Odds ‘n Sods:

North Korea May Fire a Missile at Hawaii “…the South Korean government is bracing for ‘all possible scenarios’ regarding the nuclear standoff. The independent International Crisis Group think tank, meanwhile, said the North’s massive stockpile of chemical weapons is no less serious a threat to the region than its nuclear arsenal. It said the North is believed to have between 2,500 and 5,000 tons of chemical weapons, including mustard gas, phosgene, blood agents and sarin. These weapons can be delivered with ballistic missiles and long-range artillery and are ‘sufficient to inflict massive civilian casualties on South Korea.’”    o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A SurvivalBlog reader in Alaska mentioned some commentary by John Derbyshire in The National Review. Don’t miss the last line!    o o o Backyard Chickens On Rise, Despite Neighbors’ Clucks    o o o Popular Culture Update: Preparedness has migrated from your street to Main Street, to Sesame Street.    o o o A reader in Canton, Ohio mentioned a blast-hardened Microwave Repeater Facility for sale in New Philadelphia, Ohio, that might be suitable as a defendable ‘bug-in” group retreat.

Odds ‘n Sods:

SBC and “Shrike” both sent this piece from an Australian newspaper: Melburnians urged to have Go Bags ready in case of evacuation    o o o KAF sent a link to some glimpses of a gentler time: Retrolife. (Seeing that, I couldn’t help but think of some of Merle Haggard’s song lyrics.)    o o o US Battlefield Superiority For Sale To America’s Enemies (Thanks to Cheryl, for the link.)

Odds ‘n Sods:

Heather H. sent this: A ‘time bomb’ for world wheat crop    o o o Gordon sent a link to a video clip on the enormous Cold War bunker beneath the Greenbriar Hotel.    o o o Shelf Reliance (one of our advertisers) is giving away a Harvest 72″ food rotation system in a free drawing. Visit the Shelf Reliance blog to enter. The Harvest 72″ is valued at $459 and can hold up to 600 cans, making it perfect for a healthy food storage supply. The winner will be announced on Friday, June 26th.    o o o Greg …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Recycled Homes, One Box at a Time    o o o Reader “D. from Sweden” mentioned that Sweden’s biggest radio station, public service channel P3, is having an apocalypse theme and is broadcasting an interview with a gent from the Swedish Survivalist Forum. It airs Tuesday, June 16th, at 18.03 local time, which is 12.03 EST. Readers can read about it here.    o o o Reader Kat C. recommended two books on food storage: Preserving Food Without Freezing or Canning: Traditional Techniques Using Salt, Oil, Sugar, Alcohol, Vinegar, Drying, Cold Storage, and Lactic Fermentation and Putting Food By.    …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The saber-rattling continues. We read: US Raptors Deployed to Japan, and (some crude gray propaganda from North Korea)Nuclear War Is Kim Jong-il’s Game Plan and, US General: North Korea, Iran Joined on Missile Work, and South Korea sends more troops to North Korea border.    o o o Glenn Reynolds posted this over at Instapundit: Mark Steyn on William Forstchen’s One Second After. Why worry about an EMP attack?    o o o FG. sent this: Rural Michigan counties turn failing paved roads back to gravel. F.G.’s comment: “Don’t swap out that truck for a gas sipping micro car just …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The full length version of this show: Bizarre Foods Survival Special will air on Tuesday, June 16th, at 10 p.m. Eastern/Pacific time, and immediately after (11pm ET) Andrew will be doing a live chat with viewers.    o o o F.G. sent this: Round Up Hate-Promoters Now, Before Any More Holocaust Museum Attacks. I don’t suppose that there is any point in mentioning the deep irony of this to the author. (After all, the reason that a Holocaust Museum even exists is that some seven decades ago, a national government went along with public demands that certain people be “rounded …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A USCCA Video Tip of the Week: Carrying Extra Magazines.    o o o Reader T.M.N. sent a link to an article that gives new meaning to the term “efficiency apartment”: Man turns closet into living space. The space efficiency achieved is laudable, but that doesn’t leave much room for prep logistics. (FWIW, the food storage shelves for my family in JASBORR take up more cubic feet than his “apartment”.)    o o o Steve in Philly mentioned that a six-part Gunsite video on Tactical Carbine handling and marksmanship is now available on YouTube. (I’m dubious about its copyright status! …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Florida Guy mentioned an insightful essay that expands on Anthropologist Jack Weatherford’s book, Savages And Civilization: Who Will Survive?    o o o Crusher recommended a site with sets of plans and descriptions for a home-made ethanol still.    o o o FJ sent: Poor Man’s Guide to Rain Barrels    o o o A Nanny State update from Sodom By The Sea: San Francisco Makes it Illegal Not to Recycle

Odds ‘n Sods:

More about the proposed ban on one-hand opening pocket knives. The U.S. Government is Trying to Take Away Your Pocket Knives! Also see this summary comes from WorldNetDaily. The only thing worse than Nanny State meddling in your city, county, or state is the same nonsense promulgated at the Federal level. At least with state-level laws, you have the opportunity to “vote with your feet”. After a thousand small abuses, who will go so far as to emigrate? A special note: If this new law “interpretation” is enacted, crossing state lines with one of these knives will be considered a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From my old friend “John Jones”: Solar Storm Threat Assessment    o o o SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large Michael Z. Williamson spotted this video clip. Bobcat wood splitter. Wow! As my dad always said: There’s nothing like power tools!    o o o Christopher T. flagged this: Texas company offers ethanol mini-refineries The folks at Ready Made Resources, mentioned that they just received a limited supply of genuine made in the U.S.A. stainless steel surgical hemostats. These are not made in Pakistani, (some of which will rust in an autoclave) .Still sealed in original packages $17.95 for a pair, in …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Steve G. sent this: Save Money (and Water!) With Rain Barrels. Coincidentally, F.R. sent this: Set Up a Rain Barrel to Save Money and Water    o o o KAF sent this: Real Life Hobbit House    o o o Also from Steve G.: Formulas to get rid of insects in your home

Odds ‘n Sods:

KAF found this: Hey Homebuyers, Beware A False Bottom Before You Make That Bid    o o o Bob at Ready Made Resources mentioned that they are offering special pricing on their photovoltaic (PV) power systems. They offer systems scaled for all budgets. Since I expect that the Federal 30% tax credit on alternative energy systems will soon be cancelled, I most strongly encourage SurvivalBlog readers to go ahead and install a PV power system soon.    o o o I noticed that the 2008 movie Defiance has been released on DVD. This film was based on the book Defiance: …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Grandpappy (a past prize winner in our writing contest) has posted a timely new article on low-cost ammunition at his site.    o o o Not surprisingly, this news story comes from Madison, one of Wisconsin’s most liberal meccas: Wisconsin City Cracks Down On Fake Guns. “Madison police are starting to tell children as early as first grade that the fake guns are dangerous and put both the holder and officers in dangerous positions.”    o o o JHB flagged this: Obama Now Wants Your Pocket Knife. Let’s nip this in the bud. Germany now has a ban on “ein …