Odds ‘n Sods:

Doctors can report some mentally ill patients to FBI under new gun control rule – JBG o o o Reader P.S sent in this link to a “Graduation-rate Estimator”. For communities that are fairly well in the middle, it does a pretty good job of estimating graduation rates from high school. However, as you move towards the ends of the spectrum, it has trouble. It is possible on the estimator to get better than 100% graduation simply by paying your teachers more than anywhere else. Nonetheless, if you are looking for a tool to help you decide where to relocate, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

More details are beginning to emerge on the Oregon situation: Reader A.L. sent in this link to Mike Vanderboegh’s blog: No more free Wacos. Reader Joe K. sent in the link to Oathkeepers official statement: The Hammond Family Does NOT Want an Armed Stand Off, and Nobody Has a Right to Force One On Them. o o o A very good article about collectivism and freedom: One American’s Rage Spills Over: Dear Liberal… Here’s Why I’m So Hostile – L.A. o o o Those who have tangled with the American justice system know that it should not be confused with …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader P.H. wrote in: I just saw this a few minutes ago. It could turn out to be critical, or turn out to be nothing: Three of Cliven Bundy’s sons, militia seize federal building in Oregon. The “federal building” that they took over was the little offices at a National Wildlife Refuge 50 miles out in the countryside, outside of Burns, Oregon. It’s a kinda big deal but not nearly the deal that would have happened if they took over a “federal building” in town. I hope they brought sandwiches and dressed for the weather ’cause the government is going …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader G.P. sent in this link to Building a Motion Detector Alarm That Reports Time and GPS Location Data. An interesting concept as long as the network stays up. o o o Swedish Society Collapsing Amid Horrific Crime Wave From Muslim Refugee Swarm – Now Trying To Stop Onslaught…. – Sent in by B.B. o o o Krayton Kerns welcomes his 15th grandchild into this world with a special letter: My Letter to Number 15 o o o The gun I got for Christmas: Photographer captures everyday Americans showing off their new weapons at the firing range the day …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The story of Obama’s executive end-run around the constitution (yet again) are starting to become known: Obama set to unveil curbs on gun sellers o o o Chuck Baldwin has written an excellent treatise on how the Republicans have sold out the American people who put them in place to stop Obama: Republicans Write Obama A Blank Check o o o A little humor for the new year. (You can’t make this stuff up!) Fight breaks out at Newark anti-violence rally o o o Run and Hide! It’s a sad state of affairs when we teach people to run and …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Should Christians be Encouraged to Arm Themselves? John Piper, chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary, recently wrote an article challenging Jerry Falwell’s speech at Liberty University in a campus chapel service in which Falwell encouraged his students to obtain CC permits. Piper’s argument is centered around the concept of turning the other cheek. However, SurvivalBlog reader R.N. wrote in with an excellent refutation of Piper’s argument: “Should Christians lock their doors? Should Christians install home security systems? Should Christians dial 911? Should Christians vote for laws that protect the innocent? Christianity is not advanced through force, nor do we take …

Odds ‘n Sods:

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander!: VA GOP to defund “protective services” in wake of political banning of CWP reciprocity – Sent in by RBS o o o G.P. sent a link with some charts showing some critical societal institutions and how public perception of them has slipped tremendously since the 1990s: America’s Decaying Institutions The rule of law is clearly in trouble in the United States. o o o MtH sent in this update to the ridiculous trampling of rights over your right to refuse service: Oregon bakery owners pay more than $135G in damages …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Conservative talk radio host Pete Santilli was arrested after police dispatch radio traffic mentioned that both he and his co-host “…vehicle matched to terrorist watch list, along with names.” Then the backpedalling began… This is quite troubling, even as an isolated incident. The chances of both the vehicle and the two radio hosts names INCORRECTLY matching the terrorist watch list are close to ZERO. The police chief reportedly spent an hour on the phone with the DHS before de-escalating the arrest. And doubtless part of this hour was being briefed on how to handle the upcoming CYA session with television …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader B.G. sent in the link to a Washington Post article detailing that the Justice Department just shut down a huge asset forfeiture program. It’s important to note that this is just a small part of the whole “asset forfeiture” system. States can still use state forfeiture rules, and it does not address seizures by federal agencies, like the FBI, DEA, or DHS. It’s ironic that an individual confiscating your property under the same rules would end up in jail for theft. I guess stealing is deemed okay, when you’re a government. o o o The Anti Safe Act Organization …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Sleazy MN Council Woman “Doxes” Constituents Who Opposed Her Involvement in Illegal Protest – T.P. For those that don’t know…”Doxing” is the posting of someone’s private information such as email, phone number, resident address, et cetera in a public forum. If you sent a message to this Council Woman disagreeing with her position, she publicly posted your contact information to Twitter. So much for OPSEC. o o o Chocolate Gives Statins A $29 Billion Run For Their Money – Let’s see…taking Big Pharma drugs for the prevention of cardiovascular disease, which are known to have side effects (which include heart …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Another reason why I don’t do social media: The Serial Swatter – T.Z. o o o ISIS Sanctions Organ Harvesting of living non-Muslims (to save Muslim lives) – Sent in by T.P. Article quote: “Islamic State has sanctioned the harvesting of human organs in a previously undisclosed ruling by the group’s Islamic scholars, raising concerns that the violent extremist group may be trafficking in body parts. The ruling, contained in a January 31, 2015 document reviewed by Reuters, says taking organs from a living captive to save a Muslim’s life, even if it is fatal for the captive, is permissible.” …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A recent article on Zero Hedge that has absolutely no media coverage that I can find. “Unstoppable” California Gas Leak Now Being Called Worst Catastrophe Since BP Spill – Sent in by M.C. o o o From the desk of Mike Williamson, Survivalblog Editor At Large – There’s always a way… Aluminum wall art for sale on Amazon. o o o An innovative old-tech solution to greenhouses: Fruit Walls: Urban Farming in the 1600s also, Reinventing the Greenhouse – Sent in by P.S. o o o SurvivalBlog reader sent in an enjoyable video clip of Santa and his reindeer from …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Inside the growing popularity of safe rooms – Part of our society’s exasperating fixation on non-violent defense – Your safety depends solely on how determined the attackers are. They have their place in providing protecting from certain non-targeting disasters, but when you are the targeted, mobility and aggression is your friend. – Sent in by T.J. o o o Mass Shooting in New Orleans That Didn’t Get Top Media Attention – 17 victims and hardly a peep from the media? This shooting doesn’t fit the liberal/progressive narrative. – Sent in by D.S. o o o You’re on the hook with …

Odds ‘n Sods:

ATF Lets Straw-Purchasing Violent Criminal Walk In WV – If ever there was a federal agency that should be disbanded, this has got to be it! Sent in by T.P. o o o Showing just how out-of-touch the government powers are with the American people, Guns topping Christmas lists thanks to terrorism concerns, fear over restrictions – Sent in by G.G. o o o SurvivalBlog reader J.K. sent in an interesting article on intelligence-sharing in the Syrian war: Military to Military o o o Because there are apparently not enough “known unknowns”: Unlimited Muslim immigration: A Congress of fools or …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A reader sent in this link to Thoughts from Frank and Fern: Just Grow Up. o o o Human Rights Campaign Calls on Christian Colleges to Repent of Their Christianity. JWR’s Comment: Of America’s 4,084 colleges and universities, just 56 have sought Title IX exemptions. So they say that 0.0137 of institutions have sought independence and that constitutes a “disturbing trend”? What is disturbing to me is that 99.98% of colleges haven’t stood up for Christian morality. o o o From the Desk of Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog Editor At Large: The Fallen of World War II I notice the Soviet …