Odds ‘n Sods:

Over at Notes From The Bunker, our friend Commander Zero has some great comments on self defense and the importance of situational awareness in the context of the Bastille Day transport par chariot attack in Nice: French Stuff. o o o Too Big to Jail – Thanks to reader MtH for the link o o o A consulting client recently asked me for advice on selecting for an off-road vehicle and expressed an interest in buying a surplus Humvee. I recommended that he watch the auctions at GovPlanet, and wait to find a M1114 (the up-armored HMMWV variant) at a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Fake CIA Agent & FOX News “Terror Expert” Sentenced to Prison for Lying to the Public for Years – T.Z. o o o Warning About LED Streetlights – DSV o o o Feds Have Released 86,288 Criminal Aliens Crimes Since 2013 – B.B. o o o Illinois Family Wants to Adopt Foster Child — But May Be Forced to Give Up Their Second Amendment Rights to Do So – DSV o o o Cleveland Police Given “Stand Down” Order at RNC – Protesters to Wreak Havoc on Republicans and City

Odds ‘n Sods:

Cops Not Welcome, Says Washington State Restaurant Owner – B.B. HJL Comments: I wonder how He will feel about that when he needs them to solve the inevitable robbery? o o o Newly Declassified 28 Pages Reveal ‘Dry Run’ Two Years Before 9/11 Attacks – L.B. o o o Clinton to Resettle One Million Muslim Migrants During First Term – Now that’s scary! o o o The Reasons Why The Globalists Are Destined To Lose – P.W. o o o The Roots Of Black Lives Matter Unveiled. “Special report reveals stunner: Except for website, there is no actual organization.” – …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Is Hillary Guilty? – “It takes Bill Whittle 93 seconds to show Hillary Clinton guilty of violating three separate Federal statutes. It takes another three minutes to explain why she and Obama simply DO NOT CARE.” – B.B. o o o The Feral Irishman: Pokemon Go. Here’s a synopsis of the new Pokemon game that is now more popular than twitter on smart phones. The whole 12 minutes is worth watching, but pay particular attention to the 1:30 mark. I am ready to make even guests in my house check their smart phones at the door. – HJL (Warning: Some …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader F.M. sent in a reminder about the 4th Annual Marion County, WV Preparedness Expo on Saturday, September 17,2016 o o o A “must have” accessory for every guy: Bullet Resistant Jockstrap – DMS o o o Pastor Resigns, Refuses To Bow To Lgbt Agenda In Schools – PLC o o o While you drive, your mobile devices chat with government – D.E. o o o In a first, U.S. judge throws out cell phone ‘stingray’ evidence – G.G. o o o 7 Disgusting Things Obama Said While Hijacking Memorial For Slain Dallas Police

Odds ‘n Sods:

Tribunal: No basis for China’s Vast South China Sea Claims o o o No Great Surprise Department: NY Times: Liberal Profs Outnumber Conservative Profs 28:1 In New England o o o Government sponsored education re-education: Nordic Seniors May Be Forced Back to School Into Adult Education – H.L. o o o In less than a week they created the largest tracking data base in history and more. The saddest thing is the sheeple want and are flocking to it! Pokémon Go tracks you – DMS (warning: auto-starting video on page) o o o Reporter makes the Mistake of Asking Black …

Odds ‘n Sods:

St. Paul Police Officer’s Spine Fractured as rioting thugs drop large concrete block on his head “Authorities say during the course of the protests on 94 and later, on Grand and Dale, 21 officers from multiple agencies suffered injuries. The injuries were primarily caused by fireworks, rocks, bricks, glass bottles and chunks of concrete that were directed at officers, some hitting them in the head. St. Paul Police said someone threw a Molotov cocktail at officers, as well.” – W.C. o o o WSJ Op-Ed: After 20 Years Of Teaching, I Am Banning Laptops In My Law School Classroom – …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Amateur radio – HF go box – P.S. o o o They just don’t get it: TIME Suggests Another 9/11 Is Necessary to Re-direct American Anger o o o Video commentary from an older Brit on the chaos: We Saved Our Democracy o o o The Law Is Dying because Morality Is Dying Technically, morality is what we do, and ethics is what we ought to do, but you get the idea. – B.B. o o o Americans urged to ‘buy a gun, get trained, carry it always’ (Note: unrelated auto-starting video on the page.) – W.C.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Super typhoon hits Taiwan, cutting power and transport (Note: The page has an auto-starting video about the story.) o o o Has the Foundation Been Laid For the Confiscation of Guns? – W.C. o o o Video: Judge Jeanine nails it in her opening statement on Saturday. The issue isn’t racism; it’s anarchy! Dirt Bag Shooter & Obama: Judge Jeanine Opening Statement 7/9/16 o o o The Race War Has Begun – When the leaders of the country decide that the law is only for us “little people”, this contempt for authority is what they breed in the populace. o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Send in the Terminator: Are Police Allowed to Robot-Bomb Suspects? JWR’s Comment: This event in Dallas deserves some serious consideration and both public and legislative debate. Ditto for the use of a U.S. military drone (possibly an armed drone) in the recent lethal roadblock event in rural Oregon, where Lavoy Finicum was killed. It should also be remembered that it a was two police bombs that were used to end the leftist MOVE organization’s squatting and standoff in Philadelphia, back in 1985. There, police officers in a helicopter dropped two bombs on the roof of the row house in the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Four officers killed during ‘Black Lives Matter’ protest in Dallas – Something wicked this way comes. The big cities are ready to explode! Heads up people – A.S. o o o Anti-Gun Professor Calls for Shooting Up NRA Headquarters and Washington Lobbyists “And make sure there are no survivors.” The NAZIs had a similar program, which I suppose should make this one less surprising. After all, a National Socialist is a National Socialist is a National Socialist – GJM o o o If Benghazi doesn’t matter, what does? – Sent in by B.B. o o o FBI Resignations: Where Are …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Nearly One Million Illegal Aliens at Large – B.B. o o o SurvivalBlog reader T.J. wrote in: “Given the events of July 5th, 2016, regarding HRC and the FBI investigation, although the decision not to prosecute was a shock, given the history going all the way back to 1993, the Waco Siege, it shouldn’t have been. Sometimes, memories fade, but we need to remember the close association between the FBI, HRC, and her associates, Janet Reno and Jamie Gorelick, in particular, going back over two decades. As with other tyrants, there were plenty of times to stop them before greater, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

America Died At 11:00 ET 7/5/2016 – Excerpt: “The Rule of Law was officially burned and buried today on live television by the Director of the FBI. You therefore no longer have any moral requirement to adhere to same; your entire analysis must now rest on whether you are sufficiently afraid of being shot – and nothing more. America, as envisioned and fought for by the founders, died today at 11:00 AM ET, 7/5/2016. 240 years and one day from birth to death.” o o o FBI Rewrites Federal Law to Let Hillary Off the Hook – Excerpt: “The added …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Army veteran rescues bald eagle dangling upside down from a rope in 75-foot tree by ‘mowing down the branches’ with his rifle – G.G. o o o While the Dad/son duo fight the FAA over their right to mount a flame thrower or a pistol on a drone a couple of Finnish farmers have attached a chain saw to one. – T.P. o o o WikiLeaks: Says “We Have Upcoming Leaks About Hillary” o o o Judge Jeanine: Does Loretta Lynch think we’re stupid? – M.T. o o o Along those same lines of thought comes this article on Town …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Video: Has The Government Put You On A Terrorist Watchlist? o o o California governor signs stringent gun bills, vetoes others. The article begins: “[Democrat] Gov. Jerry Brown signed six stringent gun-control measures Friday that will require people to turn in high-capacity magazines and mandate background checks for ammunition sales, as California Democrats seek to strengthen gun laws that are already among the strictest in the nation.” The outright ban on 11+ round magazines flies in the face of American jurisprudence, because it has no grandfather clause, and even bans previously-grandfathered magazines. This represents an unconstitutional “taking” without compensation. And …