Odds ‘n Sods:

The GSA is auctioning an offshore oil drilling platform that was later used for a lighthouse, on May 24th: Diamond Shoals Platform. 13 Miles offshore of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. The opening bid is just $1. Here is a PDF with some details. (Thanks to John G. for the link.)    o o o Alaska man plans year on uninhabited island. (Thanks to J. McC. for the link.)    o o o I heard that CampingSurvival (one of our loyal advertisers) just received big shipments of both Mountain House foods in retort pouches and Heater Meals.    o o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog reader D. in Colorado has kindly reformatted Dr. Koelker’s OTC medication information to fit on three cards. Have this PDF printed double-sided on card stock and laminated, then cut them out and put in your medications bag or kit.    o o o David S. sent this useful map of U.S. military installations. JWR Notes: There are only a few military targets in the American Redoubt. But note that the star designating the location Malmstrom, Air Force Base (AFB) in Montana doesn’t tell the whole story. They actually have missile silos scattered through nine counties in central Montana. Ditto …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Yet another preparedness conference has been announced. These have been popping up like mushrooms this year. This one is near Portland, in Oregon City, Oregon. (That fun cliff-dwelling city with an elevator that connects its two levels.) PREPARE 2012 will be held at the Oregon City Pool Conference Center, 1211 Jackson Street, on Saturday, June 23, 2012, from 6-to-8 in the evening. The organizer of the event is Scott McSorley of Cascadia Preparedness Disaster Consulting.    o o o The Poster Boy for Bad OPSEC: Preppers do their best to be ready for the worst    o o o K.A.F. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A reminder that a Self Reliance Expo will be held in Colorado Springs, Colorado on May 18th and 19th. There should be a half dozen SurvivalBlog advertisers with booths there.    o o o AmEx sent this: Science Journal Could Give Recipe For Deadly Avian Flu Virus    o o o Kevin S. sent a link to an interesting fringe Libertarian “Second Realm” manifesto. (“Crypto-Anarchy, Tradecraft, TAZ and Counterculture.”) Coincidentally, Kevin also sent this piece from The Von Mises Institute: The Philosophy of Ownership    o o o Grace mentioned this over at Mac Slavo’s SHTFPlan blog: Emergency Preparedness: How …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Texas 11-year-old shoots back at home invasion robbers. (Thanks to Randy in Maine for the link.)    o o o My recent interview on The SGT Report video blog has now been archived.    o o o Prepper Central reviews the RIBZ Front Pack    o o o A recommmnended post, over at Modern Survival Online: Imagine for a Moment – The Reality of an EMP Event Part One

Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog’s Pat Cascio sent this: After the Quake, Japanese Shop for Survival    o o o A reminder that another Self Reliance Expo will be held in Colorado Springs, Colorado, May 18-19, 2012. There will be more than 64 training classes, including a suturing class. (That one always has overflow attendance.) Karen Hood will be the keynote speaker. There are lots of interesting panel discussions including Women in Prepping — a five woman panel. There will be a half dozen SurvivalBlog advertisers there including The Appleseed Project. SurvivalBlog’s Central Rockies Regional Editor (“L.K.O.”) will be attending.    o o o …

Odds ‘n Sods:

More about vertical gardens.    o o o Reader Rhonda T. mentioned an interactive map on privileges for homosexuals.  Why is this appropriate to mention in SurvivalBlog? She explains: “Since this topic is often inversely related to a state’s depth of religious conviction, its also a good (if inverse) indicator of conservative states–which might help someone in their relocation decision.  You know, us ‘God and Guns’ folks”. JWR’s Comment: Once again, the American Redoubt states had a good showing, but it is clear that Oregon and Washington have succumbed to California-style political correctness.    o o o Perhaps we were wise …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Avoid Social Breakdown. Become Resilient. (Thanks to Kevin S. for the link.)    o o o Over at Global Guerillas: Big Twitter is Here    o o o Reader S. R. mentioned that there are some school teacher positions open in a retreat-worthy region: Navajo Public Schools. S.R. describes Jackson County, Oklahoma: “…a nice rural area with good well water at about 10-to-30 foot depth, a long growing season, and that produces wheat, Cotton, Peanuts, and Beef.” They are looking to hire a Computer teacher, Secondary Special Ed teacher and likely a Foreign Language teacher.    o o o Ed. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reach out and touch someone: U.S. military snipers are changing warfare. (A hat tip to James K. for sending the link.)    o o o G.G. flagged this tale of a Polar Pure’s “precursor chemical” woes: “Collateral damage.” How the DEA defines your business, your freedom, and your life.    o o o From Kevin S.: Researchers discover cell phone hackers can track your location without your knowledge    o o o Also from Kevin: Private Drone Wars    o o o Another ultralight flying video from TTabs: Dry Falls Washington – Trike Flying. His description of the terrain: Only …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Please continue to pray for the fledgling nation of South Sudan. They are now confronted with brewing civil unrest at home, and war with their parent nation, Sudan.    o o o Andrew in England sent this bit of Nanny State Nuttery News: US Self-Defence Expert Barred From Britain. (Nanny says: We mustn’t hit back, children.)    o o o How Do Gardener has posted a complete Planting Guide for Tomatoes that includes state-specific varieties, planting dates, days to harvest, nutrition facts, fertilizing, watering, insect and disease control information.    o o o Reader Tim J. sent this one: Safety …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Timothy J. sent this: Red tape twister? Alabama county blocked from putting up signs directing people to tornado shelter    o o o The Ram Home Safety Show is coming back to Houston, Texas on June 2, 2012 at the Reliant Center, re-branded as the Home Safety and Preparedness Show.  The show is going to be bigger and better than ever with the addition of the preparedness products and services. Along with the celebrity experts Mykel Hawke of Man, Woman, Wild on the Discovery Channel, plus Colby Donaldson of Survivor, and the History Channel hit show Top Shot.    o o o Not easy, but …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A new listing at SurvivalRealty.com caught my eye: Not only is it being sold with a fully-stocked larder and full fuel tanks, but it is also in my old stomping grounds: Orofino, Idaho Retreat. (There is also a dedicated web site for the property: IdahoRetreatForSale.com.)    o o o Douglas C. mentioned that there is a surprisingly good summary of Societal Collapse on a Wikipedia page.    o o o Hooray! The long-anticipated Kushnapup Saiga bullpup stocks are finally shipping. I trust that they will be worth the extended wait.    o o o Offshore retreats have their drawbacks, even …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Our mid-year 25%-off sale on the SurvivalBlog Archive CD-ROM ends on May 31st. The latest six year compilation includes my book “Rawles on Retreats and Relocation” in digital format. At the sale price, the CD-ROM is $11.25 and the Digital Download is just $7.50. Be sure to order your copy before the sale ends.    o o o K.A.F. was the first of several readers to send this: Space weather expert has ominous forecast –Mike Hapgood, who studies solar events, says the world isn’t prepared for a truly damaging storm. And one could happen soon.    o o o An …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Lee M. mentioned this fascinating web page: Worldometers.    o o o An interesting blog on penny-pinching, gardening, and couponing: One Hundred Dollars a Month.    o o o The latest ultralight flying video from Ttabs, in eastern Washington: Pterodactyl Terror – Trike Flying – Elk. Eastern Washington seems to be greening up early, this year.    o o o CAN’T WE END ALL THE SHOUTING? Here is an editing tip that I learned from Patrice Lewis (of the excellent Rural Revolution blog): There is a handy tool available at ConvertCase.net to automagically convert those ALL UPPER CASE SHOUTS into …

Odds ‘n Sods:

More media attention: Doomsday ‘preppers’ are getting ready for the end of the world. It is notable that the journalist quotes Shane Conner of KI4U.com–one of our advertisers.    o o o Jim K. recommended this very basic how-to video: How To Make a Secret Compartment in Your Wall, as well as this more elaborate procedure: How to Make a Secret Door to a Room or Closet, and this one: How to Build a Secret Underground Room, this one: Hidden-Pivot Bookcase Door, this one: Secret Passage Behind A Custom Built In Bookshelf, and lastly this one: Hidden Door Walkthrough.    …