Odds ‘n Sods:

Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor At Large, received this email from one of his friends in Austria: Well I don’t know if you have seen the news? Here in Austria and Germany…we get flooded with immigrants…my battalion will be enlisted what I have heard yesterday. All border are full or getting full in near future. I was in Graz Styria near the border, yesterday I have seen 6 heading to somewhere…so one border near Vienna full, but in Styria it come the same 800 yesterday. I finish now all clean and make me ready to go border patrolling in the near …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Gallup Poll: 75% See Widespread Government Corruption – T.A. o o o The foxes are guarding the chicken coop – The majority of UN member states are not full-fledged democracies – A.D. o o o Utah Supreme Court allows self-defense at work – G.G. o o o I Will Follow God – B.B. o o o Is North Korea concealing a nuclear missile from U.S.? – C.L. o o o Top 20 Photos of Helpless Muslim Refugees in Europe You’ll Never See in Legacy Media – B.B.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Thankfully no police were murdered before the truth came out! Black student admits hanging ‘White Only,’ ‘Black Only’ signs near school bathrooms, water fountains – P.M. o o o 1.5 million citizens’ private healthcare records exposed – D.S. o o o Nuclear attack? Duck & cover! – G.G. o o o Fed Judge: Fast and Furious details off limits during trial of Brian Terry’s killers – T.P. o o o “Welcoming” the Third World to Your Neighborhood – B.B.

Odds ‘n Sods:

DIY survival watch for about $20 – P.S. o o o Military exercise that sparked fears in Texas of ‘hostile government takeover’ ends – JBG o o o What’s in a refugee’s bag? – P.S. o o o I normally try to stay out of politics, but this exchange profiled on Bill Whittle’s Trifecta is refreshing. If only all politics were like this! – MtH o o o Acetic acid, found in vinegar, shown to be effective against bacteria found in burn wounds – A.D.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Attacks on Internet Fiber Optic Cables Ongoing. – T.A. o o o Video: How to Make a $1500 Sandwich in Only 6 Months – W.A. A heavy dose of reality for those who think that they can just change their lifestyle after SHTF. Start now! Practice! Remember, it’s not practice that makes perfect but perfect practice. – HJL o o o Kid Takes Homemade Clock to School to Impress Teacher; They Arrest Him for “Making a Hoax Bomb” – D.S. o o o Freeze And Seize—-Not Conspiracy Theory: Legislative Fact Harder, more logistically improvident, is the prospect of seizing the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Worth A Thousand Words… Satellite image of Russian troops and hardware in Syria Proxy Wars: 25% less-filling than declared wars with the same levels of casualties. – GJM o o o Obama Issues Executive Order for Use of Behavioral Data – G.P. o o o The Caliphate Growing at the Feet of Obama – MtH [Warning: – disturbing photo] o o o SCOTUS Justice Breyer likes to rely on the laws of other countries – G.P. o o o Marine General actually said: “Whichever way you stand on the Second Amendment“? One can’t help but wonder what Jeff Cooper, Joe …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I generally shy away from conspiracy theory videos, but I found this one fascinating, for several reasons: 9/11 Experiments: The Great Thermate Debate– JWR o o o Perhaps a bit off-topic, but SurvivalBlog readers should be alerted that via the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, a ban on the interstate transfer of elephant ivory–even so-called “old ivory” –will be going into effect in the States on September 29th. Buy any Ivory pieces that you want for your guns or knives, NOW! – JWR o o o Video: Food riots turn deadly in Somalia – C.L. o o o California’s Sierra …

Odds ‘n Sods:

AMAZING PHOTOS- “Time Capsule” C-47 Crash – Don’t miss this one – T.P. o o o David Cameron under fire over EU army stance – G.P. o o o Some light reading…or not: United Nations Infantry Battalion Manual for Peacekeepers – Part 1 – T.P. o o o ‘Production Versus Plunder’ Part 24 – The Centuries of Reset o o o Wow, I’m really caught off guard that this would happen. I’m sure Iran will only use this for creating electricity. You know the “electric” feeling you get when you realize you screwed up big time and you’re about to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Disaster Psychology – A.L. o o o Innocence Destroyed: Case Against Texas Homeschool Family Dismissed as Traumatized Children try to Rebuild Their Lives – D.S. o o o Obama Has An Answer To The American Redoubt: make it no longer American – GJM o o o Girl survives 6 days without food This girl broke all the so called “survival rules” and still survived! By all rights she should have died…shows it’s your attitude and will to live that counts and not the fancy gear! – A.S. o o o Poll finds almost a third of Americans would support a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Military misplaces black plague samples – J.C. o o o Taking the President’s lunch money: In Major Humiliation For Obama, Iran Sends Soldiers To Support Russian Troops In Syria – GJM o o o Interesting, the kinds of articles that are starting to show up on such relatively nerdy sites as “Zerohedge”, these days… Guide for Learning to Use a Sidearm to Defend Yourself, Your Loved Ones, and Your Property, Should a Race War Break Out – GJM o o o Hackers had full access to your GM car for five years – D.S. o o o Microsoft is downloading …

Odds ‘n Sods:

TSA blunder hits travelers at U.S. airports – D.S. o o o Obama Orders That America Take In 70,000 Islamic “Refugees,” But Now John Kerry Says That The Number Will Be Up To 100,000 Muslims. Be Prepared For ISIS Massacres To Happen In The US Soon – B.B. o o o Bill Whittle – An Illegal Immigrant Catastrophe… In Europe? ISIS Refugees! – MtH o o o Video Shows Cops Tell K9 “Good Boy” as they Let Him Maul a Handcuffed Man – RBS o o o Traditional Family ? The CEO Of Starbucks DOESN’T WANT YOUR MONEY – T.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Video: Clear and Simple – What you already knew – 3 min. – W.W. o o o Shock Video: Man High on PCP Tasered Twice, Hit With a Baton and Pepper Sprayed – D.S. This is what you may be faced with WTSHTF. Are you prepared to deal with it? o o o Wranglerstar: Who Builds The Best Splitting Axe? You’ll Be Surprised – He doesn’t actually get to the contest in this part one, but it has an excellent video part about sharpening your chain’s saw blade when it needs it. o o o U.S. railroads warn of system …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Christians warned to pull kids from public school – D.S. o o o Judge Orders Kim Davis Freed from Kentucky Jail – T.P. o o o Squatter sells home items on Craigslist – D.S. o o o US College Grads Know Nothing About The Constitution – G.P. o o o UNHCR data confirms it: 75% of the so-called refugees arriving in Europe are MEN

Odds ‘n Sods:

Video: British man builds helicopter from 54 drones & garden chair – G.G. o o o Homeland Security: Highest Terror Threat Since 9/11 – M.R. o o o New Range Rover is a ‘fortress’ on wheels – G.P. o o o Video: Ann Barnhardt – So you think you’re supposed to be nice? – J.H. o o o Judge Who Jailed Kim Davis also ordered “Pro-Gay, Re-Education” for straight students – T.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Read the Contract the Islamic State Group Is Forcing Christians to Sign in Syria – D.S. o o o Alert: Air traffic collision warning systems, locators, down off East Coast and 5 states until Oct. 1 – D.S. o o o NATO, Russia war games fuel risk of war, think tank warns – G.P. o o o Are mysterious shootings at cars in 6 states across America tied to Black Lives Matter? – G.L. o o o ‘Hillary’ replaces ‘Jesus’ in campaign rally song Among normal Americans, even if they are not Christian, replacing “Jesus” with “Hillary” rates at least …