Odds ‘n Sods:

The Terrorist Leader of the ‘Women’s Strike’ – D.S. o o o Showing once again that gun control can’t control guns: Guy Builds Shotgun Out of Items Purchased After Going Through TSA at the Airport – H.L. o o o Skynet is only missing weapons: Boston Dynamics’ Handle robot dominates parkour on wheels in new footage – G.P. o o o Sydney man charged over printing 3D pistols – A.S. o o o The Fourth Turning: Where did Steve Bannon get his worldview? – P.S.

Odds ‘n Sods:

How To Buy and Store 260 Pounds of Food for just $83 – H.L. o o o What first amendment? Does this incredibly harsh punishment fit this “crime”? Judge sentences 2 people convicted in Confederate flag confrontation – T.P. (Editor’s note: SurvivalBlog does not condone the actions of the defendants, but this punishment borders on the level of political punishments seen 70 years ago in Europe.) o o o CDC: Bullets Can Cause Lead Poisoning – DSV o o o Welcome Aboard, But First US Marshals Will Scan Your Retina – D.W. o o o 7 Vegetables You Should Be …

Odds ‘n Sods:

First Amendment??? Arizona Wants Power To Seize The Assets Of Protesters – H.L. o o o JWR interview on Infowars (video): Tradecraft for Privacy: Use It or Lose It. o o o Farm from a Box – a complete off-grid toolkit for tech-powered farming – G.P. o o o A Two-State Solution… For The West? – B.B. o o o Proposed Executive Order Designating Certain Rifles for ‘Militia Purposes’ – G.G.

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog readers wrote in with some answers on where to find the adjustable glasses mentioned yesterday. Home Depot First Street Online Buy Dial Vision Dr. Leonard’s catalog Note that not all of these adjustable glasses are like those described in the original question and SurvivalBlog does not have any affiliation with any of these vendors. o o o Surviving doomsday: Underground condos bring wealthy to Kansas – G.G. o o o DNC transgender spokesman tries to argue science with Tucker Carlson, and it doesn’t go well – DSV o o o Wranglerstar shows some of the results of the crazy …

Odds ‘n Sods:

When you think your city has high crime… A TALE OF TWO CITIES Rio Carnival 2017 sees millions of revellers take to the streets – as cops clash with drug users in notorious ‘crackland’ district of Sao Paulo (Warning: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro in particular, is very vulgar. You have been warned before viewing these pictures.) o o o A solid take on the radiation detected in Europe: Some Numbers on the European Radioactive Iodine Story o o o A SurvivalBlog reader wrote in asking if anyone knew how to obtain these adjustable glasses. They might be handy to have …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Infinite Product Solutions (the makers of versatile solvent trap threaded muzzle adapters—all NFA rules apply) has updated their gun show calendar, showing the events where their sales reps will have booths. Because they are controversial, I recommend buying such adapters only face to face, with cash. – JWR o o o Brandon Smith: In A Battle Between Trump And The Federal Reserve, Who Really Wins? o o o California schemin’: Dam crisis spotlights split Right-leaning north seeks new state, left moves to exit U.S. o o o The folks at LockPickWorld put together this handy list of links: Top 75 …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Are you stuck working in NYC and think you need a better evacuation strategy in a disaster? You might want to check these guys out: Planbmarine o o o Author of Book on Islamic Terror: ‘UCLA Banned My Book From Free Speech Event’. “Administrators at UCLA’s law school allowed student protestors to block an invited author from selling his book about Islamic terrorism at a university seminar about free speech, according to the author.” – T.P. o o o Google is Quietly Recording Everything You Say – K.T. o o o Appeals Court Rules Against Second Amendment and Semiautomatic Rifles …

Odds ‘n Sods:

France slaughtering all ducks in key region due to bird flu – B.B. o o o Supremes to Decide if Foreigners Have Constitutional Rights – DSV o o o ‘Progressives’ Fantasizing about Civil War like Children Playing with Fire – S.L. o o o Runner’s foot impaled by nail purposely placed on trail, 40 total found in park – G.P. o o o Connecticut governor proposes massive fee hike on gun owners – P.R.

Odds ‘n Sods:

From the isle of chestless men: English cops refuse to carry guns. “…one in eight officers would not be prepared to carry a gun under any circumstances, despite the threat of a Paris-style attack in Britain.” Britain’s leaders have, over three generations, destroyed the English gun culture. This is the predictable and pitiable result. I wonder, will there ever again be an England. – J.N. o o o Study: Venezuelans lost 19 lbs. on average over past year due to lack of food – G.P. o o o 9 Ammo Storage Tips Every Gun Owner Should Know – DSV o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

What’s inside: A Beretta 92 clone cut in half with a waterjet. Interesting to say the least. – T.P. o o o Why Was the FBI Investigating General Flynn? – D.S. o o o California exit? What these people haven’t realized is 45.8% of California is U.S. government federal lands and not the State of California’s: ‘California is a nation, not a state’: A fringe movement wants a break from the U.S. – DMS o o o Taking your Prepper Team to the next level. We want the ability to make longer range intra-team communication plus the ability to monitor …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Former Trooper Who Took $70k In Drug Bust Money Remains President Of School Board – T.P. o o o SurvivalRealty.com has a new featured property that’s a great example of a modern off grid homestead, on the remote Yaak River in northwest Montana. o o o State trooper in hot water over calling ICE – D.S. JWR’s Comment: This incident is just one more reason for Eastern Washington’s counties to seek partition from Whacko Western Washington. o o o Publishers are hiring ‘sensitivity readers’ to flag potentially offensive content o o o Homeschoolers Revolt Against Republican School Choice Bill – …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Some good news for the owner of HK9x-series rifles: I contacted the management of Franklin Armory, and they told me that they have now produced prototype HK binary trigger packs that are the functional equivalent of their very popular BFS-III binary triggers for AR-15s. They said that the new HK trigger packs will be shipping to individuals around May or June of 2017. I will be eagerly awaiting mine. OBTW, because of state level restrictions, binary triggers are not available for civilian sales in California, the District of Criminals (DC), Iowa, North Dakota, New Jersey, New York, or the State …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The best Presidential Press Conference, Ev-ah! Be sure to read through the transcript, with Rush Limbaugh’s comments. I believe Rush is right: Trump is successfully bypassing the “lamestream” press and talking directly to the American people. It is as if he’s channeling Ronald Reagan. Of course, the mass media will claim that he was ranting and has run off the rails. But he’s now shown that he can be a fine communicator. o o o Terrifying arsenal of weapons among dozens seized in Met’s gun amnesty – T.P. HJL’s Comment: “We make men without chests and expect from them virtue …

Odds ‘n Sods:

This headline comes from our “Enlightened” feel-good socialist neighbors to the north: Man who beheaded passenger on Greyhound bus granted freedom. – JWR o o o Backwoods Home Magazine will cease publishing its print magazine at the end of 2017. The decision was dictated by simple economics. Thankfully, there will still be a digital edition. – JWR o o o Some recent snail mail correspondence with a consulting client included my recommendation for this goodie that could prove incredibly useful in a Get Out of Dodge situation: The Receiver Mount RV Cargo Luggage Carrier Basket. o o o This new …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From NPR: Leaving Urban Areas For The Political Homogeneity Of Rural Towns o o o Don’t forget the Shelley Idaho Emergency Preparedness Fair on February 18th if you live near Shelley, Idaho. o o o Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large suggested this for those who live in AW challenged states: Kalashnikov to make a Pump-Action AK Rifle o o o The Christian Mercenary: When This Gets Ugly – B.B. o o o Wondering how far apart Hollywood and the average American are? How about this: Here’s what happened to Joy Villa’s album sales the day after she wore Trump …