Odds ‘n Sods:

Colorado Sends Non-Vaccinating Parents ILLEGAL Order to “Register Their Child With the State” – Sent in by DSV. o o o What do you do when you have barbarians and no gate? You build a wall… in Kenya – Kenya can build a wall and we can’t?? – Submitted by B.B. o o o Student Gunned Down During Robbery Near “Gun Free” Campus In NJ – Not just gun free campuses but gun free all of NJ! At least to protect oneself outside the home. ?- D.S. o o o Edward Snowden: Whistleblowing Is Not Just Leaking — It’s an …

Odds ‘n Sods:

President Obama claims executive action on Gun Control within his authority. “The Social Security Administration will publish a proposed rule to help ensure that mental health records about people who are prohibited from buying a gun are reported to the background check system.” I thought this was a discussion, but now it is being implemented on a wide scale. – J.T. o o o A Woman Woke Up To An Unidentified Cop Creepily Sitting on Her 4-Year-Old’s Bed – While this incident occurred in Canada, alas it could also happen in America– “the land of the fleeced and the home …

Odds ‘n Sods:

It’s coming everyone. Your Parental Rights Of Your Children Terminated by your State. The example in the article is of a mother transporting meth and she nearly lost custody of all her children, but the article is clear on the State “authority” determining “abuse” in parent’s conduct. That word abuse is a vague line to draw and could mean anything in the near future. How about your State “people” determining that homeschooling is abuse, teaching Christian principles is abuse, or owning guns is abuse, and the list goes on and on. So glad my family made the move to the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

How Islam Erases Christianity from History o o o Super Survival Kit: 15 Lifesaving Essentials in One Tiny Box – Sent in by G.G. o o o Obama vows to ‘speed up’ efforts to admit Syrian refugees – The last push for absurdity is upon us. – B.B. o o o All Belgian residents issued with iodine tablets to protect against radiation – This is a preventative measure. The pills are actually being distributed to the local pharmacies with priority for distribution given to pregnant and nursing mothers in the event of a nuclear catastrophe or dirty bomb. – B.L. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A Photo Gallery of a Super Survival Kit: 18 Deer-Camp Essentials. I’m not sure a snore guard makes my list, but each to his own. – G.G. o o o RBS sent in the link to this article on Canada’s Proposed Gun Law. (No centerfire rifles allowed) o o o National sheriffs’ group, opposed to federal laws on guns and taxes, calls for defiance. Sent in by W.C. o o o From the Desk of Mike Williamson: The Fourth Amendment and the Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Even if this is outlawed, it’s easy enough to RFQ for publicly gathered …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Once again, the duplicity of the Federal Government is exposed: U.S. Has Not Told Panama, Costa Rica to Stop Flying Thousands of Illegal Aliens Close to U.S. Border – Sent in by B.B. o o o Prison Time for Illegal Alien Who Crossed River to Rob other Illegal Aliens. Him they’ll prosecute – G.L. o o o It’s somewhat simplistic but good information to know: Seven Survival Uses for a Tarp – G.G. o o o Professional Educator: Showing Up On Time Is A Form Of White Supremacy. “In Hackman’s telling, virtually everything associated with being a good student in …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From the desk of Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large: Despite what you’ve heard about the fearsome IS fighters in sweeping victories, this video footage obtained by VICE News shows that they are often in disarray. o o o Cartels Help Terrorists in Mexico Get to U.S. to Explore Targets; ISIS Militant Shaykh Mahmood Omar Khabir Among Them – Sent in by B.B. o o o Fridges go off as Venezuela power-rationing hits – It was only a matter of time before this started. Are your preps ready for that here? Can you do without your fridge (or freezer)? – …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Safecastle’shuge Mountain House food sale ends this Saturday, April 30. Both the 30-year #10 cans and the 12-year pouches are seriously discounted, up to 46%. Safecastle always includes shipping to the lower 48. o o o Camping Survival has a new video out on cleaning water. It’s not a survival video but is good info. o o o From the desk of Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large: Camopedia, the camourlage encyclopedia. o o o The Death of Encryption. “The Burr-Feinstein bill claims to support “the rule of law,” which the authors seem to think means that if a government …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Kenyan police fire tear gas as opposition marches on electoral body – The world continues in its civil unrest. o o o Science Fiction has a disturbing habit of turning into reality. Stories such as “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” and “Around the World in Eighty Days” have been reality for a long time. Sadly, here are 10 Sci-Fi Dystopias That Are Everyday Realities Today. – Sent in by DSV o o o More than 340,000 people pledge to boycott Target over its policy to allow customers to use restrooms and fitting rooms matching their gender identity – Sent …

Odds ‘n Sods:

1.2% of Somalia’s population has been resettled in America. There are some disturbing charts in this article, and it shows that Clinton, Bush, and Obama are guilty. – B.B. o o o Obama’s federalization of police grows nationwide. From equipment to intel, police are becoming dependent and subservient to the White House agenda. – B.L. o o o McAuliffe restores voting rights for 206K ex-felons; GOP calls it move to boost Clinton. Every single individual (felon) who has completed their sentence has now had their voting rights restored, including rapists and murderers. (Note: He didn’t say rehabilitated, he said sentence …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree: Chelsea Clinton: Now that Scalia’s Gone We Can Enact Gun Control (VIDEO). The left is coming after your guns. This is not a conspiracy. They’re actually saying it. – DMS o o o Harriet Tubman, Enemy of the State – In an interesting twist of fate, the U.S. Government has now determined that a person who was considered seditious will be on the new $20 bill. I’m wondering if her portrait will include the gun. o o o ISIS suspect reveals plans to open up route from Syria to U.S. through Mexico …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Another reason to get your kids out of the corrupt marxist indoctrination system we regularly waste private and public dollars on: Professor Struggling to Write Recommendation for Pro-Gun Student. – W.C. o o o More evidence that Hillary is not only woefully criminal in her endeavors but that there are others willing to do her dirty work. State Department Office Removed Benghazi Files After Congressional Subpoena – B.B. o o o Mark Dice, again showing why our founding fathers set the original governing mechanism up as a Federal Republic rather than a democracy: Americans Sign Petition to Ban Cash – …

Odds ‘n Sods:

This is an interesting concept and it is certainly aesthetically pleasing. I’m not sure I agree with the contents though. Cylindrical Japanese survival kit – J.N. o o o You already knew this, but it was probably government grant money they spent: Why living around nature could make you live longer. – W.A. o o o Sheriff: Without Secure Border Every County Will Be ‘A Border County’ – Sent in by B.B. o o o This has long been a fear, but now there is some hard evidence that it is a reality: Residual drugs in water supply – P.S. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Feds building massive database of genomic data. Using the data pulled in by medical procedures, your right to privacy will be forfeited. Sure, the government protects your information…right up to the point where a hacker steals it or the alphabet agencies decide they want it. – P.S. o o o More Illegal Immigrants Convicted of Crimes At Large in the U.S. Than The Population of Pittsburgh – Sent in by B.B. o o o Another interesting property over on SurvivalRealty.com: The Family Prepper Inn o o o A great example of how Ham Radio is supposed to work: Radio Amateurs …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Readers in North Idaho, take note: On Thursday April 21st, there will be a free Jordan Page concert, sponsored by My Patriot Supply. It will be held from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m., at the Sandpoint Events Center, 102 S. Euclid, Sandpoint, Idaho. Jordan Page is a lyrical American artist known as a leading voice of liberty, who performs a mixture of rock and folk music that has captivated American audiences. This free event is open to all ages, and it is a family friendly concert; My Patriot Supply will be handing out a free sample of their Macaroni and …