Odds ‘n Sods:

It’s All Greek To Me! I just noticed that there is a Greek edition of my Penguin book How To SurvIve The End Of The World As We Know It in print. That seems quite apropos, since the Greek economy is now cratering, and most of the citizenry has resorted to bartering to meet most of their basic needs. See: Odigos epiviosis gia to telos tou kosmou opos ton xeroume. (Folks can put that on the shelf alongside their Bulgarian edition: Kak da otseleem sled kraya na sveta takav, kakavto go poznavame … and Korean – JWR o o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader Dan sent in this article: Refugees Over Run Germany, From an Expat’s Prospective (Prepardnessadvice.com) o o o Even Sweden is close to collapse, due to the wave of migrants that just keep coming, according to this article sent in by J.C. o o o SurvivalBlog reader P.M. sent in the link to this article on R.T. explaining how America is a bomb waiting to explode. o o o Lucky Gunner has posted an article comparing more than 115 handgun loads tested in Ballistic Gel. It’s the test you always wanted to do but didn’t have the funds for. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor At Large sent in this report on a comparison and analysis of 5.56mm and 7.62mm with several intermediate caliber cartridges and their effectiveness stating “This supports my previously stated hypothesis and prediction that intermediate calibers would do away with 7.62mm, possibly before replacing 5.56mm. “Though I would be leery of the commentary from Program Executive Office Soldier and their love for ‘universal’ solutions to distinct environments, given that their previous effort along those lines was the “universal” camouflage now being dumped as a complete failure.” o o o As the flood of Middle Eastern Refugees continues …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Sent in by SurvivalBlog reader P.M. Islamist UK Teachers Tell Pupils: ‘Wives Can’t Refuse Sex’ (Clarion Project) o o o Jason in Kansas writes in to say: “So my birthright is now to be thrown away like an old Buick?? I truly feel as if I’m going to vomit. God, please save what remains of our republic from this monster…” Clinton Praises Australian Gun Buyback Program (Free Beacon) o o o A SurvivalBlog reader sent in this article from WND on Healing a Broken America. o o o San Francisco Whistleblower Transferred After Revealing Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi NOT Qualified To …

Odds ‘n Sods:

J.C. informs us that the BLM is at it again with this article from News Channel 6 in Wichita Falls, Texas. Video: BLM Land Grab o o o Speaking of the BLM and Federal government overreach, B.B. sent in this article: Feds Sentence Oregon Ranchers to 5 Years in Prison for Setting Preventative Fires (The Gateway Pundit) o o o I just heard about a small company in the state of Washington that makes oil centrifuges, called www.simplecentrifuge.com. These centrifuges would be of great utility for anyone setting up a biodiesel factory, or for anyone that has a need to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From October 16th to 19th only, Oathkeeper–the latest book from Prepper Press–will be available free of charge, in Kindle e-book format. o o o What’s the Goal of DOJ’s Strong Cities Network? o o o Reader RBS suggested this: Controversies – Closing of Rural Hospitals across U.S. Upends Communities o o o Video: Unarmed black woman beaten and tackled by Florida cops for filming arrest of her husband. When will the police learn that photographing a public event is not a crime? For any readers who do not yet have press credentials, I strongly reommmend that you print out a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

RBS sent this: Matt Drudge: Copyright Laws Could Outlaw Linking to Websites (Infowars) o o o And here is a related headline: The Final Leaked TPP Text is All That We Feared o o o Camping Survival just announced that they have added a used knife section to their online store. Check it out.

Odds ‘n Sods:

I was really pleased to see that the late, great, “discontinued” Woodpile Report (edited by Ol’ Remus) is getting some new posts! o o o DSV sent this item at Kim Komando’s site: Creepy website shows how much Facebook knows about you o o o Homeschooling Gun Owners Sue NJ for $60 Million for Unconstitutional ‘Home Intrusion’. (Thanks to T.P for the link.) o o o NBC News (text & video): Illinois Assault Weapons Ban Before U.S. Supreme Court

Odds ‘n Sods:

At the WRSA site: Claire Wolfe: Come And Take Them. Start Here o o o Documenting Katrina o o o G.G. flagged this: EPA spends millions on military-style weapons, watchdog group reports o o o Over at Lew Rockwell’s site: The Collective Failure of Gun-Free Zones o o o KAF sent us this: Woman uses medieval combat training, sword to stop intruder

Odds ‘n Sods:

Science Daily: Solar activity predicted to fall 60% in 2030s, to ‘mini ice age’ levels: Sun driven by double dynamo. (Thanks to Andre for the link.) o o o Another great read over at Thoughts From Frank and Fern: Stark Reality o o o Do citizens with guns ever stop mass shootings? o o o Chris Walsh of Revolutionary Realty has posted a good background article at his site, titled: Southern Exposure…or not?

Odds ‘n Sods:

Why the Winchester 9mm NATO Bulk Ammo May Be Bad for Your Pistol o o o The text of 58 of George Whitfileld’s sermons are now available free at BlueLetterBible.com. o o o Reader R.B.S. suggested this video by Zed Zed: CB Radio J-Pole Antenna. o o o T.P. sent us this: Escaped king cobra captured behind woman’s dryer (It is a good thing that cobras haven’t gone feral in Florida, the way that Burmese Pythons have.)

Odds ‘n Sods:

J.B.G. sent this: ‘For the Record’: How Hackers Can Use the ‘Smart Grid’ to Cause a National Disaster o o o Tim J. sent this: Obama’s refugee resettlement plan could stir battle with states o o o It is said that it is a waste of time to ever “sit and watch the hourglass”–that is, to simply mark the passage of time. But I suppose there are exceptions. o o o The Golden Horde of Golden Week: World’s Worst Traffic Jam? Thousands of Cars Left Stranded on Motorway in China. (Includes a brief video clip.)

Odds ‘n Sods:

Anyone considering relocating to Michigan should take a look at this web site: HouseworthRealty.com. Doug Houseworth (yes, that is his real name) has pre-screened two different MLS databases in Michigan, looking for ideal retreat properties. o o o G.G. flagged this: Private database lets police skirt license plate data limits o o o UN delay could open door to robot wars, say experts o o o J.B.G. sent us this link: The ‘doomsday’ weapon that could wipe out 90% of Americans: Eccentric tech millionaire and presidential candidate John McAfee says country is ‘ill prepared’ for electromagnetic attack o o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Rob L. recommended this book: 52 Prepper Projects: A Project a Week to Help You Prepare for the Unpredictable o o o Jason in Montana suggested this alternative to a crockpot slow cooker, especially for people who live with an alternative power system: The Wonderbag o o o Paul Caron: Supreme Court Justices Get More Liberal As They Get Older o o o “The White House confirmed that President Obama was preparing a series of executive actions on gun control…” It seems to me that there are several possibilities: One might be an import ban on detachable magazine semi-auto …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A consulting client in Georgia recently asked me about carry methods for his new Rawles XL Voyager folding knife. Since this knife is quite large (7.3″ long when folded and just over 12″ when locked open), it can be challenging for everyday front pocket carry, using the included pocket clip. And, given the long blade length, pocket carry is not always legal in all jurisdictions. I told him: To get a kydex belt sheath made in your choice of colors and set up for either horizontal or vertical carry, talk to Matt Mann of Trident Concealment. Or if you prefer …