Odds ‘n Sods:

Deep Shallow Schumer Schemes: Schumer coordinates Democrat budget attack on GOP    o o o Nanny State Europa: EU to Ban Gas-Powered Cars in Cities by 2050. (Thanks to F.G. for the link.)    o o o Steve S. sent a link to this fun video: John Moses Browning Model 1911 — 100th Anniversary    o o o Yet another reason to relocate to the boonies, from this blog post: Farmstand Canceled Due to… the City of Oakland. A $2,500 conditional use permit, just to grow a big garden?    o o o Sam K. found a fascinating pair of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Until midnight on March 31st, Lulu.com is offering a 20% off sale, for any product. That includes the 2005-2010 SurvivalBlog Archive CD-ROM! So if you’ve been delaying, here is your chance to save a couple of bucks. Order now! To get the 20% discount, enter coupon code “SPLISH305“, during checkout.    o o o M.E.W. suggested this from the left-of-center Mother Jones magazine: Survivalist GOP Rep.: You Should Probably Avoid Cities. (Republican congressman Roscoe Bartlett of Maryland shows off his preps.)    o o o Pierre M. sent this: The Bronx Zoo’s Statement About the Missing Cobra, with Sentences Reordered …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Free city lots offered for modern-day homesteaders in the Midwest.    o o o K.A.F. flagged this: Nine Best Canned Foods. For what its worth, JWR‘s favorite, canned salmon, tops their list.    o o o Wow! I just noticed that the 1950s novel “Atlas Shrugged” just jumped to #130 in Amazon’s sales rankings. No doubt renewed interest (above and beyond its perennial following), is due to the upcoming release of the feature motion picture. (Appropriately, the release date is April 15th.)    o o o Shortages of scarce natural resources coming, warn chemists. (Thanks to C.D.V. for the link.)

Odds ‘n Sods:

Steve S. liked this piece by Patrice Lewis: Tangible investments … that lick your hand    o o o F.G. sent this: The emergency internet bunkers. “Nik Rawlinson investigates the impregnable underground bunkers that will keep the net running during wartime…”    o o o Dave B. write to mention that Texas is one step closer to legal open carry.    o o o Chad S. pointed me to a great site written from a Christian perspective: StockingUp.net

Odds ‘n Sods:

I was disappointed to hear that Matt Savinar shut down his Life After the Oil Crash (LATOC) web site after apparently deciding that astrology was more important to him. Somehow, this reminds me of Boston T. Party recounting (in his much-recommended book Boston’s Gun Bible) about how he once bought a nearly new AR-15 at a gun show. When he asked the seller his motivation, the man replied that he needed the cash to buy a Jet-Ski. Reader Nancy T. reports that many of the people who were involved with the LATOC Forums have moved to the Silent Country Forums. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

No Great Surprise Department: Tokyo Shops Ration Goods as Workers Injured at Nuke Plant    o o o More statist elitism: California: Concealed Carry For Politicians, But Not For The People. Methinks the denizens of the Sacramento Capitol Building have forgotten who it is that they represent.    o o o Ten minutes of exciting footage: Exclusive: France 24 Reporters from the front line in Libya. What they lack in skill, they partly make up for, with enthusiasm. This is the quintessence of “a steep learning curve.” (Thanks to Christian L. for the link.)    o o o My #2 …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Sprouts: An ideal emergency preparedness food. (Thanks to G.P. for the link.)    o o o More about the politically-motivated attacks on Dr. Arthur Robinson’s family: “Lysenkoism” at OSU?    o o o Michael Z. Williamson (SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large) recommended this piece: Bad*ss of the Week: Hideaki Akaiwa. (Warning: This article includes some foul language)    o o o Jonathan sent a link to this map: 10-Mile and 50-Mile Nuclear Evacuation Zones. (Compare that map with the data in my Recommended Retreat Areas static page, and the maps in my book “Rawles on Retreats and Relocation”.)    o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

K.A.F. was the first of several readers send this: Armed Beauty Queen Fatally Shoots Intruder in Florida Home Invasion. Don’t miss the bad OPSEC mentioned near the end of the article.    o o o Libya: UN air strikes aid rebels. JWR Notes: I still have a lot of “cui bono?” questions about this military adventure. Why are the French so heavily involved? What reconstructions deals were made, in order to create the coalition? Why was Germany so incensed that they withdrew their troops from NATO? Is Gaddafi’s gold reserve an issue? How about the Libyan Dinar? (Were there plans …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The mainstream media finally catches on: Special Report: Disasters show flaws in just-in-time production    o o o More civilian disarmament bills before the Illinois legislature. Among other things, a ban on 11+ round magazines, a ban on .50 caliber or larger rifles, and a loosely-worded ban on most semi-automatic rifles and shotguns!    o o o Rick H. mentioned this: Ramen Hacks: 30+ Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Instant Noodles

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ron G. sent this: The Psychology of Disaster    o o o K.A.F. recommended a site with a lot of recipes for storage food: EverydayFoodStorage.net.    o o o Thomas M. pointed me to the documentary film The Battle of Chernobyl, available for free streaming.    o o o Reader Tim R. suggested this news article: Japan’s mafia among the first to organise and deliver aid    o o o Here’s an interesting new product: The Sun E-Box. Keep in mind that for those that are handy with tools, that the same components are available off the shelf. Also, several …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Yet another member of the Mayors Against Illegal Guns civilian disarmament cabal is now facing trial: Monticello mayor indicted. He is accused of selling fake Nike shoes, Timberland boots, counterfeit music, and pirated movies. (Well, at least it wasn’t something more serious such as bribery, misappropriation of campaign funds, corruption, extortion, mail fraud, wife beating, influence peddling, felony theft, child pornography, attempted child sexual assault, child enticement, conspiracy, money laundering, perjury, assault, fabricating evidence, and filing false tax returns–like the others. Yes, these are the sort of people in Mayor Bloomberg’s “crime fighting” group.)    o o o A reminder …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The UN seems intent on invading or at least bombing Libya. And U.S. forces will it seems, as per usual, be in the thick of it. Pardon me for sounding like a hick who inappropriately points out the obvious at a swank soiree, but I must ask: 1.) Why are we directly sticking out noses into a civil war? 2.) Who gave the U.N. debating society the God-like omniscience to deem Gaddafi’s national government “illegitimate”? 3.) When did Congress abrogate its power to declare war? And, 4.) Why is the current Administration so intent on replacing an ostensibly secular dictatorship …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I was saddened to hear from Granny Miller that Derry Brownfield passed away. I had been a guest on Derry’s radio show a couple of times. He impressed me as both a very patriotic and very personable guy. He was also very knowledgeable. Derry probably forgot more about livestock and agriculture than I’ll ever know. He will be missed!    o o o The folks at Hardened Structures wrote to mention a new EMP Engineering web site.  They provide professional analysis, design engineering, fabrication, manufacturing, installation and construction.  This includes HEMP Resistant Electrical Generators and HEMP Resistant Enclosures of all …

Odds ‘n Sods:

R.P.B. sent this: Forecast for Plume’s Path is a Function of Wind and Weather. Keep in mind that not much radioactive dust is likely to make it all the way from Japan to U.S. and of that, most of it will be carrying lighter isotopes with short half-lives. If you have dosimeter and ratemeter pens, then go ahead and zero them, and start making a chart. (A dosimeter that reads milliroentgens or milligrays would be the most useful, for now.) If nothing else, this will be useful experience for any future event where there is a substantially greater risk. Also, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

This headline may remind readers of a prescient article that they read in September, 2010 in SurvivalBlog: Spent nuke fuel pool may be boiling, further radiation leak feared. Note that most spent fuel ponds are typically NOT housed the same heavy duty containment vessels as reactors. Thus, they pose a greater contamination risk than reactors!    o o o Reader Troy H. sent this: No looting going on in Japan. Troy’s comment: “I think this article gives credence to your idea that having a morally unified community (e.g. your fellow retreaters, your small rural town, etc.) increases your chances of …