Odds ‘n Sods:

‘Production Versus Plunder’ Part 23 – Western Civilization Forms o o o NY Times: Our Declining Friendships With Our Co-Workers: Bad For Us, Bad For Our Employers – PLC o o o Renewed calls for gun control laws spur sales – D.S. o o o Turn off Google listening to everything you say – D.S. o o o This Infographic Explains Current Recreational Drone Laws and Safety – G.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Anyone near Dallas/Fort Worth might have an interest in an event hosted by the Mises Instititue: Lew Rockwell, Tom Woods, Tom DiLorenzo, and Jeff Deist will discuss Against PC: Creating a Culture of Liberty. o o o FBI, DEA and others will now have to get a warrant to use stingrays – G.G. o o o For pilots: TCAS, ADS-B Unreliable in Southeast U.S. Beginning Sept. 2 – T.P. o o o Gov’t Accuses Company Of Discrimination Over Employees Having To Prove Citizenship Status – P.M. o o o ISIS smuggler: ‘We will use refugee crisis to infiltrate West’ – …

Odds ‘n Sods:

When The Going Gets Tough – The Tough Start Welding – T.P. o o o Kentucky clerks to license marriages as their boss is jailed – T.P. o o o Gun control groups accused of ‘swatting’ open-carry permit holders, putting lives at risk – P.M. o o o Bankrupt Detroit buys a $700,000 SWAT Vehicle – G.S. o o o Gunfire scare in Millis is called a hoax – GJM

Odds ‘n Sods:

“Kill Whites And Cops”: NOW You Know Why Disarming You Is The Democrats’ Top Priority! – GJM o o o Alarm sounded on government’s ‘genetics’ survey – B.B. o o o Albuquerque police lieutenant shoots fellow officer 9 times at point blank range – T.P. o o o Chinese warships spotted off the coast of Alaska – J.R. o o o Nevada family fights government over mine property near Area 51 – T.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

South Dakota drops teaching high schoolers about American revolution, founding documents – B.B. o o o IRS Could Not Verify 40% Of $15 Billion Of Affordable Care Act Tax Credits Due To Lack Of Data From Health Insurance Exchanges – PLC o o o FLIR ONE thermal imaging camera review – G.P. o o o President Warns Nation Of Massacre And Death – Scenes Of Plundering In The Streets, Empty Shelves And Mile Long Lines Should Have Americans Preparing For The Worst – B.B. o o o From Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlogs Editor At Large: some finer Form 4473 points

Odds ‘n Sods:

For a moment there I thought I was reading the plot line of a “Dirty Harry Movie”: 600 police gunshots during Stockton bank robbery were ‘excessive,’ report says – T.P. o o o How America can be saved from stupid people – J.C. o o o May you never find yourself in this situation, but if you do: Urban foraging — if you’re still stuck in the city when disaster strikes – D.S. o o o The editor of the Weaponsman blog suggested a video that incorporates some good tips: Saturday Matinee 2015 35: Uncertain Tomorrow (Web pilot, 2015) o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Radio talk-show callers demand slaughter of whites and cops ( caution – language ) – T.P. o o o Bill That Was Supposed To Limit Police Drone Activity Changed By Lobbyist To Enable Weaponized Drones – B.B. o o o The Key To Disaster Survival? Friends And Neighbors – G.G. o o o Start Your Spring Garden – D.S. o o o Free No-Nonsense Amateur Radio Study Guides – RLH

Odds ‘n Sods:

‘Production Versus Plunder’ Part 22 – The Code of Production o o o A nap a day could save your life, research suggests – D.S. o o o Smith & Wesson investors are celebrating today – D.S. How is it that S&W can be doing so well and Colt is in bankruptcy? o o o Though the author of this piece isn’t as resourceful as many preppers I know: Food items you should never buy in bulk – K.C. o o o Cattle rustling Marion County style – T.J.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mexico warns Texas not to refuse its immigrants’ babies U.S. birth certificates Why is it that the descendants of Southern European, imperialist, colonialist, slave-owning, conquistadors who settled in the southern half of North America, after enslaving, raping, pillaging, murdering, and effectively exterminating much of the indigenous peoples of that land area have such a hatred for the descendants of Northern European, protestant Pilgrims who built the northern half of the North American land mass into the most prosperous, democratic, freedom-loving and defending, ethnically and religiously diverse, God fearing nation on earth, without whom much of the free world would now …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Our SurvivalRealty.com spinoff website has been expanded and improved. It now has new property search and mapping features, as well as broader offerings, and more details. There are now more than 230 retreat property listings. Check it out! o o o Unlawful immigrants can have gun rights, appeals court rules – RBS o o o Facebook has secretly been spying on your medical internet searches – D.S. o o o Managers are using drones to monitor their employees – D.S. o o o Fargo police ‘apologetic’ after mistaking students’ telescope for a gun – T.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

San Francisco Hygiene Goes Full Medieval? ( Caution – Silicon Valley’s New World Ordure ) My two cents: This a ticking cholera or dysentery time bomb. Get OUT of the major cities. – T.P. o o o A 21st-Century Migrant’s Essentials: Food, Shelter, Smartphone – P.S. o o o Wranglerstar discusses some of his latest controversies, but these have some real relevance to those families who are planing on sharing a retreat with others. There are some serious things that should be discussed beforehand. The Great YouTube Sack Lunch Drama o o o You were wondering how your teenager managed …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Got an old Radio Shack brand scanner? Here are the manuals and instruction data for them. Free. Some scanners allow for modifications. You can search those out on the web by searching for the model and modifications that can be done, if you are so motivated. – RBS o o o Man Indicted For Shotgun Blasts At Hovering Drone – D.S. o o o Wolverines! The danger may not be from where you expect. – W.C. o o o Man’s Concrete Home Survives Raging Wildfire in Washington – A.W. o o o Utah boy survived night in woods by curling …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Beware, your lock screen passcode probably isn’t very secure: 75% of us start secret patterns from a corner, study reveals – JBG o o o Uniformed Officer Booted From Chuck E Cheese Over Duty Handgun – D.S. o o o Disconnected is the new security feature: How hyperconnectivity is dangerous to human civilization – D.S. o o o Now THAT is real survival: Nurse sets own broken legs while trapped in car after crash – T.P. “I noticed my feet were real broken,” she said. “They were twisted to the side. My little nurse brain was like, you’ve got to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mine owner said he tried to stop EPA but was threatened with massive fines – D.S. o o o Forget license plate readers on police cars, how about on garbage trucks? – B.B. o o o An interesting product: Affordable 22 LR Ammo At Last! – JBG o o o ‘Thieves Emporium’: Part 7 – The First Botnet o o o USAF airman and friend knock out AK equipped terrorist on French train. – T.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

‘Production Versus Plunder’ Part 21 – Who Is God? o o o Can the States Seize Control of Federal Lands? o o o ‘Ridiculous’: FBI warns of next big terror attack – M.R. o o o Multiple counts of sexually exposing himself to men in traffic stops – NJ cop bonds out – not banned from LEO duty – T.P. o o o Video: Homeschooling with Mrs Wranglerstar