareness it could be religious based, it could be ideology based, it could be blood lines, resources, or a combination thereof or even something more complicated. I would like to remind the reader of the evil that supposedly makes our globular cosmology tick, “money makes the world go round,” is a saying among the common man. I would like to tweak this a little and say that free-exchange makes our world possible. The soil example is proof positive that God wants us to be free and exchange freely. Soil is everywhere, our garden is the world, we can freely exchange anywhere there is a structure to do so, whether by labor, barter, or through a medium of exchange like gold, or in a highly organized ledger made money through elements like cryptography and proof of work, this is the protocol that bitcoin operates on, the proof of work algorithm.
So, Me, Tulips, and Bitcoin.
Fundamentals were mentioned, and I would like to use Mike Maloney’s definitions, of course there isn’t anything new under the sun, however, he does a nice job aggregating just what money is in the local/present time context; see Hidden Secrets of Money series.
So what is/are some reference virtues for my claim that Bitcoin, and or the various other technologies that are in competition now for the new title of money. Money is said to be a medium of exchange, it is portable, divisiable, durable, fungible, a unit of account, scarce and most importantly a store of value. How long do tulips live? You could freeze dry them, but are they durable, and are they fungible, is one color more prized over another?
I would go back to the soil for my thought process, the soil being the medium of exchange for soil life and plant / tree roots. It’s everywhere, and it’s portable, it’s divisible, it’s definitely durable, it is fungible in terms of proven application medium for life proliferation, and what does the soil store that is the most important element of life in our world? It stores Carbon, indefinitely if we don’t destroy it that is. Now, God created this system of exchange, it’s free, it will work in perpetuity with God’s will and his/her plan.
Bitcoin, like Gold, which could be debatable, is free market chosen medium that most appropriately follows God’s model and that is why it is unlike the Tulip and more like a free exchange system. Let’s discuss..
Bitcoin is a Medium of Exchange. How? It’s a simple software tool that resists duplication through cryptography, the rabbit hole of technical terms and concepts is not necessary for an overview of my argument. The predisposition of an organization such as central banking requires a mutable centralized ledger in order to maintain their dominance and control of our FIAT (by Decree) monetary system.
That is where Bitcoin shines, the cryptography allows for protection against double-spend, the problem with media on the internet, copy and paste, further, the fact is the ledger is not centralized nor is it mutable. What does this mean to a navy diver? It means that Bitcoins value proposition is that it’s not controllable by a central authority, easily, and it’s driven by free market mechanics such as profit seeking, and ultimately it’s a bridge between the conservative values expressed through saving and investment ideologically proliferated by the progenitors of the Austrian school of economics, more recently, and finally models our soil system that was created by the most high so long ago – If we think time is linear :P.
So Bitcoin, an immutable, decentralized, cryptographically protected ledger that is a derivative of a free-will, free market system provides itself as a medium of exchange. Now let’s consider the other elements of Mike’s definitions of money.
Firstly, I’ll start off with the problem that I see with Bitcoin and give a bit of context in today’s digital world. Fungibility in this context in referring to a unit of account, the satoshi, .00000001(divisibility), of a bitcoin is equal to another ledger entry of that unit of account. The problem arises with a unit of account when not all units are equal to the other, what do I mean? The government has enlisted elements of the free market to develop, which they have, tools that screen and database the bitcoin blockchain. The blockchain being a series of cryptographically protected ledger entries that are proliferated by the miners, profit seeking members of the bitcoin network that provide proof of work processes for the bitcoin network.
This goes back to a blockchains immutability, which is the biggest scare for freedom minded folks about using a digital money. If the blockchain is indeed immutable then it can’t be altered, if it can’t be altered all transactions can be reviewed, if they can be reviewed with this new analytic software then owners of bitcoin addresses can be, although with difficulty, tracked, traced and databased and their real world identities discovered.
A famous example of this is of the founder Ross Ulbricht of the Silk Road, an online market place where people bought and sold all manner of materials, most notably illegal substances and services, reportedly. Ross was eventually caught and thus proving that Bitcoin is not fungible. If a ledger entry, which is all a bitcoin is, is deemed to be a “bad bad bitcoin” by a government agency, then it might not, and has not in some cases, been considered equal to another “good bitcoin.”
Wait.. did I just poo poo on my own argument? Yes, bitcoin is not perfect and fungibility, or more accurately, privacy, is not one of bitcoins strong suites and as such needs to be recognized for what it is. What it is yo? Yo, it’s a problem that has a clear solution, but yet to have the market force its implementation. I’ll talk about solutions like projects such as Monero, or Pirate Coin, post-genitors of the Bitcoin revolution in a later message if there is interest.
The point being fungibility is an important virtue of a digital money, or a physical one. Is your silver dollar a Chinese knock off or is it really 31 grams, ish, of pure silver metal? So fungibility in the 3-D world, can also be a problem, no? Better check those cheep Nike’s hommie, or that LEWYY-V-TON bag there ma’am. So
Divisibility? Yep, we spoke about the Satoshi earlier, we have a very simple way of dividing the potential value for the ledger entry. Just like a dollar, not a constitutionally recognized dollar mind you, but a current world FRN dollar, is equal to 100 pennies, and such. Check in the box.
Transportability is our next chu-ching, box check. In fact it beats out just about any other form of money out there due to the ease of transmission. If you wanted to send value to say someone in hong kong who is fighting an evil oppressive government, opposed to what other type of government, well the swift system might give you a problem. The CCP might also give you a little cause for concern seeing how they pretty much own one of the presidential candidates / selected idiots in our country today.
However, with Bitcoin you seek no permission but your own acumen with technology. What do I mean? Well you can send a bitcoin transaction with smoke signals, you can send a transaction with a ham radio, a “satellite” transmission, of course from your phone, your laptop, you can send it in a painting, scribbled on a napkin, it just needs to entered in the current block being mined and finally accepted by the blockchain nodes for validity and thus network security verified.
Moving on to Durable, how durable is data? Well let’s say you were Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton and hypothetically you were a lying, cheating, thieving, murdering, psychopath and wished your photo’s, audio, text and other media, proving the aforementioned, to be wiped from the internet, from every hard drive that had proof of your miss deeds. Do you think all the wishing in the world is going to wipe that data clean? Once it’s online, it’s forever entombed. So as long as there is a single copy of the bitcoin blockchain, which ANYone can download a full node and verify, and thus secure the network further, then Bitcoin is fairly durable. Tulips, need not apply.
Scarcity, how scarce is gold? Well if you talk to Bix Weir from the Road to Roota, or Michael Tellinger then it might be more than the swimming pool story, but regardless precious metals seem to be rather scarce. We aren’t sure if we are honest with our selves but it’s been money, supposedly, for a long time and now is no different, depending on your circles, or whether or not you are a Chinese or Russian central bank. Bitcoin will only ever have 21,000,000 coins. That’s it. The network validity is based on this, and our current world’s obsession with monetary wealth would suggest that profit seeking won’t change at any point in the near future, thus scarcity of the Bitcoin beast is likely to not change, unlike the credit instruments of the federal reserve banking scam which produce value from nothing, and no where in perpetuity. Think Hyper-inflation used to destroy humanity and create room for a communist one world government… beautiful right? If you’re a human hating psychopath inbred elitist that enjoy’s a daily dose of adrenochrome, that is.
Store of value? Well Gold has been a store of value ever since man has been re-writing its history, notedly, to the detriment of all of humanity. Bitcoin does not have such a track record, nor does cryptography as it’s a constantly evolving discovery of information precludes such a certainty. However, time has shown that Bitcoin is being recognized for a store of value, and ultimately our biases do NOT dictate the free market.
What a plant wants, the soil life provides, and vice versa; this is the decentralized nature of the world God created for us, a harmonious free exchange of energy in such way that allows for life to proliferate beyond the confines of any entropic force; looking at you Devil.
So how long until Survival Blog readers wake up to the fact that Bitcoin, and other technologies are here to stay? I’m welder, and I’ve dabbled in blacksmithing. Now rivet’s may have joined steel at the turn of the century forged by blacksmiths but today buildings are held together by welds. Horses and buggies may have been the locomotion of the past, but the combustion engine is that of today. My point being that technology doesn’t have to be our enemy if we use good judgement and in so make ourselves aware of its pro’s and con’s.
For example, today, almost all transactions around the world 30 year olds or less are digital transactions with a credit card, checking account, blah blah blah, thus centrally controlled and centrally tracked. We are already living in a beast system and thus should be seeking ways to avoid, and thus circumvent the current control schemes that seek to enslave us. I would argue that all transactions should go in this order: Labor for Labor, Barter this for That, a medium of exchange that is three dimensional such as gold, silver, etc, a free market digital money such as Monero, Pirate Coin, Bitcoin (if the community fixes their security problem), and lastly any worthless banker script.
If the idea’s of Freedom and Liberty are to survive then it’s protectors need to wake up and update their understanding of how the world works. Take me for example, I’m practicing permaculture, learning to steward the earth in a way that supports all of God’s creation, but I’m also a student in a programming course that teaches people about Blockchain programming. Why? Because like the Gun, a tool can be used for good or evil, creation or destruction, it’s only through free will and freedom are we able to exercise our judgement. If we don’t localize, decentralize and organize ourselves, I’m talking about humanity here, then the bankers will slaughter us like the animals God gave us to steward.
In closing, I would like to see the preparedness community wake up to the benefits of this free market money that the government can’t control. If they turn off the power, so what? That’s why we have gold, silver, barter, etc, when they turn it back on, or we turn it back on, then the ledger will still be there, commerce can again commence digitally.
God Bless Humanity, God Bless our Great Awakening, Where We Go One We Go All.
P.s. COVID is a hoax, resist, and take off the damn mask.