Odds ‘n Sods:

Readers Josh W. and John M. both sent us this article link: Black Box Warning for Antibiotic    o o o Eric found this: As food costs soar, it’s back to basics for meal planners. Eric’s comment: “What a wonderful chance for folks to start learning about eating their food storage foods and saving money! I think about my friends who have hundreds of pounds of red winter wheat put up and no idea what to do with it – they have no [grain] mill and don’t eat whole wheat bread or whole wheat anything. As someone who has been …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Hawaiian K. pointed us to an article by Robert Silverberg, over at Asimov’s: The Death of Gallium. The Peak Oil crowd may be interested to hear about disappearing elements. The crux of the problem: Infinite demand, and finite supply. Reading this makes me want to go out and invest in Gallium, Hafnium, and Indium–the elements themselves, or mining companies.) Or perhaps I should go for the speculative gusto and invest in a deep sea vent mining company.    o o o Tim P. mentioned this piece over at WorldNetDaily: Congress examines EMP threat–Iran believed to test missiles for attack on …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A consulting client asked me what brand of AR-15 or M4gery that I’d recommend he buy as a secondary weapon. By coincidence, I had earlier that same day received a link from reader Bill N. that features a chart that shows which AR makers use full mil-spec parts. Before seeing that chart, I would have recommended Lewis Machine & Tool (LMT), but now it looks like Noveske Rifleworks has the edge. You may ask: Why not Colt ARs? I despise their concessions to political correctness–namely their over-grown lower receiver pins, weak chopped-out (half circle) bolt carriers, and their now perennial …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I recently had a consulting client ask me if I thought the credit crisis was over. Over? No way. Even after a year of credit contraction, we’ve only seen the first wave of the credit crisis. The entire global credit market is still spiraling into the abyss. The recent steep downgrades of MBIA and AMBAC (the folks that insure municipal bonds) are the latest red flags, showing another aspect of the problem. MBIA has been downgraded five grades to A2, and they are on “negative watch”. That is the term used when a forced liquidation is expected! The bottom line …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader KMA found a web site with photos of Antique Farm Tools dating from about 1600 to 1940 (chaff cutters, dibblers, flails, etc.). Though most are from England, Wales and Scotland, others from the USA are also included. Remember: Part of of our future lies in the past. Nineteenth Century technology is appropriate technology.    o o o Jack B. sent us this commentary link from The Economist: Bearish battalions. Continue to stay away from equities for the next few years, folks. They are a losing proposition in a credit-starved and slowing economy. As I’ve often said, if you want …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Luke Z. wrote to ask about a source for the bayonet socket light bulb adapters that I mentioned in my novel “Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse” (These adapters allow standard table lamps to be converted to use 12 VDC with either automobile tail lights or bayonet-base halogen lights.) They no longer seem to be stocked by Real Goods, but they are currently available from Kansas Wind Power. (Scroll down to item # L450.)    o o o I hope that this article isn’t just hype or wishful thinking: Engineer Gets 110 MPG Out Of ’87 Mustang. (A hat tip to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Jack B. recommended a very interesting series of video clips from a seminar presented by economist Don McAlvany.    o o o Today is the last day for BulletProofME.com’s special sale on Interceptor Body Armor and Kevlar helmets, just for SurvivalBlog readers.    o o o Facing a soaring trade deficit and 25% annual currency inflation, the government of Vietnam has just banned gold imports. I guess that Vietnam’s bureaucrats failed Econ 101.The citizenry rushing toward the stability of gold isn’t the cause of economic trouble. Rather, it is a symptom of a horribly mismanaged currency. In the absence of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Russ in Georgia sent an article link from Israel that reminds us that the threat of bulldozers should be considered when planning for defending your retreat. It doesn’t take much welding know-how for a miscreant to add a few armoring plates to a Cat. With this in mind, have you laid in a small supply of AP ammo? Let me clarify about the Federal law here in the US: There are no Federal restrictions on most “rifle” AP ammunition, but things get complicated for ammo that can also be fired through some pistols. Pre-ban manufactured AP “pistol” ammo is legal …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Ben M. recommended a BBC article on the international banking crisis. They talk about UBS, announcing further losses on top of their $37 Billion worth of losses that were already announced. A key quote: “We haven’t hit the bottom yet,” warned Zhang Xiuqi, from Guotai Junan Securities.    o o o Eric found this article: Ethanol-free gas outlets growing daily. Eric’s comment: “Having just hoisted six 5-gallon gerry cans into the e-85 vehicle I drive – as I’m rotating my storage fuel – this article is making me concerned. Guess we’ll see in the next few days.”    o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

WB in Texas mentioned a book review of the now-classic $50 and Up Underground House Book, written from the perspective of a reviewer that has actually built one of his own.    o o o Jack B. flagged this article from Pakistan: Oil-fired budget to skyrocket inflation. Jack’s comment: “Economic woes in Pakistan are just another red flag in the soon to be world wide crunch! Like ripples in a global pond, country after country reverberates with like stories.”    o o o Eric found this article from the UK: It used to be deer poaching, now rural gangs move …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Several readers mentioned this “must read” article from England: ‘The Archers’ brings the idea of a self-sufficient community to the fore    o o o My brother sent me this link: Something May be Wrong with the Sun–and the Weather Could Get COLDER    o o o Hawaiian K. and Steve spotted this over at the Kitco forums: US meltdown within weeks?    o o o There are now just three days left in BulletProofME.com’s special sale on Interceptor Body Armor and Kevlar helmets, just for SurvivalBlog readers.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader KT mentioned that Mike Kemp’s analysis of the Heller Second Amendment supreme court ruling has been posted at the Staying Alive blog.    o o o Hawaiian K. recommend a web site with some tips on survival cooking.    o o o I ‘ve discussed cartridge and shotshell adapters several times in SurvivalBlog. Henry sent me a link to the web site for a maker of some high quality shotshell adapters: Gaugemate. They make them with integral extractors, and more simple (and less expensive) “push out” models.    o o o Kevin A. flagged this article for us: Commodities …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A news story of interest to preppers in the Midwest: What to do with all the sandbags? There might be an opportunity later this summer to get hundreds of sandbags that were never contaminated by sewage, free for the asking. (Well, that is, if you are willing to empty them and haul them yourself.)    o o o Frequent contributor Jack B. found this article: “Darkest Future” for US Commercial Aviation? My comment: It may very well be that the US commercial aviation sector was significantly over-built, based on cheap and plentiful JP-4. Now that those days are gone, it …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader “EM Joe” mentioned that from Noon on Saturday, June 28th to Noon on Sunday, June 29th, it is “the annual US Ham Radio Field Day. About a half a million radio operators will leave their cozy houses and head out to the Great Outdoors with their Tents, Radios and Antennas to simulate a massive emergency situation. This is the whole idea of Field Day, to let Ham Radio Operators all do this on the same day, using every possible radio they got in every possible way. It is almost a religious event. This will allow you to hear how …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Yishai alerted us to this video clip from tele-pundit Jim Cramer: Banking Doom Is Upon Us    o o o Eric suggested this column from The Delta Farm Press: Batten down the hatches, road ahead’s looking rocky    o o o Investors Hide as Banks Come Knocking Here are some quotes from the Wall Street Journal piece: “Investors are tired of trying to catch a falling knife,” says one investment banker who specializes in the financial-services industry. “Investors have good reason to be skittish.” “Even the smart money isn’t looking so smart.” (Thanks to Kevin A. for finding us that …