Odds ‘n Sods:

Frequent content contributor Cheryl N. flagged an article at WorldNetDaily: 1930s Bank Runs Are Back. Speaking of banks, a recent Market Oracle article notes that Wachovia will soon close its wholesale lending unit and henceforth will lend only to bank customers, not brokers. Meanwhile, Bank of America’s purchase of Countrywide that supposed to close this quarter may not happen after all. B of A says it will not guarantee the Countrywide debt.    o o o The latest from Ultra Nanny State Britannia: Now there are 1,000 laws that will let the state into your home    o o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Courtesy of Eric B.: World warned over killer flu pandemic    o o o Reader Bill N. suggests checking out what Schmidt & Bender (a European rifle scope maker) has to say about their pricing and the declining value of the Once-Almighty US Dollar    o o o Eric B. and Brian H. both sent us this: Saving rainwater: Does it belong to the state?    o o o Regional Banks in Fear of Cash Calls. (A tip of the hat to Cheryl N. for sending that link.) JWR’s comment: The credit crisis is far from over, and we are …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Cheryl N. sent us a link to an article over at Stan Deyo’s web site that indicates that the freeze-dried storage food shortage is now even more severe than was previously reported: Mountain House Out of #10 Cans Through 2009. Most Mountain House dealers have sold completely out, and a are refusing to take back orders for # 10 cans. Meanwhile, Walton Feed has temporarily suspended taking new Internet orders, presumably so they can catch up on their order backlog. OBTW, the folks at Ready Made Resources tell me that they still have a few #10 cans of Mountain House …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SF in Hawaii sent this: Top 25 things vanishing from America: #1 — The family farm    o o o SF in Hawaii also found this interesting product with a novel design: The WASP Knife. I haven’t had the chance to try one of these, so I’ll reserve judgment. The concept certainly seems novel. Note that if you use a compressed air knife in a self-defense situation in which your opponent meets his maker, and if you subsequently meet his heirs in court, then you can expect to have your motives questioned.    o o o Kevin A. sent us …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I was recently doing a web search on “Asymmetric Warfare” and I came across this interesting article (in PDF) from Military Review magazine in 2001: America’s Frontier wars: Lessons for Asymmetric Conflicts.    o o o Reader Michael H. suggested this article from Bob Chapman’s The International Forecaster: The Formula For Hyperstagflation    o o o Trent H. sent us a link to an article summarizing a recent speech by Congressman Ron Paul: “Some Big Events Are About To Occur”    o o o Pyotr in the Czech Republic wrote me to mention that he was researching custom-built intrusion detection …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Thanks to Eric B. for potting this: Study shows fuel cell cars still 15 years away at best    o o o SF in Hawaii forwarded this video link: Jim Rogers Speaks the Truth about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac    o o o Wolf sent us this: Merrill Drops After $4.65 Billion Second-Quarter Loss, the same day that Cheryl sent us this: Citigroup posts $2.5B loss, but beats expectations. It seems neither the brokers nor the banksters are faring well in this credit-starved environment.    o o o JT flagged this one from The Daily Telegraph: Africa’s Oil Boom …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Thanks to Cheryl for sending a link to an article that describes how more banks are in trouble. These include: Wachovia (downgraded on the 15th), WaMu, National City Corp., and U.S. Bancorp    o o o Eric sent a link to an editorial from The Des Moines Register: Help farmers, consumers: Revive grain reserve    o o o KMA spotted an article in The Economist titled Peak Oil, The Only Way is Down.   o o o John T. sent us a link to an article that is a sign of the times: Pakistani Investors Stone Exchange as Stocks Plunge

Odds ‘n Sods:

Downturn gains steam as inflation roars ahead    o o o Cheryl N. sent us this: Fears Over Safety in Savings Triggers Panic in US    o o o Jason M. flagged this: ‘Flying IEDs’ Pose New Iraq Threat. (OBTW, I’ve had the acronym “UAVIED” in the SurvivalBlog Glossary since August of 2005. Terrorists may soon use radio-controlled planes–from the size of light model planes, on up–packed with explosives.)    o o o The International Forecaster anticipates “A Complete and Systemic Breakdown” of the US and world financial systems and economies. (Kudos to Kevin A. for finding that item.)

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Robert V. mentioned a news service report on the recent bank run in California.    o o o From Yahoo! Finance, What if my bank fails? Some questions and answers. (A hat tip to Kevin A.)    o o o Outfitters Supply (one of our advertisers) is offering SurvivalBlog readers free freight on all wall tents and wall tent frames, which is a savings of at least $29 and up to $240 for a full tent package. Mention that you are a SurvivalBlog reader and they will deduct the freight charges.    o o o Paul B. sent a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Eric mentioned this article from The Guardian newspaper, in England: Honey, they shrank the packets of food. Eric’s comment: All the more reason to purchase whole foods in bulk, learn how to process it into edibles, store it, etc. They cannot shrink the size of a 50 pound bag of red hard winter wheat.    o o o Eric also spotted this: Mother’ s Solar Heat Grabber    o o o Kevin A. flagged this: The US Housing Bubble’s Pop Could Doom Boomers by Lauren Tara LaCapra. It begins: “The collapse of the housing bubble will likely wipe away most …

Odds ‘n Sods:

KAF sent us this follow-up article about the recent IndyMac bank run and closure: Chuck Schumer, bank killer. OBTW, I stand by my prediction (since 2007) that there will soon be widespread bank failures and runs. The global credit collapse has made them inevitable. JWR’s recommendation: Check up on your bank’s safety rating. Spread out your risk between institutions by opening numerous smaller accounts, and keep extra cash on hand! For many years, I have recommended Weiss Ratings (now part of TheStreet.com) as an information source for judging the safety of banks and insurers, for my consulting clients. Marty Weiss …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Krys in Idaho spotted this: World Bank’s Zoellick: Food prices high until 2012    o o o Cheryl sent us this troubling article over at The Market Oracle: Fannie and Freddie Credit Implosions Are Too Big to Bail Out    o o o Anyone that owns both an AR-15 and an FN 5.7mm pistol might be interested in the new 5.7 AR upper receiver groups made by FN. Apparently FN is finally now shipping them –unless this seller is marketing vaporware.    o o o Some Deep Schumer: IndyMac ‘Bank run caused by Senator comments’

Odds ‘n Sods:

Eric flagged this one: Britain urging return to wartime food frugality    o o o In doing research on dry climate gardening, Eric also came across a fascinating gardening technique called “Keyhole Gardening“    o o o SurvivalBlog warned you that this was coming: Fannie, Freddie shares in meltdown on insolvency fears    o o o Nate sent us the link to some commentary by Mark Gilbert at Bloomberg: Granddad, Tell How Capitalism Committed Suicide

Odds ‘n Sods:

Jesse and Eric both sent us this link to a WorldNetDaily article: Congress warned: U.S. risks ‘catastrophe’ in EMP attack. Eric asks: “Is your vehicle EMP safe? Do you have spare solid state bits stored in a Faraday Cage that is properly grounded? If you don’t then you could find yourself walking or pedaling. “    o o o The folks at CGW (one of our loyal advertisers) just launched a new updated web site, with more than 300 new products added to their already large inventory of gun parts, optics, knives, and tactical field gear. Some of the new …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Charles V. recommended this editorial by Craig R. Smith, the CEO of Swiss America: In the eye of an economic storm    o o o Readers Jerry S., OSOM, Korey, Nick, and Rob A. all sent us this: The Fannie and Freddie doomsday scenario–It’s time to wonder what would happen if Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac failed. Here is a telling quote: “‘If Fannie or Freddie failed, it would be far worse than the fall of [investment bank] Bear Stearns,’ says Sean Egan, head of credit ratings firm Egan Jones. ‘It could throw the economy into depression or something close …