Odds ‘n Sods:

How To Practice Drawing a Pistol From Concealment JWR’s Comment: This is an important but overlooked skill to practice! I agree with Tam that using a “Blue Gun” for draw and holstering practice is wise. o o o Human trafficking – Notice that Turkey, a NATO member, is mentioned in this pamphlet.Do You Know How Much It Costs To Buy A 9 Year Old Girl? The Sickness Of ISIS Has Just Informed Us – H.L. o o o Venezuela On The Brink – Images and Video… – B.B. HJL’s Comment: Socialism at its best. Notice the military/police person shooting a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Venezuela braces for ‘mother of all protests’ – B.B. o o o Courts are Using AI to Sentence Criminals – B.B. o o o An article by Benjamin Baruch over at News With Views: The March To World War III o o o From the people who brought you beheadings, burning alive, and other atrocities for no other reason than they don’t like you: Taliban Decry Environmental Impact of U.S. MOAB Explosion – G.M. o o o Meet Babel Street, the Powerful Social Media Surveillance Used by Police, Secret Service, and Sports Stadiums – S.G. o o o I ran …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Max Velocity Tactical (MVT) has several training events scheduled for May and June near Midvale, Idaho and in Romney, West Virginia. This is top notch training. Be sure to check it out! o o o The Liberty Brother podcast: James Wesley Rawles on the possibilities of WW3 and a civil war o o o Parents In Germany Face $26,500 Fine If They Don’t Destroy Controversial ‘My Friend Cayla’ Dolls. “After researchers found that My Friend Cayla dolls were recording users and sending this information out to a third party specializing in voice-recognition for police and military forces, officials in Germany …

Odds ‘n Sods:

It’s not elites vs. populists. It’s cities vs. the countryside. o o o I just discovered that Repack Boxes (one of our very generous Writing Contest prize donors) has added several new varieties of die cut cardboard cartridge boxes to their already diverse product line. The new types include: .30-06, .303 British, 7.62x54r, .44 Magnum, 10mm, and 12 Gauge. The new 12 gauge shell box is cleverly designed to fit in a standard M16 30 round magazine pouch. New customers can get a special 15% discount at checkout by using the coupon code “NEW”. o o o Beat Extreme Heat …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I recently ordered a couple of large plastic tool boxes that carry the Dewalt brand name. When they arrived, I was thrilled to see that they weren’t made in China but instead in Israel. They are fairly sturdy and quite reasonably priced at under $21 each. They also happen to be fairly covert for use as a “range box” for carrying handguns. With an inside length of 21”, they will even fit an AR-15 pistol with arm brace if it is broken down into two halves. o o o Okay, but it’s going to cost you! – ‘Gun Free’ Zone …

Odds ‘n Sods:

X22 Report Spotlight(podcast interview) When The Disaster Hits You Better Be Prepared: James Wesley Rawles. (This discussion covers a lot of topics—mainly economics, geopolitics, and military flashpoints.) o o o David Codrea: Are YouTube Restrictions Targeted on Conservative and Gun Channels? o o o Protests sweeping South America show rising antigovernment anger – H.L. o o o Cringe worthy news: Obama to give speech in Berlin to mark Reformation anniversary – D.S. HJL’s Comment: I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit…Yeah, I’m sure I did. Where did I put those antacid tablets?! o o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Prep warning: North Korea may have a new KN14 ICBM – This missile has a range of 7000+ miles putting it within the continental U.S. There is just one problem: They’ve never had a successful test launch of it. – P.S. o o o Woman Fights To Raise Chickens In Backyard – Life And Death Situation For Son – DSV o o o Feds Illegally Maintain Registry of Firearm Owners; Media Fails to Report It. This under-reported article from late 2015 is STILL being ignored! o o o DPM camouflage wearers will love these: British Army Cold Weather Parka o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Getting ready: Pentagon to protect electric grid from massive attack. “Kim Duck Soup” doesn’t have the missile technology (yet) to land a warhead on the West Coast of North America, but he could do a high-altitude air-burst of a warhead over the Pacific and still impact the West Coast. – P.S. o o o U.S. May Launch Strike if North Korea Reaches for Nuclear Trigger – W.W. o o o How an Anarchist Bitcoin Coder Found Himself Fighting ISIS in Syria o o o Coming to a city near you: ‘shariah Cop’ Cracks Down On Minnesota Muslims – H.L. o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

In a recent phone conversation, one of my relatives mentioned that he’s had great success in keeping his dog on his property by using a wireless system sold under the PetSafe brand. It is called the Free To Roam Wireless Fence. Most dogs learn quickly and become comfortable with the boundaries. The collar gives a warning before it shocks, so there are no accidental shocks from the collar. He mentioned that the positioning of the base station is critical, so take plenty of time to set it up right. – JWR o o o I just noticed that Brilliance Audio …

Odds ‘n Sods:

There has been a global uproar over the manhandling and bloodying of a paying United Airlines passenger. The plane was sold out, and the airline said that they needed four seats to shuttle crew to another airport. What followed was a gross misuse of force in removing a passenger against his will. United’s President apologized, but the airline policies are a reflection on their view of the world and “customer service.” Clearly, they look at paying passengers with the same disdain as they would sheep or cattle. So not only do we have to endure TSA inspections (with all of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I noticed that the NAPA Auto Parts chain stores are having a “Spring Filters Sale” from April 9th to 22nd, 2017. Some filters sold under the NAPA Filters label are priced at discounts as deep as 60% off. This is s good chance to stock up on oil and fuel filters. If you buy any for use as, ahem, “solvent traps”, then be sure to pay in cash, so that you don’t leave a paper trail. o o o ‘Ol Remus recommended this thought-provoking essay by Bill Buppert: T.E. Lawrence and the Coming American Civil War o o o Thank …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Investing in precious metal – Soviet T54 Armor with installed Gold Bullion: Tank collector shocked to find £2million gold bullion hidden in the fuel compartment of his £30,000 vehicle – T.P. o o o Sweeping Iowa Gun Bill Up For Gov. Approval – P.M. o o o 13 Foods You Can Buy Once & Regrow Forever – Most gardners are aware of these easy to grow plants, but those just starting out may want to take note. – DSV o o o More evidence that Islam is not a peaceful religion, but harbors too many fanatics and they are a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

X22 Report Spotlight (podcast interview) When The Disaster Hits You Better Be Prepared: James Wesley Rawles. This discussion covers a lot of topics—mainly economics, geopolitics, and military flashpoints. o o o Reader JCC sent in this link to Ferfal’s site with the new SERE manual (Survival Evasion Resistance Escape) in pdf form. o o o A couple of weeks ago, we requested someone to advise on using old flash Magicubes as a perimeter security alarm. Our friend Robb Moffett from Robb’s Homemade Life purchased a few off of eBay and created a simple HOWTO video on manually triggering them. By …

Odds ‘n Sods:

We’ve covered this subject fairly extensively in the pages of SurvivalBlog, but reader G.G. sent in a link to PeakProsperity for another article on the subject: Prepping With A Reluctant Partner o o o More documents released showing the Obama administrations animosity and behavior towards those presumed to be “enemies” using the IRS as the weapon of choice: New Obama IRS Scandal Documents – D.S. o o o I agree with the author here: Tennessee is absolutely terrifying: In your state which animal is most likely to kill you – T.Z. o o o Rucksack Rob informed us of this …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader T.N. joined in the conversation of EMP and our nation’s difficult-to-replace power transformers with this impressive news item from 2015 about one of the huge transformers being delivered to southern Utah: Huge transformer to arrive in Monticello Monday. This certainly puts the problem in perspective! o o o Showing once again the futility and pointlessness of gun control laws: Neighbor used homemade air gun to kill Lehigh County mom -Will we outlaw plumbing supplies next? – T.P. o o o Map showing why Europe will be extinct These maps show how fragmented Europe is and why the European …