Odds ‘n Sods:

Matt R. sent us this: Peak oil alarm revealed by secret official talks.    o o o C.P. forwarded this report from China about a traffic snarl that has lasted nine days: Worst traffic jam ever? Gridlock spans 60 miles.    o o o Free Land: Build Your Homestead Without the Debt. (Thanks to Damon for the link.)

Odds ‘n Sods:

J.P. sent us this: Study shakes up scientists’ view of San Andreas earthquake risk: Researchers find major quakes on the southern section, on average, every 88 years — three times as often as previously thought. It’s the strongest evidence yet that we’re overdue for a massive quake.    o o o Reader N.C. recommended the new Earth Changes Central – Survive PX web site. (Membership is required for most of the content.)    o o o Tamara linked to a pitiful video clip, at her blog: Tactical Tips. At least he sounded sincere. OBTW, don’t miss the comments, that follow. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From Alaska Dispatch: When a bear wants to join the hot tub party, what’s an ex-governor to do?    o o o Hooray! After recognizing that the predominantly gray ACU uniform was a costly mistake, the U.S. Army is adopting MultiCam. OBTW, once the old ACU uniforms start to get sold inexpensively as surplus, anyone that lives out in sagebrush country might want to pick up a few sets. Sagebrush is one of the few foliage backgrounds where the ACU pattern blends in well.    o o o SurvivalBlog Editor at Large Michael Z. Williamson sent word of a scary …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Patrice Lewis, over at the Rural Revolution blog recently posted an excellent article: Hoarding.    o o o J.M. in Michigan suggested this article about coronal mass ejections that ran in The New York Times: The Sun Also Surprises.    o o o P.D. spotted this: Israel’s “Judgment Day” Shelters    o o o KAF sent this one: WHO calls for monitoring of new superbug.

Odds ‘n Sods:

N.C. liked this article: Are you ready for a world without antibiotics? Here is a key quote: “Doctors and scientists have not been complacent, but the paper by Professor Tim Walsh and colleagues takes the anxiety to a new level. Last September, Walsh published details of a gene he had discovered, called NDM 1, which passes easily between types of bacteria called enterobacteriaceae such as E. coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae and makes them resistant to almost all of the powerful, last-line group of antibiotics called carbapenems. Yesterday’s paper revealed that NDM 1 is widespread in India and has arrived here …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Odds ‘n Sods: M.T. and S.M. both sent this: Appleseed Teaching History with Guns.    o o o K.A.F. flagged this item: Egg Recall 2010    o o o M.S. mentioned a mail order source for aluminum powder and iron oxide (thermite components). Of course, check your state and local laws before ordering. Thermite could come in handy someday, for your emergency welding needs. (For a description of some potential uses, see my novel: “Patriots: A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapse“ )

Odds ‘n Sods:

Bob G. recommended this piece over at Warrior Talk: High Risk Operator – Rural Patrolling    o o o This news story from California sent in by Jacob P. illustrates the peril of rural camping in an exposed area: Three arrested in foothills camp robbery. Anyone that plans to bug out to a public park should re-think their strategy.    o o o Leland Teschler’s Editorial: How Much Power Does It Take to Run a Wind Turbine? (Thanks to Don W. for the link.)    o o o EMB flagged this: For Lean Budgets, a Plug-and-Play Solar Array.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Greg and Kat spotted an article about An idea carried too far Cult of less: Living out of a hard drive. Greg’s comment:” The move to not buying clutter is a good one, of course. However, what happens to the people highlighted in this article in an EMP or another power-down event? Once their batteries run out, and the utility companies can’t provide water and other services, and the food deliveries stop they won’t be “virtually homeless” they will be starving and without barter assets or other resources. Online banking won’t help then. Hopefully they’ll analyze their situations and start …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ooh!, Ooh! I’ve been looking for a site like this: Make Your Own Seasoning Mixes. (Thanks to S.D. Spy for the link.)    o o o Jeff B. forwarded the link to this piece from National Pravda Public Radio: Deadly Whooping Cough, Once Wiped Out, Is Back    o o o The Obama Administration’s anti-gun bias is evident: US opposes Seoul’s bid to sell old rifles. (Thanks to Jeff B. for the link.)    o o o Reader Rick D. suggested a YouTube video demonstration of Grover Rocket Stoves.

Odds ‘n Sods:

David B. suggested a video that he called a Blinding Flash of the Obvious: Splitting Wood In A Tire.    o o o Mark L. spotted this: The SAS Survival Guide App for the iPhone.    o o o Nano ‘tea bag’ purifies water. (Thanks to “16R” for the link.)    o o o F.J. was the first of several SurvivalBloggers to send me this: Floods Stir Social Unrest in Pakistan

Odds ‘n Sods:

Sergio suggested this one: U.S. warned of threat worse than Katrina, plague, WWII; Millions could die: ‘This is clearly not something you ever want to experience’    o o o Andrew R. spotted this: Car hacks could turn commutes into a scene from Speed.    o o o Sheryl N. sent this news item: Quarter of Russian crops lost in drought, Medvedev says    o o o M.O.B. forwarded this piece from The New York Times: Judges Divided Over Rising GPS Surveillance

Odds ‘n Sods:

“Dr1” suggested an interesting instructional video on how to do evaporative cooling.    o o o Stew sent this from The Mother Earth News: How to Build a Grain Bin House.    o o o Reader R.F.J. highlighted this one: HEADS 2nd Generation Smart Concussion Sensor For Soldiers Helmets Unveiled

Odds ‘n Sods:

RBS sent this: ‘Seed ambassadors’ spread the word about saving    o o o Linda Y. was the first of several readers that sent us this news wire article: Scientists find new superbug spreading from India. Linda’s comment: ” While most readers probably looked over this story with an ‘another-cry-wolf’ view, it definitely caught my attention. This is very worrisome. I have seen first hand how the US-300 strain of MRSA can ravage a body in no time. My son came home ill from college and doctors could not figure out what was wrong with him and kept sending us …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader A.J. wrote to tell me that the classic medical book (circa 1913) book “Materia medica: pharmacology, therapeutics and prescription writing” is now available as a Google book. While some of the techniques are dated (such as the use of some chemicals that in more recent times have been determined to be carcinogens) and the safety standards for some anesthetics (including fire safety) fall short of modern standards, there is still some very useful information.    o o o KAF sent us this: Meet the first man to walk the Amazon. “After 859 days, thousands of miles and “50,000 mosquito …

Odds ‘n Sods:

KAF sent this: Injuries, arrests after massive 70-person Metro brawl. KAF’s comment: And this was just a mishap of disorder. Imagine what will occur when TSHTF!    o o o Reader R.F.J. liked this: Build yourself a portable home – a Mongolian yurt. R.F.J.’s comment: Clearly useful in a TEOTWAWKI situation although some of the pictures appear “fudged” (i.e., different build merged together). Would seem a useful review to “size” the job and prevent “buildus interuptus”.    o o o Camping Survival (one of our loyal advertisers) is presently offering a free bottle of potassium iodate and 5% off, for …