Odds ‘n Sods:

Link submitted by Avalanche Lily: Vote for my husband for president o o o Gift Suggestion for Christmas 2016 from Krayton Kerns, the Conservative Cow Doctor o o o From the Desk of Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor At Large: Propaganda Games: Sesame Credit – The True Danger of Gamification – Extra Credits o o o Sometimes, it is actually possible to win against the system: 5 Mothers are Victorious Against the New York City Flu Vaccine Mandate – D.S. o o o SurvivalBlog reader T.A. submitted this disturbing link: IS Jihadists Stole TENS of THOUSANDS of Passorts: Where are they …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Sent in by T.P.: Flame Thrower Equipped Hobby Drone – Happy Holidays ! – You know you want one! “The next best thing to having sharks with lasers” – JWR o o o Also sent in by T.P.: FAA Finally Admits Names And Home Addresses In Drone Registry Will Be Publicly Available JWR’s Comment: Let me get this straight: I can buy or build, and personally fly an ultralight or a powered parachute with an empty weight of up to 253 pounds with no FAA paperwork or licensing whatsoever. Some ultralight owners have staged solo cross-country flights. (3,000 miles!) But …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Forced Diversity: Obama Administration Begins Redistributing Poor Inner City Families to US Suburbs – Sent in by B.B. o o o Like him or not, Rush Limbaugh covers the GOP sellout of America. – Sent in by P.M. o o o Reader GJM writes in: I Sold My Soul On A Fractional Reserve Banking Basis—-And Then Some Of The Buyers Were Mean To Me! That’s one of the things about the buying and selling of high offices…The more compromised the ascent, the more uncompromising the descent. o o o ISIS loots the rich heritage of the Middle East, pillaging, burning, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

There are some pretty frightening satellite images in this link sent in by RBS. Batten down the hatches! Bering Sea monster storm hits Alaska as wind gusts reach 122 MPH and waves 40ft in the Aleutian Islands. o o o SurvivalBlog reader B.B. sent in this link: Russia and China’s “Enhanced Human Operations” Terrify the Pentagon. o o o Just tourism or something else? Sheriff’s office confirms tip about possibly suspicious questions regarding Bagnell Dam. o o o Electromagnetic Harvester charges battery (in a day) from “thin air” While this isn’t a new concept, I do wonder how long before …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From the Desk of Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog Editor At Large: Would you trust your life to a company that can’t get its calibers straight? .22mm short? o o o Reader A.L. sent in this link as an outstanding response to the question about “peacful Muslims” HJL Adds: This is a somewhat dated link but an excellent one nonetheless and worth repeating. I recently heard a podcast on Forward Observer Magazine that also gives some good reasoning. The short of it? “Islam” apparently means “submission” as in submission to Allah. If you’re going to be submissive to Allah, you need to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

For readers who’d like to get a glimpse of what the terrain, weather, and people are like in the Ilemi Triangle (the main locale of my latest novel, Land of Promise), I recommend a YouTube video narrated by a C-130 Hercules pilot who was based out of Lokichoggio, Kenya: A Postcard From Loki. – JWR o o o This video clip from Homeland pretty well sums up just how extremely devoted the jihadis are to setting up an Islamic Caliphate: Quinn from Homeland Understands the Problem – JWR o o o For those following the Infrared camoflauge technology, SurvivalBlog reader …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Elon Musk launches $1 Billion fund to save world from Artificial Intelligence o o o The water crisis worsens… California in Overdraft: Dry Wells and Sinking Ground as State Struggles with Ground Water Crisis. …and California is not alone. It’s happening in Kansas too. Pumped Beyond Limits, Many U.S. Aquifers in Decline. – Sent in by T.A. o o o Self Defense Prep interviewed JWR over his new book Land of Promise and has the link posted. Survival skills and the learning curve for those skills are also a topic of discussion. o o o D.S. sent in this link: …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Our SurvivalRealty spin-off site gets some very unusual retreat property listings, but this new one on Hawaii’s Big Island is incredible: Private Cave Bordering Forest Reserve in Tropical Paradise o o o SurvivalBlog reader R.H. wrote in response to Five Intelligence Essentials for Preparedness and Community Security, by Samuel Culper with a link to an article describing how to turn a computer and a TV tuning dongle into a police scanner capable of receiving trunked radio traffic. o o o J.N. writes in: “Gun haters point to recent mass shooting and froth at the mouth demanding new anti-gun legislation to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader JBG sent in yet another reason to avoid Social Web Media. While you may not live in Thailand, the record still exists. Once it’s there it’s permanent. o o o Wound-Stopping Battlefield Sponge Gun Now OK For Civilians, Too – Sent in by T.P. o o o Pete in Switzerland suggested this great six-minute educational video: PSK – Personal Survival Kit – Maxpedition EDC Pocket Organizer o o o Does anyone else out there ever find it ironic that the majority of the population of what were the original 13 colonies are so quick to want to jettison the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader D.B sent in this link about New Legislation Would Force Twitter and Facebook to Report “Terrorist Activity”. So who decides what terrorist activity is? Just one more reason to avoid social web media o o o Krayton Kerns on Gun Control – Picasso’s Little Sister o o o No passports for US citizens who haven’t paid taxes or don’t have a Social Security number o o o I am incredibly unsettled by reports of large amounts of cell phone purchases and stolen LP tanks by Muslims. On one hand, the purchase of cell phones shouldn’t be a crime …

Odds ‘n Sods:

We knew this was coming. Now it’s here. In fact, it’s here, there, and may soon be everywhere… Scientists Have Found a New Strain of Bacteria Resistant to ALL Antibiotics – Submitted by T.A. o o o A disturbing trend carried to an extreme… Still in a Crib, Yet Being Given Antipsychotics – Sent in by D.S. o o o An excellent article on True Light Infantry (4gw) sent in by T.Z. Just because you don’t have artillery doesn’t mean you automatically lose the war. o o o This article is written from a pro-government-helps standpoint, but it underscores the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The “Instant Background Check” managed to pass because it was illegal for the government to keep and maintain a database derived from these background checks. In a recent Washington Post article, the GAO announced that at least 2233 times, suspected terrorists attempted to buy firearms and succeeded in 2043 of those times. How would they know this if the data is not kept? Either the GAO is lying about the numbers or they are illegally keeping the data! My bet is on the illegal data retention. – Thanks to T.Z. for the link. o o o Point Deer, Make Horse …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Several readers sent this: video link to a Fox News story: Over 100 MILLION Guns Sold in US Since Obama Became President of United States JWR’s Comment: That is a stunning figure. I’d say that is roughly one firearm for every adult in the United States. Thanks Obama, you are the Gun Salesman of the Century! o o o “We Just Can’t Seem to Pinpoint the Problem”, says Obama so let’s bring in 180,000 more. Are we crazy? o o o This smart car seems to have tattled on its driver While it’s difficult to be upset with how the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

President BHO gave a speech on December 6th in which he, among other things, urged enactment of controls on civilian-owned battle rifles. He also mentioned expanding the National “No-Fly” List into a “No-Buy” list for firearms purchases. Since the DHS administrative secret persona non grata list has no proper remedy, redress, or recourse under law, and because it is chronically plagued by thousands of “wrongly matched” false positive names that have already cost tremendous undue suffering, this is an exceptionally bad idea. Thusfar, the expected torrent of new Executive Orders implementing BHO’s plans has not yet been unleashed. Perhaps this …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The long-awaited Ghost Gunner automated milling machine is now in large scale production. These compact machines provide a means of completing “non-gun” 80%-complete aluminum alloy AR-15 receiver blanks into finished receivers, even for people who are not mechanically adept. There are plans to soon provide software that will allow the machines to also finish AR-10 receivers. I have heard that folks who were on the waiting list from 2014 are now receiving shipments of their Ghost Gunners. This venture was launched by Cody Wilson of Defense Distributed– the designer of the much-publicized 3D-Printed AR-15 lower. The cost of a Ghost …