Odds ‘n Sods:

Here is some sage advice, over at Commander Zero’s blog: Magazine Speculating. o o o Yet one more reason to get your kids out of public schools! School Bans Marine Father Protesting Islamic Indoctrination o o o SurvivalBlog reader H.L. sent in this article on 23 Must-Have Kitchen Items For Any Survivalist Or Prepper. Advice well worth heeding. o o o Ol’ Remus is at it again over at the Woodpile Report. An excellent list of reading material. – B.B. o o o Do you use a fitness tracker? You might want to read this: Some fitness trackers vulnerable to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I am now researching and writing the second and third installments of my Counter-Caliphate Chronicles novel series. If any SurvivalBlog readers have friendships with a head of state or a high level diplomats from any of the following nations, then I would greatly appreciate getting an introduction: South Sudan Kenya Vanuatu Niue Tonga Cook Islands Nauru The Philippines Mozambique Comoros Mauritius Maldives Nicaragua Honduras Belize Panama St. Kitts & Nevis Dominica Grenada Cape Verde Mozambique Madagascar Namibia Bermuda Cayman Islands Monaco Isle of Man Andorra Finland Switzerland This would probably just involve a brief interview by phone or Skype. But …

Odds ‘n Sods:

“Free French”, a retired cop, has a video commentary out on the LaVoy Finicum shooting video released by the FBI. From the start there were serious issues in how the OHP and FBI set this arrest up. From starting with lethal force options where there was no justification to placing their own officers/agents in a cross fire situation, to using illegal roadblock techniques, to breaking cover to engage Finicum while standing behind an uncleared vehicle, there are serious problems all the way through. o o o Israel’s power grid has been partially taken down by a cyberattack. If theirs can …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Someone has released stabilized and zoomed-in video of the Lavoy Finicum shooting that makes the tragic event a lot more clear. Without correlated audio of the FBI’s gunshots, this video is still inconclusive. But to describe this as evidence of Finicum exiting the vehicle and “charging at” the ambushing officers (as it was described by the FBI) is ludicrous. And the sight of him dropping his hands is just as consistent with reacting to the pain of being hit in the abdomen with bullets as it is with the alleged “reaching for his waist” to draw a handgun. There is …

Odds ‘n Sods:

This is a clarion call to Christians to wake up and pay attention. We are in the last days and we are spiritually bankrupt. We need to repent and seek God with all of our hearts. The deception is real. If a Republican is elected, we’re still in the throes of judgment. It will not be peace and prosperity coming to us. Do not be mistaken. Do not sigh a collective sigh of relief and go back to your pleasant daily routines. The days are truly evil. The next president, whether he will be Republican or Democrat, will continue us …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Rawles XL Voyager limited edition tanto pocketknife has been a strong seller for Cold Steel. I’ve been told that they now have just a few hundred left. So if you want one, then don’t hesitate. This is a limited edition, so once they are gone they are truly gone. (After they are only available on the secondary market, prices are expected to rise, driven by collectors. So you might want to keep the original box for your knife.) Note that all profits from the sales of these knives are going to charity. – JWR o o o From the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Hundreds of DHS badges, guns, cell phones lost or stolen since 2012 Exerpt: “…the phones are likely to have enough protocols in place to prevent them from being used for nefarious purposes, the badges and credentials are an entirely different matter and could allow access to sensitive areas such as cargo.” – A.L. o o o Do you sometimes wish you had the same data as the police, when trying to find someone? Maybe you can… An Unprecedented Threat to Privacy Vigilant Solutions, makers of the license plate recognition software, has taken roughly 2.2 billion license plate photos to date …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Writing from his retirement home, the former press secretary to Democrat Governor Cecil Andrus (and biographer of the four-term governor) penned this diatribe: Serious questions about American Redoubt. This septegenarian Democrat did his best to sling mud, but he had difficulty finding a handful to toss. He sounded downright disappointed that the American Redoubt movement is anti-racist. In a fit of convoluted logic, he even implied that somehow we would be racists if the demographic situation were different. Sorry, sir, but that is not the case. (It is the statist leftists who are famous for situational ethics–not us constitutional libertarians.) …

Odds ‘n Sods:

For those who thought that 3D Printing and the Ghost Gunner milling machine were cool, this is simply amazing: The Pour Freedom-15 AR-15 100 Percent Lower Receiver Mold Kit o o o It’s the X-Files – for real! 20 Dead, 200 Hospitalized After Reports US Lab “Leaks” Deadly Virus In Ukraine – W.C. o o o SurvivalBlog reader B.B. sent in this link to an article by Dean Weingarten profiling misconduct by Connecticut State police. Every person with a smart phone is capable of being a reporter and there is no room for misconduct. Law enforcement’s job is hard enough …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Zika virus, a wolf in sheep’s clothing A virus that has no vaccine and no specific treatment is on the rise and prevention appears to be the only real option. The mosquito-borne virus is actually a minor illness that resembles a light case of the flu except when it holds a nasty surprise. – D.S. o o o No idea what you’re going to do when TEOTWAWKI is here and there is no GPS? How about doing the same thing that Native Americans did for hundreds of years: Native American GPS – T.Z. o o o Flint Residents Told That …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I had to chuckle a bit, seeing the news reports from the east coast. You see, we get five to eight feet of snow most winters here in our part of the American Redoubt. And it is not unusual to get two feet of snow with just one two-day storm. When we do, we just throw another log on the fire, top off our livestock water tanks, and our kids have an excuse to slack off on their homeschooling to do some extra sledding. But we certainly don’t call it #SNOWMAGEDDON, and the local police chief doesn’t threaten to arrest …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Good news for those living in the deep south…Reader G.P. sent in this article to an interesting invention. It’s a self-filliing water bottle that converts humidity to drinks.. Now if only they could invent one of those for the arid southwest. o o o Staying Warm During the Polar Vortex – Submitted by T.A. o o o Sent in by D.S.: Is D.C. megastorm Jonas a ‘gift of God’. While it’s probably not judgment from God, “Snow-pocalypse”, as many are calling it, can at least be looked at as an excellent time to practice putting those preps to work. A …

Odds ‘n Sods:

French Toast Warning! (Get your Milk, Eggs, and Bread now.) – Or better yet, just check your pantry and make sure everything is in order. More than 75MILLION people brace themselves for the wrath of Jonas – the monster East Coast snowstorm – as FIVE THOUSAND flights are canceled and panic buyers clear the shelves – JBG o o o Reader BLW wrote in to tell us that while the east coast is expecting a major snow storm in the next couple of days, an unexpected clipper roamed through his area Wednesday night and it crippled the city. Only one …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalRealty has what I would term the “coolest” survival property ever in it’s listings. It’s a 165 acres located in the Western USA with a half mile tunnel (20 feet wide, 30 feet high and 2,400 feet long) on it. The property is 200 feet wide and seven miles long. o o o K. in Tennessee sent in a link to 25 PVC projects. While some of these rate high on the coolness factor as well as the impracticality scale, some actually look useful. o o o Reader GJS sent in the link to this article that explains What Amending …

Odds ‘n Sods:

RBS sent in this link: Drone Catcher Is Every Drone’s Worst Nightmare (video) – My favorite comment: “Inevitable, a counter-drone. Next will be a counter-drone-catcher” o o o Clinton-Appointed Judge Dismisses RICO Case Against Clintons JWR’s Comment: This adds new meaning to the word racketeering. (Any ethical judge would have recused himself.) o o o Inspector General: Clinton emails had intel from most secretive, classified programs – Apparently Hillary had “several dozen” emails classified as special access programs (SAP) on her private server. SAP indicates a level of classification beyond even “top secret”. Anyone placing bets on whether a Democratic …