Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Mike E. wrote to mention: “I recommend the show on TLC called Extreme Couponing. I have watched shows where a lady bought $640 worth of groceries and with her coupons it ended up costing $6.43. Currently I’m watching one that he had $870 in purchases and the buyer got it all free. This individual has a whole basement full of stuff, but he gives it all to charity. It is worth watching to encourage you on ways that you can  stock up on supplies for pennies on the dollar. The only problem I see is when you walk out …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Readers in Canada will find this of interest: Pulling The Trigger on C-68. (Thanks to Richard S. for the tip.)    o o o I just bought another scope from EuroOptic.com. Twice now, they’ve really impressed me with their customer service. They sell a wide range of scopes and some long range rifles. I recommend them.    o o o F.G. spotted a piece by one of my favorite libertarian commentators, Vin Suprynowicz: An alien in my own land.    o o o W.W. sent a link to a video that I missed when it was first released: Obama Birth …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Kevin B. sent this: Where to Live to Avoid a Natural Disaster. It also serves as another bit of confirmation for the American Redoubt plan.    o o o The Oathkeepers movement addresses individual and family preparedness: Operation Sleeping Giant. (A hat tip to DDM for the link.)    o o o Anxiety rises along the flood-swollen Mississippi    o o o Reader B.B. sent this from a Montana newspaper: Tester says U.S. agriculture policy, genetically modified crops hurt family farms    o o o J.L. suggested this: Blown away. The righteous volunteer spirit comes, in time of calamity.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Beneath the Thin Veneer: Four looting suspects arrested in Pleasant Grove posing as relief workers. (Thanks to Wade C. for sending the link.)    o o o Selena S. recommended: How to Turn a Pallet into a Garden. (For preppers, this is most suitable for an herb garden.)    o o o Chris over at the ZeroGov Forums recommended this 10 minute YouTube video on the historical foundation of taxation: I’m Allowed to Rob You!    o o o My wife Avalanche Lily spotted this: On Small Farms, Hoof Power Returns

Odds ‘n Sods:

Steve M. sent this interesting article link: Special report: As pirate attacks grow, shipowners take arms    o o o Humor Mode On: When planning your food storage program, don’t overlook your dog. (A special hat tip to B.B. for the link.)    o o o Greg N. suggested this: Thoughts after the devastation.    o o o K.A.F. mentioned that the American Prepper’s Network offers free downloads as well as “at cost” CD-ROMs of dozens of survival and self-sufficiency books.

Odds ‘n Sods:

C.D.V. sent this: Scientific Basis for New Madrid Seismic Hazard is Sound    o o o Reader K.A.F. sent a link to a TMM Gulching Forum thread that might be of interest for anyone considering a move to the American Redoubt states: Technology Companies (Jobs) in Bozeman, Montana.    o o o Chester B. was the first of three blog readers to send this link: Can You Spot the Sniper?    o o o Ding-Dong, Osama is Dead. But be prepared for the effects of some retaliatory terrorist attacks on American soil, by sleeper cells.

Odds ‘n Sods:

After I recently wrote bemoaning the defunct annual book “Passport to World Band Radio”, Gordon F. wrote to recommend the World Radio & TV Handbook. It is now the only major published reference for shortwave radio listeners that is still updated regularly. And on a related note, Reader F.J. suggested this free e-book: Radio Monitoring — A How To Guide.    o o o SurvivalBlog readers up in Montana will be pleased to hear that a no permit required (aka “Constitutional Carry”) concealed carry law was passed in their state senate. It is expected to be signed into law by …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Steve D. was the first of several readers to send this: Feds Raid Amish Milk Farm.    o o o George J. spotted this bit on Nanny Statism news: N.J. town limits chicken hookups. Here is a quote: “Hopewell Township residents can have up to a half-dozen hens on half-acre lots. Roosters would be allowed only 10 days a year for fertilization purposes.”    o o o The annual book “Passport to World Band Radio” is now out of print (sadly, the final edition was published in 2009) but I’ve found that The Shortwave Listener’s Guide web site seems to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Loyal content contributor F.G. sent a link to an incredible video of the 1/2 mile wide monster funnel cloud in Tuscaloosa. F.G.’s comment: “Prayers for those who have lost family, friends, and homes.” o o o Directive 21 has announced a new product, called the Herbal Seed Bank, which includes over 68,000 seeds.  If you purchase one of their popular Emergency Seed Banks at $134 they will include a free Herbal Seed Bank, valued at $99. This will apply only to orders received between Monday May 2nd, and Friday May 6th, 2011. o o o I was asked by a …

Odds ‘n Sods:

It has already mentioned in SurvivalBlog, but it looks like the XM2010 .300 Winchester Magnum is coming closer to fielding: Army May Field More Powerful Sniper Rifle    o o o Attention Texans: Time to give up eating “Possum on the Half Shell” — Armadillos linked to leprosy in humans. (Thanks to Sean B. for the link.)    o o o Announcing two Extreme Survival Workshops in Central Texas: Eating Insects May 15, 2011 (5 – 7 pm). The organizer describes the workshop: “Alan Davisson has been eating insects for the last six years.  He will teach us how to …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Here is a house design with some retreat potential: The First Zombie-Proof House. (A hat tip to Dane for the link.)    o o o If you’ve ever wanted to make some parachute cord bracelets, but don’t have the skill, the patience, or the time, then I recommend this maker in Georgia: SportBraceletStore.com. Yes, they are American made! An explanation from their site: “The cord can be gutted to use the seven inner strands for fishing line or thread to repair torn clothing. For a medical emergency, the cord can be used to create a sling for an injured arm …

Odds ‘n Sods:

K.T. sent this YouTube video: The Lost Art of Cut Shells. JWR’s Comment: Don’t attempt to feed cut shells in a pump or a semi-auto from a gun’s magazine–instead, drop them into the chamber, one shot at a time. (Otherwise, you can expect some horrendous jams.)    o o o Cheryl N. sent this: From Stockpiling To Living Off The Grid, More Colorado Residents Preparing For Disasters    o o o Tam, over at the View From The Porch blog mentioned this bit of whimsy: The Silver Bullet. Also by way of Tam comes an article guaranteed to make your …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Feds mine Facebook for info. JWR Adds: I expect this sort of intrusive intelligence gathering to be commonplace, soon. Avoid social network services!    o o o Tom F. recommended these two Altoids tin hobby projects: Altoids Solar Charger and Altoids Emergency USB Charger.    o o o I just noticed that our SurvivalBlog visitors map shows that I have a reader on Madagascar and one in Antarctica. The Internet is a simply amazing way of linking folks, globally. I’d like to welcome our many new readers. (SurvivalBlog now gets well in excess of one million unique visits per month!) …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Ron in Florida suggested this YouTube slide show: How to Make Powdered Eggs    o o o I’m considering doing something special to celebrate SurvivalBlog reaching the 30 Million Unique Visits milestone. That is coming up soon. Any suggestions?    o o o K.A.F. kindly sent this: Five Tech-Related Ways to Reuse an Altoids Tin    o o o Jeff F. sent a link to a bit of data, for those considering retreat locales: The Best and Worst Run States In America: A Survey of All Fifty. Of course, state indebtedness is just one factor to consider. For example, Hawaii …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader A.A. described this as “Another retreat that could use some OPSEC”: Sanctuary Retreat and Survival Center    o o o My #2 Son alerted me to this: Internet I.D. System? This does not bode well for personal privacy.    o o o Eric B. suggested this: Why ‘Self-Sufficiency’ Should Replace ‘Sustainability’ in the Environmental Movement    o o o F.G. was the first of several readers to mention this news item: Termites Devour $222,000 in Indian Rupees Stored in Bank Safe. (Another Matthew 6:20 reminder.)