Odds ‘n Sods:

CBS News commentator Rebecca Solnit crosses the line into justifying the looter mentality, in this piece of editorial excess: When the Media is the Disaster. (A tip of the hat to reader Bill W. for the link.) A word of warning to Mrs. Solnit: If you advocate looting, then don’t be surprised if someday a group of low lifes comes to loot your house, whether or not you are at home. And when they do, try not to “judge” them! For that matter, don’t be judgmental about their preference for light or dark meat.    o o o I’ve been …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Entire Town of Wenden [Arizona] Underwater After Storm. (Thanks to FJR for the link.) Floods don’t happen often in Arizona, but when they do, they often crete some deep drama.    o o o Steve G. and Dane B. both mentioned this LifeHacker article: Use the Universal Edibility Test to Find Food in a Survival Situation. JWR adds this proviso: This “universal” test is not foolproof! It will not \detect many toxins, including micotoxins. And you must consider that the quantity of some plants such as poison hemlock that you ingest in “testing” might be enough to kill you!    …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Wisconsin Senate passes bill allowing people to can food without a license. Only high acid foods, and no more than $5,000 worth. (Thanks to GG for the link.)    o o o Reader Art A. wrote: “Some time ago you stated that people would use Google Earth to find things worth stealing. You were right Here is proof: high tech koi thieves.”    o o o A truncated version of my review of the movie “The Road” just ran in The Guardian newspaper in England: The Road to Ruin

Odds ‘n Sods:

Bill S. mentioned this article from a Dallas newspaper: Stockpiling food, water in case of emergency is smart, not paranoid    o o o Nanci wrote to tell me that Dolly Freed, the author of the recently re-released book Possum Living: How to Live Well Without a Job and with (Almost) No Money, has launched her own blog, also called Possum Living.    o o o Sri sent me a link to an interesting older article at Bill St. Clair’s site by Mike Vanderboegh that predates my launch of SurvivalBlog in 2005: What Good Can a Handgun Do Against an …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Luddite Jean recommended the Aquagear water filter, available in the U.K. She commented “I have used these, and have drunk some very dodgy-looking creek water with no ill-effects after being filtered through this bottle. Best of all, it’s instantaneous. It’s not meant for large-scale water purification, but as a back up, and for G.O.O.D. situations, it will save carrying potable water. I have one per family member at the moment, and will be buying extra the next time I see them at show prices.”    o o o Also from Luddite Jean comes this from The Daily Mail, Wife went …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From Reader RSR mentioned that Reliance Aqua-Tainer seven gallon containers are presently on sale for $8 each at Wal-Mart stores. I just saw the same containers for $17 each at an REI store. And speaking of water containers, Walgreens pharmacies now have 25 ounce “Green Canteen” brand stainless steel water bottles on sale for $4 each. They are out of stock at their online stores, but many individual brick and mortar stores still have them on hand. OBTW, beware that they are made in mainland China.    o o o We were sent two interesting, if impractical items from ImpactLab: …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Sandy in Illinois sent a link to a post from a missionary outside Port au Prince in Haiti.    o o o Harold M. mentioned a gent selling complete ALICE packs for $30: CJLEnterprize.com.    o o o Possible garden seed shortages in 2010? Thanks to Bob W. for the link.    o o o The ultimate bug-out vehicle? Chris M. sent this story from RD Mag: Street-legal airplane made possible with new rules, new software.

Odds ‘n Sods:

From Discovery.com: Laminated Linen Protected Alexander the Great    o o o Mike M. flagged this US Geological Survey PDF: Consequences of an Earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone    o o o Lynch mob beats to death a looter and drags his body through the streets as Haiti descends into anarchy. A tip of the hat to GG for the link.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Trent H. sent a link to Pack and Saddle Shop’s horse packing tips.    o o o Troy H. sent these links, about an energy-independent farming own in Germany. He comments, “These folks already generate their own heat and electricity (enough in fact to sell surplus wattage back the grid!), and seem well positioned for long-term independence. A ‘covenant community’ or ‘retreat township’ model might benefit from these sorts of systems.” There are two articles, an overview, and a detailed photo essay, with more technical details.    o o o From the British Medical Journal: Surgeon performs self-apendectomy in Antarctica. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large Michael Z. Williamson sent us this New York Times story:. Here is a quote: “She said a Coast Guard helicopter flew over the United Nations compound and could see that there were people there trapped under building debris. Thousands of residents were seen assembled outside the gates at a government facility in the city, and large groups were also assembled in other streets and public areas. The pilot of her ship’s helicopter reported seeing people working in several areas to dig out survivors. But for the most part, she said, the city appeared to be waiting …

Odds ‘n Sods:

News from across the Atlantic: Panic buying hits supermarkets as shelves stripped of essentials over snow fears. (Thanks to Chad S. for the link.)    o o o A SurvivalBlog reader took the initiative and had a small batch of subdued Battle of Bennington flag shoulder patches custom made. This is the same flag used on our OPSEC hats and T-shirts, but in subdued brown and black colors. He told me that he now has just 50 left, that he is now selling right near his cost, at $2.75 each. Contact:: opsecflag@verizon.net to reserve yours!    o o o Who’s …

Odds ‘n Sods:

“N” mentioned this excellent YouTube video: “Concept U.S.K.” – Surviving Urban Disaster    o o o The latest from the White House: President Obama Signs Executive Order Establishing Council of Governors; Executive Order will Strengthen Further Partnership Between the Federal and State and Local Governments to Better Protect Our Nation. Hmmm… In Beltway speak “partnership” or “cooperation” often mean “control.” This could considerably degrade our 10 Amendment protections!    o o o Veteran economic and preparedness commentator Howard J. Ruff warns: Things We’ve Forgotten. (Thanks to GG for the link.)    o o o Attention Oklahomans! Tibbs’ law makes it …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Global Warming Update: Snow hits southern Spain as big freeze sweeps Europe    o o o Brett G. forwarded this: U.S. agrees to timetable for UN Gun ban    o o o Tom Baugh, the author of the book “Starving The Monkeys” posted a review of my novel “Patriots” from an interesting perspective. In my defense, I can say: Yes, most of my friends (upon whom the main characters in the novel were based) were quite successful right out of college. And yes, all but one of us intentionally delayed having kids for several years after getting married. I was …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ed B. mentioned this: Obama TSA Nominee Erroll Southers Calls Pro-Life Advocates Terrorists in Videos. (And tars survivalists with the same broad brush.) Ed’s comment: “Apparently Christians and Pro-life advocates are more dangerous than Al Qaeda. Oh and then he throws in the survivalist angle too. So if you’re prepared, you’re a danger.”    o o o Julie flagged this: Sun may soon send magnetic storms toward Earth    o o o Our friend Bill Buppert recommended this article Protect Your Family.    o o o Simon in England mentioned that Survivors – Series 2 will premiere on BBC1 tonight …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Dane S. suggested a handy winter preparedness page, over at LifeHacker.    o o o Garnet spotted this: Heavy snow halts planes, trains and cars in Europe. I hope that folks there have their fuel, gear, and food squared away!    o o o The latest from Nanny State Britannia: Myleene Klass warned by police after scaring off intruders with kitchen knife.To quote the article “The youths approached the kitchen window, before attempting to break into her garden shed, prompting Miss Klass to wave a kitchen knife to scare them away.” “When they [the police] arrived at her house they …