Odds ‘n Sods:

More than a dozen SurvivalBlog readers sent us a television news piece about King, North Carolina (in the Winston-Salem region) banning the purchase of guns, or carrying guns outside one’s home, during the recent heavy snowstorm. Here is a quote: “‘Other restrictions included a ban on the sale or purchase of any type of firearm, ammunition, explosive or any possession of such items off a person’s own premises.” [Emphasis added.] Needless to say, this will have some major political repercussions, once all the snow gets shoveled. A police chief will likely have to find new employment, after making such a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The original NAIS plan may be dead! Jeff B. sent us this link: USDA starting over on national animal ID system    o o o F.R. suggested this resource that is great for homeschoolers: The Basic English Grammar ebook.    o o o FG sent us an item for the “Bring Enough Gun” Department: Giant, 25 foot Crocodile has eaten 200 men in 20 years (This sounds like something out of a tabloid, but it is a BBC news piece.)

Odds ‘n Sods:

Steve K. sent us this link: Snowpocalypse 2010: Everybody Panic!    o o o Mark O. sent us an article that has both libertarian and OPSEC ramifications. Is That A Castle You’re Hiding Behind That Haystack? Perhaps Mr. Fidler should have moved to one of the many states in the western US where no building permits are required, and there is no mandatory building code. (except inside city limits, by some local ordinances).    o o o A reader recommended getting a copy of the Pocket Ref, by Thomas J. Glover. One reviewer described it as: “… part encyclopedia, part …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Please stop! Some well-intentioned (but naive) folks are forwarding the e-mail titled “See with your own eyes Nephilim” with several Photoshop-doctored pictures of supposed skeletal remains of 16-foot tall humanoids. Here is a link to one of the original photos that they doctored. Again, please stop forwarding this fakery!    o o o Kurt B. sent this: Nuclear missile threats to U.S. mount; Report warns of Pyongyang’s aims    o o o Chad S. spotted another piece from Nanny State Britannia: Cheers! Brits toast new shatterproof pint glass. Chad Adds: “Note that this was developed by the British Government, not …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ham radio: A fading hobby … until emergencies hit. (A hat tip to John M. for the link.)    o o o Mark A. was the first of several readers to mention this: Digital doomsday: the end of knowledge    o o o Joel S. sent us this: Bogota’s Bulletproof Tailor

Odds ‘n Sods:

I thought that the map at this web page: Electoral College Reform was fascinating. (But of course any such plan would be grossly unconstitutional–so I consider it nothing more than an intellectual exercise.) And ponder this set of graphics at the same web site: 50 States and 50 Metros. If nothing else, these maps illustrate just how lightly populated some of my recommended retreat locales are. (Thanks to Hal H. for the links.)    o o o The folks at Survival Bound just did a major expansion to their free manual collection. It was 5 gigabytes, but now it is …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From Chad S.: Seed shortages could imperil home gardens. JWR Adds: Stock up on heirloom varieties before gardening season. I’m sure that our advertisers that sell non-hybrid seeds would appreciate your patronage.    o o o S.F. in Hawaii mentioned that John C. Campbell’s Folk School in Brasstown, North Carolina has expanded its course catalog. Some of the traditional skills taught there such as metalworking, spinning, and weaving would be important in the event of a societal collapse.    o o o Inadequate sanitation leads to disease in Haiti, just as predicted: Chaos eases as Haiti food lines focus on …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Chad suggested this piece on austere medicine: Hard lessons, humility for big-city doctors in Haiti    o o o G.G. mentioned that both my novel “Patriots” and my latest non-fiction book were part of this round up book review: Three Views of TEOTWAWKI.    o o o SurvivalBlog regular Matt R. recently posted a great vehicular gear list, over at AtlasTrekker.

Odds ‘n Sods:

I was pleased to see that Mel Tappan’s hard-to-find book Survival Guns has gone back into print, by Paladin Press. Although the book is now a bit dated, it is still a great reference. His subsequent book Tappan on Survival (published shortly after his death) has also been back in print for about a year. The new edition has an introduction penned by Bruce D. Clayton.) I have often mentioned that Mel Tappan had a profound influence in the development of my preparedness philosophy.    o o o Clifford D. May’s piece in National Review Online, titled The Sun Also …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader “P.S.” sent this article from an Arizona newspaper: City won’t let homeowners live with solar power    o o o SurvivalBlog’s Editor At Large, Michael Z. Williamson, mentioned an interesting privacy-related article over at Tech Republic: GoogleSharing: A way to prevent tracking by Google    o o o F.R. sent us this link: How to Survive a Fall Through Ice    o o o Chris S. sent a link to a video that illustrates why you should not buy a cheap light-gauge gun vault. As I’ve often said: There is no substitute for mass. Buy a proper vault with …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Our Editor At Large (Michael Z. Williamson) wrote to mention that there have been several new “underground homes” added to the 20th Century Castles (aka MissileBases.com) web site. JWR Notes: These are far beyond my budget, but interesting, nonetheless.    o o o I was pleased to see that the Atlas Trekker blog is now getting frequent updates. They’ve had some great posts on vehicular gear.    o o o Some folks seem that think that pump action shotguns are obsolete. I beg to differ. Courtesy of Michael Bane, here is a video of a reloading technique for advanced shooters …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Brian B. sent us a link to some news from near Machu Picchu, Peru: The folks in Aguas Calientes are in hot water. Brian’s comments: “Mudslides have blocked all roads and the train tracks leading to the area, stranding up to 2,000 tourists. Locally, some 10,000 residents have been affected and 2,000 homes have been destroyed. Poor weather has hampered rescue and relief efforts. Food and fresh water are becoming increasingly difficult to locate which has led to price gouging ($3.50 for a bottle of water).”    o o o Chuck M. flagged this article from a British newspaper: …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Wayne P. alerted me that Canary Islands Press now offers a free downloadable PDF of an older edition of J.J. Luna’s privacy book “How To Be Invisible”. It has a lot of useful tips. I’m not sure how long it will be available, so download your copy soon.    o o o The Baker sent this article that illustrates what I like to call A Neighborhood Watch on Steroids: In the midst of Haiti’s devastation, a community of strangers comes together    o o o SurvivalBlog reader “N.” mentioned that there is a wealth of free manuals available online at …

Odds ‘n Sods:

F.R. highlighted a post over at The Sipsey Street Irregulars blog that has a link to a PDF from a 1960s military journal, article, titled “Organized Looting.” Here is the Sipsey Street editor’s comment: “This article by Leo Heiman, a veteran of the Rossokovsy Brigade of Russian Partisans, from Military Review, February 1965 discusses some of the uncomfortable logistics issues guerrillas must face. Read it, consider which of its lessons apply to you and redouble your caching efforts.” JWR Adds: FWIW, the same thing went on in communist revolutions worldwide, throughput the 20th Century, and may explain why so many …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Mike The Blacksmith wrote to mention that BBC America will start to broadcast the new post-pandemic Survivors series (an updated version of the 1970s Terry Nation series, first aired in 2008) starting February 13th at 7 p.m. Central time. Like the recent “After Armageddon” docudrama, this should serve as a motivational tool. (But like most television envisionings of an inimical future, don’t expect to pick up many useful survival tips.)    o o o Matt T. recommended this book: Living the Martial Way: A Manual for the Way a Modern Warrior Should Think. Matt’s comments: “While it was written for …