Odds ‘n Sods:

Several readers sent me this piece about backyard poultry partisans: “Chicken Underground” Emerges in Indiana    o o o From Cheryl: Vegetable Gardens Help Morale Grow    o o o Some great stuff, as always, from Michael Yon: The Kopp-Etchells Effect: “How can you have a better heart?” said a grateful Judy Meikle, 57, of Winnetka, Ill., who is still recovering from the surgery. “I have the heart of a 21-year-old Army Ranger war hero beating in me.” I’ve always been impressed by both the eloquence of Michael’s writing and his skill as a photographer. (For example, his latest shots, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

KAF alerted us to this from The Australian: Food prices to surge under emissions trading scheme    o o o Robert M. forwarded this: The Mars menu: This is not Buzz Aldrin’s astronaut food    o o os Readers in the Boise, Idaho area might find this event on Saturday, September 12th of interest. Oh, and please wear a SurvivalBlog or Bennington Flag hat or T-shirt, since you never know who you might meet.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Steven C. sent a link to an article about some exciting new developments in sodium-sulphur battery technology: Power Shift; New battery could change world, one house at a time. Hmm… If I were speculator, then I might consider buying some stock in Industrias Peñoles.    o o o Mark P. sent this: Accountant, lawyer, dentist — future farmers? Program partners aspiring farmers with aging pros to preserve way of life. Mark’s comment: “This might be a vehicle for some to make the break with the city and learn those skills they will need as things go from bad to worse. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Dan H. and Chris Z. both pointed to where the EMP threat is getting some more mainstream media coverage: Rep. Roscoe Bartlett On Grid Security    o o o F.G. mentioned this news item about the new Terms and Conditions (Ts and Cs) for the Ts and Cs: Britain imposes direct rule of Turks and Caicos isles. F.G. ‘s comment: “The empires strikes back!” [JWR Adds: Did offshore banking privacy play into this decision?]    o o o Global warming update: Wyoming set for Late Summer Mountain Snowstorm. One historical note: Snow has been reported in every month of the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

“A. Marine” suggested this educational video on making thermite. (The usual chemistry experiment and welding safety disclaimers apply. Beware that the use of fine brille materials or packing them in a confined space could resulting in an explosion.) See my novel “Patriots: A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapse” for greater detail as well as some, potential welding project applicability.    o o o From reader DD: Ways to lower water usage.    o o o Tamara (of the invariably witty View From the Porch blog), linked to a news story from “Out in the west Texas town of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From Cheryl: Ignore “Best Before” Dates On Food. (BTW, there is a detailed table with food shelf lives, distinguishing various packaging, in the “Rawles Gets You Ready” preparedness course.)    o o o KAF spotted this: Scots Guards Sniper Kills Taliban Leader with Longest Shot (Something tells me that he wasn’t using a 5.56mm)    o o o The recent mention in the blog about storing coal reminded me to mention that AntiqueStoves.com (one of our advertisers) sells both wood burning and coal burning cookstoves.    o o o Eric S. mentioned this Popular Mechanics article: Seven Really Nasty Diseases …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Witt sent this piece by Victor Riesco: Cash for Clunkers, a Highway to H*ll. Witt’s comment: “It’s sad to see the American people being bribed by their own government, and with their own money no less, and spending their savings and burdening themselves with yet more unproductive debt.”    o o o Jerry E. sent this: Peak Oil Latest–Yikes!    o o o From FG: Teen called 911 from shower during home invasion. Note the mention that teh goblins had an AK and body armor. The threat spirals are spinning up, folks!

Odds ‘n Sods:

Jim H. sent us this: Three-in-one oven could ease energy needs in developing world    o o o This thread over at the often-wacky Above Top Secret forum is a must read: An event at my grocery store. This describes the chaos caused by a minor power and data glitch that caused credit card and WIC payment terminals to go down. And then the store’s ATM (“cash machine”) went down… Keep in mind that this was just a brief interruption at one grocery store. Extrapolate from this small event for a more serious, widespread situation, where the power grids go …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I was doing some research on sunspot cycles (whilst pondering whether it would be worthwhile to buy some more ham radio gear to work the 40 and 80 meter bands), and I stumbled across this web page from Finland: Timo Niroma: One possible explanation for the cyclicity in the Sun. Part 5 talks about possible climate change. It would be incredibly ironic if this new century were to be a Little Ice Age rather than the much-heralded Global Warming that Al Gore et al have been shouting about. Needless to say, the climate change jury is still out, and there …

Odds ‘n Sods:

F.G. spotted this bit of inspiration for SurvivalBlog’s older readers: Never Too Old: The Story of Captain Samuel Whittemore. (Who went to war at age 80.)    o o o Do you remember my comments back in May, on the “Three K” depression-proof jobs? This Fox News article confirms it: Now Hiring: Everywhere You Didn’t Want to Work    o o o The recent much-publicized dehydration death of a child in Death Valley, California, prompted several SurvivalBlog readers to comment. The consensus on vehicular off-pavement travel in desert country is to over-prepare: Carry two spare mounted tires, extra fuel, sleeping …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Eric S. recommends the following story from PhysOrg.com: UK conservation agency launches plastic beehive    o o o From Karen H.: Wind Promises Blackouts as Obama Strains Grid with Renewables    o o o Federal Judges Order California to Release 43,000 Inmates. The streets of California may soon get a bit more mean.    o o o Mr. Cleans for Hire Tasked with Tidying Foreclosed Homes. (Thanks to Jeremy L. for the link.) OBTW ,SurvivalBlog readers should take note, and consider this a “growth” industry for the next decade. It fits with my recommendations of setting up a recession-proof small …

Odds ‘n Sods:

What varmint is killing your chickens? Ellen F. suggested this informative predation web site.    o o o Slate conducts a thought experiment: The End of America 2009: How it will happen.    o o o In case you missed it when it aired in June, the US ABC television network’s “what if” documentary Earth 2100 has been posted to YouTube. Although it has plenty of Al Gore-style guilt-ridden “we ruined the environment” hand-wringing, it is still worth watching.    o o o Some rules of civilization (outside of a handful of cruel exceptions like the Ik tribesmen) are almost …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Steve W. and Brian M. both mentioned that there will be an EMP risks and risk mitigation conference in Niagara Falls, New York in September: EMPactAmerica. For a conference of this nature, registration is reasonably priced. The “early registration rate” deadline is August 8th. As with other public events where preppers congregate, if you attend, then wear or carry SurvivalBlog or Bennington Flag meet-up gear. You never know who you might bump into!    o o o Patton sent this: 34 Million Americans on Food Stamps    o o o From GG: More ask to carry concealed weapons; Political, economic …

Odds ‘n Sods:

10 Things You Need to Know to Live on the Streets    o o o From Cheryl: Russian Subs Patrolling Off East Coast    o o o Outcry Causes Obama Administration To Change Language on Cash for Clunkers Website    o o o Hawaiian K. mentioned a piece by Jack Spirko, posted over at LRC: Modern Survivalism Tenet Number Five; Food stored is an exceptional investment. You simply can’t lose by storing additional food that you use on a regular basis

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader WW says: “Welcome to the Third World, America”: Horse slaughters have Miami-area owners on edge    o o o Beware march of the killer robots, expert warns. (Thanks to FG for the lead.)    o o o Hey, I just noticed that I finally logged my first reader in Cuba! So it is time for an experiment: Fidel Castro is expected to die before the end of August, but will not be succeeded by Hermano Raúl Modesto. (I’ll bet that I suddenly get several more mapped hits in “Cuber”. But of course, they will all just be los escuchas …