Odds ‘n Sods:

One of my phone consulting clients recently asked about a recommendation for a low power (QRP) high frequency (HF) AM and FM single-sideband (SSB) capable transceiver.  I suggested one of the most popular ones. It is the Yaesu FT-817ND.  It runs on 12 volts DC and is VERY compact!  (They are even used for backpacking, as seen in this video.) They are ideal for voice, CW/Morse, and digital work, and cover the Amateur 160 through 10 Meter bands, 50 MHz, 144-148 MHz (the 2 Meter band), 430-450 MHz, as well as the Alaska Emergency Channel at 5167.5 kHz.  When sending …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Crime Statistics: Motor vehicle theft (most recent) by state.  (Take note of the correlation of the bottom-ranked states with the American Redoubt states and the adjoining western Plains states.) o o o The makers of the famous (and now copied) BedBunker gun vault have expanded their product line to include a variety of automotive gun vaults including center console vaults, under seat vaults, and most recently car trunk vaults.  Be sure to check out their web site. – JWR o o o I spotted this at Off The Grid News: The Five Best Places In America To ‘Bug Out’ When …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I spotted this collection of how-to videos over at the Backdoor Survival web site:  39 Fantastic Prepping Tips o o o Michael Snyder: Why Are So Many Christians Moving To The Great Northwest? Could It Be A Safe Zone? o o o In an odd riff, this somehow reminds me of the plot of my novel Land Of Promise…. Here is a new spin on the concept of establishing a new sovereign nation in Terra Nullius: Asgardia o o o Zero Hedge reports: Wikileaks Releases Another 2,000 Podesta Emails In Part 6 Of Data Dump

Odds ‘n Sods:

Over at View From The Porch, Tamara has some sound reasoning on daily concealed carry: Quote of the Day: Be Real Edition o o o I belatedly noticed that earlier this year,the originator of Robb’s Homemade Life kindly posted a YouTube video describing our CFAPA spin-off web site, where we offer free press credentials for any adult citizen. Thanks, Robb! o o o More Internet censorship: This Trump campaign commercial was blocked by YouTube as “inappropriate content” and has had a warning label added. o o o A new For Sale By Owner (FSBO) listing in Arkansas over at my …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I recently had the opportunity to tour Michigan’s Upper Peninsula (commonly called “The U.P.” or “Upper Michigan”) for the first time. It is a large, mostly forested expanse with a fairly light population density. The region measures 16,377 square miles–nearly twice the size of New Jersey. It is known for mosquitoes in the summer months and brutal cold and deep snow in the winter months. The folks there seem friendly and predominantly conservative. The only disappointments were seeing the scarcity of home vegetable gardens (and greenhouses), the scarcity of livestock, and seeing not nearly as much commercial row crop agriculture …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Over at the deservedly-popular Yer Ol’ Woodpile Report blog, the Editor “Ol’ Remus” comments wittily: “He who panics first, panics best” –  This of course is regarding the urgency of escaping the death traps of the big cities in the midst of crises. o o o I recently purchased a state-of-the-art FLIR countermeasure field camouflage shelter, produced by SnakebiteTactical.com.I was quite impressed with the quality of construction. These shelters—about the same size and slightly heavier than a poncho liner–are handmade in Montana. They render the user nearly invisible to even the most sensitive FLIRs and cameras with similar technology. Thanks …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ten Powerful Ways to Act Locally o o o One of my consulting clients recently questioned whether or not power utility companies truly have plans in place for “islanding” their power into smaller grids, in the event that any of America’s three main grids go down. (As mentioned in my second novel, Survivors.) Yes, indeed they do, and here is some evidence. – JWR o o o Concealed Carrier Saves AutoZone Employees o o o Texas Store Employee Uses AK-47 to Stop 4 Armed Robbers

Odds ‘n Sods:

Despite their claims that “Oh, but it was all just a series of innocent mistakes”, the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is reportedly still harassing Tea Party political groups, singling them out for greater scrutiny in judging their tax exempt status, and grilling them with many rounds of questions that have heretofore never been asked of other groups.  The IRS has also recently took the unusual step of publishing some of their questions and the responses from a Texas Tea Party group. This unequal enforcement of tax laws is a political witch hunt by the Obama Administration. o o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Daytona Beach, Florida was particularly hard-hit by Hurricane Matthew, which reached the coast as a Category 3 storm.  o o o ‘Hurricane Matthew panic’ sparks supermarket brawl as two women scrap over last case of water o o o I just noticed that the Blue Letter Bible web site has added some more useful interlineal search features and text-linked commentaries. Check it out! o o o Patrice Lewis: The world’s stupidest survival strategy

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader W.A. suggested this web site for those learning to forage: How to learn edible wild plants. o o o Russia Warns US Any Strikes On Syrian Army Would Lead To War: “Our S-300, S-400 Defenses Are Up And Running” – B.B. o o o After the Republic – B.B. o o o General Milley On Our Enemies With Emphasis On Russia – G.L. o o o Not exactly critical survival skills, but cool nonetheless: How to Start a Fire With a Pencil and Jumper Cables – G.G.

Odds ‘n Sods:

CIA Can Anticipate Social Unrest ‘Three To Five Days’ Out In Some Cases – N.S. o o o Texas May Become a Testing Ground for Defending the Grid From EMPs – G.G. o o o EU orders British press to not tell people when terrorist was a Muslim – P.S. o o o California Passes Bill Giving Muslims Special Protections (aka Sharia Law) – B.B. o o o From PragerU: Are the police Racist?

Odds ‘n Sods:

Interesting Coincidence – U.S. Internet Disruption Maps During WikiLeaks Presser. – C.S. o o o Video: Trey Gowdy Took Only Three Minutes To Silence The Media – B.B. o o o On The Precipice Of World War III: Russia Prepares For War On Multiple Fronts – B.B. o o o In the news, I notice that Russians are participating in large nuclear preparedness drills. While it seems based on Russian sources (and all that implies, based on Sun Tzu), I would certainly say that a pre-emptive strike is in their arsenal of options and should be considered when evaluating our …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Today NOAA Adds Solar Storms to the Weather Forecast – G.G. o o o Several readers sent this link in: Gun-Show Customers’ License Plates Come Under Scrutiny. Well worth reading, though you may have to sign in to get it. You can get a summary of the article at Bearing Arms. o o o Gun sales hit 17th straight monthly record, up 27 percent – G.G. o o o ‘We run the streets’: Video shows angry mob attacking CHP patrol car with officer still inside – W.C. o o o A bit of humor for your Tuesday morning – Music …

Odds ‘n Sods:

“There’s no government like no government”: Spaniards, Exhausted by Politics, Warm to Life Without a Government o o o A Review: ‘Do Not Resist’: A chilling look at the normalization of warrior cops – C.S. o o o Florida Residents Urged To Start Preparations For “Serious And Life Threatening” Hurricane Matthew o o o Homeless now camping on kids’ playing fields in Seattle – P.S. o o o Facebook artificial intelligence chief developed SURVEILLANCE systems – G.P.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ain’t no swiss watch, but it will keep you a ticking! Inside the AK-47 – W.C. o o o Message Sent o o o US legalizes lethal weapon deliveries to Ukraine. Now you know which team is serious about suiting up for the full-contact-scrimmage. – GJM o o o DHS Rushing To ‘steal’ Americans’ Sovereignty Ahead Of Election – B.B. o o o Fresno veteran says terrorists crashed into him at 100 mph – R.T.