Odds ‘n Sods:

David V. recommended the latest essay from commentator Charles Hugh Smith’s Of Two Minds blog: Pandemic, Drug Resistance and Natural Selection    o o As the red ink continues to spread across the globe, here is today’s economic news: Some Deep Schumer talk in the UK: Gordon Brown suggests world heading for a ‘depression’. SF in Hawaii suggested this: Afshin Rattansi talks to Max Keiser about the Dollar. Max Keiser says: “Free market capitalism in America is dead”, and: “The technical strength of the Dollar will be short-lived.” Reader H.P.D. sent us a link to Mish Shedlock’s latest commentary: The …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SF in Hawaii mentioned this: Australians rule, when ranked for elbow room. But I can be proud of the fact that I live in a part of the US with one of the lowest population densities– about 5 people per square mile, and most of those are squeezed inside city limits. (“Give me land, lots of land, and the starry skies above…”)    o o o On the economic front: Pointing the finger of blame at credit derivatives: What Cooked the World’s Economy? (Thanks to Charley for the link.) And all these came from Cheryl: The Whole World is Rioting …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I just heard that JRH Enterprises (one of our first and most loyal advertisers) has a very limited supply of new, genuine AN/PVS-14 night vision monoculars with Gen III tubes (complete with ITT factory data sheets) on sale for $2,995.    o o o Heather H. found this article from El Paso, Texas: Mexico collapse unlikely: Experts say government stable despite mounting border violence. The journalist/pianists in El Paso are obviously standing on the soft pedal!    o o o I hope that folks took my advice and stocked up on full capacity magazines. It is amazing watching the prices …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Norman in England spotted this: Plight of the Humble Bee    o o o KI4U (the NukAlert folks) just announced a 10th Anniversary SurvivalBlog Special: In celebration of our 10th year in business, and gratefulness for the support and encouragement of SurvivalBlog readers, if you order any two of the same products using their online order form and you’ll be shipped a third one free. (Buy 2, Get 3). The order form won’t reflect it, but type “SurvivalBlog” in the comments section, and you’ll be shipped a third extra item for every two you order. This special will be honored …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Be advised that the 25% off special on Mountain House and Alpine Aire freeze-dried foods in #10 cans at Ready Made Resources is just a short term sale. This sale ends on February 14th, so be sure to get your order in soon! Ready Made Resource was the very first advertiser to support SurvivalBlog, and they have loyally been with us continuously since our first week of publishing, in 2005. They deserve your business.    o o o Bryce pointed out that Newsweek recently had an interesting article on survival in emergency situations titled: What it Takes to Survive.    …

Odds ‘n Sods:

B.R.H. sent an item from The Guardian that I suspect was inspired by the remake of the series “Survivors”, (which the BBC aired last Fall): Life after the apocalypse. The article begins: “What if the doomsayers are right … what if society, as we know it, really is about to collapse? Do you have what it takes to make it in a world without electricity and running water? Tanya Gold offers an essential survival guide.” There is a fairly lengthy accompanying video clip of the reporter getting trained. B.R.H. commented: “A member of the ‘Golden Horde’ gets a taste of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

In Texas, they wouldn’t call this a “weapons cache”, rather they’d describe it as a “a good start at a gun collection”: Weapons Cache Found Near Home of Former N.J. Cop (A tip of the hat to Hawaiian K. for the link.)    o o o Florida Guy sent us this bit of anticipated news: Zimbabwe abandons its currency. So it seems that that via hyperinflation, Comrade Mugabe and his cronies have effectively fleeced the entire life savings of virtually everyone in that once-prosperous nation. The only value the Zimbabwean dollar now has is as a novelty item for currency …

Odds ‘n Sods:

“The Survivalist” mentioned this article: More than a million wait in icy darkness across US    o o o As most SurvivalBlog readers surely deduced long ago, I am an inveterate scrounger. I scan through Craig’s List with the same regularity as the Bald Eagles that cruise up and down The Unnamed River here at the Rawles Ranch do, at this time of year. So I was delighted that while doing some web wandering today, I found a link over at Keep and Bear Arms to this inspirational article: Praxis: Scavenging as a Guerrilla Art Form.    o o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Thanks to Laura H. for this link: California prepares to stop paying bills: Come Feb. 1, tax refunds, welfare checks replaced with IOUs    o o o From The Appenzell Daily Bell: U.S. ratchets up pressure on UBS. Banking privacy may indeed be another casualty of the global economic crisis.    o o o Bill N. suggested a short article on using the shotgun for defense.    o o o More economic news, starting with this from Scott N.: Thousands stuck in property funds as Standard halts exits. (Does this sound familiar? As I’ve been warning people for two years, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

My mentor Dr. Gary North recommended a video slide show over at iTulip,com. Gary’s description: “A Low-Budget, Four-Minute Video Makes the Strongest Case I Have Seen for the Magnitude of This Crisis“    o o o The folks at Seed For Security (one of our advertisers) have expanded their web page of free self-sufficiency reference articles. BTW, my philosophy on gardening is to concentrate on non-hybrid plants. the “open pollinated” or “heirloom” varieties. Gain experience gardening with those varieties, and practice harvesting and saving seed. “Buy what you plant,and plant what you buy.”    o o o Reader T.U. wrote …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Eric. L. suggested watching this interview with John Williams of ShadowStats.    o o o Jim Sinclair mentioned this Daily Mail article in his e-newsletter: Revealed: Day the banks were just three hours from collapse. Ben H. forwarded this very disturbing article: Bernanke Risks “Very Unstable” Markets as He Weighs Buying Bonds. Trent sent us this: Nationalization of U.S. banks gets a new, serious look (From the International Herald Tribune). And then Cheryl forwarded all these bits of news and commentary, starting with a link that was also sent by more than a dozen readers: Iceland’s Government Collapse Amid Financial …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Benjamin H. wanted to remind folks that there are two types of deflation, and to that end he sent us a link to a great piece over ar iTulip: Debt Deflation versus Goods Price Deflation.    o o o Pete in New Hampshire sent this news that will be of interest to diabetics: Lifescan is giving away their new One Touch Ultra Slim [blood glucose] meters. Pete writes: ” People can always use a back up meter, and free ones are even better. Of course they will need acquire the test strips to go along with it.ia    o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Just when we thought the economic headlines couldn’t get much worse, Mark P. for spotting this: Downturn accelerates as it circles the globe: Economies worse off than analysts predicted just weeks ago. And Paul A. sent this grim deflationary prediction from Mish Shedlock: Extreme Leverage In Reverse Portends Global Systemic Crash. Whether the incipient crash is deflationary, or inflationary, or a whipsaw of sharp deflation followed by sharp inflation (which is my personal prediction), you should get you beans, bullets, and Band-Aids together and stand ready!    o o o Mike W. sent us this “must read” piece from NASA …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Here is a round-up of grim economic tidings from England: Scotty found this one from The Times of London (online edition): World Agenda: riots in Iceland, Latvia and Bulgaria are a sign of things to come. And Jack B. found this: Britain on the brink of an economic depression, say experts. And still more bad news from the UK, by way of reader G.G.: Confident tone as UK bond sale nears. (They admit that the risk of a government bond auction failing–where the amount of money raised falls short of its target–has increased.) And Luddite Jean sent this: Gordon Brown …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Matt S. recommended this editorial: The United Ponzi States of America    o o o It’s time to pray for global warming, says Flint Journal columnist John Tomlinson. (Thanks to Rich C. for the link.)    o o o The “all things vehicular” web store JCWhitney.com (one of our Affiliate Advertisers) has a special underway for free shipping on orders of $49 or more. This could be a huge savings on heavy items. Use Promo Code SAWBBX8 at check out. This offer is valid only through February 7, 2009.    o o o Stephen S. suggested this editorial: If the …