Odds ‘n Sods:

The 5th National Preppers and Survivalists (NPS) Expo is scheduled for October 10-11, 2015 in Louisville, Kentucky at the Louisville Convention Center. o o o The latest Thoughts From Frank and Fern: A Group of Your Own o o o Pat Condell: Goodbye to the First Amendment o o o ‘It’s not the guns’: Donald Trump says arming teachers and students would have stopped Oregon school killer as he defends Second Amendment rights o o o Patrice Lewis: The Stupidity of Gun-Free Zones

Odds ‘n Sods:

Killed for their faith: Tennessee lieutenant governor calls on all Christians to carry handguns as it’s revealed Oregon gunman slaughtered those who admitted religion o o o Obama Admin & UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight “Extremism” in US Cities o o o Germany Ethnically Cleanses its Own People to Make Way for Muslims o o o Reader Peter R. recommend this review of compact shortwave radios: Mega Review: the Tecsun PL-880, PL-660, Sangean ATS-909X, and Sony ICF-SW7600GR go head-to-head

Odds ‘n Sods:

Greg suggested this great piece by Eric Barker: 8 secrets to grit and resilience, courtesy of the Navy SEALs o o o Reader C.M. suggested this interesting Kickstarter project funding campaign:= “ZeroDay” Minimalist Survival Kit ZDSK o o o Over at The Middle East Forum: Saudi Arabia is Not Our Friend

Odds ‘n Sods:

A very useful piece was recently posted at the Thoughts From Frank and Fern blog: Survival Radio Net #1 o o o There is a lot of talk in the news about the mass shooting at a Umpqua Community College in western Oregon. A few alternative media types are asking about the shooter’s MySpace “connection”, Mahmoud Ali Ehsani. But the mainstream media outlets and the Obama regime are predictably grandstanding for civilian disarmament. Avalanche Lily (Mrs. Rawles) asks: “Why isn’t the network news asking about Muslim extremism? Why punish the 99.9% of gun owners who use their guns responsibly, when …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Jon C. spotted this news story from Omaha, Nebraska: Judge rules in lawsuit by neighbor: No chickens; owner will continue fight to keep them. JWR’s Comment: This underscores the importance of avoiding buying property inside a community with a HOA and onerous CC&Rs. o o o The creeping Nanny State: Court ruling makes Minnesota latest state to call BB gun ‘firearm’ (Thanks to J.B.G. for the link.) o o o B.B. recommended this video: The ISIS apocalypse: The history, strategy, and doomsday vision of the Islamic State. o o o Tim J. Sent us this: Woman is hysterical while …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Why I Chose the Self Sufficient Life o o o Everyday Kitchen Chemistry: Understanding Baking Soda and Baking Powder (Articles like this one teach us the mechanics of kitchen chemistry and help us to become more independent and resourceful and prepared.) o o o ISIS Planning ‘Nuclear Tsunami’ o o o The XM42 Flamethrower-What Freedom Looks Like. The flames are projected up to 30 feet. You can buy one direct from the factory, in the powder-coated color of your choice at XM42.com. I suppose that one of these would be great for clearing brush in the springtime or for igniting …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Peter S. suggested watching Mark Steyn’s September 26 speech in at the Danish Parliament building in Copenhagen: The Danish Muhammad Cartoon Crisis in Retrospect (Video.) By the way, some of Steyn’s remarks tie in to the theme of my upcoming novel, which is titled Land of Promise. o o o Over at Zero Hedge: TheWorst Part Is Central Bankers Know Exactly What They Are Doing o o o G.G. flagged this: Intense Solar Flare Unleashed from Unruly Sunspot. (This was the big M7 solar flare seen just before and after the recent Blood Moon.) o o o Sotomayor:‘Do as …

Odds ‘n Sods:

What do the words “Self-Sufficiency” mean to you? Well, according to one leftist think tank in the People’s Republic of Colorado, the words “Self-Sufficiency” now apparently mean: establishing guidelines for obtaining welfare handouts, tax credits, government grants, an increased “minimum wage”, “affordable (read: taxpayer subsidized) housing”, “economic justice”, and other assorted socialist claptrap. Their calculated annual “Self-Sufficiency wage” is a whopping $68,182 per year in Denver. That would be considered rock star uber wealthiness, to 98% of the world’s population. But in Denver, it apparently means just getting by. In classic Orwellian Newspeak, what used to be called “Dependency” isnow …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Questions raised after shock belt used at Texas murder trial. Incredible! I expect to next see defendants held in courtroom cages (as already seen in many European capital crimes trials.) o o o Here is a headline from the Middle East Forum that sounds like something straight out of my upcoming novel: Obama Throws Christian Refugees to the Lions o o o Regulated out of Existence: Off-Gridders Forced back on the Grid, Camping on own land Illegal

Odds ‘n Sods:

For more than a decade titanium nitride has been a popular protective hard coating for internal gun parts such as gas pistons, firing, pins and AR bolt carriers that requires only minimal lubrication. But now a company near San Diego is offering a full gun coating service. (Thanks to Terry H. for the tip.) o o o Reader J.B.G. flagged this: The RV for the end of the world: 18-tonne, $890,000 vehicle that looks ideal for people who like holidaying outdoors – in a warzone o o o Reader M.T.H. suggested this Fox News article: Surrender: San Fran’s iconic, last …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Fight for Light: Assault on Silicon Valley (Part 1 of 3.) Along with Chuck Woolsey, this segment for NRA News hosted by Ollie North features Chuck Holton, who you may remember as the creator of the great American Redoubt piece for CBN. o o o In Malaysia, RFID road tax stickers will track all vehicles. (Thanks to H.A for the link.) o o o I just noticed that Chris Walsh of Revolutionary Realty has added a North Idaho MLS search tool to his web site. It is a very handy tool, for anyone considering moving up there. I highly …

Odds ‘n Sods:

My #1 Son suggested this article: Six easy ways to tell if that viral story is a hoax – JWR o o o Mac flagged this: Syrian war spurs first withdrawal from ‘doomsday’ Arctic seed vault o o o Longtime content contributor B.B. sent this item: With Little Fanfare, FBI Ramps Up Biometrics Programs (Yet Again) o o o John Whitehead had some cogent commentary over at The Daily Bell:The Crisis of the Now: Distracted and Diverted from the Ever-Encroaching Police State o o o Reader Nick G. mentioned this humorous (but practical) sign that was seen posted at a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Over at The Prepper Journal: Migrant Crisis Validates Golden Horde Theory Fears o o o T. sent this BBC news story: US driver shot from police helicopter o o o Some great reading over at Thoughts from Frank and Fern: A Collage of Comments o o o Mac L. Sent this from The Wall Street Journal: Russia Expands Military Presence in Syria, Satellite Photos Show. (Note: A WSJ subscription is required.) o o o K.T. sent this bit of bad news: X Products Can Cannon Ruled to be an NFA Item When Assembled

Odds ‘n Sods:

75 years later, Norfolk’s FBI Office Still has Three Working Tommyguns. – A hat tip to “T.” for the link. o o o The New York Times reports: U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Afghan Allies’ Abuse of Boys. (“At night, we can hear them screaming…”) JWR’s Comment: If history can be any guide, the Pentagon will probably start with this “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy… o o o Safecastle has another Mountain House long term storage food sale in progress. Note that they have some scarce varieties back in stock. o o o Gregg sent us this: Marines test Google’s …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From Frank and Fern: A Collage of Comments o o o Muslim riots in Sydney, Australia – RBS o o o ISIS Using Churches as Torture Chambers, Forcing Christians to Convert or Be Killed – D.S. o o o Half in U.S. Continue to Say Gov’t Is an Immediate Threat – G.G. o o o Muslims of America terrorist training compounds – B.B.