Odds ‘n Sods:

By way of Tamara’s View From The Porch blog, comes an interesting article about Magpul Industries.    o o o Reader Dean G. reminded me to again mention of the copious links and references made available by The American Civil Defense Association (TACDA). Take a look!    o o o Ferdinand found a little Gerber sharpener mentioned on KK Cool Tools. Ferd notes: “It fits perfectly in my knife sheath’s sidecar pocket and cost just a few dollars. It measures 2-1/4 x 1-3/4 inches, and is easy to use, with one side marked “coarse,” the other “fine,” and a little …

Odds ‘n Sods:

As a follow-up to previous mentions in SurvivalBlog, Nanci M. suggested this article: Finding Dolly Freed.    o o o Reader Trent H. spotted this interesting article: An Amish Entrepreneur’s Old-Fashioned Approach; Without electricity, a car, or a cell phone, Amos Miller turned his dad’s Pennsylvania farm into a $1.8 million national food retailer. Oh, and speaking of locally-grown foods, Jason W. sent us the link to Well Fed Neighbor.    o o o Yishai flagged this: IDF to blanket Israel with gas masks. Yishai’s comments: “To show the chemical threat is real, and to point out to your readers …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Attention SurvivalBlog readers in California: I just got this from the NRA’s legislative arm: Right-to-Carry Bill Scheduled to be Heard Next Week! Please Contact the Members of the Assembly Public Safety Committee Today! Assembly Bill 357 is scheduled to be heard by the Assembly Committee on Public Safety on Tuesday, January 12. AB357, sponsored by Assembly Member Steve Knight Republican, District 36), would create a “shall issue” concealed handgun permit system in California. Under current law, an applicant must show cause as to why they should be issued a permit to carry a concealed handgun for self-defense. AB357 would remove …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Rob C. mentioned this item: Barton Biggs: 1 in 10 Chance of Anarchy in the U.S. That should get insurance actuaries quaking in their boots, and SurvivalBlog readers loading stripper clips!    o o o Reader Paul B. mentioned The Photographer’s Ephemeris. Paul’s description: “This is a free application that, although designed for photographers, would seem to have many uses for people hunting, fishing, or otherwise engaged in outdoor activities, [including the tactical variety.] Basically, you put in the date and your location and it pops up a google map showing you the direction of sunrise/sunset/moonrise/moonset, time for twilight (civil, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Dave B. suggested this New York Times article: Broadband, Yes. Toilet, No.; Alaskan Couple Turns Yurt into Shelter in the Wild    o o o Tom from MA suggested St. Dalfour Gourmet-to-Go products. He commented “They are small tins with meals in them which bear a striking resemblance to the French RCIR rations. I’m wondering if they are made in the same plant? I found them next to all of the other tinned meats and tuna. They have a 2-3 year ‘best by’ date and seem to be a good addition to any bug out bag, or just as a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Panic room saved artist Kurt Westergaard from Islamist assassin. (Mentioned by numerous blog readers.) Every home and retreat should have a stout room that can be a place of temporary refuge against home invasions.    o o o Dale W. was the first of several readers to mention this: Court upholds police pointing gun at lawful carrier. [JWR Adds: This is a bad legal precedent, but the main underlying problem is prevailing attitudes. If you don’t live in a region where open carry is legal, and where concealed carry is considered normal, then you are living in the wrong state–or …

Odds ‘n Sods:

GG flagged this interesting piece: Can farming save Detroit?   o o o Reported, in all places, The Los Angeles Times: Ron Paul’s ideas no longer fringe; With the economy still struggling, the lawmaker’s libertarian views are getting serious attention. (Thanks to Andrew B. for the link.)     o o o Paul D. sent an interesting article that compares ammunition to money.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Bobbi-Sue sent a link to some crunch leading indicators with individual and regional railroads in accessible graphs.    o o o GPS-led travel goes amiss; Three Oregon parties rescued    o o o Super C. sent a link to some informative text and video about about unexpected immersion in cold water.    o o o Reader Mike O. sent us this: Packing Heat in Helsinki; Why do Finns own so many guns? This piece in the liberally-biased Slate, fails to mention several key facts. Among these: 1.) Although firearms ownership is widespread in Finland, its violent street crime rate is …

Odds ‘n Sods:

G.S. in the State of Jefferson flagged this: Preparing for a ‘nuclear event’ – LA Daily News    o o o Wicket sent an item that illustrates the point that sometimes the most simple solutions are entirely effective and adequate: Man fights intruder after using ‘beer can’ alarm.

Odds ‘n Sods:

The mainstreaming of survivalism continues: Newsweek now seems to be saying that individual preparedness is a good idea. (Thanks to Mike F. and several other readers for sending the link.)    o o o Wendell in Tx. wrote mention a source for fish traps, Heinsohn.com. They run a country store in Texas.    o o o Ohio Jim mentioned that starting Friday, January 1st, you can’t drive an APV on your own property in Ohio unless it’s registered and licensed.

Odds ‘n Sods:

John C. recommended this: Seven Resource for Learning to Safely Forage for Wild Food.    o o o Do you want to buy American, but you’re frustrated by the profusion of imported goods? Reader K.T. suggested a company that is one of the last of the All-American textile firms: Maine Heritage Weavers.    o o o Larry O. flagged this: Plan to turn farms into forest worries Obama official    o o o Ferd spotted this over at KK Cool Tools: Eskimold Igloo-building kit

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ferd was the first of several readers to mention a news article that illustrates both the current over-reliance on GPS and the need to keep outdoor survival gear packed in your car: Couple stranded three days after GPS leads them astray.    o o o Our friend Tamara (the editor of the very entertaining View From The Porch blog), suggested this piece about weather whiners. OBTW, Tamara refers to the new Avatar movie as “White Guilt in 3-D. aka Dances with Aliens.”    o o o Best Prices Storable Foods (aka The Internet Grocer) has announced an End-of-Year Blowout Clearance …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Tod sent us this troubling piece of news: First Case of Highly Resistant TB Seen in U.S.    o o o I recently got a chance to see the new movie The Road, based on the same-titled novel by Cormac McCarthy. Do not consider this movie a survival manual, since the tactical mistakes displayed were numerous. Most notably, large campfires were lit at night, in circumstance where it was in fact important to avoid detection. “Cold camps” or at least using small tin can stoves would have been much more appropriate! I don’t want to post any spoilers, so I’ll …

Odds ‘n Sods:

F.G. spotted this: New high-tech vehicles pose trouble for mechanics. Here is a quote from the article: “As cars become vastly more complicated than models made just a few years ago, Baur is often turning down jobs and referring customers to auto dealer shops. Like many other independent mechanics, he does not have the thousands of dollars to purchase the online manuals and specialized tools needed to fix the computer-controlled machines.” F.G.’s comment: “It sounds like that clean, 1965 Mustang, or 1978 pick-up truck may be a better investment than just being a nice vintage ride. You can still work …

Odds ‘n Sods:

EMB mentioned this creative housing uses for old water tanks and round grain bins: Annesley’s Art House    o o o Also from EMB: New Panasonic Lithium-Ion Battery to Power Up a House–New Li-Ion Battery Coming from Panasonic in 2011    o o o K.T. sent this humorous Steve Lee music video from Australia: I Like Guns. Visually, you will note that it is orchestrated into a lovely crescendo of shooty goodness.