Odds ‘n Sods:

Why Not Admit the Obvious: The President Won’t Blame Them because He Agrees with Them – Submitted by H.L. o o o Is YOUR picture in the FBI’s facial recognition database? – DSV o o o House rejects effort to ban illegal immigrants from military service JWR’s Comment: The foreign language skills that they mention doubtless include Arabic, Dari, and Pashto. The Barbarians are now inside the gates, folks! o o o The recent terrorist attack in Orlando have prompted some in the LGBTT2QQAAIIPDPPANGN community to arm themselves. If they are citizens, then it is their Constitutional right. Hey, “Love …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Officials: Orlando Terrorist Used Sig Sauer MCX Rifle, Not an AR-15. (But the lefties will surely keep on hatin’ on the AR-15 family of rifles. Not that they understand the difference between a gas tube impingement design and a gas piston. And they hate rifles with wooden stock furniture nearly as much as they do those with black plastic furniture. But of course these are the same folks who still don’t seem to understand the distinction between semi-auto and selective fire rifles. Just sayin’… – JWR) o o o NH House Becomes First In US To Pass Bill To Inform …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Murphy’s Law: What You Ignore Will Kill You – Sent in by S.G. o o o Terror watch list takes center stage among gun-control proposals JWR’s Comment: As I’ve noted before in SurvivalBlog, the Terror Watch List and the No Fly List are both horribly flawed, with tens of thousands of false positives! Contact your congresscritters and tell them NO WAY and to not weasel into some sort of compromise with the liberal Democrats! o o o BREAKING. FBI Director Jamey Comey “Confused” About Motives Of Orlando Shooter (VIDEO) – B.B. o o o Orlando victims died because they were …

Odds ‘n Sods:

You know the sound of two hands clapping. What is the sound of one hand clenching into a fist? – Nervous Baltics on war footing as NATO tries to deter Russia o o o Some Thoughts on What to Do in an Active Shooting situation – Link sent in by D.L. o o o Gunman shot dead after taking hostages inside Texas Walmart store – A.S. o o o Libertarian Party Calls for End of ‘Government-Mandated Gun-Free Zones’ in Wake of Orlando Attack – DSV o o o When you have all of your preps ready and have already stocked …

Odds ‘n Sods:

An article from Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large: It’s Time To Eliminate The Gun Control Laws: Yes, All Of Them o o o Some call him _resident Obama- ( ‘cuz they don’t give a ‘P,’ he just ‘lives’ in our White House?) I call him Pres__ent Obama (‘cuz he has no real ID). This writer takes him to task over his televised comment yesterday. Mr. President, You Disgust Me – D.S. o o o Orlando police are facing questions over why it took three hours for a SWAT team to storm the nightclub where ISIS fanatic Omar Mateen slaughtered …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Orlando Terrorist Attack Gunman Named – T.P. Orlando Night Club Attack by Known Wolf Terrorist Had Been Previously Investigated by the FBI – W.C. “ACT OF HATE”: Obama BLAMES HOMOPHOBIC GUNS in Nightclub Shooting Speech, CENSORS “ALLAHU AKBAR” SHOUTS – B.B. o o o And more are coming! Afghanistan Migration Surging into America; 99% Support Sharia Law – B.B. o o o Members of ‘Leavenworth 10’ languish in military prison, while Gitmo detainees freed – B.L. o o o How Can We Lose? – Excerpt: “There is no America, it has been fractionalized into powerful minorities tugging at every corner …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Petraeus, McChrystal Join Dozens of Former Military Leaders to Create New Gun Control Group – It’s disturbing to see prior military come out against the Second Amendment like this. – DSV o o o DEA Wants Inside Your Medical Records to Fight the War on Drugs o o o Man who built gun drone, flamethrower drone, argues FAA can’t regulate him – T.P. o o o This Is How You Disarm America (But Only the Law-Abiding Part) o o o Propaganda Bill In Congress Could Give America Its Very Own Ministry Of “Truth”

Odds ‘n Sods:

From Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large: I, and several other authors, have stories in this anthology, surrounding the rise of medically feasible “zombies” from a neurological disease vector. o o o Facial Recognition Software: Technology to Make Big Brother Drool – Excerpt: “With simple snap of a photo from a police officer using an iPhone app can search through driver’s license to identify you.” Sent in by B.B. o o o Reagan’s “A Time For Choosing” – History Is Repeating Itself – Excerpt: “We no longer are seeing two separate distinct parties. We see Progressives on both sides working …

Odds ‘n Sods:

WHITE FOLKS NOT WANTED: Mayor’s office racially profiles at Chicago gun buyback – “Were they ejected because they were white? Or were they ejected because they were selling old broken-down guns to fund buying new ones for an NRA kids camp. We’ll never know. – T.P. o o o Oklahoma highway patrol conducting civil asset forfeiture from bank accounts – I used to feel safe about this by not carrying large amounts of cash. Now, a patrolman having a bad day can drain my bank account. They admit themselves that you’re guilty unless you can prove otherwise: “If you can …

Odds ‘n Sods:

For those not inclined to build their own root cellar: Groundfridge – Mr. Natural o o o State Department Basically Claims Hillary’s Emails Will Never Be Released – B.B. o o o File Under “Grid Vulnerability”: Monkey knocks out Kenya’s entire power grid after ‘falling onto transformer at electricity plant’ o o o SurvivalBlog reader P.S. sent in the YouTube video on a 3D printed sundial. I missed the word “digital” the first time I read the title and didn’t think to much of it. Now I want one. 3D-printed digital sundial o o o PROSECUTE, NOT PERSECUTE: NSSF seeks …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Schools Level Outrageous Punishments on Children Who Opt Out of Government Tests – B.B. o o o Grey Water: What It Is and Why It’s So Important – DSV HJL’s Comment: I used to have a neighbor who had a grey water system that captured water from the showers and used it to flush the toilets. There was always a distinct smell that the grey water imparted to his house. He combated this several ways, and the most effective was to use a chlorine system on the holding tank. However, this made the water unsuitable for disposal in a septic …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Obama Admits The Government Monitors Your Browsing History– B.B. o o o Author Explains How The Left Is Transforming America – L.B. o o o Teen Male Dominates Girls Track And Field – Go figure! This is probably the least of the issues, when you realize where this guy gets to shower and change. o o o A picture begins to emerge that, once again, shows that the Feds are not as ignorant as they want you to believe. Because of the EPA’s “mistake”, they now get broad powers and control over a swath of land they have been pressuring …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Yet another reason to get your kids out of public schools: Elementary school sends deputy to boy’s home to warn him about sharing Bible verses – T.P. o o o Grasshopper Nation: Planning For Those Who Aren’t Prepared – We’ve all heard those dreaded words before “I know where I’m going if the <whatever> happens. I’m coming to your house!” I especially enjoyed the throwback to the the 1962 Twilight Zone episode “The Shelter”. – G.G. o o o Barack Obama Warns Americans ‘To Be Prepared For A Disaster’ – B.B. o o o Palestinian and Syrian Muslims Buy Honduran …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Hillary Clinton Posted Names of Hidden Intelligence Officials On Her Email JWR’s Comment: This miserable excuse for a human being belongs in prison rather than the White House. o o o SurvivalBlog reader R.T. sent the link to this video in on the Orion cooker that he picked up at an Ace Hardware store for $139. It looks pretty interesting. o o o Reader Rob commented on the Raspberry Pi camera link: “You can also use the RaspPi with the new FLIR lepton module. I’ve built a couple of these up and they make nice little units. All up, under …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SafeCastle has a shipment of dehydrated whole eggs (military surplus with a shelf life of 10+ years) along with a great deal on Mountain House Foods. Stop by and check it out. o o o An interesting commentary of Hillary by Judge Andrew Napolitano: Hillary on the Ropes – C.T. o o o Coming Destruction? Alan Greenspan Warns “Venezuela Under Martial Law and America Is Next”. Sent in by RBS. o o o Believe It or Not, the Pentagon’s Cybersecurity Priorities Haven’t Changed in a Decade. Submitted by T.Z. o o o Professor Says American Patriots More Dangerous Than Foreign …