Odds ‘n Sods:

Snow damage to Idaho-Oregon onion industry nears $100 million. A lot of people have no idea of the ripple effect of this disaster. Migrant workers will have to move on to find work, and the schools will lose a lot of students, which means cuts in teachers,. This will affect every business in town. The local Walmart closed several weeks ago, because their roof was collapsing from the snow. Many people are out of work. – Pat Cascio o o o Jaw Dropping – Mexican Official Threatens to Unleash Cartels, Flood U.S. With Drugs and Narcotics – B.B. o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Trump argument bolstered: Clinton could have received 800,000 votes from noncitizens – P.M. o o o President Trump Readies Pen to Reverse Anti-gun Executive Orders – RBS o o o Facial Recognition at 1000 faces per sec – K.S. o o o Prosecutors In Nevada Beg Trial Judge To Protect The BLM From Scrutiny During Bundy Trial – B.B. o o o What to make of Trump’s Inauguration. Lauren Southern and Faith Goldy of TheRebel.media look back at their trip to Washington, DC to report on Donald Trump’s inauguration. – T.J.

Odds ‘n Sods:

I spotted this over at the ZeroGov Forums: Passphrases That You Can Memorize – But That Even The NSA Can’t Guess – JWR o o o Jeremiah Johnson: This is How You Can Dodge Facial Recognition Software o o o Brody File Exclusive: President Trump Says Persecuted Christians Will Be Given Priority As Refugees o o o Well, as a Limited Edition, it was inevitable that the Rawles XL Voyager knives would sell out. Now they have. If you want one, jump on it before the price on the secondary market escalates. You can still find them for under $75 …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Driver who shot Arizona State Trooper was a former Mexican Federal Cop & Illegal Alien – T.P. o o o Snopes Defends Planned Parenthood; We Rate Them [Snopes] ‘Mostly False’ – P.M. o o o Are they crazy!?! Democrats introduce bill to take nuclear football out of Trump’s hands. Picture this: Nukes are launched against the U.S. or about to be launched and the Dems want to debate if Trump should be allowed to use the nuke football and strike at them? Are they absolutely crazy? They have to hold a debate on if they should even take a restroom …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The recent controversy over so-called Sanctuary Cities for illegal immigrants brought up this map. Note that there is only one small city in the entire American Redoubt on the map. o o o What else you expect from the self proclaimed “nasty” women: Disgrace! Look What These ‘women’ Left Behind – D.S. o o o Be aware; you never know: Woman nearly carjacked after stopping for dummy in road. P.S. o o o We just discovered a company in Ohio that cans their own meat on their own farm, farm raised without antibiotics and no hormones added. Home Grown Beef …

Odds ‘n Sods:

4 Forgotten Meat-Preservation Methods Of The 1800s – J.C. o o o Rep. Steve King Files Federal Pro-Life Heartbeat Bill: ‘If a Heartbeat Is Detected, the Baby Is Protected’ – D.B. o o o Doomsday Prep for the Super-Rich. JWR’s Comment: The photo caption reads: “An armed guard stands at the entrance of the Survival Condo Project…” But it should read: “A Photoshopped mock guard stands at the entrance of the Survival Condo Project…” Take a moment to notice that his shadow doesn’t match the photo. Is this fake news, or was that a faked publicity photo provided by the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Assembly Of Muslim Jurists Of America’a Ominous Post-election Statement – H.L. o o o From Reader Prepared Grammy: This is from the local news channel. Students from my area were in DC to sing at the inaugural events. This is what the wonderful, peaceful demonstrators did to this bus full of students from the junior and senior high schools from Southern Illinois. I guess they were only concerned about the rights of the protesters, not those of the innocent children in this bus. I bet you didn’t see this on the national news. If it weren’t for the fact …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I missed this article at Realtor.com, when it was posted last May: Prepping for Doomsday: Bunkers, Panic Rooms, and Going Off the Grid – JWR o o o I have a consulting client from Florida who has moved offshore. He is seeking a Federally-licensed gun dealer in central Florida who can handle selling two shotguns, four handguns, and some ammunition from his collection for him on consignment with a commission paid on the sales. If you have an FFL and are on the gun show circuit or have a gun shop with a large base of customers, please let me …

Odds ‘n Sods:

President Donald Trump’s Inauguration Speech Was A Declaration Of War – P.M. o o o Media Has Decided Obama Had Zero Scandals But We Found a Few – B.B. o o o Victorian police fear death toll could rise in Melbourne Islamic Terrorist car attack – D.B. o o o SIG USA has become the winner of the United States Army’s Modular Handgun System contract, making its P320 handgun the next standard issue sidearm for the United States armed forces. – S.M. o o o Empty Shelves & Madness (In America): A Minor Winter Storm Drove People Into “Panic Buying …

Odds ‘n Sods:

An update from Forward Observer: Battle Track the Inauguration SITREP 1830E o o o This man’s solo seven-year construction project is astounding. (Video): Underground Rock House Construction o o o If only it were that easy to shrink government: 28 Percent of Federal Workers May Quit Their Jobs Once Trump Assumes Office o o o The Sneering Revolution: Obama’s Attempt To Undermine U.S. Strategic Capability? – The outgoing U.S. Barack Obama Administration and its supporters embarked on a campaign to traduce and challenge the incoming Administration of President Donald J. Trump in the hope that it would find it difficult …

Odds ‘n Sods:

On this inaugural day, a parting gift for Obama: Video – Time To Say Goodbye (parody) – D.S. o o o Following up on the Veritas videos posted a couple of days ago: After Exposé, Anarchist Group Scales Back Plans to Blockade Roads, Disrupt Inauguration – BMM o o o Thinking that building your retreat is beyond your grasp? – Single mom builds 3,500-square-foot home by watching YouTube tutorials – H.L. o o o For those that live in places like Kalifornia or other anti-gun locations: How to Turn 12 Everyday Items Into Improvised Weapons – H.L. (HJL’s Comment: Good …

Odds ‘n Sods:

An observation: As of January 3rd of last year, The Oregonian newspaper estimated that there were “20 to 25” Bundy-led occupiers spending nights at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge. Also in early January, 2016, I heard the figure of 22 individuals, provided by a vlogger who had visited the encampment to conduct interviews. In recent months Gary Hunt’s website has publicized the fact that at least SEVEN of those individuals were contemporaneously active Federal informants. He has named all seven of them, quoting court discovery documents. The ratio of 7 to 22 does not bode well for the Patriot movement. Clearly, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Videos from Project Veritas: Undercover investigation exposes groups plotting criminal activity at Trump inauguration – T.J. Part I: Undercover investigation exposes groups plotting criminal activity at Trump inauguration Part II: NEW Investigation Uncovers Plot to Chain the Trains & Shut Down DC During Inauguration o o o Feds want facial biometrics that can identify people based on facial hair, skin tone, weight and more – B.B. o o o More Liberal Preppers Stock Up On Guns, Food As Trumpocalypse Looms – W.C. o o o ACLU Demands That Body Cams Are Turned Off During Inauguration While They Intend To Record …

Odds ‘n Sods:

KFC’s New Facial Recognition Software Is Troubling For A Few Reasons – W.C. o o o That’S Strange: Weapons Caches Found Stashed In Dc Days Before Inauguration – DSV o o o From The Burning Platform: Common Sense – 2017 o o o If you cut your own firewood, this will interest you. You will need a tractor with PTO. Use at your own risk (or your arms). – K.T. o o o Here is the legislation that Pat Cascio warned us about a couple of days ago: Washington State Democrats Seek Bans on Semiautomatic Rifles, Pistols