Odds ‘n Sods:

KAF recommended an interesting map that illustrates the ratio of Federal land to private land in the U.S.. (Click on it for a larger view.) BTW, I predict that some extensive tracts of Federal lands will be sold in the next 20 years    o o o The episode lineup for Michael Bane’s new Best Defense: Survival television series has been posted over at the DownRangeTV Blog. It looks like there will be 10 great episodes!    o o o America is Vulnerable to an EMP Attack. But for the sake of balance, I should mention that the ARRL claims …

Odds ‘n Sods:

US Judge Seeks to Ban Internet News Linking. (I guess that they’d better ban news broadcasters from mentioning news headlines, while they are at it…)    o o o Food Recall Alert: Dave C. forwarded a DoD bulletin warning that the current MRE Menus 1, 9, 21, and 22 contain a Dairy Shake Powder that is listed in a food recall. “Do not consume MRE and UGR-E Dairy Shake powder, Fortified with Calcium and Vitamin D”    o o o The result of sixty years of gun control in the U.K: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Several readers wrote to say that The Discovery Channel will debut ‘The Colony’, a post-pandemic urban survival reality series on July 21. It will be interesting to see how the politically-correct Hollywood crowd will tiptoe around the topic of firearms used for self-defense. I suspect that they’ll create the absurd artifice that neither the looters nor the Colony defenders will have guns available. (I noticed that one clip showed a miscreant being ineffectively blasted with a fire extinguisher .As if that would so badly frighten the goblins, that they’d never come back. The folks in Hollywood, it seems, can only …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Cheryl sent us a link to a PDF from Brookings: Which Path to Persia: Options for a New American Strategy Toward Iran    o o o Reader “MysteryMeat” mentioned this New York Times article: It’s Now Legal to Catch a Raindrop in Colorado    o o o SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large Michael Z. Williamson recommended two John Campbell (The Arizona Bushman) outdoor survival videos available on YouTube: The Hand Fire Drill and a Field Expedient Bow    o o o The folks at Directive21 (one of our newest advertisers) have expanded their product line to include stainless steel Berkey water …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A report on Field Day: Ham radio operators not yielding to future. (Thanks to KAF for the link.)    o o o Kevin A. mentioned: The Day that Guns Came to Church in Louisville    o o o North Korea Threatens to Shoot Down Japanese Spy Planes    o o o Switchblade law opponents cut in Hill fight (Thanks to GG for the link.)

Odds ‘n Sods:

There was a good article recently posted over at The Silver Bear Cafe: Help! The Grocery Store Shelves are Empty    o o o Andrew D. sent us this video link: Flooded River Destroys Road In Minutes. This illustrates hydraulic power–in this case circumventing an under-engineered culvert. Roughly the same thing happened at our old ranch, where the previous owner’s three-foot diameter culvert on the creek was washed out by springtime floodwaters. I replaced it in 1994 with a six-footer, and so far as I know it is still there, and the road above it is still intact.    o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader “PD” pointed me to an interesting video segment on Russian survivalists.    o o o FG mentioned a great news segment about an 89 year-old woman and her 1964 Comet that she has driven 540,000 miles. FG notes: “She even drove herself alone to her 70th class reunion, a 3,000 mile trip! She also knows how to protect herself on her long journeys. (Check out what she carries in her handbag!)” JWR Adds: This octogenarian demonstrates the virtues of both good preventative maintenance and situational awareness!    o o o H.O.F. e-mailed me to mention that all 36 episodes …

Odds ‘n Sods:

This has “arbitrary enforcement ” written all over it: Alberta police can now seize armoured gang vehicles.     o o o A Fraud Bigger Than Madoff “In what could turn out to be the greatest fraud in US history, American authorities have started to investigate the alleged role of senior military officers in the misuse of $125 bn (£88 bn) in a US -directed effort to reconstruct Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein.”    o o o I tend to downplay American politics in my blog , since I have a worldwide readership. But the recent Democratic Party pushes …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Smith & Wesson Profit Doubles, Beats Street View    o o o North Korea Threatens “Fire Shower of Nuclear Retaliation” Against South Korea    o o o Kim Jong-un (the youngest son) Made Head of North Korea’s Spy Agency    o o o Reader G.E. recommended a site with some “real world” ballistics data: Ballistics By The Inch. (OBTW, don’t miss Box o’ Truth and the other web sites that I’ve bookmarked under the “Ballistics” header at the SurvivalBlog Links page.)

Odds ‘n Sods:

From Nanny State Scotland: MSPs get power to fine over climate change    o o o North Korea Threatens US as World Anticipates Missile    o o o From Cheryl: Plan to protect D.C. from nuke EMP attack    o o o Bill Buppert mentioned a controversial video that uses movie clips to illustrate a point: The Four Stages of Revolution: Part 1 (and Part 2)

Odds ‘n Sods:

Cheryl flagged this: North Korea’s Strong New Threat    o o o Reader Kevin A. suggested this piece over at LewRockwell.com: Survival Training: Be Armed, Store Food, Use Real Money, Secede    o o o Kevin also noted that his regional newspaper, had a “how to” feature on building rainwater catchment barrels. Kevin’s comment: “While it focused more on the possible conservation aspects of using such a device, it’s becoming more and more evident that many preparedness tactics are entering the mainstream.”

Odds ‘n Sods:

Trent H. forwarded us this: Government Land-Grab Moved Forward    o o o SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large Michaelll Z. Wiiamson sent this: FTC plans to monitor blogs for claims, payments. Gee, you don’t suppose that TPTB are starting to see the new Internet media as a threat, do you? Oh, and for the sake of full disclosure. I do make money from advertising. So do most magazines and newspapers. I also have an Amazon store, so when you follow one of my links and order anything thee, I get a little piece of the action. But that hardly makes me …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From frequent contributor KAF: This gardener grows enough to share    o o o Pets Pass MRSA Superbug to Humans (Thanks to Jim F. for the link.)    o o o Sam L. sent an interesting article about potential catastrophic earthquakes in Southern California    o o o Reader Susan K. flagged this: In a St. Paul lab, scientists race to defeat a wheat famine ‘time bomb’

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Jonathan B. and SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large Mike Williamson both sent this video clip that displays utter stupidity. (I cannot believe that so many people on the firing line acquiesced to being part of this!)    o o o Ferdinand recommended a great piece of common sense journalism by Patrice Lewis, over at WND: Calling All Kooks.    o o o “Dim Tim” mentioned these YouTube videos: Solar Car and Tractor, and John Howe’s Solar Chainsaw.    o o o KAF flagged this: Absolutely prefabulous: Eco-living has never looked this good thanks to a new wave of prefabricated palaces