Odds ‘n Sods:

LRG spotted this: Cave house for sale in Festus, Missouri    o o o I just heard about another preparedness blog The Prudent Home. Check it out.    o o o Oxy sent this: Scratch Guadaloupe off the list of possible retreat locales.    o o o The JPFO’s latest Talkin’ to America show features and interview is with Mark Spungin, the author of “Neither Predator nor Prey“. Mark’s novel is about the reaction by a minute percentage of Wyoming gun owners to a nationwide ban and confiscation of firearms.

Odds ‘n Sods:

SF in Hawaii found this fascinating web page about a secret underground ammunition factory built under the noses of British administrators in Palestine: The Ayalon Institute    o o o I found these personal accounts captivating: Urban Survival Stories.    o o o OSOM sent a link to this two-minute video clip: War Zone Detroit    o o o Bob at Ready Made Resources mentioned that between now and March 7th, they can offer 215 watt REC (Norwegian) and Evergreen Solar (American) brand photovoltaic power panels an unprecedented cash price of just $3.75 per watt! (Plus shipping.) This is an …

Odds ‘n Sods:

FloridaGuy sent us this: Camera convicted him but raised battle over privacy   o o o Paul A. spotted Las Vegas, Nevada article: Deadly home invasion near Lamb & Las Vegas Blvd. this is reminiscent of the Phoenix news clip that I featured last week. Gee, perhaps I ought to start a running tally. Here’s a start: Armed Homeowners 2, Home Invaders: 0    o o o Our thanks to Bobby C. for sending this: Mississippi Passes Regulation Protecting Gun Owners During Martial Law    o o o A bit more of our privacy crumbles away: Anonymous Caller? New Service Says, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Bob A. sent us a link to a bit of Climate Change humor to cheer us up in the midst of all this depression talk.    o o o JS sent us this cool link: The supergun that kills from a mile – and the camouflaged crackshots using it against the Taliban    o o o KAF flagged this thought-provoking piece in the Effect Measure blog: Fort Detrick stands up by standing down    o o o Justice prevails! West Allis man not guilty in open carry gun case. (KAF also sent that link. Thanks!) JWR’s suggestion: Mr. Krause set …

Odds ‘n Sods:

My old friend Fred the Valmetmeister sent us a “signs of the times” piece: For many Idahoans, better a trailer home than no home o o o Greg mentioned a useful table on Firewood Ratings and Information, published by the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory. Greg notes: “With all the “fire” wood down in the recent ice and wind storms this appears to be a helpful link. I see too many people burning the wrong woods or at the wrong time.” o o o When we last checked, “Patriots” was ranked #3 in What’s Shaking in Buy.com’s Entertainment section

Odds ‘n Sods:

FDA Declares Form of Vitamin B6 a Drug (a hat tip to JHB for the link)   o o o FloridaGuy sent this item from any Indianapolis newspaper: Legal gun owners must give fingerprints to get their stolen guns back from police    o o o KAF and Hawaiian K. mentioned this commentary by Dimitri Orlov: Social Collapse Best Practices    o o o F.H. flagged this television news item from Las Vegas: Local couple rescued from blizzard during snow machine outing [in Utah].This tale illustrates the importance of proper planning and carrying the right clothing and survival gear. It also …

Odds ‘n Sods:

KAF mentioned this post over at the Xavier Thoughts blog: The Sad Necessity of Anonymity    o o o Ebola Marburg Case in US Traveler to Uganda (A hat tip to FFF for the link.)    o o o Hawaiian K. sent us a link to a web site for a man dubbed “The Human Swiss Army Knife.” He regularly carries 1,300 compact survival items in his clothes.    o o o A follow-up to this article I mentioned yesterday: Congo town mounts own defense against rebels. Florida Guy sent us a link to a photo montage from the town.

Odds ‘n Sods:

J.H.B. sent us the link to this update at the Gun Owners of America (GOA) web site: Firearms Legislation in the 111th Congress. (a good page to bookmark.) Readers should note that H.R. 45 currently has little support (it is not gathering co-sponsors) so at least for the present time please don’t expend too much time organizing and letter writing about this bill.    o o o John C. sent us this article, which has some implications for survivalists that foresee a breakdown in law and order, and large, organized gangs of looters: Congo town mounts own defense against rebels …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Hawaiian K. flagged a great article at Kevin Kelly’s Technium Blog: Amish Hackers    o o o SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large Michael Z. Williamson pointed us to the comments accompanying this article: Second Circuit to Second Amendment: Drop Dead…. The article was informative, but I thought that the comment from “Bruce” was potentially quite practical: “[I]f you live in a rural area like I do, go out in the woods somewhere and dig a hole. Don’t fill it in. We’ll call it the ‘plausible deniability hole’. Then, when the state comes for your guns (bullion, whatever), take the officers to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles returns to the small screen tomorrow evening. It has been moved to what has been called the Friday night “death slot.” There are rumors that the series will canceled. Cue the sad, sweet theme music to Firefly. 🙁 Meanwhile, there is plenty of buzz about the Terminator 4: Salvation feature film, which should be released on May 22nd.    o o o Craig W. flagged this: The (Zimbabwean) Dollar – The Point of No Return. (They’ve slashed another 12 zeroes!)    o o o Thanks to Stephen B. who was the first of several SurvivalBlog …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Bullion sales hit record in rush to safety    o o o Rory sent us a link to a video clip of a home invasion robbery foiled by an armed and vigilant Tucson homeowner. Given the 1-to-4 defender to attacker ratio, the homeowner did a creditable job.    o o o Our thanks to Florida Guy and Scotty who both sent this: Gun dealers experiencing shortages of ammo    o o o Some news and commentary, courtesy of The Economatrix: Marc Faber: US Will Default on Debt or Enter Hyperinflation — California Begins Employee Furloughs, Closing Offices — Record 19 …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The recent fires in Australia with large loss of life and property underscore the need to have defensible space around buildings. There is one factor in the Australian bush fires is not common knowledge in the US: In extremely hot weather, some tree species found in Australia–such as eucalyptus–exude volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are extremely flammable. When the conditions are just right, this can cause a firestorm effect.    o o o Chris E. flagged this: Rep. Kanjorski: $550 Billion Disappeared in “Electronic Run on the Banks.” A key quote: “[if the Federal reserve had not acted] by two …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Bob at Ready Made Resources wrote to tell me that they have just one BP-Solar 190 Watt Solar Module in stock, that a customer had canceled after it already shipped;. (It was re-routed back to RMR but the panel is still brand new.) Because of the circumstances, they are selling this one panel below wholesale cost at $750, plus shipping. (Additional panels are available at RMR’s normally-discounted price.) Call RMR during normal business hours (Eastern time) for the special price 1(800) 627-3809.    o o o Our friend Art suggested that those interested in a gun-friendly nationwide alternative to Craigslist, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Our Editor at Large (Michael Z. Williamson) sent this evidence that the MOAB will continue to grow, unchecked: A $15,000 gift for home buyers?    o o o Reader Leon H. suggested this great video segment: Peter Schiff: Stimulus Bill Will Lead to “Unmitigated Disaster”    o o o Bob McC. flagged this: California, Georgia banks are latest to be seized. Bob’s comment: “These bank failures were in Southern California and Atlanta, Georgia, no doubt being dragged down by failing real estate, in two of the formerly hottest markets. Is it me, or do the bank failures seem to be …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Dateline: Nanny State, Hawaii: Now they want to ban pocket knives! What is next, pencils? (“You might put your eye out!”) And speaking of over-reaching paternalism, Chad from Colorado spotted this: Schoolteacher Suspended for Facebook Gun Photo. My, how times change! My maternal grandfather, an Army Reserve Major, was a Junior ROTC instructor that taught marksmanship at a California public high school, before his untimely death in 1943. It was not uncommon for students to bring their own rimfire rifles from home to shoot at the high school’s indoor shooting range. And nobody blinked an eye…    o o o …