Odds ‘n Sods:

JWR Says: I’d like to introduce a new term into the American Lexicon: The Self-Crashing Car. o o o Why Is Everyone Talking About VPNs? – G.P. HJL’s Comment: This is an excellent piece, describing why VPN’s should be important to you and what their strengths and weaknesses are. o o o CAIR Orders U.S. Air Force to Ditch “Anti-Muslim” Counterterrorism Instructor – D.S. HJL’s Comment: And why is it that the U.S. government bows to pressure from a group that reportedly has strong ties with terrorist organizations? Will Trump have the gumption to ignore their demands? o o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I just noticed that Redoubt Surplus & Tactical (in northern Idaho) has added West German surplus Snow Camouflage ponchos to their inventory at their new online store. They even offer free shipping on these ponchos! – JWR o o o The folks at DX Engineering made a great set of do-it-yourself Ham antenna plans available: A Practical NVIS Antenna for Emergency or Temporary Communications o o o Received an e-mail alert that KeepShooting.com (one of our ling-time advertisers) just received a big batch of Austrian, German, and British military surplus gear. Part of that was batch of British Multi-Terrain Pattern …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Paul Joseph Watson: The Truth About Sweden (Video) JWR’s Comment: It is noteworthy that YouTube has attempted to censor Watson, simply for reporting the truth—when that truth exposed the lies of leftist apologists for radical Islam. o o o My friend Commander Zero just posted a very useful link: Glock Pistols- What Breaks and How to Fix It – JWR o o o Thousands Of Americans Are Fleeing The Big Cities. Why are so many people suddenly moving away from major U.S. cities? o o o Health Ranger awarded U.S. patent for breakthrough anti-radiation formula that eliminates Cesium-137 from your …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Second Amendment Attacked by Eleventh Circuit Appeals Court – Scary stuff! – G.P. o o o File under “Only in California”: Stone Brewing creates beer with recycled water. The use of treated sewage water can only be a source of pride in the Mickey Mouse State of California. o o o Foundation And Empire: Is Donald Trump The Mule? o o o Reader C.F. sent in this article from the BBC: The milk that lasts for months. o o o Robert Griswold, from Ready Made Resources, sent in the link to this article for our readers: The Civil War Is …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Brussels and Soros ‘Defeated’ in Macedonia After Anti-Soros Protests Sweep the Country. This is how you deal with EU bureaucrats and Soros minions! I’m so proud of my country and people! Each day, for 26 days, thousands of people in all cities in Macedonia have been… – H.L. o o o From Mike Williamson, SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large: Gun-Totin’ Left-Wingers Demonstrate at the Arizona Capitol: Is Bloodshed on the Horizon? This has potential to be terrifying or hilarious. They’ve been to a range and learned gun safety, which is good. I see no evidence they’ve learned how to actually fight. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader T.P. sent in this snitch linkwith this comment from the official NYC web site: “You can make a complaint about businesses that sell toy or fake guns that are not brightly colored. It is illegal to sell or offer a toy or fake gun that looks like an actual gun, unless the toy is brightly colored. Fake guns that are black, silver, or camouflage-colored are prohibited.” Another reason to flee the insanity! o o o They Can See a ‘Stick of Butter from Space’ — The Billion Dollar Spy Agency You’ve Never Heard Of. The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I just noticed that SurvivalBlog’s Editor At Large Michael Z. Williamson has greatly expanded his line of custom knives. Take a look! – JWR o o o Video: A Texting Guy Almost Runs Into A Wild Bear – W.A. JWR’s Comment: If news stations in Alaska sent out a helicopter for every sighting of a bear near a house, then the news broadcasts would seem very repetitive and they’d burn up a lot of fuel. This video serves as a reminder to maintain situational awareness. o o o Whatever Happened To .32 Caliber? The great thing about the new. 327 …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I just noticed that there have been at least a dozen new retreat property listings added in the past week at my #1 Son’s spin-off web site, SurvivalRealty.com. They are in: Colorado, Arizona, Arkansas, Nevada, Montana, Kentucky, and Idaho. Be sure to check them out! – JWR o o o Israel plans mass evacuation if war erupts again JWR’s Comment: Important Safety Tip: Don’t live within mortar range of Bad Guys who have access to mortars! o o o Edward Snowden on Vault 7 NSA Spying tools, IOS, and Samsung at the CeBit in Hanover Germany tech conference. JWR’s Comment: …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader J.D. wanted to let us know that the newest Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) Operations Handbook was just published and is a rewrite from the iconic 1985 publication: Air Force Regulation 64-4. This is often referred to as the “Survival Bible”. It can be found on http://www.e-publishing.af.mil/ by searching for AFH10-644 o o o Wait, where did this happen? Over 100 Ruger Pistols Stolen From Chicago Train Yard – W.W. o o o Robb Moffett posted a new video on Nine low tech ways to figure out if someone has been in your house, room or office. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Fellow blogger Ol’ Remus mentioned this thought-provoking essay over at The Price of Liberty (edited by MamaLiberty): When will the Fifty States break up? o o o Edward Snowden on Vault 7 NSA Spying tools, IOS, and Samsung at the CeBit in Hanover Germany tech conference. JWR’s Comment: This one hour and 22 minute interview is worth watching. Don’ t miss Snowden’s comments on metadata, HTTPS, intentional vulnerability of the Internet Of Things, the vulnerability of cloud data, Quantum Sweep, and the loss of faith in government institutions. o o o How To Get Kicked Off Fox News in 5 …

Odds ‘n Sods:

NCRenegade posted this great meme about the release of the first increment of Wikileaks Vault 7: Nothing More To Say… JWR’s Comment: I was amazed to see how quickly the mass media dropped coverage of Wikileaks Vault 7. The implications of the revelations were huge. This was a story much bigger than Watergate, yet it was as if they collectively said: “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.” o o o Worldwide Day of Prayer for the nation of South Africa is scheduled for April 22nd. Please pray for peace, brotherhood, an end to violent crime, and good …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Five Ninth Circuit Judges Issue Rare Dissent Rebuking The Panel In Immigration Ruling – J.A. HJL’s Comment: Interesting to note that the fairly liberal/progressive 9th circuit is writing a scathing dissent to the Hawaii judge’s ruling against Trump’s immigration ban. o o o Denmark on the Brink? – An Interview with Iben Tranholm. Thoughts on Christianity in Europe as Islam seeks to take over. – K.B. o o o The wealthy are going underground as luxury doomsday bunkers sprawl across Kansas. For those with too much disposable income? – DSV o o o “Are You Paranoid Enough?” The dangers of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A 50 State Guide – Is night vision legal to use for hunting in my State? JWR’s Comment: Be sure to check the current Fish &Game regulations in your own state. Laws do change frequently! o o o U.S. Air Force Buying Special Drone-Snagging Shotgun Shells – G.G. HJL’s Comment: I’m not too thrilled about their choice of a name for the product (Skynet), but it is an intriguing concept. I’m also curious as to how the laws against shooting drones will be applied to this product. o o o In a continuation of disturbing trends, a man was arrested …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Sangerville, Maine: Bunker-style home built by survivalists the perfect fit for sustainable duo JWR’s Comment: Folks in the Food Sustainability movement have a lot to learn from Survivalists, and vice versa! o o o The IRS Scandal, Day 1408: Why Won’t The Media Cover It? – The IRS admitted to singling out and targeting conservative groups in 2013, motivated by political animus, yet the media was, is and continues to be disinterested in the whole process. Given the IRS’s broad ranging powers, this is the perfect vehicle to “control” behaviors. o o o Wondering why your friends and neighbors think …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I recently bought some “Morale” patches from a small company in Tennessee called MoraleTags.com, and I was quite pleased with the quality of their products and their great service. It is a veteran-owned company. They have a wide assortment of patches, and also sell clever metal hat clips that are laser engraved with logos. (Warning: A few of them are rather crude.) Take a look at their web site. – JWR o o o Showing their support of collectivism and the establishment, a group of retired military leaders are fighting to stop the Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection Act. Apparently, those …