Odds ‘n Sods:

Video: Gun Control’s Racist History – D.B. o o o 11 Reasons You Should Drink A Tbsp Of Apple Cider Vinegar Every Day – DSV o o o Sharp Rise Reported in Older Americans’ Use of Multiple Psychiatric Drugs – DSV o o o Nearly 200K Remain Under Evacuation As Concerns Remain Over Oroville Dam Spillway. Note the mention of “gridlock”. Wait too long and you’re in trouble. – RFJ o o o If you are thinking about building a large boat, but wondering how you launch it without a crane, then you might want to read this: Parbuckle and …

Odds ‘n Sods:

100,000 People Are Evacuating Over “Imminent Failure” Of California’s Oroville Dam – Live Feeds – P.S. HJL’s Comment: I would note that one of my friends who lives in Orville was notified that looters are having a heyday. In addition, I listened to a 9:40pm (PT) update from the sheriff’s department who admitted that the “might fail within an hour” language was not true and was designed to get people to move from their homes immediately. It’s sad and harmful that you can’t get truthful information from your own government when it counts. o o o Congressional Report Warns of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

16 Fake News Stories Reporters Have Run Since Trump Won – DSV o o o France’s New Islamist Guillotine o o o An interesting concept: Washington woman buys tsunami survival capsule — first in U.S. – C.L. o o o How To Grow An Endless Supply Of Herbs In Mason Jars – DSV o o o Civil Asset Forfeiture – Ruining Lives, While Failing To Stop Crime

Odds ‘n Sods:

A relative mentioned this handy home/ranch/retreat security device: The Mini-Sentry Alarm. Be sure to watch the accompanying video, for some safety and installation tips. – JWR o o o Here is one of the “Safety First” reminder videos: The Definitive 11Foot8 Bridge Crash o o o Orlando cop who mistook doughnut glaze for drugs is disciplined – T.P. JWR’s Comment: And I always assumed that policemen were experts on everything related to doughnuts! o o o N.Y. Law Enforcement Officers Using Plastic Covers to Obscure Their License Plates – N.T. o o o This is how 10 million illegals have …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The recent publication of the much-discussed BATFE White Paper on possible loosening of firearms restrictions is an oddity. It strikes me as some sort of frantic backpedalling. It is as if a thirteen-year-old was left at home in charge of his younger siblings, and they’ve spent an entire day acting like cruel, slovenly, brats. Then comes the sudden realization that their parents will soon return. “Quick, clean the house and get the cat out of the clothes dryer, or Dad is gonna spank us, for sure!” Well, in this case it wasn’t just one day. It has been more like …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Three Gun and other competitive shooters are anxiously awaiting the release of the Keanu Reeves movie John Wick 2, on February 10th. Reeves does nearly all of his own stunts in this film, and his countless hours of REAL WORLD firearms and martial arts training is apparent. o o o RepackBox.com (one of the loyal supporters of our bi-monthly Writing Contest) has expanded their line to include many more cartridge box varieties, desiccants, and now special heavy duty storage bags for loaded magazines. Don’t overlook this important prep! – JWR o o o A good reason to have several day’s …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Number-One Mind-Control Program At US Colleges – H.L. (Editor’s Note: I’m not sure I trust the site or the author, but the information is interesting and deserves more investigation. It certainly falls in line with what we know about those who commit gun violence. However, correlation does not necessarily equate to causation.) o o o Ol’ Remus (in his oft-quoted Yer Ol’ Woodpile Report blog) has published a detailed analysis of the orchestrated riots at UC Berkeley that stopped Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking. Whether you love him, hate him, or just tolerate him, the man still has the right …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Loretta Lynch’s Final Order Allows The NSA To Give Spying Data To Other Federal Agencies – D.S. o o o How To Make Gunpowder The Old Fashioned Way – DSV o o o IG Probe finds BLM Guilty of Misconduct, Bundy Ranch Lawyers Ready to Pounce o o o SurvivalBlog reader T.Z sent in this link to a comprehensive list of the Great Books online. o o o An interesting video link of clandestine radio ops. – M.H.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Anyone with an interest in night vision gear or intrusion detection systems should check out this amazing surplus company in southern California: Murphy’s Surplus. o o o Treacherous rioting? Prosecute the Rioters – H.L. o o o Stupid Light: Why lighter is not always right or better – G.P. o o o Solar Power – is it for you? The state of residential solar power – P.S. o o o Over at our SurvivalRealty.com spin-off site, there is a fascinating new listing on Alaska’s Prince of Wales Island that features an off-grid cabin near Naukati Bay for access by boat …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Apocalypse island: Tech billionaires are building boltholes in New Zealand because they now fear social collapse or nuclear war. So what do they know that we don’t? o o o UN Lesson Plans Teach Kids to Get Civilians to “Turn in Guns” – H.L. o o o Protests Against Trump and Visa Policy Turning Violent – D.B. o o o Good to know: U.N. Official Admits Global Warming Agenda Is Really About Destroying Capitalism – D.S. o o o Congress scraps Obama rules on coal mining, guns – DSV

Odds ‘n Sods:

Use a wireless mouse? This $15 hack could compromise your laptop. JWR’s Comment: It is high time to revert to hard-wired mice. o o o For those who have been waiting, MagPul has now produced AICS-compatible LONG ACTION magazines for .270, .30-06, .25-06, and similar cartridges. This sure beats paying $90+ each for original AICS-made magazines. o o o From Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large: Some interesting European surplus kit at good prices, with cheap shipping to the U.S. Note that some of their “joke” products are presented with blunt language. o o o Growing fresh-produce shortage in Britain …

Odds ‘n Sods:

What good people will do in a bad economy: Harare residents find ingenious new ways to survive – A.P. o o o Arrests Made Over DC Surveillance Cameras Being Hacked Prior to Trump Inauguration – D.S. o o o NRA Wins Victory as Congress Reverses Obama’s Social Security Gun Grab – DSV o o o Attorney In IRS Office Of Professional Responsibility (Columbia J.D., NYU Tax LL.M., Georgetown Adjunct Tax Prof) Busted For Dealing Crystal Meth – C.P. o o o Donald Trump Threatens to Cancel Berkeley Federal Funds After Riots Shut Down Milo Event – D.B.

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Chinese counterfeiters are back to their old tricks, producing shoddy fake Cold Steel knives, including some Rawles XL Voyagers. They are definitely fakes, since Cold Steel only made Rawles XL Voyagers with ONE blade style and ONE blade color! Please take a minute to go to the lower right corner of the eBay page and click on “Report Item”, and ask that this seller be banned. Thanks! – JWR o o o A new Tennessee listing at our SurvivalRealty spin-off is captivating, since it is the lowest-priced property that I can recall that includes on-site caves: Secluded Wilder Mountain …

Odds ‘n Sods:

BSA…Living up to only the first two letters. Goodbye, Boy Scouts of America. You spineless cowards. – D.S. Article Excerpt: “So, if I haven’t been clear, here’s how this works: You give the leftist bullies every last thing they want, and in return you get nothing. Whatever you already had, you lose. Those who supported you while you were being attacked, no longer support you. The people who hated you still hate you and the people who loved you now resent you for betraying them. You are now officially in a lose/lose/lose/lose-unto-infinity scenario…But hey, at least the media will write …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Articles on hackers: Hackers Hold Entire Hotel for Ransom, Trap Guests in Rooms (Editor’s note: The part of trapping guests in their room may not be true.) Computer outage grounds Delta flights in U.S. – C.L. o o o 20 Plants And Herbs Which You Can Grow From Cuttings – DSV o o o Fake news on this recent Executive Order? “But, wait a sec. I read the order and Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen are not mentioned in it.” – P.S. o o o Emboldened by Trump, some police unions seek to overhaul Obama’s reforms. Federal monitors …