Odds ‘n Sods:
Several readers mentioned this piece at the Lew Rockwell web site: Preparation, by Michael Gaddy o o o Cheryl sent this: Where The Frugal Mommy Bloggers Are o o o Also from Cheryl: Betting The Farm (Higher crop prices ahead?)
Several readers mentioned this piece at the Lew Rockwell web site: Preparation, by Michael Gaddy o o o Cheryl sent this: Where The Frugal Mommy Bloggers Are o o o Also from Cheryl: Betting The Farm (Higher crop prices ahead?)
We were thrilled to attend Maker Faire, in San Mateo, California, last weekend. It is an amazingly educational and inspirational gathering, and I highly recommend it, if you ever have the opportunity. (Maker Faire events are also held in Newcastle, England and in Austin, Texas.) These annual events, sponsored by Makezine, bring together an eclectic and often wacky group of creative geniuses. Among the huge roster of exhibitors, I saw lots of practical displays and demonstrations there that have applicability to preparedness–including steam engines, gasifier experimenter kits (GEKs), umpteen human-powered machines (including a way-cool pedal-powered rail car, made with box …
Just one day left! Safecastle‘s 25% Off Mountain House storage food sale ends tomorrow, June 5th. Members will get a free copy of the novel One Second After by William R. Forstchen if they purchase four or more cases of Mountain House foods. o o o Has Twilight Come to the Sun Belt? o o o Richard at KT Ordnance mentioned this essay: When Guns Are Outlawed … Only Government Will Have Guns o o o Marketers Fear Frugality is Here to Stay
Safecastle‘s semi-annual 25% Off Mountain House storage food sale ends on June 5th. Members will get a free copy of the novel One Second After by William R. Forstchen if they purchase four or more cases of Mountain House foods. o o o Cheryl and Brett both sent this: Study: Global Recession Making World More Violent, Unstable o o o More news from Cousin Kim’s Proletarian Paradise of Paranoia: North Korea Nuke Progress Sign Of “Dark Future”, and North Korea Preparing to Fire ICBM o o o Reader “OSOM” mentioned that Gary North has just launched a free …
Lorraine sent us a link to an informative video clip on how to use a Food Saver to vacuum pack mason type jars. The creative part is in the second half of the video. Don’t miss it. o o o The Risk of Coastal “Pop-up” Hurricanes . (Thanks to Roy D. for the link.) o o o Seth sent us a link to an interesting PDF: Freedom Rankings of 50 States
The recent AP wire service article on survivalism certainly has grown some long legs. To date, it has been featured on CBS, ABC, MSNBC, Breitbart, Yahoo News, the Drudge Report, NPR, the Huffington Post, newspapers in more than 40 states, at least a dozen television news web sites, and even overseas in The Jerusalem Post. o o o NOAA Issues New Solar Cycle Prediction. (Thanks to Paul B. for the link.) o o o From reader R.M.: Ideas For Self Sufficient Living During Financially Turbulent Times o o o Jim W., a missionary, recommended a visit to …
Bill N. sent this great tip: Something Down The Drain? Retrieve it Without a Wrench o o o Safecastle’s semi-annual 25% Off Mountain House storage food sale ends on June 5th, so get your order in soon! Buyers will get a free copy of the novel One Second After by William R. Forstchen if they purchase four or more cases of Mountain House foods. o o o From Florida Guy: Mormon lessons in self-reliance can help families survive tough times. JWR Adds: While I’ll never see eye-to-eye with the LDS Church doctrinally, I give them nothing but praise …
Cheryl spotted this on a Israeli news site: WWIII Has Started o o o JHB sent is a link to a new variety of self-contained fingertip pulse oximeter. Being able to monitor heart rate and blood oxygen saturation will be crucial, especially if you are handling a trauma case or severe illness case where respiration is shallow and your supply of medical oxygen is scant. o o o In the “signs of the times” department, comes this from Powder Valley: “At this time we are not taking any new backorders for primers that are not listed here. We …
US and South Korea On High Alert After North Korea Renounces Truce o o o Jim Wiseman (a pseudonym), the prepper that was featured in the recent AP wire service article on survivalism was interviewed for three show segments (45 minutes) on the nationally-syndicated Marc Germain Show, and he will soon be be featured on CNBC, as well. o o o Clearly, the preparedness movement seems to have struck a chord with America’s collective psyche. Even assorted Greens and left-wingers are jumping on the band wagon, as evidenced by this article from Philadelphia: Survival of the Fittest (not …
Roman suggested an article that ties in nicely with my suggestion of the “Three Ks” concept for recession-proof jobs: The Case for Working With Your Hands o o o Cheryl mentioned this book review: Vaccines: Crossing Immunological Boundaries o o o I recently had an Internet retailer contact me about advertising on my blog. I made some inquiries, and it turned out that about 60% of their merchandise is made in mainland China. Unless or until China does away with the laogai system of prison factories, I will not accept advertising from any companies that have a more …
There is an excellent thread of discourse in progress over at TMM’s Gulching/Self-Sufficiency Forum titled, Burn a CD with survival and gulching information on it, what would you include? o o o As you’ve doubtless already heard, the “rogue state” nuclear threat index just increased. I consider “Kim Jong Il ” and “Unstable” synonymous. o o o Florida Guy sent a news article on the latest manifestation of hoplophobia: New York. proposes new bill to register and track all state ammo sales
I was disappointed to see that my novel “Patriots” has slipped from the 4.5 star rating that it consistently held on Amazon.com for the past nine years, down to just 4 stars. The reason? It is obvious that several readers who just don’t “get it” when it comes to the concept of preparedness bought copies of the novel from the racks at their local bookstores. Perhaps they thought that it would just be another in the endless parade of Tom Clancy clones–formulaic “techno thrillers”, which seem to invariably be set in either New York City, or inside the DC Beltway. …
Brent F. recommneded a site that focuses on Third World technology: How to Make Everything. o o o A Sunset magazine article flagged by reader LRG: Make your own backyard adobe oven o o o William Atkin has posted a very useful guide to sprouting. There is also a PDF available for download.
Cattle Rustling on the Rise as US Recession Bites o o o Credit Bill OK’d with Gun Provision o o o With the Economy Tough, the Tough Go Camping o o o America’s Poor Are its Most Generous Givers o o o SF in Hawaii mentioned the Local Harvest web site, and their map of family farms. SF’s comment: “Thinking about relocating? Take a look at this map. It might be nice to have some small farm neighbors.”.
Eric wrote to mention that the Survivalist Groups Listing Page URL has changed. o o o Chris–the editor of the LDS Preparedness manual that I recently mentioned–wrote to say: “Version 6.00 of the manual is almost complete and will be released in June. But for now, you can get a printable PDF copy of the Preparedness Manual for LDS Members, Version 5.01 (Nov.1, 2008) There are also hard bound printed copes available–rather than downloading and printing 200+ pages. It can also be found on my homepage.” o o o GG spotted this: Spam sales soar as buyers seek …