Odds ‘n Sods:

Federal regulation of Internet coming, warn FCC, FEC commissioners o o o I see that our SurvivalRealty.com spin-off website now has an amazing 260 listings in the United States. Congrats on that to my #1 Son! Be sure to check out the many unusual retreat properties offered for sale. For example, see this one near Worley, Idaho with plentiful water and a 1,000 square foot NBC bunker! o o o Despite some recent shortages throughout the U.S., Gun Mag Warehouse still seems to have some 20-, 30-, 40-, and even 60-round PMAGs on hand. I recommend stocking up before the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

At Instructables: Best Solar Oven (Home-made!) o o o Fresh details spur debate on Orlando police response o o o Best Bug out Vehicles You Can Actually Afford (The Prepper Journal) o o o Over at The Daily Caller:  State Department Won’t Release Clinton Foundation E-mails for 27 Months.   “Nothing to see here, move along.” o o o She’s painted herself into a corner: Lynch to Accept F.B.I. Recommendations in Clinton Email Inquiry, Official Says.  My favorite quote in the article: “Ms. Lynch has said she wants to handle the Clinton investigation like any other case.” Ah-ha! This explains why …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Paul Ryan shows his true colors: House Plans Vote on Guns Next Week.  JWR”s Comments:  It is obvious that the Republican Party leadership is preparing to cave in on this issue. Please contact your congressman immediately and insist: NO COMPROMISE on background checks! Remind them that the “No Fly” and “Selectee” lists are both horribly flawed and are based on rumors and innuendo–NOT any proper sort of due process! And please remind them that so-called “universal background checks” would destroy a key part of the Second Amendment: The anonymity of American gun owners!  Register brides, not gun owners! o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Long-time content contributor B.B. sent us this important link: The Six Things Obama Doesn’t Want You to Know About the Islamic State.  The next day,  B.B. also sent a link to this article:  ISIS Jihadists Caught This Week in California and Indiana. These articles serve to  confirm many of my conclusions about geopolitical trends. Reading them also made me feel justified in dedicating myself to writing at least five books in my new  Counter-Caliphate Chronicles novel series.  These are “survival manual dressed as fiction” stories that need to be told, to encourage freedom-loving Christians and Jews to prepare for the tumultuous …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader “Reese” recommended an uncharacteristically well-balanced article about the Ghost Gunner milling machine published by Bloomberg Business Week: A Crypto-Anarchist Will Help You Build a DIY AR-15.  Parenthetically, after a long wait I now own a Ghost Gunner an a box of 80% lower receiver blanks. With the seasoned technical assistance of Hugh Latimer, I plan to post a full review of it in SurvivalBlog. – JWR o o o Peter S. mentioned this: Homemade submachineguns used in Tel Aviv shooting. Peter’s comment: “This shows that ‘gun control’ legislation is a myth.” o o o Several readers sent this: [City of] …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mainstream magazine The Atlantic posits: Is Middle America Due for a Huge Earthquake? (Thanks to Peter S. for the link.) o o o Bad news from Hawaii: All registered gun owners are being added to the centralized “Rap Back” Federal crime database. o o o Truly pragmatic training: Tam (one of our favorite gun bloggers) describes learning practical pistol shooting with kids in tow. o o o Oregon standoff: Case of possible misconduct by FBI in LaVoy Finicum shooting now before grand jury

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader T.Z. flagged this: The price of LEDs is falling so fast it’s profitable to farm in a New Jersey nightclub. JWR Adds: We have a couple of 600-watt fan-cooled special plant growth spectrum Growpanel LED units here at the Rawles Ranch that we purchased from Ready Made Resources. These lights do a fantastic job of extending our vegetable growing season.  They can be used indoors, or inside a greenhouse. Just one caveat: The light that these throw is very intense and has an odd purplish-pink tinge, so they can be quite distracting if operated in a bedroom or living …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Inside New Hampshire’s annual libertarian Porcfest. o o o Several readers sent this news item: Armed Federal Officers Now Outnumber… The US Marines? o o o WorldNetDaily‘s Joseph Farah: It’s Independence Day for Great Britain. o o o Reader Peter S. suggested this article about build-it-yourself AR-15s:  Is this proof that gun control is doomed? o o o Update on Utah Arrest – Bomb plot on BLM.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Some pointed commentary about the black letter law and due process by Andrew P. Napolitano, over at Lew Rockwell’s site: ‘No Fly, No Buy’ Means No Freedom o o o DIY Barrel Rifling Tool 2.0 – Sent in by G.P. o o o An interesting take on What To Do About Islam – Sent in by B.B. o o o Reader P.S wrote in to suggest this addition to your go bag. Bandaid Friction Block – Just rub in on the body parts where you think you’re going to get a blister and presto– no blisters. o o o The …

Odds ‘n Sods:

So much for the “Gray Man” approach to blending in! Tam over at the View From The Porch blog reports on an OTT vehicle OPSEC issue, in transiting New Jersey: You’re Not Helping, Part MCXII… o o o OPSEC impaired gun owner leaves several high end guns on SUV seats in plain view. – Sent in by T.P. o o o Bill Whittle’s Firewall: Guns, Islam and Orlando – B.B. o o o Air Force Veteran Assaulted for Speaking About God – T.Z. o o o The Supreme Court Just Created a Full-Blown Police State – The End of the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Our friend, Commander Zero, just posted this tip: Military phone wire on sale o o o Florida couple forced to destroy organic front-yard veggie garden, sues city over constitutional rights violation – DSV o o o Six Diseases Return To US as Migration Advocates Celebrate ‘World Refugee Day’ – Sent in by B.B. o o o Orlando Discussion: Why the Church is Conspicuously Absent o o o Fcc To Investigate Raised Rf Noise Floor

Odds ‘n Sods:

Court lets stand law banning some semi-automatic assault weapons. This is not good news folks. This is what we can expect when they pass a national “assault weapons” ban, and hi-cap mag ban; the Supreme Court will let it stand if challenged! – Pat Cascio o o o Because “You never know.” US Army Technical Manual 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook – dated 1969. There are lots of “Poor Man’s James Bond” and “Anarchist’s Cookbook” type reads around. But this one differs significantly in that the US Army evaluated and tested the items in this manual and considered them feasible, effective, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Oh, the irony! Ex-Calif. State Sen. Leland Yee, gun control champion, heading to prison for weapons trafficking o o o The NRA’s answer to the White House and Hitlery: The AR-15: Americans’ Best Defense Against Terror and Crime – MtH o o o Daniel Defense Cuts Ties with Academy Sports For Pulling AR-15 from Shelves o o o Obama Increases Importation of Syrian Refugees After Orlando Terror Attack – B.B. o o o When everything else fails, amateur radio will still be there—and thriving – P.S.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Uncle Sam admits monitoring you for these 377 words:. Excerpt: “Facebook, a.k.a. the US government’s domestic intelligence center, is the primary target for this monitoring… though it’s become clear so many times before that various departments, including the NSA and FBI, are monitoring online activity ranging from search terms to emails.” – You will not believe some of the words that get the Feds to key in on you! o o o “Curiouser and Curiouser”: Orlando Killer’s Father Held Meetings At The White House o o o Store Owner: Undercover CBS Purchase of AR-15 Broke Federal Law – Excerpt: “The …