Odds ‘n Sods:

SF in Hawaii mentioned Wisemen Trading and Supply. Check out the “Picklemeister”, near the bottom of their crocks product page.    o o o Tonight’s season finale episode of the Jericho television series (Tuesday, March 25, 2008), titled “Patriots and Tyrants” looks like it will be good. The five minute teaser for the finale (on the CBS web site) shows a pro-Second Amendment message hat is most unusual for a network television show. No wonder that the show is now rumored to be doomed to cancellation. OBTW, all of the first and second seasons are now available for online viewing. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Hawaiian K. suggested this blog post by Rick Falkvinge of Sweden: Why the US is collapsing:    o o o The Federal Reserve has now issued denials that it discussing coordinated purchases of mortgage-backed securities with other central banks. Why am I dubious? Harken!, the MOAB commeth.    o o o With gardening season fast approaching in the northern hemisphere, here is a useful YouTube video on composting.    o o o Vic at Safecastle mentioned that the entirely revamped Safecastle Royal Store web page is now up and running. Buyers Club members get 20% off of list prices, and …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Wayne V. mentioned a piece in The Financial Times: Central banks float rescue ideas. Here it comes folks! This is the “Mother Of All Bailouts” (MOAB) that I warned you about. It may cost literally trillions of dollars. This will be very, very expensive for those of us that pay Federal taxes. If the US Treasury can’t raise enough funds through taxation, they’ll monetize the new debt. That will generate lots of inflation, which is, of course, a hidden form of taxation.    o o o SF in Hawaii suggested this blog post: Seven of the Most Important Economic Events …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mr. Yankee suggested an editorial by Greg Evensen posted over at News With Views: The Implosion is Accelerating, Prepare While You Can. Mr. Yankee’s comment: “I don’t know this writer but the piece sounds like [it was written by] a SurvivalBlog reader.”    o o o Chester mentioned that Jim Willie has some interesting comments on the Bear Stearns debacle, posted over at Kitco.    o o o This piece by Daniel Amerman is a must read: The Subprime Crisis Is Just Starting. (A hat tip to Kurt for sending us the link.)    o o o Thanks to Robert …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The recent dip in precious metals prices is a buying opportunity for those of you that thought that you had “missed the boat.” Market analyst Adam Hewison suggests that there might be further pullbacks on the spot price of gold to $855 or perhaps even $750. My reaction? Great! A “full Fib” retracement presents a great short term buying opportunity in what will otherwise be a long term bull market.    o o o Two months ago, a few readers chided me for being too harsh in my criticism of gadget-oriented “Mall Ninja” survivalists. This auction listing shows exactly what …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A friend of ours is an investment banking consultant. He is currently engaged is raising cash to help salvage an ailing hedge fund. He said that he predicts that the vast majority of US hedge funds will go under in the next year. “The pressure from margin calls and [individual investor] redemptions will be unstoppable.” Of the nation’s top 150 hedge funds, he said, “nearly all will cease to exist in their present form.” He added that there are perhaps 12 hedge funds that are not publicly traded that might be spared the ignominious demise of their brethren.    o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

J. Ross sent us some serious Gloom und Doom: Fed Heads Back to the Well, Will It Run Dry?    o o o Trevor flagged this piece at WND: Fed abandons dollar in new round of rate cuts–Reacts to fall of investment giant Bear Stearns, Carlyle Capital Corp.    o o o Mark recommended the rifle muzzle brakes made by OPS. We have had the muzzles of all of our .30 caliber bolt actions threaded 1/2-28. That is the same thread used on many flash hiders (such as AR-15, M4 and AR-10.) Our preferred flash hider is the Vortex Model …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Todd Savage found this gem: Dollar Bear: The road to hyper-inflation    o o o Mark mentioned the M3 Medical kits available from JRH Enterprises, with fresh components    o o o Eric spotted this at MarketWatch: Wall Street watches Lehman walk on thin ice    o o o Another piece courtesy of Eric: Gulf central banks urged to sever links with tumbling US dollar

Odds ‘n Sods:

Chester noted that Gold-Eagle posted some commentary from Chris Laird that nicely sums up the global economic crisis: Gold Says that Central Banks Fail to Stop World Deleveraging    o o o Bear Stearns exposed as a bank saddled with toxic sub-prime debt    o o o What went wrong? The story straight from the Plunge Protection Team    o o o Reader “RS” purchased the “Survive Martial Law” e-book, available for download for just under $20. The author, Harold Williams, claims to be prior service “Special Forces” in Vietnam, but both his writing style and some key details quickly …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Eric spotted this summary article at Bloomberg: Subprime Losses Reach $195 Billion; German Banks Get Hit    o o o DB found us this: Dollar losing clout around the world. Here is a quote: “Hit by a free fall with no end in sight, the once-mighty U.S. dollar is no longer just crashing on currency markets and making life more expensive for American tourists and business people abroad: Its clout is evaporating worldwide as foreign businesses and individuals turn to other currencies. Experts say the bleak U.S. economic forecast means it will take years for the greenback to recover its …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Our friend Chad recommended this piece by John Markman: Sell Stocks While the Selling’s Good. Oops! Too late. You had your chance: Global Markets Tumble (A hat tip to Eric for that link.) Meanwhile, we read at WND: Recession? Maybe worse. Economy stumbles more–Expert says it could take years to recover from financial crisis now going global    o o o RBS mentioned a great do-it-it yourself project page on building cargo compartments into the back of an SUV. (This was designed for a Toyota Land Cruiser, but it is adaptable to many other vehicles.) It would be particularly useful …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Courtesy of reader KBF: J.P. Morgan Says Banks Face “Systemic Margin Call,” $325 billion hit    o o o When I last checked, the US Dollar Index was down to 72.260, and falling rapidly. Consider this a final warning: If the USD Index drops below 72, the next likely trading target will be approximately $1.75 to buy a Euro. Keep in mind that 72 is the magic number that The Chartist Gnome warned us about. Quit dawdling and get out of your dollar-denominated investments! OBTW, on a related note, here is a piece (by way of Eric) from Forbes: Fed …

Odds ‘n Sods:

MB and Jason both mentioned an article that indicates that the mainstream media is catching on to the threat of a derivatives implosion: Derivatives the new ‘ticking bomb’ The only good news is that the number of new derivatives contracts has dropped dramatically since August of ’07. But then again, that “good” news is indicative that the global economy has stalled and is about to crash and burn.    o o o Eric recommended this commentary from England: Who knows there’s a food crisis? The early signals are there, but the world seems to be sleepwalking towards disaster    o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

More from economist Marc Faber’s recent speech: ‘Doom and Gloom’ has just begun. And at the risk of exceeding your maximum daily dose of Gloom and Doom, consider this article sent in by RBS: US Fed releases [another] $200 billion as credit crisis hits new depths. And for the icing on the cake, The New York Times ran this: Seeing an End to the Good Times (Such as They Were). A key data point mentioned in the article: “The median household [in the US] earned $48,201 in 2006, down from $49,244 in 1999, according to the Census Bureau.” OBTW, that …