Odds ‘n Sods:

Venezuela is a warning! Did You Know That Venezuela Banned Guns for Private Citizens Only 4 Years Ago? – Four years is just ONE term of a presidency. Only four years after this forced disarmament, they reached today’s headlines/breadlines. – D.S. o o o Company claims new software program can identify terrorists – “An Israeli start-up claims it has developed a software program that can identify terrorists, pedophiles and ace poker players by analyzing their facial features.” – A.S. HJL’s Comment: Perhaps now would be a good time to watch Minority Report again. o o o US Mulling Plan To …

Odds ‘n Sods:

After imprisoning Oregon ranchers, Obama to sign an executive order legalizing BLM tyranny to take over any land it wants – B.B. o o o Baby boomers to blame for lost generation of gardeners – DSV o o o A bit like closing the barn door after the horses have already escaped: Finally Getting Serious about Identifying Islamists? – D.P. o o o There’s No Place To Hide From Surveillance Technology In 2016 – A.S. o o o Obama banishes Vietnam war era with lifting of arms ban U.S. Arms going to Vietnam? What’s next, selling arms to ISIS? Wait, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Need more evidence that public schools are nothing more than Marxist propaganda tools? Portland Public Schools ban textbooks that cast doubt on climate change. Get you kids out while you can! – C.T. o o o Four Refugees With Infectious Tuberculosis Sent to Indiana in 2015. – Our Govt. does not protect us! TB is nothing to fool with, especially the resistant kind. Costs America dollars and is a health risk. – H.L. o o o The most dangerous, and underreported, part of Obama’s transgender edict – RBS o o o Several readers sent in this link: Scenes From The …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Furniture firepower: Gun sales drive specialty ‘concealment’ craze Excerpt: “’Gun concealment furniture’ sales, once the province of solitary craftsmen making custom goods have gone mainstream, allowing firearms owners to maintain easy in-home access to hidden handguns and rifles.” – G.G. o o o SurvivalBlog reader R.V. wrote in to suggest Greg Cote, LLC as a source for firearms magazines. o o o Why – Krayton Kerns, DVM (The Conservative Cow Doctor) explains why King Obama recently decreed all American schools will accommodate any and all of the government endorsed 15 sexes into the same restroom or locker room. o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Wonderful idea and program on urban farming. An All-Volunteer Squad Of Farmers Is Turning Florida Lawns Into Food – DMS o o o New Surveillance System May Let Cops Use All of the Cameras – Note: All of these systems that allow the police or public to access private video cameras depend on users not configuring their cameras appropriately. Always change the password on any camera, even if you don’t think that it has access to the Internet. – B.B. o o o Schumer to Introduce Further Gun Control Legislation – RBS o o o Two from Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Missouri Lawmakers Ignore Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Campaign: Pass Constitutional Carry, ‘Stand Your Ground’ Bill o o o Sent in by G.G. – Judge orders ethics classes for ‘deceptive’ DOJ attorneys Excerpt: The facts of the deception are not in doubt, Hanen emphasized. “[DOJ] has now admitted making statements that clearly did not match the facts,” he said in the May 19 opinion, first noted by the National Law Journal. “It has admitted that the lawyers who made these statements had knowledge of the truth when they made these misstatements … This court would be remiss if it left such unseemly and …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From the desk of Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large: 3d printed pistol – For discretion or emergency. o o o This is why my family made the decision to move out of the People’s Republic of California back in 2012 and never to return. Imagine a U.S. Marine battalion under attack by Islamic Extremists and all of a sudden the Powers to Be issue a decree to disarm the Marines. Their thinking is either terrorists would lay down their weapons or they’d not find a weapon with them being banned. Oh, well. We feel sorry for Californians and pray …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I don’t recommend staying in an urban location for TEOTWAWKI, but this is certainly a creative solution: How to Get Your Apartment Off the Grid – Sent in by J.W. o o o This is Hungary’s Brexit: Referendum on migrant quota crucial to save sovereignty from EU – Is OUR national sovereignty a reality? How long will it be until we are at this point? Will we, by then, even be able to vote on it? – D.S. o o o Texas: Muslim convict demands sharia, court agrees – B.B. o o o SurvivalBlog reader W.C. sent in the link …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Here is a “must read” piece by Doug Casey in his International Man blog: Making The Chicken Run. o o o From the Desk of Michael Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large comes the article: Venezuela Spends Millions on Incredibly Dumb Things While Its Economy Collapses. “Bolivarian socialism apparently means financing things like lousy race-car drivers while the people lack medicine, food, and toilet paper.” o o o FBI Tracking 1,000+ Islamic Terror Cases & Growing Across the US – Submitted by B.B. o o o We Are Not Fine. We Are Not Prepared: Escaping Fort McMurray – RBS o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I don’t like it, but it’s hard to argue with him: ‘Preppers’ say Obama ‘has divided us on a course for civil war’ [Warning: The site has a totally unrelated video that autostarts.] – Submitted by DSV o o o FBI Hid Surveillance Devices Around Alameda County Courthouse Nothing to see here…move along. – B.B. o o o Reader P.S. sent in the link to an interesting interview with Jesse Hughes of Eagles of Death Metal (the band playing in Paris during the Bataclan islamic attack). o o o Reader T.J. sent in this link showing the “technical failure” that …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader J.N. sent in some interesting recipes for preppers. Note: These are for informational purposes only. o o o L.G. sent in this link on learning how to shoot a target outside from an inside position – A very useful skill to have: Defending a Bug In position takes practice and skill. o o o It could just be that some manager has a particular fear, but…Why Were Texas Game Wardens Just Issued Nuclear Radiation Detectors? – Sent in by B.B. o o o A new listing at our SurvivalRealty.com spinoff site (owned and operated by my #1 son) just …

Odds ‘n Sods:

RCMP say officers won’t enter Fort McMurray homes looking for guns It’s a valid question given the rumors have already started that the RCMP are seizing firearms. – A.P. o o o Clinton E-mail Trove Likely in Russian Hands – B.B. o o o An interesting concept: They’re Using REAL Bullets? – T.P. o o o FBI won’t say whether it listens in through home automation systems – DSV

Odds ‘n Sods:

Bayer Said to Explore Bid for $40 Billion Seed Company Monsanto – More in the ever-continuing centralization of ownership of our food production, processing, and marketing…. Danger ahead! – RBS o o o Massachusetts and the town of Longmeadow scored a huge victory for gun rights when three proposals to severely restrict the rights of lawful gun owners was (excuse the pun) “Shot down” check Masslive.com for Channel 22 News about the story. – Sent in by K. o o o Another Bundy standoff possible as groups call for US to seize livestock – B.B. o o o Feds open …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Video: Nightmarish Dashcam Footage Shows Escape from Fort McMurray Fire – Sent in by RBS o o o The new EMP/Collapse/Martial Law movie AmeriGEDDON will be released on May 13th. Although the budget and production value look low, the theme will be of interest to most SurvivalBlog readers. o o o Ammon Bundy had intended refuge occupation to end up in civil court, lawyers say – Sent in by B.B. o o o An excellent review of “How London got its new Muslim mayor”: London’s new Muslim mayor confirms urban Britain’s cultural transformation. – M.B. o o o ‘We could …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Flameout: Bill Whittle’s Afterburner Finale – Once you’ve watched that, please DO go and visit BillWhittle.com o o o Trump vs. Hillary: What Are My Options? – Excerpt: “…I commit that I will be on my knees in the early morning praying for our nation–regardless of the outcome. For unless we are His children these elections just turn into modern day “towers of Babel” thinking ourselves so wise that we can outdo God.” o o o Combat Knife Instructor Ralph Thorn shows how to “no spin” throw a knife (or just about any similar sized metal object ) in two …