Odds ‘n Sods:

What Would Happen if a Massive Solar Storm Hit the Earth? – G.P. o o o New Shotgun Shell Design Promises Maximum Damage to Prying Drones – JBG o o o Remaining Government Stock of WWII M1911’s Handguns to Be Sold Off to The Public – W.C. o o o Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots of Planned Parenthood Revealed – D.S. o o o Got snail-speed broadband? Build your own internet mast – JBG

Odds ‘n Sods:

Bedtime Stories for Young Brains – D.C. o o o Young people: read this before you mess up your lives – S.B. o o o Meet The Scary Little Security Robot That’s Patrolling Silicon Valley – P.S. o o o Social Security Admits Plan to Add Recipients to Gun Background Check System – G.P. o o o Mexico now inspects passports at land border crossing from US, and charges $20.00 fee to enter – time to boycott this cesspool? – P.M.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Court To Bakery Owners: You Have No Property Rights – D.C. o o o Some Germans Are Microwaving Their ID Cards to Stifle Surveillance – D.S. o o o Detroit-area mayor seeks citywide ban on “personal flamethrowers” – T.P. o o o Infestation of Opossums Kills 17 Babies in Venezuelan Birth Ward – G.P. [Warning: auto-starting video] o o o Man who shot burglar charged with voluntary manslaughter – T.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ben Carson wants forced vaccines, with schools serving as enforcement checkpoints – H.L. o o o China Tests New Long-Range Missile with Two Guided Warheads – G.P. o o o UFC Fighters Experience Marine Corps Martial Arts – T.P. o o o Christians Are Being Systematically Purged From The U.S. Military – T.P. o o o California drought pictures – D.N.

Odds ‘n Sods:

High beef prices fueling rustling revival in Plains states – T.P. o o o 60 Minutes uncovers huge mobile phone security vulnerabilities – P.S. o o o Woman fined for Facebook pic of police car parked in disabled spot – T.P. o o o CA plans for huge water tunnels – P.S. o o o Police Shooting of White Driver Gets Less Publicity , because he was white – P.M.

Odds ‘n Sods:

If a tree falls in the forest, and absolutely no-one wanted it there in the first place… House Resolution 385 A tanning salon, expensive cigarettes, hairspray, Merlot, and a whole lot of crying doth no longer a Speaker make. Once upon a time, men at Lexington and Concord also began what was to prove a successful vacating process. (However, those were men.) – GLM o o o Government Wants RFID Tracking Chips Implanted in Welfare Recipients – D.S. o o o DHS plan – SOP 303 – P.S. o o o The Coddling of the American Mind – H.L. o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

How High Are Property Taxes in Your State? – PLC o o o Church Builds Gun Range, Launches Range Ministry ‘In The Name Of Jesus Christ’ – Pat Cascio, SurvivalBlog’s Product Review Editor o o o Your Guide to Building a Disaster Kit – H.A. o o o The FDA Just Approved OxyContin to Be Prescribed to Children – D.S. o o o Global eavesdroppers:In World War II, dozens of radio operators in Scituate dialed into enemy conversations worldwide – RBS

Odds ‘n Sods:

Even more reason to home school. Public schools are GOVERNMENT schools and we know what kind of government– federal, state, and local– we NOW have! It’s our own fault for being asleep for DECADES! School Officials Used Young Girl as “Bait” in Rape Sting, She Was Raped and they Covered it Up – H.L. o o o Pistol-whipped detective says he didn’t shoot attacker because of headlines – T.P. o o o Want ‘sustained happiness’? Get religion, study suggests – D.S. o o o Before the death panels…limb panels? – Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor At Large o o o Reciprocity …

Odds ‘n Sods:

American knife collector “Stilletto” just posted a very positive video review of the Rawles XL Voyager Knife. He compares the knife to the earlier-generation extra large Voyagers, and shows some nice close up views. He also mentions that this limited edition knife with the SurvivalBlog logotype will probably never make it to Cold Steel’s regular catalog or to any stocking dealers. These will probably sell out quickly, so don’t hesitate. As I’ve mentioned before, all profits are going to two Christian charities. – JWR o o o Federal Agencies Fight for Warrantless Access to Emails – G.P. o o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Court Rules Police Can Use Volunteered DNA In Other Cases – G.P. o o o Mapping 1083 People Killed By Cops In The Last Year – GJM As usual, the Redoubt rates very well here, though the low population density probably has a significant impact. o o o Judges Can’t Use Freedom of Religion to Avoid Performing Same-Sex Marriages – D.S. o o o Not preparedness oriented, but I stumbled upon this: Riftworld. Quite entertaining! (But beware of some foul language.) – JWR o o o Europe Watches Nervously As NATO And Russia Ready For War With Each Other – …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Heavily armed ‘Oath Keepers’ inject disquieting element in Ferguson – C.L. “Disquieting for who?” might be the appropriate question. o o o Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: White House Aide Barvetta Singletary’s Ex – R. o o o The Stanford Prison ExperimentForty-four years later, a searing film starring Billy Crudup brings the chilling research to life – An interesting study on prison psychology – Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor At Large. o o o ATF Denies Being an ‘Agency’ to Avoid FOIA Compliance Requirements – B.B. o o o Glenn’s list of 15 cities to avoid like the plague when …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Hackers can virtually kill people, manipulate death records, security expert says – T.P. o o o New Video of Ferguson – this guy obviously did not want his store looted – T.P. o o o ‘Preppers’ hone skills for coping with disaster and dystopia – GJM o o o FBI Says That Citizens should have no Secrets that the Government can’t Access: The Orwellian Cyber Police State has Arrived – D.S. o o o Russian Warships Dock In Iran for War Training – G.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Municipal Office Set on Fire, Trucks Looted in Western Venezuela – B.B. o o o Do You Have Change for a Bowie? The Advent of Artisanal Cash – JBG o o o How Facebook Tracks Messages and Photos For Crime, Reports to Police – D.S. o o o I described this scenario in one of my books, though it’s not a hard prediction to make. The danger of over-gadgeting your rifle – Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large o o o America Divided – Blacks won’t rebuke Farrakhan terror threats – MVR

Odds ‘n Sods:

‘Production Versus Plunder’ Part 19: Life in the New Empire o o o Transplanted Venezuelan patients resort to veterinary drugs – P.S. o o o Federal court: Drug dog that’s barely more accurate than a coin flip is good enough – T.P. o o o Google’s Search Algorithm Could Steal the Presidency – JBG o o o The Terrifying Dark Years Are About To Begin As The World Now Faces Greatest Downside Risks In History

Odds ‘n Sods:

Social Security Admin Ignores Congress on Gun Rights – G.P. o o o Denver DA Charges Man with Jury Tampering for Handing Out Jury Nullification Flyers – H.L. o o o Looting and violence on the rise in Venezuela supermarkets – G.W. o o o How to shake someone who’s tailing you – G.G. o o o How the way you type can shatter anonymity—even on Tor – G.G.