Odds ‘n Sods:

South African police say they were forced to fire on striking miners, killing 34. So much for the kinder, gentler post-Apartheid “Truth and Reconciliation” era under majority rule It is time for some remedial trading on fire discipline. (It sounded like a “mad minute”.) Is this a preview of the coming Austerity Riots?    o o o Check out this new product at Safecastle: AEB OX Mini Power Plant Solar Generator    o o o OSU Lab Test Pits Mountain House vs. Wise Foods … Results are WOW!    o o o A Navy SEAL speaks out about President Bolt …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Charley S. sent this infographic: Who believes the end of the world is near?    o o o F.G. sent this: Record-breaking python found in Florida Everglades with 87 eggs.    o o o F.J.R. suggested this at Cool Tools: Optimus Svea Stove    o o o Jim W. sent this news item to file under “Important Safety Tip”: North Augusta gun shop owner kills suspected burglar, injures two others    o o o G.G. sent this: Stratfor emails reveal secret, widespread TrapWire surveillance system

Odds ‘n Sods:

Joshua E. mentioned that Savage has resumed making a .22LR/.410 shotgun combination gun, the Model 42. This a a very practical little gun for pest shooting or foraging.    o o o A new blog with some real merit: Prepography.com    o o o A reader mentioned: “A collection of YouTube videos focused mostly on how to have fun making or doing things on your own for little or no money”. His latest video on how to make a flea trap is brilliantly simple.    o o o Charley S. sent this, just for fun: “So papa, how do you …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Camping Survival has announced an unprecedented Two Day Free Shipping Deal. This is for every order of $149 or more from their web site received on August 15th and August 16th. Free shipping is available only if you use coupon code “freeshipping” during checkout.    o o o Reader Diana V. suggested this: 100-year-old way to filter rainwater    o o o Gary S. mentioned: Cloak of Invisibility?    o o o F.G. sent this: Conquest vehicles reveals the Evade, its new, gigantic unarmored SUV. JWR’s Comments: They should have named this vehicle the Poser. Driving an unarmored vehicle that looks …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Adam B. suggested this: Amish enjoy unexpected boom in numbers    o o o More in the Mayor Tony Mack saga: Woeful Trenton Sees Mayor Add Insult to Injury. So yet another member of Mayor Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) may soon do the perp walk and pose for a mug shot. Oh, and in case you missed it, Mayor Felix Roque was arrested in late May. And former Detroit Kwame Kilpatrick’s trial on additional corruption charges is scheduled to begin on September 6, 2012. Both of them are also MAIG members. Statistically, Bloomberg’s crack team of “crime fighting” …

Odds ‘n Sods:

When he penned the prescient lyrics to the now classic song “A Country Boy Can Survive”, Hank Williams, Jr. was apparently 30 years ahead of his time: The Mighty Mississippi to Run Dry? (OBTW, the “The interest is up…” part of the lyrics won’t be for another couple of years…)    o o o My sister recommended this novel: The Dog Stars. Yet another post-apocalyptic novel makes it into Amazon’s Top 100.    o o o KAF sent this: Cycle on the Recycled: A $9 Cardboard Bike Set to Enter Production in Israel    o o o A tidbit sent …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader H.L. recommended this at Truth Is Treason: 38 Survival Downloads and Handbooks – Pioneering, SHTF, Engineering, Urban Gardening, Defense, and More    o o o James C. spotted these DIY instructions over at the new EDC and Prepping Blog: Making a Bushcraft Knife from an Old Putty Knife    o o o Reader KAF sent this: Genocidal Sudanese regime’s appointment to UN human rights council all but certain, watchdog says. “It’s like putting “Jack the Ripper in charge of a women’s shelter.” Meanwhile, in Nigeria, more Islamic genocide: 19 killed in church massacre as gunmen go on the rampage …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Pierre M. spotted this: Defying History: How Kim Jong Un Could Hold Onto Power for Decades    o o o Dwindling US Crops Are a Global Concern. (Thanks to H.L. for the link.)    o o o Marilyn R. sent this: Open Carry law clarified in Wichita. (Kansas has state preemption over city and county gun laws.)    o o o Nick D. sent: Is there a constitutional right to own assault rifles?    o o o For a limited time, Seed for Security is offering a bonus: A free pint of Winter Rye (approximately 13,280 seeds), and a free …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Appropriate Firearms for the Beginner in troubled times.    o o o Yishai was the first of several readers to mention this: Pedal-powered washer could make a big difference in developing nations    o o o Reader Tom K. recommended the recently-released Second Edition of Nick Taleb’s book The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable. This new edition includes a new section: “On Robustness and Fragility”, that ties in nicely with many articles and letters that have been posted to SurvivalBlog.    o o o Rescuing Injured Soldiers With An Ingenious Backpack System. (Thanks to H.A. for the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

I’m often asked how people can discreetly find fellow preppers in their region. My long-standing advice is posted in my static page: Finding Like-Minded People in Your Area. But now I’m adding this new venue recommendation: Chris Martenson’s Resilient Life Groups Page.    o o o Dave T. sent this: New York’s Used Police Shells, Reloaded for Sale. The “I’m so offended” tone used by these Big City statist scribes is hilarious.    o o o DHS Requests Plastic Explosives Then Hides Evidence. Perhaps the DHS officials saw the references to Detasheet explosives in my novel Patriots and thought that …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Sue C. sent us this: Solar superstorm could kill millions, cost trillions    o o o The folks at Camping Survival are now offering SurvivalBlog readers a 5% discount on LifeStraw Portable Water Filters.    o o o Over at novelist James Grady’s web site, an odd case of Life Imitates Art: “The nonfiction book Comrade J: The Untold Secrets of Russia’s Master Spy in America After the End of the Cold War by former Washington Post reporter Pete Earley reports that Three Days of the Condor — the 1975 Robert Redford movie based on my Six Days of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

F.J. sent: Make a DIY Grill out of a Tin Can    o o o H.L. recommended this piece at Real Science: Joe Bastardi Shows Parallels to the 1950s, And Tells Us What to Expect Looking Forward    o o o The moment 65-year-old woman thwarts robbery on jewelry store after opening fire on five armed men    o o o James C. suggested this: Building and maintaining supply caches    o o o Cheryl sent this: Bug Out Boot Camp

Odds ‘n Sods:

I am often asked for predictions on the timeframe for a societal collapse. If I claimed to know the year, then I’d be guessing. And if I claimed to know the precise date then I’d be a good candidate for the psych ward. But if I claimed that it can’t happen in the few decades, then I’d have my head in the sand and would be doing everyone a great disservice.    o o o Does this sound reminiscent of India? Aging power grid on overload as U.S. demands more electricity. And in related news, G.G. flagged this: Outage in …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Survival Mindset, as seen from a Christian perspective. (This video series by Andrew von Ehrenkrook is recommended.)    o o o Demo of VPNs being compromised at Defcon: Marlinspike demos MS-CHAPv2 crack. Also, Tracking Android phones is easy, says researcher    o o o EMP attack: ‘90% of Americans would be dead’    o o o Mary F. sent an interesting piece about Mexico: Reclaiming the Forests and the Right to Feel Safe    o o o From Tim M.: Human cycles: History as science

Odds ‘n Sods:

My brother-in-law sent this useful link: Optimum Tilt of Solar Panels.    o o o Bill Whittle discusses the implications of the NDAA and unchecked government power.    o o o The Castaway’s Guide To Making A Home    o o o T.K. recommended this over at Small Wars Journal: Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A “Vision” of the Future